SAINT JOSEPH PARISH Our Mission Statement: We, the Eucharistic community of the Lord at Saint Joseph's and members of the Body of Christ, are varied in background, culture, age and economic class. We are a welcoming parish consisting of longtime Catholics, new and returning Catholics and the young, all seeking knowledge of our faith, its teachings and traditions. We are a faith community empowered by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to helping others. We are committed to celebrate the sacramental life of the church; to listen, proclaim, practice, teach and evangelize the word of God; to minister to each other, the poor and those in need. WE INVITE YOU TO CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST Saturday Eve: Sunday: Weekdays: Holy Days: 5:30 PM 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12 Noon 7:00 PM Spanish Mass Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM First Friday Mass 7:00 PM Will be announced in the bulletin and from the pulpit. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Our parish family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into our parish is requested to register. Please contact the parish office for the form. If you are going to move to another parish or change your address, please notify the parish office. NOVENA In honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Monday evening immediately following the 7:00 PM Eucharist. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena every Wednesday morning after the 8 AM Mass. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated any Saturday or Sunday, with the exception of major holidays. A parent preparation program is held monthly. Parents are asked to contact the parish office for information about Baptisms two months in advance. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM COMMUNION AND SICK CALLS Anointing of the Sick is offered every 3rd Sunday of the month after the Noon Mass. When any member of your family becomes ill or is confined to the home and unable to come to the Celebration of the Eucharist, please contact the parish office so that arrangements can be made for Communion to be brought to the house. If it is an emergency situation, please call 908-328-9892. MATRIMONY Ideally, arrangements for weddings should be made at least one year in advance. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. GRIEF MINISTRY Meets twice per year, mutual sharing and support in strictly confidential setting. Call Sr. Ellen at 973.696.4411. PARISH STAFF Fr. Thomas Mangieri Fr. Aleksander Bialas Sr. Ellen Byrnes, F.S.P. Mr. Stephen Marabeti Mr. Joseph Parlapiano Ms. JoAnn Caputo Ms. Janet Keeler Ms. Denise Dixon Kenneth & Jennifer Shirkey Administrator Parochial Vicar Pastoral Associate Deacon Deacon Administrative Assistant Bookkeeper Music Minister Youth Ministers CALL TO STEWARDSHIP Worship Eucharistic Ministers Carol D'Anna Peggy Folenta Lectors Ray Kerwin Altar Servers Carla Danzi Ushers Fr. Thomas Mangieri Music Ministry Denise Dixon Cantors, Adult Choir, Echoes of Faith, Choristers 628-0866 628-6773 696-8513 265-8252 696-4411 590-9975 Religious Education/Sacramental Preparation Religious Education Sr. Ellen Byrnes, F.S.P. 694-8289 Rite of Christian Initiation Linda Boyle 973-865-8359 Pre-Cana Fr. Thomas Mangieri 696-4411 Baptismal Preparation Deacon Joseph Parlapiano 696-4411 Parish Service Committees Baking, Parish Events Christian Service Finance Greeters Hall Rental Knights of Columbus Lazarus Ministry Legion of Mary Media & Office Technology Prayer Line Search & Youth Ministry Social Activities Stewardship Warming Bee Maria McMann 896-4353 Walter Jaslanek 305-0232 Fr. Thomas Mangieri 696-4411 Kathy Calero 832-7338 Bob Ward 696-4411 Roger Frick 696-8139 Sr. Ellen Byrnes 696-4411 Cora Jackson 628-9010 Walter Jaslanek 305-0232 Maria McMann 896-4353 Ken & Jen Shirkey 694-5844 Robin Zanca 872-0746 Debbie Murphy 201-704-8073 Florence Kane 696-2017 SAINT JOSEPH PARISH, 216 COMLY ROAD, LINCOLN PARK, NJ 07035 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Friday: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Parish Office: 696-4411 Religious Education: 694-8289 Fax: 305-8466 Convent: 696-4279 