FILLIPS FROM F EBRUA RY 201 5 Vo l um e XL VII , N o. 9 Pr e s ch oo l : 3 7 9- 70 74 Fax : 3 79 -7 07 3 of f ic e @ f a it h se g u in . or g w w w . f a it h s e gu i n. o r g 1326 E. Cedar Street, Seguin, Texas 78155, 379-7036 Flowers in February 1st—Carolyn Westerholm 8th—Available 15th—Eileen Schultz 22nd—David & Betty Moltz Things to Remember • Blood Drive— February 8th, 10:00 AM to Noon • Ash Wednesday— February 18th • Daylight Saving Time Begins— Sunday, March 8th • Easter Sunday— April 5th A FEW WORDS FROM PASTOR CROSS… Believe it or not, the Bible has a great deal to say about saying farewell. Take Jesus for example, his final instructions to his disciples are sort of legendary in the church. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age,” Matthew 28:19-20. In John 20:21 Jesus said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” And in still another place (Acts 1:6-8) we read, “So when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’” And if that were not enough there is the whole 21st chapter of John. To some degree it makes it a little confusing as to exactly what Jesus’ final words were to his disciples. Maybe this is a function of a long good-bye. In any case, these passages share a common theme…farewell with Jesus is not farewell, but an instruction to go into the mission field and be busy about the work of the kingdom. Paul had to say farewell a lot as well. His final farewell to the Corinthian church is quite to the point, “Finally, brethren, farewell. Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all,” 2 Corinthians 13:11-14, RSV. Another good farewell from Paul is found in Philippians 1:27, “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel….” But perhaps my favorite farewell from the Bible, is Paul’s farewell to the elders of the church as Ephesus recorded in Acts 20:17-36. I won’t reproduce it here, rather I would encourage you to read it for yourselves. It’s quite sobering and reminds believers to be on their guard and continue in the core message of, “repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.” If I might borrow a sentiment from the Bible’s farewells, it would be the love that they express and the partnership in the gospel. First, foremost, and always, the mission of Christ is about these two things. God’s richest and best to you all. Pa g e 2 FE BRU AR Y Blood Drive to be Held February 8th February Birthdays 01Charlotte Koehler The Social Concerns Committee will sponsor the first blood drive of the new year on Sunday, February 8th, in the Life Enrichment Center from 10:00 AM to Noon . Requirements: Donors must be at least 17 years of age (or 16 with signed parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds (or 120 pounds if 16 years old) and be in good general health. Donors must present photo ID, last four digits of their social security number, and their birthdate. 01Kate Cooksey 01JoAnn Bogisch 01 Donna Raetzsch 02 Mark Westerholm Donors from the community are welcome, so invite your friends and extended family. Please consider donating blood because you may be giving the gift of life to someone in need. Hope to see you there! 03 Megan Reiley 05 David Welsch 05 Keisha Sheppard 07 Nathan Wolber 07 Joshua Smithpeter Highlights of the Annual Meeting 08 Brenda Bloch The members of Faith elected the following people to fill three vacancies on Church Council: Ed Engelhardt, Derick Kauitzsch, and Albert Menn. 10 Faron Sagebiel 11 Kay Bless 12 Courtney Nauert 12 Grant Coleman 12 Jerad Shelnutt Phil and Leyla Wuest were elected as delegates to the LCMC Gatherings. The Wuests will represent Faith at both the Texas District and the National Gatherings in 2015. The Texas District Gathering will be held July 31 to August 1, in Victoria, Texas, while the National LCMC gathering will be held October 4-7, in Dallas, Texas. The 2014 Annual Meeting minutes and the Congregational Budget Meeting minutes were approved. Reports from the Financial Review Committee, the Treasurer, and the Endowment Committee were also given. Pa g e 3 P RE S C HOO L NEWS We ware thrilled to be back at school after the Christmas Holidays but can’t believe that we are halfway through the school year! Mrs. Candi and Ms. Sherri’s Mother’s Morning Out Class had fun learning about winter. They studied snowmen and penguins, learned a cute “penguin walk,” and made “snow” winter paintings. They read the Gingerbread Man and made gingerbread cookies—yum yum! The children enjoyed White Day. They wore white clothing and ate all white snacks—coconut water, vanilla yogurt, and white chocolate pretzels to help identify the color. February Birthdays 14 Jonathan Andrews Mrs. Beasely’s Three-Day Class studied winter weather and made snowy paintings and snowflakes. The children began the Sound Table Game and had fun learning the letter L. To help reinforce the letter sound, they made Little Lamb pictures and Leaf rubbings. 