S T. JAC O B ’ S L U T H E R A N C H U RC H Volume 58 | No. 2 February 2015 The Evangel INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Congregational Corner 2, 3, 5 Mail Bag 6 Sunday School 7 Thrivent 4 Hot Potato Topics in Adult Sunday School On February 1st, the Adult Sunday School class will begin a series of Hot Potato Topics. Following is a synopsis of each session including information about the speaker : February 1 “Is Consistently Loving Others Really Possible?” One of the most important ways to express our love for God is to love others. As it reads in the scripture, “…since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (I John 4:11). But how do we love people who have hurt us, or those who have committed criminal acts, or those who have a totally different belief system from ours? This session will look at how it is possible with God’s love in us. Presenter: Marlene Blackford is a frequent teacher in Adult Sunday School. This is a topic of great interest to her due to her lifetime of interactions with people of many backgrounds along with having a family that practices a religion very different from the Lutheran faith. February 15 “Court Appointed Guardianship and Child Protective Services” The culture of media, drug abuse, and family structure has changed drastically over the years. As a result, more and more children experience abuse and/or neglect with Child Protective Services getting involved in their lives. Sometimes this involves the removal of a child from the parent with the appointment of a guardian. This session will include a discussion of the role of state and federal child protective services laws, Special points of interest: Soup and Salad Luncheon Adult Education Hot Topics SPARK Sunday School Continued on next page Ash Wednesday worship will be on February 18th at 7:30 p.m. Soup and Salad Lunch Feb. 8th It is a fantastic, delicious, anti-winter Soup & Salad Luncheon on Feb. 8, 2015, after late service! A sign-up sheet is available for those who want to bring a dish to share. Otherwise just show up and join the fun. Let’s beat the winter blahs with delicious food and fun! ACME Receipts Due! It’s time to turn in those ACME receipts. Receipts must be dated before February 4th and include Community Cash Back eligible items. Please place the receipts in the bin under the windows in the hospitality area. Thank you from the Youth! Page 2 S t . J a co b ’ s L u t h e r a n C h u r ch Adult Education (continued) including what professionals are mandated to report abuse and neglect. Also included will be an adoption worker (funded by Wendy’s Wonderful Kids of Wendy’s Restaurant International) speaking about procedures related to adoption in Stark County. Presenter: Joelle McIlroy has been a foster parent for many years, and more recently, has served in the role of volunteer children’s court guardian. While not everyone is cut out to fill Joelle’s shoes, as Christians it is a citizen responsibility to understand how the various systems function so that we can have sufficient knowledge to help our nation’s precious children. Joelle encourages all to follow the Scripture that teaches it is our God given responsibility to pray for those less fortunate children in our midst. February 22 “Criminal Justice Ministry” The ELCA has been busy looking at criminal justice ministry over the last several years. In 2007 the ELCA Churchwide Assembly mandated a social statement on this topic Beautiful Savior ELW #838 The Book Club will not be meeting in February due to a conflict with Ash Wednesday worship, but will resume their normal schedule on March 18th at 7PM. They will be reviewing “Behind the Beautiful Forever” by Katherine Boo. We will be meeting at the home of Amy Mustafaga. All are welcome! See Joelle McIlroy with questions. which evolved into a statement on “The Church and Criminal Justice: Hearing the Cries” that was adopted by the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. Subsequently, the ELCA produced a congregational handbook for jail and prison ministry. This session will include a discussion of the work of the ELCA with criminal justice and jail/prison ministry along with the experiences of Dawn Princehorn in her work in prison ministry. Presenter: Dawn Princehorn has been involved with prison ministry for over ten years. She has served at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville and Trumbull Correction Camp in Leavittsburg. Currently, Dawn is involved with the Northeast Ohio Reintegration Center (NERC) in Cleveland where she serves on the NERC Kairos Advisory Council. Everyone is encouraged to attend these informative sessions. Grab coffee and a pastry and join the conversation! The Aultman Blood Mobile will be at St. Jacob’s from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the parking lot on the following dates in 2015: February 19 May 21 July 16 October 15 