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: Blog: THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SHARING OUR TREASURE TODAY’S READINGS Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 January 24 & January 25, 2015: Year to Date: January 25 & January 26, 2014: Previous Year to Date Candles: Pennies: Weekend Attendance: $ 9,252.00 $ 246,952.34 $ 6,608.00 $ 257,586.20 $ 326.00 $ 107.00 712 WEEKDAY READINGS Monday Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 First Friday Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 First Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 10:00 12:00 Spanish Mass 7:00 PM Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday 8:00 Wednesday 8:00 Thursday Friday First Friday 8:00 8:00 7:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 2/8 10:00 12:00 Spanish Mass 7:00 PM Edward Klein – K Calero William Farese – Clark Fam Mafalda DiMinni – LePera Fam Helen Chappell – Chappell Fam Raymond Wood–Rel Ed Program Lillian Kayhart – C Lambert For the Parish Gus Pescatore – Chappell Fam Joseph Dragoni – S&A Lange Fr. Philip LeBeau – Legion of Mary Mimi Elian – M Ponticello Gordon Knepper – L Walsh Kathleen Morano – P&M Ward Ed Prokop (18th Anniv) – M Magggi Edward Klein – W Arvidson Rick Oleinyk – C&D Cleary Fr. Philip LeBeau – J&E Santoro David & Louis Soto – Clark Fam Gloria Townsend – Carmichael Fam Eugene Blewitt – Blewitt Fam Candace Catherine Mondo – M&K Manza For the Parish FOOD PANTRY The items requested for the month of February are detergent, toothpaste, and soup. Please leave your donations in the back of church. Thank you The books of the law of Moses, clearly describe the unique relationship of the lawgiver with God. Ascending and descending the mountain with the tablets of the law in his hand, he led God’s people then, making the covenant between the Lord and His people. Prophets were called to speak in behalf of God, reminding them of their unique relationship with the Lord and chastising them for their infidelity in observing it. They, like Jesus, spoke with authority. Our world today needs to listen to prophetic voices, calling us from complacency to renewal and greater awareness of our covenant relationship with God. Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, and other witnesses fill that role for us. Called by the Lord, inspired by the Spirit, their words and witness bring us back to oneness with God. Writings like the ‘Light of Faith’ and ‘Joy of the Gospel’ are texts directed to all believers. Please Remember Our Parish in Your Will. By remembering our parish in your will, you can help us continue the good work in the Lord’s name. Remember, God is never outdone in generosity to each and every one of us. Thank you and God bless you. To enroll in ParishPay:, 1-866-Parish-1. CELEBRANT SCHEDULE Feb 7 & Feb 8 5:30 PM – Fr. Tom Homilist – Fr. Tom 8:00 AM – Fr. Tom Homilist – Fr. Tom 10:00 AM – Fr. Tom Homilist – Deacon Joe 12:00 PM – Fr. Tom Homilist – Deacon Joe LENTEN RECONCILIATION The “Welcome Home” Lenten Reconciliation schedule will be every Monday at St. Joseph Parish from February rd rd 23 through March 23 from 6 PM until the 7 PM Mass, and then after Mass until all confessions are heard. At Holy Spirit Church from 7 PM – 8:30 PM. MEMORIALS The sanctuary lamp will burn in loving memory of Vincent Sujkowski , from Chappell Family “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose.” Ecc. 3:1 “a time to die”… Dorothy D’Addario and Marie Folenta RELIGIOUS EDUCATION GRADES K-8 th “a time to heal…” Let us pray for the sick and their caregivers and families, especially: Kyra Dashe, Ruth Vitale, Maggie Bertola, Eugene Tensen, Janice Ward, Loretta Pace, Rosemarie Lea, Laura Spinelli, Phil Leto, Nulala Rooney, Kenneth West, Ann Sarao, Mary & Louis Rivera, Evaristo Rionda, John Mooney, Callen William Quintavella, Lydia Bandiola, Chuck Howarth, Pat Leto, Aurora Corrente, Donna Roselli, Mary Dixon, Sandy Galacio, Juan Anthony Bautista, Bernice Voit, Teresa Barbara Creagh, Lou Tafuri, Alexander Parany, Judy Lorincz, Jill Cerullo, Bev Harrison, Marcella Redner, Carol Olson, Angela Blake, Peter Blake, Margaret Kaissane, Maria Gerena, Edith Thomas, Maryann Wolfson, Pat Milazzo, Gay