Faith Matters Newsletter for Faith Lutheran Church 680 W. Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 A part of North Shore Lutheran Ministry Our Mission: “Glorifying God by spreading the Gospel through preaching, teaching and living our daily lives.” February 2015 Theme: “In service to His Father, Christ exhibited a love we now share with others.” (Based on I John 4:8-10) Lovers of Christ, February is known is some circles as the “love month;” for it is during this month that valentine cards are mailed and opened - that roses, candy, and jewelry sales reach their peak, as people show their love and affection for others by means of presents. Of course, this emphasis on showing our love and affection to others, however secularized it has become, is really a Biblical concept. For instance, in I John 4:7 we read: “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” Now, John is not talking about the popular conception of love; that is, is not talking about the kind of love we see on TV or in advertisements. You know what I mean; the love that is shown there is so romanticized and phony. Why, the standard picture the media presents about love is of a pretty girl being embraced by a goodlooking guy (the Tom Selleck or Brad Pitt type) while in the background soft, romantic music is gently playing. This picture of love is nice, but it’s not very realistic. For the love John talks about is actually based on a much uglier, more gruesome picture; in fact, is that of a lonely, despised person hanging on a cross. The only “music” one hears are the cries of pain that accompany the ringing of the hammer as it drives spikes through the person’s hands and feet. This is the basis of our love, our Lord serving His Father by exhibiting an unconditional love that puts the life of the other above its own, our Father showing His forgiving love by allowing the sacrifice of His own Son. This love that God has shown to sinners, such as us, is what enables us to show love to others. In fact, if our love for others is patterned after the love God has shown us, it will not be selfish or self-seeking, but will enable us to reach out even to those who are hard to love or who, perhaps, can’t return the acts of love we’ve shown them. Why, God’s love will even enable us to love our fellow Christians, accepting them as God has accepted us. With this in mind, then, ask yourself; “Does our congregation radiate such love, or are we seen as being overly critical and unsympathetic?” May God help us to reflect the love He has shown us, that those around us may see the love He has shown the world in Christ Jesus. Pastor Jerry Faith Matters 1 February 2015 Worship Schedule For The Month LENT begins Wednesday, February 18th. Join us for The Parables of Lent, a special series of services for the season of Lent. Each service in this series will focus on a biblical parable that connects to the Lenten Theme. Developed by renowned preacher, the Rev. Dean Nadasdy, these services will reveal that within each parable’s plot is woven a unique message about what we receive through the Christ. Ash Wednesday, February 18th, at 10 AM and 7:15 PM "Receive Justification: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector." • Luke 18:9-14 The tax collector who repents goes home justified, while the proud Pharisee does not. We, too, who repent are justified through Christ.. (The imposition of ashes and the Lord’s supper will be available at both services.) Youth Spaghetti supper on Wednesday, February 18th, serving begins at 5:30. During the Lenten season, we will again offer a Small Group Bible Study to the members of the congregation. Based on the series “The Parables of Lent,” we have a number of different days/times available for people to sign up. Sign-up will begin soon across from the elevator. All studies will begin the week of February 15th! Please sign up soon! Lenten Midweek 2, February 25th, same schedule "Receive the Word: The Sower and the Seed” • Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23 The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ flourishes within us.. Lenten Midweek 3, March 4th "Receive the Treasure: The Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl" • Matthew 13:44-46 Two men give all they have to buy objects of great worth. We who are priceless to Christ receive Him who gave all He had to call us His own. Lenten Midweek 4, March 11th "Receive Mercy: The Good Samaritan" • Luke 10:25-37 A man beaten on the road gets help from an unlikely traveler. We who are often beaten down along the road of life encounter the healing of