February 2015 Gettysburg United Methodist Church 30 West High St. 717-334-3032 FAX 717-334-3572 Pastor’s cell 717-321-3149 [email protected] Women’s Drama for Holy Week… March 31st “Services of Repentance and Renewal” Jesus’ “Journey to Jerusalem” is beginning anew! Each year we are invited to share in the travel with Him. It will ultimately lead us to a cross and an empty tomb. The journey will…possibly… stir a new appreciation of God’s saving presence in the death and resurrection of Christ in and through us. Won’t You Join the Journey? It begins any day, but particularly on Ash Wednesday, February 18th when Christian people throughout the world gather to “go a new direction” (repentance) and receive “renewal” through their confession as well as the “imposition of ashes.” Gettysburg UMC will host a “Service of Repentance and Renewal” on Ash Wednesday, both at 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM (an informal lunch/service...reservations requested, by not required) and 7:00 PM. Persons are invited to gather for either service. All Are Welcome! TABLE OF CONTENTS Ash Wednesday Women’s Drama January Soup Kitchen Acknowledgements “Drop the Octave” & Dinner St Six Young Adult Ministry Women’s Retreat Hospitality…Make It a Special Sunday Ministry Did You Know? 2015 GUMC Scholarships On the Music Ministry Horizon Lenten Music We Invite Your Special Participation Youth Group News 2015 UMC Summer Camp ELC Class is Off and Running February Mission Can Easter Egg Hunt & Kite Flying Ladies Garden Tea Party Around the Community News York District UMC Day February Celebrations GUMC Spaghetti Dinner & Dance March Newsletter Deadline From the Pastor’s Desk Women’s Retreat Registration Form January Calendar Easter Lily Form Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Women were most attentive to the teaching, ministry, and life of Jesus. Mary and Martha, to mention two were intimate friends of Jesus, and thus, the Gospel narrative speaks of their special relationship. In this spirit, we are pleased to announce that our March 31st Dinner At Six Gathering will celebrate the significant relationships of such women with Jesus, To do so, we are preparing “A Women’s Upper Room Drama” and accordingly we are inviting women of the congregation and the community to prayerfully consider participation. – The speaking parts are brief; the costumes will be simple and tasteful; the rehearsals will be three or four one hour sessions. You are welcome to be a participant! Interested persons are invited to contact Pastor Jay about additional details or signup on the Gathering space poster. Also, we are pleased to announce that the Transitioners Class will once again this year serve as our meal hosts for the evening! How good! Please mark your calendar with this special Holy Week time of sharing! JANUARY SOUP KITCHEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to those contributors who gave their culinary gifts and made casseroles for the 3rd Tuesday of January. The volunteers for this past 3rd Tuesday included Janet Carlson, Donna Cropp, Sue Faust, Joyce Dye, Millie Ryder and Cindy Toussaint. If you would like to participate in one of our 3rd Tues. "Soup Kitchen Casserole Days," please contact our coordinator, Genny Reaver, at 334-2133. For the 5th Mon., contact Sue Ressler at 338-1728. “Drop the Octave” To Sing at… Dinner At Six Tuesday, February 24th at 6:00 PM “Dinner at Six” is a great place to connect with others as well as recharge your batteries! In that sense, please note that our Feb. 24th gathering of this monthly Congregational/ Community meal will host Gettysburg College’s Capella group, “Drop the Octave”. Many will recall that this sensational group was part of the Ladies Christmas Tea in 2013. How pleased we are to have them return! Plan now to join in the “food and fellowship!” You’ll receive a Blessing! You’ll be a Blessing! ADVANCED LAY SERVANT CLASS BEING OFFERED Registration form is available for the new 2-day format of “United Methodist Heritage and Polity” or “Worship” being held here at GUMC. on March 1 & 8 from 2-7:00 PM. Designed to fulfill one of the required courses of study for Lay Servants for certification. $50. Preregister by Feb. 16th. For more information, see Pastor Jay or Michele in the church office. Introducing our new “Young Adult” Ministry… The goal of our Young Adult Ministry is to connect young adults (adults