Longo, Paul Fitzpatrick, Joseph Aszenzo, Peggy Piccoli, Rev Ricardo Ortega, Lisa Giammichelle, Barbara Arvus, Chick DeVito, Jayne Vandorten, Barbie Lynn, Dana Morris, Toni Basilio, Greg Hunziker, Leonard Rizzolo, Vincenza Nancy Macaluso, Pam Miles, Kathleen Wisniewski, Peggy DeLuca, Claire Lambert, Mr. Chun Yung & Wife Si Ock Yung, Sean Downey, Jen Marioni, Maureen Carson, Christopher & Diane Hunziker, Matthew Saenz, Ashley Saenz, Marguerite McGrath, Bobby Lynn, Cassie Lynn, Megan Jordan, Baby Noah, Sam Iasso, Mrs. Gloria Torrito, Kima Tan, Joanne Atherton, A.M. Lagan, Jessica Cantwell, Nick Baggio, Kevin McNulty, Michelle Manna, Pam Teehan, Martin Brennan, Barbara Wild, Connor Stager, Donna Niforos, Concepcion Fernandez, Leslie DuBois, Sergio Duarte, Joseph & Angelina Napoli, Kathy Way, Alfred Joyell, Jack Parish, Adaria Duarte, Peter Sarf, Regina Morales, Clara Humphrey, Debbie Deary, Sophia Jade Frey, Baby Sophia Fiduccia, Steven Tomasi, Elsie Yazulla, Margaret Crouse, Bernice Marshall, Emma Sorrentino Feb 15 th Feb 18 nd Feb 22 nd Feb 22 No Classes ~ Presidents’ Weekend Ash Wednesday ~ Lent Begins th 7 Grade Class Mass @ 10 AM st Parent Meeting for 1 Communion @ 9 AM & 11 AM CONFIRMATION PROGRAM No Class in February (Must attend two lectures – see below) Next Class is Sunday, March 1, 2015 @ 7pm SEARCH WEEKEND Any junior or senior looking to participate in Search, please contact Jen Shirkey. Search is a retreat with several other local parishes that takes place at Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Newton. Retreat dates are th February 13-15 . CONFIRMATION LECTURES & HOMELESS BUS February lecture Series is for all Confirmation families. Two lectures must be attended with family members. All parishioners are welcome to join us! All lectures are approximately 1 hour. th Sunday, February 8 at 5 PM – THE PROGRESSION OF CATHOLICISM (in the church). th Wednesday, February 11 at 7:30 PM – FREE WILL TO SIN TO FORGIVENESS TO GRACE (in the church). th All parishioners are invited to our Annual Valentine’s th Dance on Saturday, February 7 after the 5:30 PM Mass and are asked to bring a covered dish for sharing. Non-alcoholic beverages and desserts, all paper goods and serving utensils will be provided. Please feel free to bring additional food/beverages for your own table. If your covered dish needs to be kept warm, wire racks & sterno set ups will be available. We ask that you bring all food in aluminum trays for ease of use with the wire racks st RSVP by Sunday, February 1 to Robin Zanca at 973.872.0746 or [email protected]. For planning purposes, please provide: Name: __________________________________________ # attending ____________ Phone # ___________________________ Email_____________________________________ Tuesday, February 17 at 7:30 PM – THE JESUIT VOLUNTEER CORPS (in the church). Sunday, February 22nd at 7 PM – THE STORY OF THE HOMELESS BUS (tbd). The Homeless bus is a local Morris County family that has been driving into NYC every Saturday night for over ten years. Each week they feed over 150 people a hot meal and provide them with other necessities. We have committed to provide the bus with 150 "take away" bags th for its visitors on March 14 . These bags will include an Italian sub sandwich (the Youth group members will assemble), a bottle of Gatorade, bag of chips, granola bar, and a pair of new socks. We will be collecting Shop Rite and Walmart gift cards or anyone that would like to help contribute. If you would like to help assemble the th bags the morning of March 14 , please contact at [email protected]. Thank you all for your support! FISH AND CHIP "FUN" FUNDRAISER TO BENEFIT ONE HEART FOR HAITI One Heart for Haiti is hosting a Fish and Chips dinner catered by the Thistle on Friday, March 6, 2015. The fundraiser will be held in St. Joseph's Halloran Hall. Sit-down dinners, as well as take out dinners, will be served from 6 to 8 PM. The cost of the event is $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. The meal includes a choice of entree of fish or chicken, french fries, coleslaw, coffee, tea and dessert. It is a BYOB event. The night will include a 50/50 and other opportunities to test your luck! All profits will