14 Richie Harrington Mrs. Neuman and Mrs Stollewerk’s Five-Day Class units were winter weather, Arctic animals, and hibernation. Making polar bears with their version of “fur” was a big hit with the children. (Try mixing shaving cream with glue— it is so cool!) The much anticipated Sound Table Game began with the study of the letter L. Everywhere you looked there were activities and manipulatives to introduce the letter L: lacing, Legos, and Lincoln Logs to name a few. The children were brave and tasted new foods that began with L at snack time. A special celebration was held for the 10th Anniversary of the book Llama Llama Red Pajama. The children came to school in their pjs and had fun creating llamas during art and eating llama biscuits. 17 Glen Patteson Both the Three and Five Day teachers have been busy with student evaluations. Parent / teacher conferences will be scheduled soon, and these evaluations will be reviewed with parents. Chapel is always a special time for the children. We learned about Jesus as a Boy, Jesus in the Temple, and Let the Little Children Come to Me. We always enjoy our visits to Chapel. Preschool Registration Registration for Faith members and returning students will open February 1 st and run through the month of February. Please remember to submit the $125.00 deposit to Director Sharon Stollewerk to reserve a spot for your child. Registration will open to the general public in March. For more information please call 379 -7074. 14 Carolyn Zipp 18 Kaleigh Lange 18 G. P. Day 18 Clara Fischer 18 Nancy Estes 20 Amy Casey 20 Sara Benner 21 Claire Reininger 21 Kent Coleman 22 Dillon Pargmann 26 Cathy Mauermann 27 Melba Govett 27 Nancy Frase Pa g e 4 FE BRU AR Y WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF FAITH! Vivian Leigh Vogel, daughter of Robby and Tricia Vogel, was received into the Kingdom of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on January 25, 2015. Prayers are requested for Vivian as she begins a New Life in Christ. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF FAITH! Tyler Mark Parten, son of Hunter and Christie Parten, was received into the Kingdom of God through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on January 25, 2015. Prayers are requested for Tyler as he begins a New Life in Christ. February Anniversaries 07 Matt & Julie Sherwood 18 Kent & Tammy Coleman 25 Dave & Jennifer Benner Christian Cupboard Item of the Month Food Drive Congratulations: Caleb and Jessica Ramos, who were blessed with the birth of their daughter, Mallory Amelia, on January 8, 2015, in San Marcos, Texas. Proud grandparents are Manuel and Sara Ramos. The Social Concerns Committee continues to sponsor the Item of the Month Food Drive to benefit the Christian Cupboard. For the month of February, the Christian Cupboard states that their most needed item is coffee. This includes any type of coffee, ground, instant, flavored, etc. Please bring your donations through February 28th and place them in the basket in the Narthex marked Christian Cupboard. Items of the month for the next two months are as follows: March, canned beans, and April, canned fruit. Faith’s members have always been wonderful supporters of the Christian Cupboard, and the Social Concerns Committee thanks you for your continued generosity. You have helped us make the Item of the Month Food Drive a success! New Monday Morning Prayer Group Anyone interested in participating in a new prayer group is invited to meet on Monday mornings at 6:50 AM in the small kitchen for coffee and donuts with prayer to begin at 7:00 AM. The focus of this prayer group will be to pray for our congregation in its time of transition. All are welcome! Pa g e 5 Church Council Communication Corner Church Council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM with agenda-setting meetings on the first Tuesday of the month also at 6:30 PM. Any member of the congregation who would like to bring something before the council is encouraged to contact any council member or attend the agenda-setting and council meetings for the month. Highlights from the January Council Meeting: The Church Council is in the process of securing pulpit supply pastors to begin performing worship services the first week of February. The Council has initiated the search for an Intentional Interim Pastor. The Task Force has begun organizing the many recommendations received in the Church Doctor's report. Anyone who still wants a copy of the report is welcome to contact the church office. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Mr. Andrew Dalton, brotherin-law of John and Casi Wilke. Mr. Dalton passed through death into Eternal Life on January 8, 2015, in Garden Ridge, Texas. Funeral services were held on January 14th. Social Concerns Committee to Sponsor San Antonio Food Bank Distribution Faith’s Social Concerns Committee has partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to distribute food to approximately 150 - 200 Seguin and Guadalupe County residents. The committee is seeking volunteers who are willing to lend a hand on Saturday, March 7th, from 9:30 AM to12:30 PM. Volunteers will be tasked with unloading boxes of food from a refrigerated Food Bank truck, breaking down boxes, and/or putting individual food items into bags that will then be placed in trunks of cars in a drive-through line in the east parking lot. Anyone interested in helping should look for the sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the narthex. Response to the initial announcement was good; however, 10 or 12 more people are still needed. Please consider volunteering your time for this worthy community service project. If you are unable to help in March, save the date of Saturday, June 6th, because that is when a second distribution day has been scheduled. Lenten Season Schedule Announced The season of Lent is right around the corner with Ash Wednesday falling on February 18th. All the evening worship services will begin at 7:00 PM. This includes Ash Wednesday, midweek Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday worship services. The Wednesday night Lenten meals will be served beginning at 5:30 in the LEC. You are invited each Wednesday during Lent to gather for supper and worship as we prepare our hearts and minds and look to the cross during the 40 days of Lent. Regular Wednesday night activities will temporarily change schedule during Lent. Beginning February 18th the Handbells will practice at 5:30 PM, and the Chancel Singers will practice immediately following midweek worship. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Mrs. Vivian Nesloney, sister of Sammie Gibson. Mrs. Nesloney passed through death into Eternal Life on January 11, 2015, in Gonzales, Texas. Funeral services were held in Gonzales on January 14th. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Mr. Lester Brawner, brotherin-law of Lenoir and Jim Hilbert. Mr. Brawner passed through death into Eternal Life on January 25, 2015, in Seguin. Funeral services were held at Christ Lutheran Church of Elm Creek on January 28th. Pa g e 6 FE BRU AR Y In case anyone was wondering… Faith does have WiFi access on the church grounds. The password is Faith1326. Those who wish to connect their device (smart phone, laptop, tablet, ipad, etc.) are welcome to login using the password. Sunday School is back in full swing for the new year. We started the year with sandbox stories by Diana Ball and a craft by Vicki Bierstedt. Both of these activities reinforced the 10 Commandments for the children. Parents are encouraged to keep the children’s craft projects and to allow them to refer to it throughout the month. We have some exciting lessons and activities planned in February. Please join us each Sunday at 10:30 AM for class. Remember to bring a friend! A reminder to parents...there is NO SUPERVISION for your children until 10:30! Please keep your children with you after church until you walk them to the choir room for class. If you have not turned in your time and talent sheet (or if you did and weren't sure what to mark) and would like to help with Sunday School or any other aspect of Parish Education, please notify the church office or contact Amy Casey. Children listen intently to sandbox stories. This handson activity is always a big hit. FAITH on Tour 50th Anniversary Celebration To Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran Church in 2016, we are taking our FAITH on Tour! Mission: Serve God’s people in our community. Celebrate the History and Future of Faith Lutheran Church. Your Task: We need you to think of a community place or group you would like to serve, organize, and perform a service project for them with the support of the 50th Anniversary Task Force and celebrate 50 years of Faith. Contact Amy Cantrell with your ideas for service. 