between approximately the ages of 18 and 40) with Jesus Christ, our church community, and a community of fellow young adults who share a faith in Jesus Christ. We seek to provide social networking and service opportunities that will allow us to build and strengthen the community of Young Adults within Gettysburg United Methodist Church. Our Young Adult Ministry is currently being coordinated by Bonnie McCutcheon and Cindy Bittinger. They welcome your questions and ideas regarding this ministry! Who is a “Young Adult”? I know what you’re thinking – “isn’t that the youth group?” No, we're not talking about the youth group! "Young Adults" are those adults between about 18 and 40. We also welcome those who are "Young at Heart" to join us as well - after all, age is just a number! Young Adult Ministry Email List (You can email us at [email protected].) Name: _____________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________ SAVE THE DATE… Mark your calendar and register now for our next WOMEN’S RETREAT starting Friday evening, March 20, 2015 and all day Saturday, March 21, 2015 ending around 5 pm or so. The retreat will be held at Gettysburg United Methodist Church. Be part of this retreat and register today. Our theme, Hearing the Voice of God, will be read by Rev. Christine Rogan, a Pastor of two UMC churches and a Conference Evangelist of Western PA. Meet Christine Rogan… “I have a passion to save the lost and equip God’s people to serve Christ in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I received Christ as Lord and Savior in 1980- and heard the call to ministry in 1987. Immediately following the call, I experienced what Jesus described in Acts 1:5-8 as the baptism with the Holy Spirit and began preaching the gospel. I earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Edinboro University of PA in English/Writing and a Masters of Divinity/Pastoral Counseling from Ashland theological Seminary. I have received further training through the Billy Graham Assoc. of Amsterdam 2000, an event to equip evangelists and pastors for the evangelization of the world. In addition, I have received training in healing prayer under the teaching of Dr. Terry Wardle at Ashland Seminary. I have 10 years of pastoral ministry experience and have served as a Conference Evangelist four years.” Hospitality ... Make It A Special Sunday Ministry We have and have had some very special people offer a very special Sunday ministry! It all relates to the "Hospitality" time that we all enjoy from 10:00 10:25 AM each Sunday. Particularly, we recognize Tina Brady and Barbara and Tony Buenger along with Norma and Vic Reale, who for numerous years, provided our refreshments each first Sunday. We "thank them" for a job well done! In a similar way, we acknowledge Maxine and Meredith Ball and Genny Reaver for their on-going hosting of hospitality time refreshments on the third Sunday of the month. Their gifts are always visually appealing and a real joy to the palate! With a "new" kitchen and gathering space, we are seeking folks who would host our Hospitality Time on the first, second, fourth, or fifth Sundays of the month. Food is the essential item, as beverage and tableware are provided. For further information or to volunteer, please contact Sue Ressler, our Invitational Ministry Coordinator, at 338-1728 or call the church office at 334-3032. ??? Did You Know???? A variety of ministries take place on the Gettysburg College campus, including Disciplemakers, a ministry that is nationally based. -- Gettysburg UMC is pleased that our March Mission Can Offering (March 15th) will benefit Colleen Christian, who is a Gettysburg College graduate, who is currently ministering with on behalf of Disciplemakers. In a recent Disciplemakers newsletter, Colleen offers the following: There’s no doubt that God is raising up disciples on college campuses. But there are certain student groups that are presumably harder to reach, like fraternities, sororities, and athletes. Why do we shy away from reaching the “cool “ kids? Why do we assume they want nothing to do with Jesus? They need Him just as much as anyone! Here’s a link to a short video highlighting two of my co-workers at Gettysburg College, Clint and Jillian Watkins, and their efforts to reach these overlooked student groups. They are partnering with student leaders to reach athletes and Greek life, and one bible study has football and frat guys coming out consistently to learn about what it means that Jesus was the perfect man. He sets the standard for manhood, and on one can live up to it, but He offers Himself to be our perfections! Praise God for the work He is doing I these guys’ lives to open up His Word to them. http://vimeo.com/112738374. 