Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Joe O’Connor Deacon: Keith Sylvia 147 Bingham Road, Addiscombe, Croydon CR0 7E. Phone 020-8654 1709 email: [email protected] website: www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com Diocesan website: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Deanery website: www.croydoncatholics.org.uk SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday 9.30am and 5.00pm. 1 FEBRUARY 2015 FOURTH SUDAY I ORDIARY TIME (see page of 132 Parish Mass Book) When someone speaks to you as if they are reciting something learned by heart, you will probably pay little attention, as I’ve experienced a few times recently. However, when you believe that you are being personally addressed, and someone is speaking from their own experience and believe deeply in what they say, you will be much more inclined to listen. This is the way Jesus speaks to us today. He speaks to each of us ‘with authority’. Lots of people have a problem with ‘authority’. We often see it as having power over people so that we can make them do what we want them to do. Genuine authority is the ability to en-able people, to em-power them. The word comes from a Latin verb which means to make something increase. This is the kind of authority Jesus exercises. He did not come to rule and control people. He came not to be served but to serve. He came above all to set people free—free from sin, from all the ‘evil spirits’ of fear, anger, resentment, compulsions, violence, hostility and so on. May we not be afraid to put ourselves under the authority of Jesus, harden not our hearts but listen to his voice , experience the freedom he offers us. and, in all humility, share his love, healing and forgiveness. Fr. Joe WEEKLY DRAW £5–David Mahoney LAST WEEK’S OFFERTORY CHURCH CLEAIG Loose cash Gift Aid Envelopes S/Os £519.08 £679.42 £880.00 Team D: Mrs Aitchison Total £2078.50 YEAR B Mass Intentions This Week Saturday 31 January 10.00 Peter You Than Lim RIP 18:00 Joan Duffin RIP 1 February: FOURTH SUDAY 08:30 Paul & Eileen Jennings RIP 10:00 Seamus & Nora Gray RIP 12:00 All Parishioners 2 February 10.00 Nora Beck RIP 3 February 10.00 Helen Vellacott RIP 4 February 10.00 Michael McMillan RIP 5 February 10.00 Bridget Mary Watts RIP 6 February 10.00 Funeral: Dick Walsh Saturday 7 February 10.00 Martha Sam Vu RIP 18.00 Paddy & Nora Walsh RIP 8 February: FIFTH SUDAY 08.30 Tony Borfiga RIP * 10.00 Con McCloone RIP * 12.00 All Parishioners * With Children’s Liturgy COLLECTIOS Last Sunday’s collection for the Barnabas Fund amounted to £320.00. Many thanks. This Sunday there will be a Diocesan collection for the Catholic Education Service, please use your Gift Aid envelopes. Next week there will be a collection for Friends of the Holy Land. We pray for the sick in our Parish: Geoffrey Bird, John Boswood, Audrey Moynihan, Ted Curry, Theresa Kintu, Margarette Collins, Lauren Horwood, Bernadette Moynihan. We pray for parishioners whose anniversaries occur this Week: Maggie Fitzgerald, Constance Hansen, William McCarthy, Diane Hill, May Carroll, Elizabeth Coomber, Fr. John McKenna, Marie-Carmen Thatcher, Baby Tamsin Taylor, John Santry, Zygmont Torka, Elizabeth O’Hara, Elizabeth Hardy, Timothy Quinn, Gordon Eastaugh, Mary Donnan, Eileen O'Callaghan, Josephine Philpot, 0ell Endacott, 0orah Beck, Michael Quinn, Bridget Stone, David Tuckey, Eufemiano Lopes, Maureen Woodcraft, Sheila Merredew. SOCIAL CLUB 1st February: Pat Hayes 8th February: Finbar & Bernie 15th February: Valentine's Party with TR Dallas The next Fundraising Jamboree will take place on Friday, 6th February; all proceeds from the event will support the three members of our Parish Community who will be attending the 23rd Scout Jamboree in Japan this summer. Entertainment will be by Declan Gaynor; you can support this event in many ways including the purchase of tickets and donations of items for the raffle & the auction. Ceili Dancing for beginners continues on Friday, 13th February, in the Large Hall from 8.30pm. RECET DEATHS AD FUERAL