830-556-6711 or [email protected] Pa g e 7 MEN OF FAITH The Men of Faith Lutheran Church will meet in the Activity Center from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM for breakfast and a devotional on Saturday, February 21st. WOMEN OF FAITH IN FEBRUARY HOPE CIRCLE—Thursday, February 19th, 2:00 PM at the home of Carolyn Westerholm, 1567 Golden Sage CHARITY CIRCLE—Monday, February 16th, 7:00 PM at the home of Deloris Atzger, 1249 FM 467 LOVE CIRCLE—Tuesday, February 17th, 9:30 AM in the Activity Center From Faith…to Faith The 1890 Zion Lutheran Church was recently restored and moved to its current location as part of the village at the Texas Agricultural Education and Heritage Center on Cordova Road. In 1952 a Bible was purchased by Faith Lutheran church of Bellaire, Texas. In 1966 this Bible was given to the new mission congregation in Seguin also known as Faith Lutheran Church. Having been used for over 64 years, the Bible’s binding was broken and difficult to handle. A new Bible was recently given to us as a memorial gift. Therefore, on February 27th this original Bible, which was used in Faith’s first worship service held at Seguin High School, will be given to the recently restored 1890 Zion Lutheran Church, located in the Pioneer Village at the Texas Agricultural Educational and Heritage Center on Cordova Road. February 27th marks the first day of Faith’s 50th year. This will be one of the “Fifty Projects in Fifty Weeks” included in the Faith on Tour events to celebrate the anniversary. Congratul ations To: Jason and Cori (Blaschke) Bloch who were united in holy marriage on January 2, 2015 in Dripping Springs, Texas. The flower chart for 2015 is posted on the bulletin board outside the office. If you would like to provide flowers this year, please sign up for the Sunday of your choice. Placing altar flowers can be a nice way to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or honor loved ones who are no longer with us. Camp Eagle Wednesdays Are Fun Too!! We currently have a few extra spots available for Camp Eagle the week of July 26-31. At this point, we would like to extend registration to friends and family who have completed grades 6-12, who are nonmembers. Contact Mark at the church office if you have any further questions. Don’t forget to invite, invite, invite!! Menu for February February 4 - Groundhog Stew February 11 - Peek-A-Boo Pie February 18 - Chicken (Jr/Sr High) Lenten Dinner February 25 - Tacos (Senior High) Lenten Dinner ROCK ON FOR LIFE Junior High This Month! Rock On For Life 2015 will be on Sunday, February 22, 2015 at St. James Catholic Church Family Center from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. More information to come soon! The Junior High Youth will be attending the Quake youth event in San Antonio from February 13-15. This will be a fun weekend of praise, worship, and growing in faith. Please keep the following youth and sponsors in your prayers as they venture to San Antonio to grow in Christ: Luke Roswell, Rayne Wegehaupt, Ty Edwards, Alaina Rodriguez, Kate Sherwood, Mark Westerholm, and Gena Edwards. Senior High Impact in Chicago Impact in Chicago will be here before you know it! We are currently in the process of setting up hotel and travel arrangements and should have an exact price in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more info! A big thank you goes out to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for our youth as they trekked the snowy mountains of Northern New Mexico! Great times were had by all and many memories were made. 8 OUR LOVE AND PRAYERS GO OUT TO Jeff Mueller Allan Dreibrodt Phoebe Weise Kelton Lange Sydney Brucks Tootsie Rodgers Steve Shashack Donald Jackson Nora Lavalett Dorothy Burris Jody Dixon Lillian Lippe Ronnie Glenewinkel Jamie Shashack Ken Pfeil Glenda Leiber Jim Leiber Laura Nash Bill Mires Julie Sagebiel Danny, friend of Ben