2015 GUMC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Are you looking for a little monetary support as you prepare to head off to college the first time in the fall? If so, the GUMC Endowment committee invites you to apply for a 2015 Post High School Scholarship for college or vocational school. Applicants must be a member of GUMC and must also be anticipating their first semester this fall school year. Application forms are available in the church office (334-3032) or by contacting Mr. Larry Speer, Endowment Committee Chairman at [email protected] or 642-6123), Applications are due Sunday, April 12th, 2015. Scholarship awards will be will be made on Graduate Recognition Sunday, June 7th. If you have any questions regarding the application process please contact Larry. Thank you! … Easter will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in many significant ways, including most notably Jim Hendricks, a talented pianist, who will be with us on Sunday, April 12th, at 10:30 AM. Likewise, we are pleased to announce that the Westminster Ringer’s Ensemble group, Accelerando, will be leading us musically in worship on Sunday, May 31st. Plan to invite a friend, and join us! “Undivided”- Lenten Musical Group As part of our Sunday night Lenten Lyrics, an eight –member group called “Undivided” will present a musical program on Sunday, February 22nd at 7 PM. The group is from the Chambersburg area and represents four congregations. They perform a variety of music: gospel, contemporary, inspirational and Southern gospel. The group members are: David and Lori Grove, Steve Delaney, Amanada Wolf, Owen and Michelle Myers; Tina Lehmas and Brad Martin with technician, Wannette Horst. Bring a neighbor, friend or relative to our weekly Sunday evening concerts. A free-will offering will be taken. Below is the entire Lenten Music Concert schedule: February 22 Undivided (Mixed group) March 1 Eastern Gate Trio (Men’s Quartet) March 8 Dave Powers March 15 The Village Brass Band March 22 Daystar (Men’s Trio) March 29 Victory Express (Family Quartet) We are looking for volunteers for our Clothing Closet on Wednesdays. Please call the church office at 334-3032 We Invite Your Special Participation ..... Ministry is a gift that we each offer in praise and thanksgiving! Some cook! Some shovel snow! Some lead a study group! Others are worship leaders! Still others contribute a monetary gift! Each is significant in our ministry! In this spirit, please be reminded, especially as we begin this new year, that there are several on-going ways that your ministry gifts contribute wonderfully to our Sunday celebrations. These include: * Serving As A Greeter Prior to Worship -- Two persons often serve on a given Sunday, but a single greeter is also a real blessing! * Flower Sponsorship -- God is honored when lovely altar flowers are provided by you and others. The cost is $30/Sunday for two arrangements. Our florist, Flower Boutique, processes the billing when you sponsor altar flowers for a given Sunday. -- You are welcome to take the flowers home or give them to a friend, shut-in, etc. Please see the "flower chart" signup sheet outside the church office area. * Worship Leader -- Engaging the congregation in worship is a time honored ministry! We invite all persons to share in the proclamation of God's Holy Word, in the sharing of the sacraments, and witness of God's grace. * Worship Bulletin Sponsorship -- In recent years our lovely Transfiguration of Christ stained-glass window has been the focus of our worship bulletin. It is a weekly reminder of Christ's mountaintop experience, as well as the generosity of Marian Shears and her mother, who contributed the window years ago. You can continue this celebration by sponsoring our Sunday bulletins in memory or in honor of someone special. The weekly cost is $20, made payable to "Gettysburg UMC." Sign-up Information for each of the above ministries is locating on the bulletin outside of the church office. Thank you for the anticipation of your ministry! YOUTH GROUP NEWS Every Sunday evening