ST. PETER THE APOSTLE CHURCH CELEBRATING AT ST. PETER’S PARISH LIFE CENTER FOURTH Sunday in Ordinary Time VOL. 108 #10 January 31, 2015 – February 1, 2015 MASSES – February 1, 2015 thru February 7, 2015 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 For member of St. Peter’s Parish Living Josephites and their benefactors For the children of St. Peter the Apostle +Deceased Josephites and our benefactors Honor of the Sacred Heart Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary To God be the Glory! “PASTORAL PARAGRAPHS” a. b. c. Ash Wednesday is February 18, 2015 (The Start of Lent) Holy Week-March 29 – April 4, 2015 Easter Sunday – April 5, 2015 1. Church Angels for February 6, 2015 are Angelic team #2Lawanna Stringfield, Captain, Norman Barial, Paul and Clara Barial, Fannie Joseph, Nanresa Bing, Clint Tisdale. Thank you for taking care of God’s House. 2. Bible Study Continues, Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Educational Building and Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. in St. Martin de Porres Bldg. Come join us, bring your bible. 3. NOTE-Address Available for Rev. Bartholomew S. Endslow, SSJ St. Joseph Manor 911 West Lake Avenue Baltimore, MD 21210 4. Evangelization: If you come upon a stranger at one of our services please speak to them kindly and make them welcome. And make them feel your welcome. This is fundamental Evangelization at work. 5. NOTICE: The Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ will celebrate his 50th Anniversary as a Priest on March 27, 2015 and tickets are $50.00 per person. Please save this date. For more information, please contact Pricilla Stallworth at 474-2219 or Carolyn Norvel249-6184. 6. January 24-25, 2015-Our stewardship contribution amounted to 2,665.00. 280 adults and children attended church last week. A total of 116 envelopes were used. Designated Part of Collection: Building Fund-$2,212.00 Initial Offering-$10.00 Josephite Share-$40.00 Church Latin America-$172.00 Advent folder-$10.00 Solemnity of Mary-$10.00 Aged and Infirm-$15.00 Insurance-$31.00 Three Mass Contributions - $2,212.00. Thank you for your support Prayer for the Sick Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that when they are restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. Please Pray for our Sick and Shut INS: Mrs. Lillie Ruth Ashford Mr. & Mrs. Herman Barnum Ms Cathy Betts Ms JoAnn Bell Mrs. Myra Fountain- Bolden Mr. Walter Bonam Mrs. Juandalyn Bridges Mr. Richard Burger Mr. Robert Chestang Ms Jackie Cunningham Mrs. Mary Chestang Mrs. Mary J. DuBose Mrs. Ruby Dillon Mr. Derbert Dilworth, Jr. Mrs. Edna Fields Mrs. Rena Joyner Ms. Precious Knight Ms. Jade Landry Mr. Jefferie Liddell Mrs. Mary Lowe Mr. Curtis Odom Mrs. Lorraine Martin Kayleb McGee Mr. David McDuffie Mrs. Marie Robinson Mr. Sherman Robinson Judge Jim Schreier Mr. Darren Stanley Mr. Robert Stallworth,Sr. Ms. Jacquelyn Jackson Mr. David Glaude Mrs. Josie Winborn-Taylor Mrs. Edrena Thibodeaux Ms. Rose Hardy Mrs. Eddie B. Wiggins If there are others, please let us know so that Holy Communion and the Sacrament of the Sick may be brought to them. Call Mrs. Moulds at the rectory, Monday through Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mrs. Antionette Planer 475-5434; or Mrs. Fannie Joseph 475-5102. ST. PETER THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH The Josephite Fathers and Brothers Serving the African American Community 1907-2015 P. O. Box 876 Pascagoula, Mississippi 39568 (228) 762-1759- email: [email protected] Rev. Charles E. McMahon, SSJ – Pastor Sister Mary Kay Schreier, DC – Pastoral Associate MASSES: Saturday – 4:00 p.m. - St. Peter Parish Life Center Sunday – 7:30 a.m. - St. Peter Parish Life Center Sunday – 10:00 a.m.- St. Peter Parish Life Center St. Peter’s Educational Center: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday – 8:00 a.m. Thursday – 6:00 p.m. Vocation Holy Hour – Thursday 5:00 p.m. Perpetual Novena to St. Joseph – Wednesday after 8:00 A.M. Mass Confession each Saturday 3:00-3:45 p.m. in the Parish Life Center And at other times by appointment. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades K-12 Sundays 8:30 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. If Evangelization:you come upon a stranger at one of our services please speak to them kindly and make them welcome. And make them feel your welcome. This is fundamental Evangelization at work. 7. Bible Study continues on Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the education building. Choir #1- Celeste Thompson, Captain, Carlena McElroy, Don Polk, Paul Bovastro, Myrtle Bovastro, Charlotte Thompson, Charlotte Gates. 