Christ through the cross. Lenten Midweek 5, March 18th "Receive Grace: The Workers in the Vineyard" • Matthew 20:1-16 All workers in a vineyard are given the same pay from the master, no matter how long they’ve labored. All who have been called by the Master are blessed by the same reward in Christ. Lenten Midweek 6, March 25th "Receive Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son” • Luke 15:11-32 A wayward son returns to the forgiving embrace of his father, who welcomes him home. We who have strayed return again and again to the embrace of our Father, through the sacrifice of His Son. Faith Matters 2 February 2015 Palm Sunday, March 28th & 29th "Receive Love: The Lost Sheep" • Luke 15:1-7 A shepherd leaves his 99 sheep to find the one who is lost. We who are lost in sin are found by our loving Shepherd, who heads into Jerusalem amid praise and palm branches. Maundy Thursday, April 2nd (Service w/communion at 7:15 PM only) "Receive the Meal: The Great Banquet" • Luke 14:7-24 Those in low positions are invited to a place of honor by the host. We who are humbled by our sins and outcast by the world are welcomed by Christ to dine at His Holy Supper. Good Friday, April 3rd (Tennebrae service at 7:15 PM only) "Receive the Sacrifice: The Landowner and the Tennants” • Matthew 21:33-45 Tenants in a vineyard kill the son the master sent to gather the harvest. The Son of God is killed that we might receive the kingdom. Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday, April 4th & 5th "Receive Eternal Life: The Wise and Foolish Builders" • Matthew 7:24-27 When a storm hits, the house built on the rock remains while one built on sand is washed away. We build our lives on Christ the Cornerstone. Adult Educational Opportunities Thursday Life Light Bible Study: Thursday mornings at 10 AM. This winter we will be taking a look at the Parables of Our Lord. Men of Faith: Will meet on Saturday morning, February 21st, at 8 AM. In addition to our usual food and fellowship, we will continue our look at The Man You Want to Be with Neal Jeffrey. Be one of those in the know by joining us as we continue our look at Islam through the Adult study entitled: The Challenge of Islam – Pt. 21 “Defending the Christian Faith.” This video Bible study, produced by LHM Men’s Network and moderated by Sam Shamoun will, among other things, shed light on Islamic presuppositions concerning the priority of the Qur’an, Bible texts considered corrupt by Muslims, the sonship of believers, and Islam’s position on the Trinity. Please note – due to the new Task Force considering how to handle the funds from the sale of the Redeemer property, there will be a special Congregational Round Table discussion Sunday, February 8th. So, there will not be an Adult Study that Sunday. Faith Matters 3 February 2015 Upcoming Events Congregation Roundtable: Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015 As part of the approval to sell the Redeemer property, the congregation voted to request that a recommendation be developed for a Strategy to Manage the Large Financial Resources with which the congregation is being blessed. Based upon this action, the Church Council has organized a Special Task Force to take on this job to develop a recommendation. To help with the initial discussions concerning this matter, the Task Force has scheduled an open Roundtable for the congregation on Sunday, Feb.8, 2015, starting at 9:15 AM in the Fireplace Room. All members are invited to engage in this conversation our thoughts and opinions about managing these resources will be most welcome. In order to give everyone some time to begin thinking about this matter, I’ve attached the outline for the Roundtable. This contains an initial set of basic questions about which we’d like to hear your reaction and opinion. Over the next four months, there will be other discussions; this is the beginning. Congregation Roundtable: Strategy to Manage Large Financial Resources February 8, 2015 A. Introduction: Purpose of Meeting B. Review of Schedule C. Discussion of Initial Set of Policy Matters 1. Structure: The Foundation of Faith Fund is simply a special fund managed by the Church Council, based upon advice from an Operating Board, elected by the congregation. Should this be changed to be a separate entity managed by its own trustees elected by the congregation? 