and Phoebe Weise Allison Goodson, friend of Janyce Dreibrodt Mildred Weaver, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg Dianne Levy, daughter of Sue and Chunkie Harwell Donna Becker, sister of Debbie Lehmann Reid Strauss, great-grandson of Carla Anderson John Murray, brother of Sandy Wille Marilyn McLauchlan, mother of Jamie Shashack Michelle Jesse, niece of Janet Wolber Nancy Mercer, friend of Kim, Deborah, and Diane Judy Spruce, sister of Patty Fox Debbie Dykes, friend of Doris Beicker Kim Isaacs, sister of Kristin Moum Ana Maria Rush, friend of Al and Debbie Bacon Kathy Spitler, friend of Marvin and Loretta DeLong Kenny Dykes, brother of Sharon Westerholm Max Owens, brother-in-law of Sammie Gibson Melissa Kaiser, sister of Cori Bloch Miles Takington, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehman Betty Wiederstein, sister of Dorothy Burris Marilyn Lubbering, niece of Dorothy Burris Shirley Masterson, relative of Ruby, Mona & Roxanne Sara Rainwater, friend of Allan and Janyce Dreibrodt Ted Andrews, father of Mike Andrews Judi Pyburn, sister of Jerry Vogel Audrey/Amelia Hettinger, friends of Margie Campbell Ray Speight, brother of Barbara Hilbert Bridgette Smith, great-great niece of Clara Fischer Barbara Harborth, sister of Linda Foreman Peggy Staton, friend of Faith Lutheran Church Emmett Engelke, friend of Ted and Doris Engelhardt Corinne and Paul Becker, family of Don/Emma Jean Becker Eric Moum, brother of Kristin Moum LeAnn Kenworthy, friend of Doug and Vicki Bierstedt Clara Lindig, mother of Melvin Lindig Marilyn King, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster Jo Ann Hoel, cousin of Anita Hoff Kim Nelson, cousin of Betty Moltz Abbey Wilkens, daughter of Nick and Ashley Wilkens Helen Walker, grandmother of Sara Edwards George Sullivan, brother of Julia Glenewinkel Doug Brown, brother of Sammie Pooley-Means Michelle Waag, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehmann Brenda Hodge, step-mother of Richard Hodge Father Dennis Darilek, Priest at St. James Catholic Church Felix Garza , friend of Katharine Schievelbein Sheryll Tovar , friend of Katharine Schievelbein Kenny Corby, son-in-law of Chunkie and Sue Harwell Charles Ratliff, father-in-law of Diane Ratliff Cristo Rey Lutheran Church, Pharr, Texas Art Hiltgen, brother/uncle of Glenda Leiber/Nicole Dietz Nora Naumann, friend of Wallace and Coreen Dube Felix Hahn, Jr., father of Margie Campbell Ron Ridge, father of Syndra Schulze Pam Taggart, sister of Lisa Lohmeyer Kathy Gorman, friend of Dolly West Barbara Roesler, cousin of JoAnn Bogisch Barbara Campbell, mother of Jonathan Campbell Dianne Mueller, mother of Mike Mueller Wanda Linsey, sister-in-law of Ruby Linsey Rebecca Haskin, niece of Carolyn Sagebiel Leigh Couch, sister of Kathy Ersch Glen, Gene, and Wanda Badgett, family of Clara Fischer Nancy Rodgers, sister of Damon Rodgers John Brannan, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster Diane Allbaugh, friend of Birdie Kuempel Faye Henze, sister of Birdie Kuempel Lessie Shashack, mother of Steve and Jamie Shashack Marti Radicke, friend of the Reiningers Pat Armour, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg Mary Moss, cousin of Jo Ann Bogisch Amy McCallick, friend of the James Walker Family Edward Marquardt, brother of Sherline Bogisch Clay Brawner, cousin of Rusty Reininger Erika Dubois, mother of Patrick Lang Willie Mae Brondstad, mother of Donna Boelter Landon Douglass, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer Steve Koehler, son of Charles Koehler Marjorie Treadaway, mother of Phoebe Weise Tuddy and Jeanette Dietz, friends of Chris/Nikki Lange Family of Clyde Weikert, friends of Tim Bogisch Family Rose Hunt, friend of Faith Lutheran Church Herb and Helen Roberts, friends of Bill Keller Cherie Almand, friend of Vanita Hodge Sandra Aadland, mother of Kolleen Kallus Richard Luensmann, friend of the Reiley Family Mary Herrera, friend of Irene Menn Nancy Bittrich, sister of Susan Wuest Nancy Swanger, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer Ron Marcotte, friend of Ted and Doris Engelhardt Michael Kunze, friend of Jesse and Deloris Atzger Family of Brittane Flowers, friend of James Lange 9 FAITH WORKERS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 1ST CO MMUNIO N ASSISTANTS USHERS LAY READER ALTAR Set Up GUILD Clean Up NURSERY HELPERS GREETERS ACOLYTES COMMUNION COUNT LOCK UP USHERS Sunday