1. November 2014: (All Soul’s Day-November 2, 2014) Remember all your loved ones then and throughout the Month of November. Those who have 2. Evangelization: If you come upon a stranger at one of our services please speak to them kindly and make them welcome. And make them feel your welcome. This is fundamental Evangelization at work. 3. NOTICE: The Very Rev. William Norvel, SSJ will celebrate his 50th Anniversary as a Priest on March 27, 2015 and tickets are $50.00 per person. Please save this date. For more information, please contact Pricilla Stallworth at 474-2219 or Carolyn Norvel249-6184. Thank you, gone on need our prayers. Prayer for the Sick 4. We Care Hospice, Inc: We Care Hospice would like to invite members Choir #2- Lawanna Stringfield, Captain, Norman Barial, Paul and Clara Barial, Fannie Joseph, Nanresa Bing, Clint Tisdale. of the community to participate in their Alzheimer’s support Group held the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at their facility-located at 3725 Main Street Moss Point. This group provides information and support for those families suffering from this disease. Thank you. Choir #3- Freddie Green, Captain, Fannie Green, Tony, Tony Jr, and Tara Cooper, Jackie Elly and Morris Binion. 5. We Care Hospice, Inc: Ornaments to honor deceased loved ones are available for a $10.00 donation to the We Care Hospice Foundation. This celebration will be held Tuesday November 11th at the Orange Grove community Center located at 9313 Old Stage Road in Moss Point from 78:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to the Celebration of Life Memorial Ceremony. Contact Donna M. Holt at 228-474-2030 or 623-5004. Thank You! Chor #4- Gwen Thompson, Captain, Milton Free, Debra Gildersleve, Barbara Harrison, Antionette Dandridge, Shirley LeRoy, George Thompson, Charles Sabino. Choir #5- Karen Thurman, Captain, Ann Sabino, Ashley Thurman, April Sabino, Dara Wiley, Damian Wiley, Latoya Hopson, Pinochio Hopson and Rodney Polk. 1. Religious Education Open House You are invited to visit the Religious Education Program Open House. Please support the program and our children by visiting classrooms on Sunday, September 28 at 8:30 a.m. You are welcomed to sit, visit, observe and join in the class. 6. Catholic Campaign for Human Development: The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) seeks to defend human dignity and reach out to those who live on the margins of our society by funding projects that increase justice and express the charity of Christ toward the poor. Your help is needed to continue to work of the Catholic Campaign for Human development. Remember, 25 percent of the proceeds from the collection is retained to fight poverty in your own diocese. Please use your envelope or you may find one on the table in the foyer. (November 22-23, 2014). The annual Wedding Anniversary Mass is scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 2 p.m. at the Nativity of the BVM Cathedral. Couples celebrating 25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60, or 65 years of marriage or more are welcome to attend this event. Applications are on the table in the foyer. 8. Religious Education “You Are Invited” The Staff and students of our Religious Education will be hosting an All Saints Vigil dubbed “Praying with the Saints”. This event will take place on Friday October 31st 2014 at 6pm. That evening will be one of prayer and praise as we seek for the intercession of all the saints. This is a parish event as such we are all encouraged to fully support and participate in it. 7. We Care Hospice, Inc: We Care Hospice would like to invite members of the community to participate in their Alzheimer’s support Group held the 4th Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at their facility-located at 3725 Main Street Moss Point. This group provides information and support for those families suffering from this disease. Thank you. VOCATION AWARENESS SUNDAY – OCTOBER 12, 2014 Our ministry goal is to foster and affirm vocations to the Priesthood, Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Permanent Deaconate. We are very proud of the number of religious vocations from our parish. Please help us encourage our young people to consider a vocation to the religious life. As the late Pope John Paul II stated, “Vocations are everyone’s business.” All youth of the Parish are invited to participate in Vocation Awareness on Sunday, October 12th after the 10:00 a.m. Mass in the Education Building. Sister Mary Kay Schreier, DC will speak to the Junior Daughters and all young ladies of the parish. Rev. Hyginus L. Boboh, SSJ will speak to the Junior Knights and all young men of the parish. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. “PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS” 1. Christmas Blessings: May you have the gladness of Christmas which is Hope; the spirit of Christmas which is Peace; the heart of Christmas which is Love and the gift of Christmas which is JESUS. Christmas Blessings for all of St. Peters family- Father McMahon, SSJ and Father Endslow, SSJ. 1. ANNUAL DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: 2. Rev. Hyginus L. Boboh, SSJ-New Address: St. James Major Catholic Church 714 College Street Prichard, Ala. 36605 Church Phone-(251-456-6842) (corrected parish phone number) Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that when they are restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 2. The Third Commandment of God “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Do I go to Mass every Sunday (or to the Saturday Vigil?) Do I avoid when possible work that impedes worship to God? Do I look for times to spend with family on the Sabbath Day? 3. Prayer for the Sick 4. Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that when they are restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 5. Scripture Study resumes on Wednesday evening at 6:30 P.M. and on Saturday at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday evening in the St. Peter’s educational Building; Saturday morning in the St. Martin de Porres Building (convent). The Book of Numbers of the Old Testament. All are welcome! Remember our Religious History is in the BOOK. 6. Bible Study Continues, Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Educational Building and Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. in St. Martin de Porres Bldg. Thus far we have delved into Genesis, Exodus and are in Leviticus. All are welcome, bring your Catholic Bible. a. Our reaching out to those who need emergency help has grown a bit Religious Education: You are invited-All school age students are invited to attend and participate in the Religious Education Classes. Please join in on the CELEBRATION, learning about Jesus Christ. 2. by the 2013 Advent folders. We have had little or no funds for this cause for several months. Through you generosity we have in 59 folders bringing in $1,081.50. In these troubled and freezing times this will not be able to do much for outreach hands. Remember you do it for Him! 3. ANNUAL DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS: The annual Wedding Anniversary Mass is scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 2 p.m. at the Nativity of the BVM Cathedral. Couples celebrating 25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60, or 65 years of marriage or more are welcome to attend this event. Applications are on the table in the foyer. 1. LIVING FAITH SUBSCRIPTION: Time to renew your subscription or start a new subscription to “Living Faith” daily Catholic Devotions. 4quarterly issues-Cost $5.00 per year (regular print); Cost $8.00 per year (Large Print). For more information please see, Violet Lett (4:00 p.m. Mass), Teresa Ducksworth (7:30 A.M. Mass), Lois Knight (10:00 A.M. Mass) 2. Prayer for the Sick 3. Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that when they are restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 4. The Third Commandment of God “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Do I go to Mass every Sunday (or to the Saturday Vigil?) Do I avoid when possible work that impedes worship to God? Do I look for times to spend with family on the Sabbath Day? 5. Diocesan Announcement: The Biloxi Diocese has announced plans for a new formation Class for the Permanent Diaconate to begin in 2015. Preselection information sessions will be conducted from 8:30 until Noon on the following days: Saturday, September 13th at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Hattiesburg. Saturday, September 20th at Most Holy Trinity Parish, located on the Kiln-Delisle Road, Exit 20 North off I-10, go 3 miles church on right. Saturday, September 27th at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Ocean Springs. For interested men, attendance at one of these sessions is mandatory, and your wife is required to attend. Please see your pastor, and for further information, call the Diocese of Biloxi, Office of the Diaconate, (228)702-2107. 6. The Third Commandment of God “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Do I go to Mass every Sunday (or to the Saturday Vigil?) Do I avoid when possible work that impedes worship to God? Do I look for times to spend with family on the Sabbath Day? a. x. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 7. Please continue to pray very often for our sick and deceased members. They continue to wait for us to open up in prayerful One day we too may need a prayerful “buddy”. Let us do our part, now. Biloxi” charity. Prayer for the Sick Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that when they are restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen. 7. CHURCH BULLETIN 6
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