2. Endowments: The fund is now organized by endowment with the corresponding fund balances defined by the source, i.e., original donors, Nikkinen, Redeemer. Each could have limits on use of funds. Should this division be maintained with each having unique purposes or should funds be pooled into one fund? 3. Capital vs. Earnings: Should the funds be managed in a way so that only the investment earnings are disbursed for various ministry and mission purposes, or could capital be used in some cases? 4. Investment Risk: The funds will be invested. What level of earnings and the associated risk would be advisable: Low, Moderate, or Higher? 5. Grant program: Should the funds be set up as a “Grant program” whereby congregation or outside organizations could submit proposals for grants? Should it be mandatory that someone from NSLM be personally involved in some way with the mission to be supported by any such grant? SPAGHETTI DINNER: ASH WEDNESDAY – February 18th Everyone is invited to join us for a delicious Spaghetti Dinner served by the high school youth (FLY). The dinner will be at: 5:30pm till 7:00 pm before the evening service. A free will donation will be taken to help raise funds for the Fly Service Projects Everyone welcome! - Please sign up if you plan to attend. . The Women’s Book Club will meet Saturday, March 7th @ 8 a.m. to discuss House of Living Stones by Katie Schuermann. Join us as we review the chain of events that turns the life of this small-town Illinois congregation with its host of lovable and relatable members upside down. ALL WOMEN ARE WELCOME. Lending books will be available in the kitchenette soon. If you have any questions, contact Jan at [email protected] or 847/287-9035. Faith Matters 4 February 2015 Mark your calendars now for Dr. Paul Maier The Week that changed the World – The First Easter Have you ever wondered about the historical evidence for the First Easter? Have you asked whether there is any proof outside the Bible that the Easter story happened? Maybe that is not your question but you’d like to better understand the archaeological evidence of important figures of the Easter story. Investigate these and other questions with noted historian and author, Dr. Paul L. Maier, Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History, Western Michigan University. Dr. Maier will explore the historical and archeological evidence for prominent figures and events in the Jesus story and correlate it with the nonChristian writings from the ancient world. Lunch provided at a cost of $15. RSVP requested. 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM, Saturday, March 14th Faith Lutheran Church 680 Deerpath Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 Dr. Maier will present a shortened archeological and ancient writing examination of the evidence that Jesus existed, Friday, March 13th, 7:00pm at the Gorton Community Center, 400 East Illinois Road, Lake Forest. Intended for skeptics and non-Christians, so invite your friends and neighbors. Free admission. Questions: Call Steve at (224) 520 - 0506 Comfort Dog Mission Update The Comfort Dog Mission is now moving forward. As Top Dog, Dick Hocking, attended the initial three day training session at Lutheran Church Charities new facility in Northbrook (St. Paul Lutheran ). We need to move forward concerning volunteers for handler and care-giver. If you interested to be one of these persons, please contact Dick on or before Feb. 1, 2015. After this date we’ll be proceeding with the next phase of training. Also, besides volunteers for dog handlers and care-givers, there is a critical need for other volunteers. These jobs will require substantially less on-going time commitment. 1. Mission Partners: As handlers will go out into the community (schools, nursing homes, food pantries, disaster locations, etc.,) they will need people to go with them so that there is always at least two people together. These partners will be there to also reach out to the people being visited or cared for or simply talked to with the love of Jesus. Such partners don’t need to be trained in dog handling; they just need to be disciples. 2. Social Media Coordinator: All Comfort Dogs have a Facebook Page. Other such social media will also be involved with communications concerning the dogs and follow-up mission activities. The Top Dog will need someone with the needed technical know-how to undertake this activity. 3. Calendar Coordinator: The Comfort Dog will have a very busy schedule of activities 52 weeks of the year. There will be many places to visit, schedules for volunteers will need to be maintained, dog health appointments coordinated, etc. This will need to be on the computer to communicate with all team members. Various computer programs will need to be evaluated and selected. 