The next Women's Ministry Event will be on Saturday morning, March 21st from 9am until 11am at Church. Please save the date. We will be having a breakfast potluck; the food sign-up sheet will be coming soon. We will have a short Bible study, work on various service projects, and have breakfast. Service projects for this meeting will include: • putting together college care packages, • working on baby blankets for Lutheran World Relief, • Making a project to be taken to our members in nursing homes, assisted living, or who are shut-ins. We will have cards that can be written out to these individuals. We will have a couple of ladies speak about their visiting our members at these facilities and the importance of doing so. Please check the Women's Ministry board for more details in the coming weeks. We Need Your Help: The Women's Ministry of Faith is collecting items for college care packages that will be sent out in March as one of our service projects. Let's remember our youth while they are away at school, and remind them that we are thinking about them and praying for them. We need small items such as pens, mechanical pencils, post-its, granola bars, candy, hot chocolate packages, travel size Kleenex, Christian bookmarks, snacks in small lunch size bags, etc. Please help us collect these items over the next few weeks. There is a box on the Women's Ministry table labelled "college care packages." Please put your items in the box. If you prefer to write a check to help purchase items or to help pay for shipping, please put your donation in an envelope, made out to Faith and labeled "for college care packages," and place it in the box. The cost for shipping each package is $5.95. Thank you for your help. Let's make our youth feel welcome and cared about when they return to us over their breaks. They are the future of Faith! A WORD OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS “Serving the Lord 1731 Deerfield Rd Highland Park, IL 60035 Church Phone: 847-234-1868 Fax: 847-234-1929 Emergencies: Pastor Menk Home phone: 847-234-8906 Cell phone: 847-682-2997 February 1 - February 8, 2015 Email: [email protected] Website: THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Thank You from the Caring Ministry Committee: Your overwhelming willingness to help with the reception after the memorial service for our dear friend and beloved Interim pastor, Pastor Pete Zadeik, was a testimony of love to him and his family. Your abundance of desserts, time and effort spent in setting up, serving and clean-up was all done in harmony and thoughtful service. On behalf of the Zadeik family and the Caring Ministry Committee, we extend our thanks to each one of you. MON 2/2 Attention Thrivent Members!: It’s a new quarter and a new year! Time to make that easy 5 minute call (1-800-847-4836) or go online to and designate FAITH as the recipient! $352. from Choice Dollars have been directed to Faith this quarter. Any questions, ask Mary Menk WED 2/4 THU 2/5 5:30pm -----Bible Study 5:30 pm-----Confirmation 7-9:00 pm -Casa Misericordia 7-9:00 pm -Casa Misericordia ----------Announcements Deadline 7-9:00 pm -Casa Misericordia 10:00 am-----Life Light Bible Study 4:00 pm-----Stephen Ministry Training 7:30 pm-----Steeple Quilters Attendance For The Week Ending January 25, 2015 5:00 pm 23 (*20 communed) (*23 communed) 8:00 am 24 10:30 am 62 Weekend Total 109 Visitors 11 Bible Study 11 Sunday School *15 (*estimated number) Redeemer Lutheran Church “In service to His Father, Christ exhibited a love we now share with others 8:00 am ----Worship Service 8:45 am ----Children’s Bell Choir 9:00 am-----Fellowship 9:15 am ----Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Choir 10:30 am-----Worship w/communion 1-5:30pm --Casa Misericordia Saturday 1/24 Sunday 1/25 680 West Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 with Gladness” SUN 2/1 Thank you to all of the women who attended the Women's Ministry Event on Saturday, January 17th. 32 ladies came out for a Bible study, mission projects talk, guest speakers, service project, and lunch. Thank you to the ladies who brought canned goods for the Lazarus table for our service project. Please return your surveys to Linda Arof's mailbox, if you haven't already turned them in. Thank you to everyone for making this event such a success. Faith Lutheran Church TUES 2/3 FRI 2/6 SAT SUN 2/7 2/8 5:00 pm-----Celebration Worship w/communion 8:00 am ----Worship Service w/communion 8:45 am-----Children’s Bell Choir 9:00 am-----Fellowship 9:15 am-----Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Choir 9:15 am-----CONGREGATIONAL ROUNDTABLE 10:30 am-----Worship Service 1-5:30pm --Casa Misericordia Office Hours – Monday – Friday: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm “The Lutheran Hour” - Sunday: 6 am – WGN 720 am Alcoholics Anonymous – Sunday: 7:00 pm TODAY IN THE EDUCATION HOUR: CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Pre K – 3: Sunday School Pre K- Grades 3 Grades 4 - 6 Authority-Jesus, age 12 left the temple Grades 7 & 8 – in 7/8 grade room Youth – “God’s Not Dead” in the Loft EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Women of the Bible –We will meet on Monday, February 2nd at 5:30 pm, when we will be studying Mary of Bethany. Thursday Life Light Bible Study: This winter we will be taking a look at the Parables of our Lord. Youth Bible Study continues to look a the film “God’s Not Dead.” Meeting place is in the Loft each Sunday at 9:15 am. PRAYERS Health: Lynn Heitman; Lucy Goss; Betty Leslie; Ruth MacPhail; Lin Stolzman; Anita Beutel’s, sisterin-law, Barbara Cosgrove; Pastor Jerald