benefit our sister parish in Grand Vincent, Haiti. Please send checks made out to ONE HEART FOR HAITI to Lisa Siebel, 16 Sherbrooke Dr, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035. With the check please include: - fish or chicken for each adult or child - dine-in or take-out. Please contact Lisa Siebel with any questions at [email protected] or 973.632.4267. "I just want to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported the ministry of One Heart for Haiti, with both donations and prayers...Both are important, you know. I want to especially thank three parishioners among so many others, who have gone out of their ways to make our work successful... Ellen Corbiere coordinated our beefsteak dinner in October, Ofie Blewitt coordinated our classical concert at Holy Spirit in January (which by the way, was outstanding) and Lisa Siebel is currently coordinating our fish and chips dinner for March 6th.. We've tried to offer "some bang for your buck", I know things are tight economically, but giving is less painful when we've having fun doing it… Thank you again, all. Deacon Joe THE WOMEN OF FAITH The Women of Faith will host a Women’s Winter Social on Tuesday, February 24, at 6:30 PM at Little Food Café. Please join us to socialize with women from the three parishes for friendly conversation in the casual atmosphere of the Little Food Café. Light winter fare will be served. Dinner fee is $25 and payment must be th made by Friday, February 13 , since space is limited. For more information, please see the flyers in the back of the church or call Gerri Westdyk 201.694.3108 or Vicki Pignone 201.410.6869. PRAYER GROUP PLANNED FOR WEDNESDAYS A Prayer group will be meeting on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 – 2:30 PM. The focus of the group will be the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each week a different mystery will be prayerfully studied/discussed. The meetings will culminate with the praying of the th Rosary. The first meeting will be on January 28 at Maria McMann’s home on Stephens Avenue. If you are interested in knowing more or in attending, please call Sr. Ellen at 973.696.4411 x3 or Maria McMann at 973.896.4353. * * * SJP IS NOW ON TWITTER * * * We have a Twitter page (and a Facebook Page coming soon). The Twitter page will keep you informed on CCD cancellations, programs, and other parish-related activities. To follow us on Twitter, find us here at Not on Twitter? You can receive alerts via text to your phone by sending a text to 40404 and type follow stjoelp in the message and send. Immediately after sending, you will receive a confirmation that you are now following Stjoelp. FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION th On Friday, February 6 , there will be a Holy Hour with sacred devotions here at St. Joseph’s Church. It will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6:30 PM and end with Benediction. Mass will then follow at 7 PM. There will also be an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for those who wish. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY CELEBRATION All married couples celebrating an anniversary from 1 to 100 years of marriage are invited to participate in the special renewal of vows ceremony, to be held during the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday, February 7, 2015. If you and your spouse would like to renew your vows on this occasion, simply complete the form below and return it to the LeBeau Center, drop it in the offertory collection, st or call the office at 973.696.4411 x4 before February 1 . Please submit a wedding photo as soon as possible with your contact information attached (photo will be returned). This evening Mass should be a wonderful opportunity to bring the whole family together in church, in the true spirit of celebrating the sacrament of marriage. COUPLE’S NAME: _____________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________________ YEARS MARRIED: ______________ RETURN BY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SAVE THE DATE The first Lenten Soup Supper will be on Monday, rd February 23 at Holy Spirit Church. All are welcome.
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