4. Photographer: For each event of this mission, pictures will be taken. Volunteers are needed to be photographers at such times. Pictures will be archived in coordination with LCC. The need for volunteers for these non-dog handling positions will be required as the Comfort Dog comes to our churches (NSLM and Lord of Glory). If you can fill any of these, please contact Dick Hocking at any time during the next two months. Faith Matters 5 February 2015 Words of Thanks Thank You From The Caring Ministry Committee: Your overwhelming willingness to help with the reception after the memorial service for our dear friend and beloved Interim Pastor, Pastor Pete Zadeik. Was a testimony of love to him and his family. Your abundance of desserts, time and effort spent in setting up, serving and clean-up was all done in harmony and thoughtful service. On behalf of the Zadeik family and the Caring Ministry Committee, we extend our thanks to each one of you. Dear Friends at Faith Lutheran Church: Our many thanks to Pastor Menk and all who supported me and my family at the time of my husband Bob's death and funeral. The kindness, caring and sympathy shown by all of you touched us all deeply, and will never be forgotten. We are so grateful to Pastor Menk, Karen Jirsa and the choir members for the beautiful service, as well as to the Caring Committee and all who provided and served the lovely luncheon. May God bless you all. Love, Ruth MacPhail, daughter, Susan; son, Steve; and family Thank you to all of the women who attended the Women's Ministry Event on Saturday, January 17th. 32 ladies came out for a Bible study, mission projects talk, guest speakers, service project, and lunch. Thank you to the ladies who brought canned goods for the Lazarus table for our service project. Please return your surveys to Linda Arof's mailbox, if you haven't already turned them in. Thank you to everyone for making this event such a success. Other Items of Interest Special Prayers: In our day and age, we ALL have struggles for which we could use a little prayer. This is why we again include 3-5 families/individuals each week in our general prayer of the church. As some of you may recall, this was done a number of years ago, and was very well received. Instead of going alphabetically, however, we will pick families/individuals at random and again notify them by mail/e-mail so that if they wish to be in church the Sunday they’re being prayed for, they can. Any questions, please feel free to contact the pastor. Ladies of Faith Prayer Partner: Ladies of Faith, please check your mailboxes for your Prayer Partner forms for the coming year. The new year will begin April first. Forms are in your mailbox and can be filled out and returned to the pink box marked Prayer Partners on the table under the Women's Ministry board. The main focus of this is praying for another woman at Faith. Forms should be in by March 1st so that you can pull your prayer partner out of the box on the designated dates in March. LIFE SUNDAY Donations: This year Aid for Women in Gurnee has some specific requests: DISPOSABLE DIAPERS (size 1-2-3 or 4) No pull-ups this year SWEAT PANTS (size 9 mo.-1yr.) RECEIVING BLANKETS (yellow or green preferred) INFANT SOCKS DISPOSABLE BABY WIPES GIFT CARDS FOR WALMART We expect to receive your donations until February 8, 2015 and will be delivering them to Gurnee around Valentine's Day. We welcome you to come along and meet some of those special servants at Aid for Women. Thank you for your prayers and donations. Carol Marwede Faith Matters 6 February 2015 Parents of College Age Children: The We Need Your Help: The Women's Ministry of Women's Ministry would like to send out care packages to our undergraduate college kids in March, and we need your help. If you would like you son or daughter to receive a care package from Faith, please give us their college mailing address. Please email your child's name and address to Lisal2526@aolcom or to the church office. Thank you. Faith is collecting items for college care packages that will be sent out in March as one of our service projects. Let's remember our youth while they are away at school, and remind them that we are thinking about them and praying for them. We need small items such as pens, mechanical pencils, post-its, granola bars, candy, hot chocolate packages, travel size kleenex, The Next Women's Ministry Christian bookmarks, snacks in small lunch size Event will be on Saturday morning, bags, etc. Please help us collect these items over the March 21st from 9am until 11am at Church. Please save the date. We will next few weeks. There is a box on the