TAUNTON CATHOLIC CHURCH ONE GOD, ONE FAMILY, ONE COMMUNITY MASS TIMES Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time & Ordinary Weekdays ST GEORGE’S Sat Vigil 17:30 Charles Blackwell RIP Sun 1st Feb 8:00 Rex Cook RIP Music Group 9:30 Deceased Members of the D’Andrade & Kirton Families Mon 2nd FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST TERESA’S Sun 11:00 Vittorio Ottavianelli & Family 17:00 People of the Parish 1st February 2015 - Newsletter 770 - Psalter Week 4 - Year B - Ordinary Weekday Sunday Readings: First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Second Reading: St Paul to the Corinthians 7:32-35 & Holy Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28 ENTRY Save us, O Lord our God! And gather us from the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, and make it our glory to praise you. Presentation of the Lord 9:30 Elizabeth Carpenter RESPONSE O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts. Tues 3rd 9:30 Deceased Members of the Page, Lay & Gispert Families ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, Wed 4th 9:30 Deceased Members of the Walker & Baron Families COMMUNION Thurs 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia! St Agatha 12:30 Barbara Joan O’Loughlin 13:00 Rosary St Paul Miki & Companions 9:30 Ollie, Nicky & Friend RIP PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Fri 9:00 Metropolitan Joseph Mar Koorilose RIP 9:15 Morning Prayer 9:30 Jack John Peach RIP 10:00 Rosary Sat Vigil Sun ANNIV: Choir ST TERESA’S 17:30 Ann Fitzpatrick RIP 8:00 Charlie Duff RIP 9:30 Nellie Kent RIP SICK: Christopher Browne, Martin Connolly, Jane Willcox, Candy Halloran, Kathleen Pocock, James Willetts, Iain Polley, Carmel Allan, Margaret Litchfield, Sheila Sullivan, Mary Annet Jimmy, Christine Holloway & all who are sick at this time. DEATHS: Maria Stalker NEXT SUNDAY (08/02/2015) - FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -YEAR B - PSALTER WEEK 1 ST GEORGE’S Let your face shine on your servant. Save me in your merciful love. O Lord, let me never be put to shame, for I call on you. Winifred Parker, Elsie Payne, Robert Sutton, Maureen Baker, Harry Harrison, Florence Hill, Charlotte Jones, Angelo Morelli, Edwin Murphy, Elsie Shipp, Winifred Friend, Maurice Ronayne, John Manders, Lawrence Bushery, Barbara Boyce, Nicol Allan, John Cautley, Fred Newman, Patricia Nicholson, & all whose anniversary occurs at this time. DIOCESAN PRAYER LINK: Swindon St Mary with Highworth CONTACT USSun 11:00 People of the Parish Music Group 17:00 Pauline Moscardini RIP CONFESSIONS & ROSARY—SUBJECT TO CHANGE SHOULD A REQUIEM TAKE PLACE ST GEORGE'S - THURSDAY: 12.00-12:20 CONFESSIONS EXPOSITION & SIMPLE BENEDICTION WITH PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS DURING CONFESSIONS SATURDAY: 10:00-10:30 & 17:00-17:20 CONFESSIONS ROSARY AFTER MASS ON THURSDAYS & AFTER MASS ON SATURDAY MORNINGS ST TERESA’S - CONFESSIONS BY REQUEST Parish Team: Parish Priest: Fr David Mills Permanent Deacons: Rev Trevor Jones & Rev Ed Channing Parish Sister: Sr Michelle Priests also Assisting: Fr Peter Hawkins, Fr Michael Lewis, Fr Bernard Shackleton & Fr Peter Marden Parish Safeguarding Representative: Rev Trevor Jones St George, Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN -Tel 01823 272700 Office Hours: 9.30am—1pm, Monday to Thursday & 10am—5pm, on Friday St Teresa, Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF - Tel 01823 333608 www.tauntoncatholicchurch.co.uk E-mail: [email protected] What is Safeguarding? COLLECTIONS: The Catholic Church in England & Wales has established structures to take forward the work of the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults following the recommendations of the Cumberlege Commission Report “Safeguarding with Confidence”. These are: The National Catholic Safeguarding Commission (NCSC) The Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS) Diocesan Safeguarding Commissions/Regional Religious Safeguarding Commissions. Further information available from Dcn Trevor Jones. St George's: Collection: £795; St Teresa's: Collection: £180 Thank you for your generosity There will be a collection during Mass this weekend for the work of the Catholic Education Service St George’s 2015 Envelopes are now available from the back of the church. Should you have any queries, or would like a GiftAid form to join the Envelope Scheme please contact Paul Tighe on 01823 271 049 or email: [email protected] Iraqi Christians—If you would like to respond to the dire crisis being experienced by our Christian Brothers & Sisters in Iraq you can do so by donating via Aid to the Church in Need. Visit. www.acnuk.org Please see the Newsletter or Website for Mass Times as there may be changes. Please remember to take your valuables with you when going to Communion EVENTS IN THE PARISH IN THE FOLLOWING WEEK The nearly new paperback bookstall in aid of the missions will be open this Sunday 1st February & on the first Sunday of each month in the Centre after both Masses. We are always glad to received good quality paperbacks to sell, please