December 17 Don’t delay—mark your calendar today! VOLUME 58 | NO. 2 Page 3 February 2015 Social Ministry Committee News January Allocations February Collection Drive $250 ELCA Missionary $100 Have-A-Heart $100 ACCESS $100 Hartville Meadows $100 Pathway Caring for Children The Social Ministry Committee will be collecting items for the Haven of Rest Hope Totes Ministry. Founded in 1943 as a small storefront rescue mission, Haven of Rest is now one of the largest private social service agencies in the Summit-PortageMedina-Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne-Holmes county area. Filling a vital community role, Haven of Rest provides Christcentered programs and services that respond to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of homeless and poor men, women and children. $650 TOTAL Coffee Hour Hosts Needed Check the sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center for coffee hour hosts openings and consider filling one. Coffee hour hosts decide what food to offer and prepare hot and cold beverages between worship services. Being a host is easier, and more fun too, if you team-up. If are looking for someone to team-up with or have questions, contact Marilyn Dietz at 330.877.4477. Ushers Needed! If you are willing to serve as an usher for either service, please contact Fred Dietz. Even if you’ve never ushered before, consider volunteering. It is not a difficult job and detailed instructions are provided. Fred can even pair up experienced ushers with those trying it for the first time. Can you help shovel snow? It’s winter, and although the snow is beautiful (if you like cold wet slippery stuff), it needs to be removed from the sidewalks for worship on Sundays. We have a snow blower and shovels, and instructions are provided. Sign up on the bulletin board outside the main office. The Hope Totes Shopping List is: Razors Shaving Cream Brush, & Comb Tissues Socks Shampoo & Conditioner Deodorant Lip Balm Toothpaste Toothbrush Shopping lists are posted on the bulletin board across from the church office. Gourmet Diners St. Jacob’s Diners Group will try a new Mexican restaurant on Tuesday, February 24 at 7pm. With festive décor and pleasing cuisine, El Patio Mexican Grill at 4123 Tuscarawas St. W in Canton is a newcomer with a lot of promise. Owner Jose Reyes, who comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs, said that his father’s recipes are key to the success of El Patio. “My dad’s been a cook for 25 years, so he made up a lot of it,” he said. “It’s definitely more authentic than your typical Mexican restaurant.” El Patio’s interior is designed to look and feel like a patio, with live plants, stone walls and exposed brick murals painted onto the walls—a welcome change from snow! Come check it out! Page 4 S t . J a co b ’ s L u t h e r a n C h u r ch Stay or roll over: What to do with your retirement assets Are you changing jobs? Retiring? Already enjoying retirement? Rolling your existing retirement assets into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) could save you time, paperwork and money. For example, an IRA rollover may offer you: Easier management of retirement assets. Consolidating multiple tax-qualified workplace retirement accounts into a single IRA may make it easier for you to manage your retirement assets. Instead of piecing together multiple statements to find your overall investment performance and balance, just one statement does the trick. Increased investment options. Rolling over to an IRA may offer more investment options than your employer and plan custodian. More options may help you better align your accounts with your risk tolerance. Potential tax-deferred compounding. IRA rollovers may offer continued tax-deferred treatment of retirement assets. Attention Thrivent Members!! Be sure to utilize your Choice Dollars and your Action Team money. Every Thrivent benefit member has the opportunity to received $500 in “free” money from Thrivent Financial each year. See Krista or Pastor for more information A Thrivent Financial Rollover IRA provides a flexible way to avoid penalties and withholding taxes, and can help you continue your retirement savings. Before you make a decision to leave your retirement assets where they are or take a cash distribution,* get sound guidance from a financial professional who has your best interests, goals and values in mind. Contact David J Zastawny , FIC, CLTC, Financial Associate at 330-904-5118 or via email to [email protected] today. Also, visit Thrivent.com to learn how Thrivent helps guide Christians to be wise with money and live generously. Lent Services February 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26 Meal 6:30 Service 7:00 Choir Practice 7:35 VOLUME 58 | NO. 2 Page 5 February 2015 FEBRUARY birthdays Ronald McDonald House If you would like to help out families staying at the Ronald McDonald House during