Women's Ministry table labelled "college care packages." Please be having a breakfast potluck; the food sign-up sheet will be coming soon. We will have put your items in the box. If you prefer to write a check to help purchase items or to help pay for a short Bible study, work on various service projects, shipping, please put your donation in an envelope, and have breakfast. made out to Faith and labeled "for college care Service projects for this meeting will include: packages," and place it in the box. The cost for putting together college care packages, shipping each package is $5.95. Thank you for your working on baby blankets for Lutheran World help. Let's make our youth feel welcome and cared Relief, about when they return to us over their breaks. They Making a project to be taken to our members are the future of Faith! in nursing homes, assisted living, or who are shut-ins. We will have cards that can be written out to these individuals. We will have Manna Garden Update: Winter Activities: a couple of ladies speak about their visiting our During the winter months, a substantial amount of members at these facilities and the importance work is going on with the Manna Garden Project to prepare for the yr. 2015 growing season. Later bulletins of doing so. Please check the Women's Ministry board for more will provide information about these plans, but other activities are taking place during January: details in the coming weeks. Culinary Classes – A series of culinary classes Ladies of Faith: Lutheran World Relief needs baby is underway for teenage students. The teacher blankets and sweaters. This is one of our service is Chef Robert Collins. This Navy veteran, projects for our March meeting. Can you sew? Do you who operates his own restaurant, is teaching crochet or knit? Do you have extra youth basic skills including food safety. The fleece that we can use to tie baby classes are currently held at the kitchens of blankets? These are topics we Waukegan Community Church. discussed at our last meeting. Our next meeting will be on March 21st. Please gather items to work on during our Lenten Soup Suppers: fellowship time at this meeting or be willing to teach Signups are on the wall by the walk through. Please others how to make baby blankets or sweaters. If you sign up for soup and/or bread. The first one, on Ash have finished projects that you would like to share Wednesday, will be hosted by the youth. with the group, please bring them to inspire the rest of us. Anniversary Note Cards: The Anniversary Committee has prepared note cards, New members are always in packets of 20 cards, for $15.00. The cards depict 4 welcome! Children’s Bell Choir: scenes of the Church Sanctuary dressed for 4 seasons will meet as usual---8:45 am on of the year. They are the perfect stationery to send a Sundays, downstairs. thank you or get well note to a friend while supporting the important Anniversary event of Faith and North Shore Lutheran Ministry. Faith Matters 7 February 2015 JANUARY 25TH 2015 VOTERS’ MEETING The January Voter’s Meeting began shortly after the 10:30 service with 28 people present. President Dick Hocking called the meeting to order and Pastor Menk opened the meeting with prayer. The agenda was projected on the screens in front of church as: Approval of Minutes Pastor’s Report: Highlights and Plans Year 2014 Treasurer’s Report and Proposed 2015 Budget Other Business Closing Prayer Year 2014 was an active year with many items to mention including: • Approval of the sale of the Redeemer property; • the celebration of the 60th Faith and 10th North Shore Lutheran anniversaries; • initiation of the Stephen Ministry training; • successful holiday support for Uptown Ministry; • the remodeling of the church office and the kitchenette area into a “Welcome Center”; • held 15 major fellowship events; • collected and sent “care” packages to the military; • Imani garden earned $1700 and the Manna Garden doubled in size at Prince of Peace, Waukegan; • had 5 events at the VA; • supported Lutherans for Life & Aid for Women; • held another successful VBS in June; • donated 65 quilts created by Tuesday Tie’ers for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League; • Feed My Starving Children participation by both children and adults. Plans for 2015 include: • • • • • • initiate a special task force to manage the major funds that Faith has and will be blessed with in the future; vacate the Redeemer property by August 1st; host a Dr. Meier special presentations in March; begin our Comfort Dog mission in earnest; paint sanctuary and 700 Deerpath; do