bring them in at any time DIOCESAN DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Jesus, Lord of all Creation, Sat 7th February. A Day of Renewal at St Nicholas of Tolentino Church, Lawford's Gate, Bristol, BS5 0RE—Speaker – Fr Richard McKay. Bring lunch to share – drinks will be provided. Starts with mass at 10am & finish at 4pm. FFI email: [email protected] Join Bishop Declan for Mass in the Cathedral as we celebrate Marriage on Saturday 14 February at 12noon. All are welcome. If you are celebrating a significant anniversary this year, newly married, or looking forward to marriage in 2015, then please contact our Marriage and Family Life Coordinator: [email protected] or 0117 902 5595. Exploring St Mark’s Gospel, a short series led by John Huntriss, will be taking place at St Joseph’s School, Bridgwater; next session Thursday 26th February, 7.30-9pm. FFI tel 0117 902 5595 There are still places to join Bishop Declan & over 200 young people from the Clifton Diocese at CYMFed Flame2 on Saturday 7th March in Wembley Arena. If you are in school year 9 or above visit www.cliftondiocese.com/youthministry & follow the links to the booking form. OPEN DOOR Always greatly appreciated at this time of the year; sleeping bags, blankets, warm clothing, food. Donations of these & tinned & non-perishable food always welcome. A box is available at both churches where you can leave any donations. Thank you for your continued support which is greatly appreciated. CATHOLIC PARLIAMENTARY AND PUBLIC POLICY INTERNSHIPS For the last twelve years the Catholics Bishops Conference has organised Parliamentary & Public Policy Internships for recently graduated Catholics. This year we are looking to offer 8 internships: Four interns will be placed with Christian MPs at Westminster; one in a parliamentary support role within the Bishops’ Conference Secretariat; one in each of the Catholic Agencies (CAFOD & CSAN) in a public policy role; & one in a media internship in Archbishop’s House Westminster. All internships will run from September 2015 - July 2016. Full details & an application form can be found on our website: www.cbcew.org.uk/interns. Completed application forms & references must either be emailed to [email protected] or posted to: Michaela Kelly, Head of HR, 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1BX. The closing date is 5pm on Wednesday 4th March 2015; Assessment days 14th & 15th April 2015. MISCELLANEOUS Eucharistic Ministers— Please return your pyx by the Wednesday of each week. Thank you. New Missals, gifts & cards for sale in the parish shop, please visit as every sale supports our church. Opening times: every Sunday, 8.30am -11.30am. Reading for Residents in Care Homes: Anyone who is interested in reading aloud to residents in Residential/Nursing & Care Homes, please contact Martha Mair on 330095. Urgently needed—a small pushchair, with rain cover if possible, willing to pay. tel 07818217223 SVP Lenten Soups will start in the near future so if you are able to assist in preparing or serving the soup please ring either 336 405 or 451 361. VACANCIES Health & Safety Coordinator/Surveyor: This is a new full time position to help the Diocese &Parishes provide & maintain safe environments for parishioners, parish priests, staff & visitors. Working within the Property Services Department at Pennywell Road, Bristol & with parishes, this is an excellent opportunity for an experienced Health & Safety Coordinator (or Building Surveyor with health & safety as a background) to provide expert professional guidance on health & safety matters within the Diocese of Clifton. The successful applicant needs to hold an appropriate NEBOSH qualification & ideally be educated to degree level. Salary £35,000 depending upon qualifications & experience. Application packs are available from the Diocesan website or alternatively from Sharon Owen on 0117 902 55 92. The closing date for applications is noon on the 27th February 2015. Vice Principal Vacancy St Bede’s Catholic College Bristol — FFI/application form telephone the college on 01173772216/visit: www.stbedescc.org. Closing date: noon Tuesday 3rd February. ST GEORGE’S FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS We are offering parishioners the opportunity to donate towards a specific floral arrangement as a dedication for a birthday, wedding anniversary, or in memory of a loved one. A card can be inserted into the display if you so wish. In order to contribute in this way please complete the tear off slip below & return it to the Parish Office with your donation. Please mark your envelope “Flower Team.” Thank you Name……………………………..........................………………………Tel…..…………………………………………… Date of anniversary…………………………………….................... Donation…………..….............………….. Message for card…………........................................………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………..………………………...................................……………………………… …………………………………………………..………………………...................................………………………………
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