from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Don’t Miss It! 2015 U.M. C. SUMMER CAMP Believe it or not, summer is coming! With it there will be green grass, pool time, picnics, vacation, and whatever else goes along with warm weather! However, please don't forget to put United Methodist Summer Church Camp on your calendar! --- It is quite literally a week or weekend that you won't forget! There is something for everyone .....Music Camps, Adventure Camps, Special Needs Camps, Mini Camps, Intergenerational Camps, Sports Camps, etc. All camps for our Susquehanna Conference are under the theme: "All Things New ... Finding Your True Self in Jesus." --- Once again this year, Gettysburg UMC is pleased to offer 1/2 tuition for any young person, who plans to attend one of our conference camps. Please note that the Early Bird Discount is effective through April 1st. Please contact our treasurer, Mr. Fred Myers, for payment/registration details Schedule and Registration are now online, and in our church office. Go to: www.susumc.org. The 2015 theme is “Get Real with Jesus!” with “Lots of exciting new events are available for children, youth and adults.” ESL Class Is Off and "Running" You can feel the enthusiasm in the air! Toni Carlson, daughter-in-law of Janet and Ken Carlson, began a very special ESL (English as a Second Language) Class for Spanish speaking folks on Monday, February 2nd. The group, of which there are 6 or 7 already, will gather each Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 11/11:15 AM in the GUMC Fellowship Hall area. All are welcome! -- For additional information, please call the church office at 334-3032 or Toni at 334-0222. -- We "thank Toni" for your gifts and graces, as also her enthusiasm! Wow! If you would like an electronic Giving Statement, please email Fred Myers, our church treasurer, at [email protected] FEBRUARY MISSION CAN It is with great pleasure that our Mission Committee announces that the February Mission Can will be The Neighborhood Center UMC in Harrisburg. Thanks so much for the anticipation of your gift on Sunday, February 15th … our (Mission Can) third Sunday. ARE YOU THINKING OF JOINING GUMC? How pleased we are to announce that we will be receiving new members into our church in the near future! There are several ways that membership can take place: Letter of Transfer: Persons currently belong to another congregation nearby or in another community, etc. The desire to transfer membership is activated by having our church office (334-3032) request a "letter of transfer" from the other congregation (United Methodist, Lutheran, etc.). Profession of Faith: Persons who have never joined a congregation are invited to receive membership by expressing their faith in Jesus Christ. Our hymnal has a brief order of worship for this celebration. The profession of faith may take place during the service or privately. ---For persons who have not been baptized, the Sacrament of Baptism is the means of union with the church. Reaffirmation of Faith: Persons whose membership in another congregation has lapsed may be united with the church by a brief reaffirmation of faith. This may take place in worship or privately. Associate Membership: Persons who have their United Methodist Church membership in another congregation (and seek to retain it) may become an "associate member" in the Gettysburg Church family. What is next? If you are a person who has been prayerfully considering union with our congregation, we say thank you for your prayers! Please note that Gettysburg Church will receive new members on Sunday, March 22nd at 10:30 AM. An informal, get acquainted will be held on both Sundays, March 15th and 22nd at 9:00 PM in Pastor Jay’s office. For further information, you are welcome to call Pastor Jay at 321-3149 or Sue Ressler, our Coordinator of Invitational Ministries, at 338-1728. Welcome! Easter Egg Hunt + kite flying on Sunday, March 29th, at 2:00 PM at the Rec Park Our annual community Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Sunday, March 29th at 2:00 pm at the Gettysburg Rec Park. Children ages 12 and under are encouraged to attend. Last year, over 1,000 plastic eggs were filled with candy and prizes, thanks to the many donations of goodies from our congregation. This year we hope, it will be bigger and more fun with our 2nd “Kite-Flying” Event, which immediately follows the Easter Egg Hunt. The Kite-Flying is