CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC PARISH 835 Northmount Dr., N.W. Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 TEL: 403-284-3311, FAX: 403-220-0095 E-mail: [email protected] web site: Pastor: Fr. Jos Tom Kalathil Parambil e-mail:[email protected] Fr. Paulos Tewelde - In Residence Secretary: Regina C. Bartlett Custodian: Theresa Hryhor Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning - 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Weekday Masses: Monday - 9:00 a.m. Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. or any time by appointment. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: st 1 Friday of the month - 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Rosary: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. before Mass. Weekdays, before all Masses. Baptism Preparation: A family interview with the priest is required prior to any arrangement for the baptism of a child. Baptismal Instruction is obligatory for both parents. Wedding Arrangements: Couples contemplating marriage should contact a priest at least six months prior to the date chosen. Couples who are planning to be married at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish are expected to regularly worship with this Parish Community and to participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. Teacher’s Profession of Faith: Teachers in such a situation should make themselves known to the priest of the parish, be registered, regularly attend Mass at this parish and participate in a ministry. Teacher should bring their completed faith form to their interview with the pastor. Pastoral Health Care Team – welcomes the opportunity to visit and bring the Eucharist to our housebound parishioners. Contact the Parish Office or Tess Langill 403-249-0969 to schedule visits at home or in the hospital. Parish Pastoral Council – st 1 Thursday of the month 7:30 p.m. Catholic Women’s League – rd 3 Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Knights of Columbus – st 1 Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Society of St. Vincent de Paul – nd th 2 and 4 Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word - (ages 3-7) Sept –June - Held at the 10:30 am Sunday masses except on Holidays and Long weekends of the Calgary Catholic Schools. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – For those preparing for Baptism or for entry into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 -A Vocation View: Come, be nourished by the Bread of Life. Share this Bread and strengthen the Body of Christ. MASS INTENTIONS Mon Feb 2 9:00 am Tues Feb 3 7:00 pm Wed Feb 4 9:00 am Thurs Feb 5 9:00 am Fri Feb 6 9:00 am Sat Feb7 9:00 am Sat Feb7 5:00 pm Sun Feb 8 9:00 am Sun Feb 8 10:45am Mon Feb 9 9:00 am Lilia Tognazzini (RIP) Req The Family Ralph Gaetz (RIP) Req Bernice Balyk John ‘Jack’ Bell (RIP) Req Staff & Faculty SFHS Ralph Gaetz (RIP) Lucille & Jack Schavemaker Catherine Keess (RIP) Req Rick & Family Ralph Gaetz (RIP) Req CanMar CWL Henry Medina (RIP) Req Connie del Carmen Medina Jean Ibach (LIV) Req CanMar CWL Ralph Gaetz (RIP) Req Jo McDowell Mary O’Brien (RIP) Req Denis & Family PLEASE KEEP THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS -- May they know the deep love & support of our community through our thoughts & prayers. Especially, Helen & Bill Patterson, Daisy Giachino, Bruce Cairns, Lin Navarro, Bill Carpenter, Elvia Tognazzini, Jean Ibach, Simon Beile, Jayden De Sa, Ivor Shenfield, & Matt Skletowich. Welcome to all new parishioners. Please take a moment to fill out a registration form in the foyer. Our ushers will be happy to assist you. Parish Fund Raising Program-The following articles are for sale after each weekend Mass at the Knights of Columbus table: Gift cards, Safeway, Calgary Coop, Vocation Book for $10.00. Visa & Master Cards are honored. Prayer Chain –What is a gift you can give or receive that you do not have to pay membership, user fees or taxes? “The Gift of Giving Prayers” The Prayer Chain is very strong here at Canadian Martyrs Parish and we are not afraid to ask God or our favorite saints to help intervene with our requests or thanksgiving. Praying for others also showers benefits on the one who pray. If you are interested to be a Prayer Chain Apostolate, please call Nadean Meyer at 403-282-1654, or the office at 403-284-3311. Thank you & God Bless. Nickels for Novices - We are grateful to the members of our parish for the generosity in support of students in our diocese vocations program. The total contribution to date for 2015 is $113.00 Canadian Martyrs Parish Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion -2015 Registration going on now. Please call 403-284-3311 or register on line, [email protected] and please bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate. Reconciliation prep dates: Feb 25-Parent info & 1st session6:30 to 7:30 pm. March 1, 8 15, 22, at 10:45 m Mass. March 25 Parent meeting &children prep. at 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Celebration: Saturday, March 28,2015at 1:00 pm. Please call Tonia Hemsing for further details Phone: 403.774.5271 [email protected] Holy Communion-Thurs. March 26-Parent Night, 1st Session-6:30-7:30 pm. March 29, Apr 12, 19, 26- May 3 all at 10:45 am Mass Sunday. May 9-Sat-Parent meeting & Rehearsal 10 am. Celebration –Sun, May 10th at 10:45 am. CWL Membership 2015-Your CWL membership renewal fee of $25.00 is now due. New and renewed membership can be purchased at the CWL table following weekend masses at 5:00 pm, Saturday, 9:00 am and 10:45 am on Sundays. Ladies of the parish are invited to join our CWL Council and participate in our involvement with Parish and National CWL. Celebrate February 2 in Light of the Year of Consecrated Life-February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day for Consecrated Life. Especially in this Year of Consecrated Life, let us celebrate this feast day for the benefit of the faithful with ample preparation. The sacramental associated with this feast is the blessing of candles. The Feast falls on a Monday in 2015. We will have the celebration this next weekend Masses. Please bring candles to be blessed that they will use in your homes throughout the year. This feast is a good opportunity to bring a tangible reminder of the liturgy into the daily lives of the faithful. World Day of the Sick: The 23rd World Day of the Sick will be celebrated on February 11th – the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. We will have celebration February 11, Wednesday at our 9:00 am mass. Everyone is encourage to attend.The Holy Father reminds us all: “Even when illness, loneliness and inability make it hard for us to reach out to others, the experience of suffering can become a privileged means of transmitting grace and a source for gaining and growing in sapientia cordis [wisdom of the heart]” (Pope Francis, Message for the 23rd World Day of the Sick). Everyone is invited to attend!To deepen your reflection on the Christian meaning of life and suffering, discover COLF’s leaflet: “Living, Suffering and Dying . . . What For?”Order copies for your parish and friends! at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church. For information visit the website at February 1, 2015 Mk 1:21-28 Swept away It’s easy to think of Jesus miracles as something fitting another time, not our own, especially those dealing with demons or unclean spirits. That might have happened then, we think, but not today. Demons? Now, really, this story isn’t for me. But it is. Unclean spirits come in all shapes and sizes. The envious whisperer that goads you to spend more than you earn to keep up with the neighbors. Perhaps you’ve met the selfish sloth who agrees when you want to spend Sunday in bed, not at Mass. And for some of us, who have let our lives get seriously off track, we cringe in the darkness, echoing the unclean spirit: “Jesus, what do you have to do with me?” But God’s gentle, persistent love will not let us huddle there in corruption. He will continue to cast His harsh but honest light on the corners of our lives and wait for us to sweep out the “demons” in residence. It’s a story as vitally necessary now as it was 2000 years ago. Spend a minute in prayer today and ask God, what do I need to sweep away today? ©Copyright 2012 C L Enterprises ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE-When: Thursday, February 5, 2015-Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm-Where: St. Francis High School-877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary. All students who live within the St. Francis High School boundaries are welcome to attend with their parent(s)/guardian. Please contact St. Francis High School at 403-500-2026 for further information or visit our website at stfrancis