ductwork repairs and remove a tree at Redeemer; also considering a new sign on Deerpath to replace our current one; new exterior doors and replacement of the sanctuary projectors which were used when we got them. As the year proceeds, there will be more to add to these listed items, and will include the continuation of many items mentioned above. Our financial report for the year included income of: $534,554 with expenditures of $522,837 and a net income of $11,717. Our 2015 budget includes an estimated income of $551,127 and expenditures of the same amount. Outreach would total 13% of the budget or $68,776. Salary increases would be 2%. Our Redeemer net income estimated at $69,418. The budget for 2015 was approved. Respectfully submitted, Jim Ellefson Secretary Faith Matters 8 February 2015 February 2015 Sun Mon th 4 Sun after Epiphany 1 8:00am-Worship 8:45am-Chilcren’s Bell Choir 9:00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS,Adult BS, Choir 10:30am-Worship w/communion th 5 Sun. after Epiphany 15 8:00am-Worship 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9:00am-Fellowship 9:15am-SS, Adult BS, Choir 10:30am-Worship w/communion st 1 Sun. in Lent Thu 3 4 9:30 am-Tuesday Tie’ers 5:30pm-Confirmation 7-9:00pm-Casa 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia Misericordia 9 Fri 5 Sat 6 7 10am-Lifelight 5:30pm-Bible Study 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia 10 4:00pm-Stephen Ministry Training 7:30pm-Steeple 5pm-Celebration Worship w/communion Quilters 11 12 13 Valentine’s Day 6:30pm-Worship and 4:00pm-Stephen Ministry Training 7:30pm-Steeple Music 7:00pm-Task Force 7-9:00pm-Casa 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia Presidents’ Day Misericordia 16 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia 17 Tie’ers 5:30pm-Bible Study 5:30pm-Confirmation 7pm-Elders 7pm-Church Council 7-9:00pm-Casa 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia Misericordia 23 Ash Wednesday 5:30pm-Confirmation 7-9:00pm-Casa 7-9:00pm-Casa Misericordia Misericordia 20 21 8am-Men of Faith 1:00pm-Outreach 4:00pm-Stephen Ministry Training 7:30pm-Steeple 5pm-Celebration Worship w/communion Quilters 25 10:00am-Midweek Lenten Service 10:30am-Bible Study 5:30pm-Bible Study 19 10am-Lifelight 5:30pm-Spaghetti Dinner 6:00pm-Bible Study 7:15pm-Midweek Lenten Service w/communion 24 Worship Quilters 18 10:00am-Midweek Lenten Service w/communion 10:30am-Bible Study 9:30am-Tuesday 5pm-Celebration 26 27 28 10am-Lifelight 5:30pm-Soup Supper 6:00pm-Bible Study/Choir 7:15pm-Midweek Lenten Service 4:00pm-Stephen Ministry Training 7:30pm-Steeple 5pm-Celebration Quilters Worship Every Sunday: 1-5:30pm-Casa Misericordia 7:00pm-Alcoholics Anonymous Faith Matters 14 11:30am-VA Luncheon, Golden Corral 22 8:00am Worship w/communion 8:45am-Children’s Bells 9:00-Fellowship 9:15am-SS, Adult BS, Choir 10:30am-Worship Wed 2 8 8:00am Worship w/communion 8:45am-Children’s Bell Choir 9:00-Fellowship 9:15am-SS, Adult BS, Choir 9:15am-Congregational Roundtable 10:30am-Worship Transfiguration Tue “In service to His Father, Christ exhibited a love we now share with others.” (Based on I John 4:8-10) 9 February 2015 February Worship Servants Sunday, February 1st Acolytes: Altar Care Assisting Ministers: Communion Assistant: Elders: Greeters: Lectors Ushers: Audio-Video Specialists: Object Lesson: Counters: David 8:00 am Philip Kolterman Altar Care Audio-Video Specialist 8:00 am* Cathy Kambol Peter Minster Acolytes: PJ Liphardt Brooke Stride Altar Care Gaye Sodke Assisting Ministers: Charles Rapp Steve Garchow Communion Assistant: Elders: Steve Garchow Greeters: Don & Gaye Sodke Wolf & Linda Kollacks Lectors Charles Rapp Ushers: 7th & 8th Graders Audio-Video Specialists: Jake Liphardt Allison Arof Object Lesson Mary Menk Betsy Grimes Counters: Barbara Balliet and Kim Madden Saturday, February 14th Audio-Video Specialist Sunday, February 15th Acolytes: Altar Care Assisting Ministers: Communion Assistant: Elders: William Hillistad 10:30 am* 8:00 am Brady Foster Will Wisniewski Maree Garchow Jim Arends Jim Arends Altar Care Audio-Video Specialist Judy Kraemer Peter Minster 5:00 pm* Acolytes: Altar Care Assisting Ministers: Communion Assistant: Elders: Greeters: Lectors: Ushers: Object Lesson: Audio-Video Specialists: 8:00 am* Saturday, February 28th 5:00 pm Audio-Video Specialist William Hillistad *indicates a communion service The monthly Sunday Servants schedule is subject to change. Please check the church web site for the latest version; go to and under Sermons / News you will find our Worship Assistant Schedule If you are