Lindemann; Etta Narjes’ friend, Michel; Emma & Elise Kolterman’s friend; Kjersten Johnson; Kim Madden’s mother in law, Marilou Madden; and Wendy Rusinak’s sister in law, Mary Jo Matthis, Special Prayers: In our day and age, we ALL have struggles for which we could us a little prayer. This is why we have begun to include 3-5 families/individuals each week in our general prayer of the church. As some of you may recall, this was done a number of years ago and was very well received. Instead of going alphabetically, however, we will pick families/individuals at random and again notify them by mail/e-mail so that if they wish to be in church the Sunday they’re being prayed for, they can. Any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor. We pray for our new start at Grace, Northbrook, as Immanuel Glenview, begins a new Open Arms Child Development Center at the Northbrook location as a way for the people of Grace to develop relationships with the families of children. May the Lord work through this to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus in ways that serve those families. Heavenly Father, we praise you for your protection on Church Planters in west India as they share about Jesus in areas where there are many anti-Christian extremists. We pray for your continued blessings on the Church Planters’ ministry Military Prayer Wall: Take a STAR located on the table right by the Wall and write down an active military man or women, or a veteran's name, with a prayer request and Pastor will include them in our prayers during services. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this new way to pray for our military heroes. The Prayer Chain Mailing is now available to all members of our congregation by email. For more information, or to add a prayer request, please contact Kim Madden at [email protected] or the Church Office, 847-234-1868/email [email protected]. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST Congregation Roundtable: As part of the approval to sell the Redeemer property, the congregation voted to request that a recommendation be developed for a Strategy to Manage the Large Financial Resources with which the congregation is being blessed. Based upon this action, the Church Council has organized a Special Task Force to take on this job to develop a recommendation. To help with the initial discussions concerning this matter, the Task Force has scheduled an open Roundtable for the congregation on Sunday, Feb.8, 2015, starting at 9:15 AM in the Fireplace Room. All members are invited to engage in this conversation. Your thoughts and ideas about managing these resources will be most welcome. Life Sunday Donations The baby crib is again set up across from the church elevator for your donated items. This year Aid for Women in Gurnee has some specific requests: • DISPOSABLE DIAPERS (size 1-2-3 or 4) No pull-ups this year. • SWEAT PANTS (size 9 mo.-1yr.) • RECEIVING BLANKETS (yellow or green preferred) • INFANT SOCKS DISPOSABLE BABY WIPES GIFT CARDS FOR WALMART We expect to receive your donations until February 8, 2015 and will be delivering them to Gurnee around Valentine's Day. We welcome you to come along and meet some of those special servants at Aid for Women. Thank you for your prayers and donations. Carol Marwede SPAGHETTI DINNER: ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18th. Everyone is invited to join us for a delicious Spaghetti Dinner served by the high school youth (FLY). The dinner will be at 5:30pm till 7:00 pm before the evening service. A free will donation will be taken to help raise funds for the Fly Service Projects. Everyone welcome! - Please sign up if you plan to attend. Ladies of Faith Prayer Partner: Ladies of Faith, please check your mailboxes for your Prayer Partner forms for the coming year. The new year will begin April 1st. Forms are in your mailbox and can be filled out and returned to the pink box marked Prayer Partners on the table under the Women's Ministry board. The main focus of the Prayer Partner is praying for another woman at Faith. Forms should be in by March 1st so that you can pull your Prayer Partner out of the box on the designated dates in March. The Women’s Book Club will meet Saturday, March 7th @ 8 a.m. to discuss House of Living Stones by Katie Schuermann. Join us as we review the chain of events that turns the life of this small-town Illinois congregation, with its host of lovable and relatable members, upside down. ALL WOMEN ARE WELCOME. Lending books will be available in the kitchenette soon. If you have any questions, contact Jan at [email protected] or 847/287-9035. Parents of College Age Children: The Women's Ministry would like to send out care packages to our undergraduate college kids in March, and we need your help. If you would like you son or daughter to receive a care package from Faith, please give us their college mailing address. Please email your child's name and address to Lisal2526@aolcom or to the church office. Thank you Ladies of Faith: Lutheran World Relief needs baby blankets and sweaters. This is one of our service projects for our March meeting. Can you sew? Do you crochet or knit? Do you have extra fleece that we can use to tie baby blankets? These are topics we discussed at our last meeting. Our next meeting will be on March 21st. Please gather items to work on during our fellowship time at this meeting or be willing to teach others how to make baby blankets or sweaters. If you have finished projects that you would like to share with the group, please bring them to inspire the rest of us.
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