KIMMAGE MANOR PARISH Telephone: 406-4377 Sunday 1st February 2015. e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Eddie O’Farrell C.S.Sp. Fr. Tom Hogan C.S.Sp. 4558316. Fr. Raphael Annan C.S.Sp. 4928554 & Fr. Roddy Curran C.S.Sp. Child Protection Contact: Bríd 087-2951425, Tracy Pryce 087-7994897. SUNDAY MASSES: 6.00 p.m. (Sat.), 10.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 5.30 p.m. Saturday. BAPTISMS: 3rd Sunday of the month. Mass Intentions Saturday 6.00 p.m. Betty Whelan, 2nd Anniversary. Bill Keddy, Anniversary. Brendan Ralph, Anniversary. Sunday 10.00 a.m. Thank you Mass. Ursula Granger, 1st Anniversary. Sunday 11.30 a.m. Brian Gormley, 3rd Anniversary. Martin Mannion, Ist Anniversary. Monday 10.00 a.m. Fr. Harry Quigley RIP. Jacqualine Rogers special intention. Tuesday 10.00 a.m. Sheila Carry,1st Anniversary Wednesday 10.00a.m. Fr.John Moriarty C.S.Sp. RIP. Br.Frances Addai Boating RIP. Thursday 10.00a.m. Friday 10.00 a.m. Mike Kelly, RIP Noel O’Reilly, Anniversary. Our prayers are requested for the repose of Sheila Smith who died during the week. To her family and friends we extend our sincere sympathy. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Candlemas Day If you would like to have candles blessed on Monday 2nd February, Candlemas Day, please leave them on the Altar before the 10.00 a.m. Mass on Monday with your name written on a piece of paper and taped on. We have a small supply of wax candles for sale in the Parish office, €2 each. Saint Blaise The Feast of St. Blaise will take place on Wednesday 3rd February. Throats will be blessed after the 10.00 a.m. Mass. Saturday 10.00 a.m. David Tomlin RIP, Birthday. World Day of the Sick Remember in your prayers those who are ill in our Parish, especially Sr. Angela Hurley, Sheila Donovan, Mark Rodgers, Mae Quinn, Geraldine Ryan, Joan Doyle, Eamon Moran, Anne Byrne, Joe O’Connell, Monica Mitchell, Muriel Acheson, Julia Berkery, Helen Collins and those in Nursing Homes. They are very much part of our community and our thoughts are with them. Jo O’Reilly would like to thank all who prayed and sent Mass Cards to her after her operation. Mass will be offered this Sunday at 10.00am for all your intentions. Wednesday 11th February, The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, is the Church’s celebration of World Day of the Sick. As is now the custom with us in the Parish, we will have a special celebration of Mass and the Sacrament of the Sick in the aftetnoon of Wednesday 11th February at 3.00 p.m. followed by a cup of tea. We wish to invite all the sick, the elderly of the parish and those who cannot get to Mass regularly. Those who would like to attend and need transport can contact the Parish Office Telophone: 4064377. Transport will be available. Parent and Toddler Group We are delighted to announce that Kimmage Manor parent and toddler group has reopened on Thursdays. The group will meet from 10.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Entrance at back of church on right hand side. Please do not enter through the church. Marian Pilgrimage trip to Medjugorje Wednesday 27th May. €609 fully inclusive for 7 nights. Contact Noreen O’Connor telephone 4602436 or 087 7462175. €100 deposit secures price. After 17th Feb. Price of €659 applies. Bethany Bereavement Suppor Group Understanding and Facilitating Grief Our next training course is scheduled to take place from: Tuesday 24th February to Tuesday 26th May. The course is directed by Richard Lowry, and will take place over eleven sessions each Tuesday with the 12th session on the Saturday of the final week. Venue: Holy Cross College, Clonliffe Road. Application forms available from the Parish office. Preparation for Baptism There will be a meeting on Wednesday 4th February at 8.00 p.m. in our Parish Office for those who wish to have their children baptised on Sunday15th February. Please phone the Parish office 4064377 to register for baptism. We would like to congratulate the Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle who started this wonderful journey 50 years ago in the life of St. Paul’s Secondary School, who have contributed so much to our community over these past 50 years. We wish you all every blessing and happiness to all. A silent one-day retreat for men and women on Sunday 15th February in Milltown Park from 10 am to 6 pm. Spiritual Talks, Rosary, Benediction, Sacrament of Reconciliation and blessing of the Sick. Please phone John Callaghan 8370778. Daffodil Centre The Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Centres in hospitals across Ireland provide information, support and advice to cancer patients, their families, and anyone concerened about cancer. Our Daffodil Centres in Dublin are currently recruiting new volunteers to add to their team, including our new centre in St. Luke’s Hospital Rathgar. We’re looking for volunteers to support the Daffodil Centre Nurse by welcoming visitors and showing them the range of information available. Further information please phone 2316635. Beginning Experience: is a support group for those coping with the pain of loss of their life partner, through Death, Separation or Divorce. Coping effectively with bereavement is a skill we can all learn. A team, who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced share their experiences with you. Our next Coping Programme will commence on Wednesday 4th February for 7 Wednesday evenings, at 7.15 pm in White Friars Community Centre, Aungier St. For further information phone: 086 0877379 or Email [email protected] Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 9th February from 7.30pm - 9.00p.m. In Dominics Community Centre, 60 Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght. Anam Cara services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents. Further information please call 4045378. Iininn Dominics Community Centre, 60 Avonbeg Kimmage Development Studies Centre, Kimmage Manor has a vacancy for a cleaner/housekeeper. 20 hours per week Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm For further information please contact: Sandra Kavanagh Telephone 4064387 Monday-Thursday. Email: [email protected] Closing date for applications 6th February. Perrystown Manor Estate Variety Group Fundraiser Kid’s Valentines Disco. Saturday 14th February Time: 5.00 p.m -7.00 p.m. Admission €5. Spot prizes. Tuck shop open on the night fun & Games.
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