for all ages! We are collecting items again this year for filling eggs! All candy should be pre-wrapped and be small enough to fit inside the plastics eggs. Small toy items are welcome too. A great team of volunteers have a significant number of eggs stuffed already, but we have more to go. So is your eggs and help are valued. Donated candy can be placed in the large box in the hallway that is marked "Egg Hunt Candy". Thank you! There will be prizes for the kit flying, including the highest flying, most decorated, longest tail, most unique kite, prettiest, oldest, youngest flyer and oldest flyer, etc… a special gift for all “flyers”. Everyone is invited to participate! Save the Date… for a Garden Tea Party Celebrate the special women in your life this May at our first Mother’s Day Tea! Saturday, May 9 Doors open at 1 PM for silent auction, entertainment, and socializing; Tea served at 3 PM Watch for more details! Tickets go on sale in March. Want to help us plan this year’s tea? Join us at our first planning meeting directly following church on Sunday, February 15. Please indicate your interest by contacting Bonnie McCutcheon at 398-8952 or [email protected]. Gentlemen… As always, we are in need of servers for this year’s tea. Please let Bonnie McCutcheon or Michele in the office know if you are willing to help out. Around Our Community News *GIRLS GATHERING FOR GOD ..... FEB. 6th & 7th … "God Calls Me for Who I Am" is the theme that is capturing the essence of this year's Susquehanna Conference "Girls Gathering for God Overnight Retreat," at Fishing Creek Salem UMC, 402 Valley Rd., in Etters, PA. All girls in grades 7 thru 12 are welcome! The registration cost is $25.00 per teen girl, which includes Friday Night Pizza, Saturday Breakfast and Lunch, and the 2015 GGG Long Sleeve T-Shirt. This year is a live concert by "3 Shades of Blue." --- This special ministry is sponsored by the United Methodist Women, whose mission is to "bring teen girls from across the conference together to get to know each other as Christian friends, and in so doing develop a strong relationship with God." Please see church office for all the details, including a registration form. Registration deadline is January 21st. Don't Miss It! *MAJESTIC THEATER … will present the movie“Happy” on Tuesday, Feb. 17th at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:15 PM. Sponsored by Family First Health, Healthy Adams County and True North. Tickets are free and can be reserved by calling the theater at 717-3378200. *WELLSPAN HORIZON PLANNING… Learn how to plan ahead for a personal medical crisis. Class held on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 7:30-8:3: AM, Monday, Feb. 9, Noon1:00 PM OR Tuesday, March 3, 7:30-8:30 PM. More information at 717-337-4137. *CAMP EDER SENIOR CITIZEN’S DAY … All are invited for the Day activities and traditional Thanksgiving Luncheon at Camp Eder on 914 Mount Hope Rd.in Fairfield on Wednesday, February 25th. Leah Hileman, singer, songwriter and recording artist, will present a fabulous musical program coming nostalgic favorites, hymns about the love of God and few original love songs. Leah is the author of nearly 300 songs and as performed throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Caribbean. Glenda Shetter will present a lecture & demonstration of quilts used as codes on the Underground Railroad to assist slaves on their journey North. The schedule begins with Meet & Greet at 9:30 AM, continental breakfast and morning activities at 10 AM , lunch at 12 noon, and the afternoon program at 1 PM. Lunch is Chicken Parmigianino over linguini with Marinara Sauce, vegetable, salad, bread and dessert. Cost is $15/Person (Covers all food & activities). Call ahead to reserve at 717-642-8256 or email Lori Jackson at [email protected]. *STRAWBERRY HILL'S ANNUAL MOUNT HOPE MAPLE MADNESS … is quickly approaching, with pancake breakfasts and maple sugaring tours (plus great crafts vendors!) set for February 28th and March 7th. Breakfast is $8/adults, $4/children and under 3 free. Maple Sugaring programs are $8/-embers, and $5 for members and children ages 3-12. Buy both and save at $12/adults and $7/children. Your help is needed to make this event a sweet success. Volunteers are also needed to help tap trees and collect sap throughout March’s maple sugaring season. If you are interested in any of the volunteering opportunities below, please