ARRAGEMETS We are very saddened to announce the death of Dick Walsh, His funeral will be held here at Our Lady’s on Friday 6th at 10am, we offer Mary, Brenda and Maria our sincere sympathy. Please pray too for Alwyn (Pixie) Alexander, sister of Peggy Weideman who died recently, and Marie Agnes Seechurn of Outram Road who died during the week. Please remember her mother in your prayers. The death has also occurred of Matty Scanlon, brother of the late John Scanlon, his funeral will be held at St Mary’s, Wellesley Road, on Tuesday 10th February at 10am. WOME'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2015 On 6th March we will be joining women all over the world and taking part in Women's World Day of Prayer. This year the service has been prepared by the women of The Bahamas and the theme is Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you? All are welcome to join us for the service at 8pm in the church. We are usually a small gathering and simply sit together and read the service through. We would love to see some new faces and if anyone would like to help by reading a small prayer or part of the service please let me know. Sarah Turner 02086545086 UCM – AGM th 4 February 8.15 PM Small Hall – this is the most important date in the yearly calendar of the UCM and we urge as many members and non-members to attend to discuss activities and actions for the next year. In addition, we require nominations for a new President. Please consider this role, which can be shared and you would be very much supported by the other members of the committee. If you would like to find out more information on what this role involves please do not hesitate to contact Lisa Terry (0208 655 2350). If a president cannot be sought, UCM will not continue. Subs are also due (£13), we look forward to seeing many at the AGM. BISHOP THOMAS SCHOOL Present ‘Les Miserables’ School Edition 4th, 5th & 6th February, buy your tickets at wegottickets.com/btg £8.80 for adults & £5.50 for students MEETIGS 1st Holy Communion Prep: Monday 2nd at 6.15pm and Tuesday 3rd at 6pm (Large Hall) SVP: Tuesday 20th at 8.30pm (PRC) UCM: Wednesday 4th at 8.15pm (Small Hall) RCIA: Wednesday 4th at 8pm (PRC) ORDIATIO TO THE PRIESTHOOD We are delighted to announce that Archbishop Peter will come to Our Lady's on Saturday 14th March to ordain our Deacon, Keith, to the priesthood at 12 noon. This is surely cause for rejoicing and thanking God for Keith's vocation. Please remember Keith, Jacqueline and family in your prayers at this time. A FILM SHOW In support of the charity LIFE will take place in the Small Hall on Friday 20 February at 7.30pm. Tickets (£6 adults, £3 children) will be on sale after Mass on 14/15 February. CATEIAS Men of the parish are invited to come to Addington Palace Golf club for the meeting of Norwood Catenian circle on Monday February 2nd at 8 p.m. William Rhind will be speaking after the meeting about the Gandhi Foundation. Please contact John Woodhouse [email protected] Items for collection: M Grant, Sr Celia, M J Watson, J Catley, D Mahoney. Bapt Certs: A Phipps, H Hall, J Walker, H Cunningham-Fenyes. ACKOWLEDGEMET Dear Fr Joe, Friends and Parishioners; Dermot, Anna, his Mother Gretta and the Linehan family express their Sincere Gratitude to you for your Kindness, Condolences, Sympathy Cards and Masses offered for the repose of the soul of Jeremiah (Jerry) Linehan RIP . The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions at St Colmans Church Macroom Co Cork. A IGHT AT THE RACES Saturday 7th February 7.30pm - 11pm, Large Hall of Our Lady’s £5 Tickets - Including a raffle and bar Available Now! Contact Michael on 07503970894 All Proceeds go toward FutureSense Foundation Charity helping orphaned children and improving the lives of communities in deprived areas of Asia. COFIRMATIO 2015 Bishop Paul Hendricks will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation here at Our Lady’s on Sunday 29th November 2015. We will shortly be requesting applications.
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