Upcoming Parish Event-Fun Bowl-Calgary Winter Club7:00 pm- Saturday, February 21. More details to follow. Used Christmas Cards wanted - please bring them to the CWL table over the next few weeks so they can be given to the Diocesan Mission Council who recycles them into new cards that they sell as fundraisers. Faith Enrichment for Seniors: The Religious Education Office will be offering a Faith Enrichment for Seniors group beginning Monday, January 26, and will continue on Feb.2, Feb. 9, and Feb.23rd. It will be held at St. Joseph’s Parish from 1:00 to 3 pm. No registration is required and all are welcome. For further information contact Norline at 403-2185503 or e-mail [email protected]. MARK YOUR CALENDAR-Three to Stay Married – Include God in your Marriage. Family Mass and renewal of vows with Bishop Henry. Reception to follow (by ticket only). Child care provided. 7:00 pm, Saturday, February 7 We are hiring young adults for the Diocesan Youth Retreat Team (DYRT). If you are between the ages of 17-30 and would like to share your faith in a retreat setting, with casual employment from October – June, contact 403-218-5516 or [email protected]. If you are interested in helping out with this year’s One Rock Committee again contact Mary Ann at 403-218-5516. St. Mary’s High School-Information and Open House Wednesday, February 4, 2015-7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Now accepting applications for all programs: Regular Education, International Baccalaureate and Extended French. Coldest Night of the Year is coming back to Calgary in 2015. Walk in solidarity with our homeless brothers and sisters on February 21, 2015. Last year our parishes helped raise more than $127,000 for Acadia Place and Feed the Hungry. Help us make this event a continued success by registering to walk or volunteer at Please contact Samantha Jones at 403-218-5531 or [email protected] The Diocesan Health Care Office is hosting a special weekend Spiritual Retreat experience for adults of all ages, at Sanctum Retreat in Caroline, Alberta, from Friday February 20 to Sunday Feb. 22, 2015. This retreat is intended to minister to persons struggling with mental health. Please call Deacon Michael at 403-218-5515 The FCJ Christian Life Centre, Calgary is looking for a part time/casual worker for some kitchen duties. Please contact Denise DeNeve [email protected]. Do It Now!-“And they went into Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught.” Mark 1:21 A great spiritual exercise is found in reading St. Mark's Gospel straight through in one sitting. After the hour or so it takes to read it, one is almost left. breathless. Why? Jesus is invariably pictured as doing things “immediately.” Clearly, we see Jesus as a doer, an activist, going from one place to another preaching, teaching, healing, encouraging, blessing, etc. He was a man in a hurry What about His followers? If we are to truly represent Him, our work is cut out for us. Evil is very real all about us. Shouldn't we show forth the light of Christ in this dark world? Each of us can develop our own ministry somewhere in this world. Maybe it is as undramatic as visiting the elderly or working with an appreciative youth or as one person said, being a loving missionary to our neighbors. The main thing is to do it and to do it, not sometime in the future, but beginning! Collections, the week of January 24/25, 2015=$3,005.00 TIA 2015 Annual Bishop Appeal =$7,776.00 T hank you all for your generosity! MINISTERS’ SCHEDULES WEEKEND OF - February 7th 5:00 pm Eucharistic Children’s Liturgy Patrick Meyer 10:45 am 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Antony Francis First Teacher: Jordana Klak 10:450 am Carmel Campbell Ildiko Farkas Diana Bince Rachel Dalcin Erin Callin Richard Wheatley Ron Hanson Second Teacher: Paula Sabatini 5:00 pm - 8th - 9:00 am 2015 10:45am Ushers Cathy West Kathyrn Meyer Tristan Spronken Roland Donaleshen Martin Meyer John Monaghan Gabor Czipott Thomas Farkas Max Halyk Howard Miller John Schulhauser Lectors Jovita Alarez Mary Anne Donaleshen John McSorley Loretta Bieche Hospitality Cathy West Dan Halyk Jordana Klak Linen Schedule Tess Langill Helen Corson Michelle Meckelborg Three enemies of personal peace: Regret over yesterday’s mistake, Anxiety over tomorrow’s problems, and ingratitude for today’s blessings. William Arthur Ward
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