call (717) 642-5840 or email [email protected]. *SPRING SCRAPBOOK RETREAT AT CAMP EDER … Join the group as they gather for another wonderful weekend of Scrapbooking and relaxation at Camp Eder on 914 Mount Hope Rd.in Fairfield on March 13-15th. Arrive on Friday any time after 6 PM. Head home on Sunday after lunch. Two nights of lodging and five meals included. The overnight accommodations in Tree of Peace Lodge ($125) are limited. Geigley Dorms ($85) will be used for overflow, Call for more information and to register at 717-642-8256 or online at www.campeder.org. (You will need to bring some items for the class and linens,) There is a $10 discount if you pay in full before February 16th. Mark Your Calendar! York District UMC Day at the York Revolution stadium on Sunday, July 12th at 5:00 PM. More details coming. Gettysburg United Methodist Church 30 West High Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 Phone 717-334-3032 Fax: 717-334-3032 www.gettysburgumc.org e-mail address: [email protected] Rev. Jay E. Zimmerman Cell No. 717- 321-3149 Our Church Staff…Serving with You in Ministry Rev. Jay E. Zimmerman Debbie Henning Fred Myers Julie Reaver Sue Ressler Juan Sierra Michele Thompson Megan Tolar Cindy Van Arsdale Pastor Music Director Treasurer Organist Coordinator of Invitational Ministries Custodian Administrative Assistant Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator Child Care Provider REMINDER The Deadline for the March Newsletter is Friday, February 22nd. Please be sure to send in your announcements. February Celebrations BIRTHDAYS 23791213171820212225262728- Kim White Bud Steckman Bill Krishan Jay Gessaman Peggy Mallorey Zachary Marlowe John Bergeron Luann Light Cora Koser Carlos Wampler Pat Kellam Amy White Abby Fortnum Connor Nace Andrew Shevchuk Michael White Hosted by GUMC Youth Fellowship Ralph Morgan Luke DeCampo Tim Geesaman Meredith Ball Buddy Angleberger ANNIVERSARIES 10- Tina and Matthew Bradey 10- Pat and Tom Kellam PLEASE jot down your anniversary, birthday and/or birthday of you or your family on a note and drop it in Michele’s mailbox. This way your celebration is listed. Saturday, February 28th 5:00 – 8:00 PM Doors open at 4:30 PM with dinner being served at 5:00 PM Dancing after dinner until 8:00 PM. Adult Tickets are $15.00 per couple, $8 per single Tickets on sale from February 8th –22nd Dear Gettysburg Church Family and Friends, It's February .... the "Love Month!" Not that other months do not encompass the spirit of love, it's just that February seems to have a corner on the market ... for obvious reasons. The Biblical narrative talks often about love, whether it's the Old Testament or the New Testament proclamation. The reason is pretty simple: "When You Talk About God, As Also the Dynamics of Life, Love Is Involved." Love is the noun ... the verb, and even the adjective that is manifest in divine/human relationships. To use a well-known analogy, it is the "glue" that keeps relationships going in a healthy, vital direction. As strange as it might sound, the dynamics of love have become very "up front" for the Zimmerman family in recent days. Yes, as you probably heard, our daughter, Erin, and her husband, Zach, are anticipating the birth of a baby on July 22nd. (Erin is dying to know whether the baby will be a boy or a girl, while all the more cheering for a girl.) We, as expectant grandparents, are focused on a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Likewise, our younger daughter, Lauren, is well connected to Colin, a young man serving in the Army, just like our son-in-law. For Linda and me, Lauren and Colin's relationship has been somewhat like reliving our senior year in college, when we met and eventually envisioned a life together. The affirmations of love are inspiring! How cool! In it all, love is rarely mentioned, at least in an overt manner, yet, it is so obvious. Actions, of course, speak louder than words. -- Maybe that's the point of my sharing with you today. Quite simply, Love Is Both An Emotion And a Decision. Your words can capture both of these, but how you put love into play says more than anything else. I can't help but conclude that God's action in Jesus Christ continues to set the pace for love in your life, as in mine! Blessings of love to you and yours in Christ! In Christ's Ministry, Jay E. Zimmerman, pastor
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