School Church FEBRUARY 8TH FEBRUARY 15TH FEBRUARY 22ND Mary Flippin Amy Cantrell Count: Mary/David B Lock Up: David Brucks Jesse Atzger, Cpt. Dickie Ullrich David Moltz Fred Blumberg Count: Karen Huff David Brucks Lock Up: Melvin Boelter, Cpt. Doug Bierstedt John Kuempel Kirby Fransen Kitty Keller Karen Huff Count: Amy/Karen Lock Up: Chris Lange, Cpt. John Hoff Bryan Terp Mike Andrews Larry Lippe Count: Doug Eckhardt David Brucks Lock Up: David B Ed Engelhardt, Cpt. Joyce Engelhardt Pat Sagebiel Missy Sagebiel Georgie Dittrich Colleen Eckhardt Margit Thurston Susan Foerster Lydia Whitwell Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch Sharon Stollewerk Clarice Ullrich Mike Andrews Tim Bogisch Colleen Eckhardt Margit Thurston Susan Foerster Lydia Whitwell Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch Margit Thurston Dolly West Bill Keller Canaan Casey Blake Pruitt Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch Ron Vanbeek Joan Vanbeek Cori Taylor Alexander Taddy Kate Sherwood Ty Edwards LENTEN WORKERS FEBRUARY 18TH FEBRUARY 25TH 7:00 PM: Jud Alexander Count: Mary Flippin Jud Alexander Count: Jud Alexander Lock Up: Jud Alexander Lock Up: Jud Alexander Clem Howe, Cpt. Gina Mannel, Cpt. Jan Howe Kaelin Casey Ted Engelhardt Ronnie Foreman Bill Ermel Anita Hoff Terry Freeman Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch Carolyn Westerholm Lydia Whitwell Paetyn Franks Luke Roswell FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HOLY COMMUNION Prayer Group Council Board Sewing 9:00 AM Al-Anon 6:50 AM 6:30 PM WWF 4:00 PM 10:00 AM WORSHIP 9:00 AM Women's Handbells 6:00 PM CWU Forum STUDY 10:30 AM Noon Committee MeetingsConfirmation 6:45 PM Meeting LEC Rental Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WORSHIP 9:00 AM Prayer Group Retired Teachers Sewing 9:00 AM Al-Anon STUDY 10:30 AM 6:50 AM 9:00 AM A.C. WWF 4:00 PM 10:00 AM Women's Church Council Handbells 6:00 PM BLOOD DRIVE Noon 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:45 PM AC Rental 10:00 AM - NOON Bible Study AC Rental - 6:30 PM Choir 7:00 PM 11 AM - 2 PM AC Rental 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 HOLY COMMUNION Prayer Group Love Circle Sewing 9:00 AM Hope Al-Anon Men of Faith 6:50 AM 9:30 AM Handbells 6:00 PM Circle 10:00 AM 8:30 AM WORSHIP 9:00 AM Women's Noon Supper 5:30 PM 2:00 PM A.C. STUDY 10:30 AM Bible Study Prayer and Healing Church 7:00 PM Charity Circle Service Choir after Church AC Rental AC Rental 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 HOLY COMMUNION Prayer Group Sewing 9:00 AM Al-Anon 6:50 AM Handbells 6:00 PM 10:00 AM WORSHIP 9:00 AM Women's Supper 5:30 PM STUDY 10:30 AM Noon Church 7:00 PM Bible Study Choir after Church Faith Lutheran Church 1326 E. Cedar Street Seguin, Texas 78155 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3 SEGUIN, TEXAS 78155 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED February 2015 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL Jud Alexander, Vice President…...Mission Outreach Committee David Brucks, Treasurer…...Junior High Youth Committee Doug Eckhardt, Asst. treasurer…...Stewardship Committee Karen Huff…...Preschool Committee Mary Flippin…...Senior High Youth Committee Amy Cantrell…...Social Concerns Committee Kitty Keller…… Property Management Committee Newly elected Council Members to be installed in February Ed Engelhardt, Derick Kauitzsch, and Albert Menn CHURCH STAFF Pastoral Intern……….Philip Daniels Office Manager…Cathy Wensinger Comm. Director……..Teressa Cope PRESCHOOL & EXTENDED CARE Director/Teacher……….....Sharon Stollewerk Teacher & Ext Care Aide…....Paula Neuman Preschool Teacher…………..Angela Beasley Parish Education……...Amy Casey Preschool Aide…………..…..Georgie Dittrich Youth Director….Mark Westerholm Volunteers……………..Nancy Estes Youth Assistant………..Jon Bostick Organist/Choir………Annette Stout Handbell Dir….Roxanne Heckmann Custodian…...Janiece Schwarzkopf INSIDE YOUR FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Birthdays / Blood Drive / Annual Mtg 2 Preschool News / Birthdays 3 Anniversaries / Baptisms / Cupboard 4 Council Corner / Food Bank / Lent 5 Sunday School / 50th Anniversary 6 Women / Men / Bible Donation 7 Youth Page 8 Becky Moore MMO Teacher…...…………..Candi Andrews MMO Aide & Extended Care Teacher……………….………....Sheri Scaief Extended Care Aide………..…...Macy Glass
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