unable to keep your scheduled time, please find a substitute and call the Church office (847-234-1868) to record the change COMMITTEES: President: Richard Hocking Vice President: Jan Bersano Secretary: Jim Ellefson Treasurer: Rick Bersano Financial Secretary: Virginia Coil ELDERS: Jim Arends Jeremy Foster Rich Nichols 10:30 am Anna Seyfert Ben Marwede Rhonda Sturm Charles Rapp Barb Rogers Barb Rogers Etta Narjes Bill & Gayle Seldon Charles Rapp Kolterman Jr. Family Mark Marwede Family Susie Kolterman Susie Kolterman Katie Bennett Judy Kraemer CHURCH OFFICERS: CHURCH OFFICE: 847-234 -1868 FAX: 847-234-1929 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site : STAFF: Pastor: Rev. Gerald R. Menk Director of Music: Karen M. Jirsa Administrative Assistants: Maree Garchow-Bellchambers Paula Derning Harriet Davidson Maintenance: Luis Silva Hector Marban Faith Matters Henry Kolterman Mary Menk Jim Kolterman, Jr. Rich Nichols The Kolterman Jr. Family Peter Minster Saturday, February 21st 5:00 pm 7:15 pm* Acolyte: Altar Care Communion Assistant: Lector: Ushers: Audio-Video Specialist Sunday, February 22nd 10:30 am Inge Knauz Howard & Diane Skoien Laura Seyfert The Foster Family Mary Menk Mary Menk Elise Kolterman Judy Kraemer Arlene Weith and Arlene Hocking Wednesday, February 18th 5:00 pm* Saturday, February 7th Sunday, February 8th 10:30 am* Whitney Wisniewski Carol Lundahl Charles Rapp Tim Gerk Barb Rogers Steve Garchow Barb Rogers Joe & Alice Magnani Bob & NancySalzwedel Rhonda Sturm Tim Gerk The Kolterman Family The Wisniewski Family Henry Kolterman Jim Ellefson Pastor Menk Pastor Menk Knauz and Don Sodke Greeters: Lectors: Ushers: Object Lesson Audio-Video Specialists: Counters: Steve Baughman Steve Garchow Barb Rogers Caring: Fellowship: Outreach: Parish Education: Property: Stewardship: Worship & Music: Cheryl Weimer Mary Menk Betsy Grimes Dick Hocking Steve and India Baughman Joel Minster Elisabeth Geltz Tim Gerk FOUNDATION OF FAITH: Bill Hume Sherry McFall 10 February 2015 Mary Ann Johnson Nancy Smith February Birthdays Ruth MacPhail Lainey Laughton Betty Leslie Samantha Magnani Cheryl Wiemer Ryan Bischoff Lauren Nelson Jim Moran Karl Seyfert Alexandra Stuenkel Marlene Witt Ernest Beutel Peter Waitzman Ted Witt Leanne Kaczmar Inga Buttelmann Jill Leon Rachel Magnani Holly Nelson Drew Seyfert Michelle Haas Kari Foster Rhonda Schmitz Justin Simons Melissa Arof Laura Liphardt February Wedding Anniversaries February 1 February 2 February 2 February 6 February 6 February 8 February 9 February 11 February 11 February 11 February 12 February 14 February 14 February 15 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 17 February 17 February 17 February 20 February 21 February 23 February 23 February 26 February 27 Couple Ted & Lynn Heitman Jack & Kristy Kirkwood Julia & Don Fiore Bill & Gayle Seldon Denis & Barbara Rogers Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Years Married 5 5 11 14 26 59 32 45 49 January Visitors Thank you THRIVENT MEMBERS! You are appreciated! You made the call and $352. from Choice Dollars have been directed to Faith. If you haven’t called this quarter, please do so! (1-800-847-4836) Say “CHOICE DOLLARS” and they will direct you. Or go online. It takes 5 minutes and they are friendly! Any questions, please contact Mary Menk. Faith Matters Date 11 David Roberts – Lake Forest Sue Behnke – Libertyville, IL Sarah Buckhorn - Libertyville, IL Paula & Dale Barnetta w/Joseph & David – Highland Park, IL Ed & Christy Cleveland w/Nathan - Lowell, IN Javier & Linda Cifuentes with Grace & Hannah – Lake Bluff, IL Lauren & Emily Hume Landon Carr Clem & Molly Graber - DeMotte, IN Philip Hartfield - Grayslake, IL Steve Barchow Donna & Tom Stuenkel Alyssa Whittington Alisha Barstler - Libertyville Sarah & Jim Sellers w/ Amelia - Highland Park, IL Steve & Hunter Kegel - Grayslake, IL Brian, Jessica & Kelsey Motyka – Libertyville Jim Pauley - Buffalo Grove The Prayer Chain Mailing is now available to all members of our congregation by email. For more information, or to add a prayer request, please contact Kim Madden at [email protected] or the Church Office at 847-234-1868 or [email protected] February 2015 Love is… patient not arrogant kind not rude not jealous not resentful not boastful rejoices in the right not irritable bears all things hopes all things believes all things endures all things does not rejoice at wrong does not insist on its own way Faith Lutheran Church 680 W Deerpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 Faith Matters 12 February 2015
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