their child’s hospital stay at Akron Children’s Hospital, you can bake cookies for them. It’s a simple deed that will brighten their day! Dates for 2015 are: *February 15* April 19 June 21 August 16 October 18 December 21 Dennis Brumbaugh February 4 Norma Green February 5 Katy Dietz February 6 Chris Hurner February 9 Phyllis Swartz February 9 Matthew Polatas February 12 Brian Bishop February 13 Heidi Rager February 13 Dianne Rummins February 14 Richard Werstler John Hart Marty Kersten February 16 Evelyn Drahovzal February 17 Born February 6, 1927 Died January 2, 2015 Born June 1, 1924 Died January 6, 2015 Dan Bertschi February 17 Carolyn Hunter February 18 Funeral January 10, 2015 Funeral January 21, 2015 Sara Chambers February 19 Rosalind Dietz February 20 Ronald Slagle February 21 Helen Petteys February 21 Jan Moore Dwenger February 22 03 Chuck and Brenda Heisroth Otis Vestfals February 23 10 Mark Schulz and Holly Benton Brenda Heisroth February 25 17 Bob and Vicki Crum R.J. Rosia February 25 Russ Kern February 27 Fred Edwards February 28 In Sure and Certain Hope of the Resurrection…. FEBRUARY anniversaries Page 6 ST. JACOB’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Mail Bag Dear Church Family, Our deepest appreciation to all who honored Richard in any way: the prayers that were said, words and hugs given, cards sent, visits by friends, phone calls, treats and food left at the house, transportation to appointments, attendance at calling hours and the funeral and also providing and serving food at the luncheon after the funeral. May God’s richest blessings be on each of you. Richard was born into St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church in 1927, being baptized and confirmed within the church. He left the community in 1946 to attend Wittenberg University. In 1985 he returned to his home area and again took his place in St. Jacob’s. He loved his church and gave of his time, talent, energy and money to support the projects or needs of the church and its people. The caring and love of the church family shown like a bright light to us, his family, and is so gratefully received and appreciated. Most Sincerely, Wilma Werstler and family Thank you to everyone who generously helped support our Compassion International child, Diana, this past year. Diana lives and attends school in Tanzania. Your contributions help with her basic needs such as education, clothes, food and supplies. Please continue to support Diana with your prayers and your giving during the 2015 year. Committee Meetings for February Confirmation Classes Property Good News Finance Social Ministry February 8 March 1, April 12, May 17 6:30-8:00pm following Sunday Night Live Tuesday, February 10 7PM Education: Sunday, Feb. 15 at 11:30AM Worship: TBA Quilters February 9—10:30 Kayla’s Kids February 9—1:00 Meet In Garnes Hall Three Items for FISH Cereal All Canned Meats Cleaning Supplies (no laundry detergent, please) VOLUME 58 | NO. 2 February 2015 Page 7 Amazing Apple Dumpling Gang The Apple Dumpling Gang would like to thank everyone for their contributions in making this year’s project another huge success! The Gang made 4134 apple dumplings (689 packages). In this process we used 41 bushels of apples, 430 lbs of flour, 8 lbs of salt, 15 lbs of baking powder, 33 cans of Crisco, and 22 gallons of milk. This project took over 300 man/woman hours to complete. Twenty nine men and women participated. To date we have sold 664 packages with deposits of $6,115. Our expenses were $1,296. We received a check in the amount of $1,340 from Denny Stafford, Financial Director of Stark County Thrivent. Denny states “This project is the largest one in our chapter. The work and fellowship involved in this project makes it even better. But perhaps most impressive is how these profits are distributed to others! So many you will never know will be touched by your work and generosity.” This year the proceeds of this project benefited Akron Haven of Rest ($3,000); Hartville Migrant Ministries ($1,000) and Karios Prison Ministries ($1,000). We still have 25 frozen packages of apple dumplings in the back freezer. If you are in need of more dumplings, please help yourself to them and write a check to St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church. Dumplings are still $9 per package. Please put your check in Mary Swartz’s mailbox. Again, thank you for your continual support of this project. SPARK Sunday School HANNAH AND SAMUEL READ IT! I Samuel 1:9-27, 3:1-20 Hannah and Samuel trusted God, and Samuel became a prophet. TALK ABOUT IT! God answers our prayers in mysterious ways. Talk about a time when you prayed for something but didn’t get the answer you expected. Hannah sacrifices her son to the temple. Where else in the Bible do you see parents sacrificing their children to show their faith in God? In what ways can you do God’s work in your church and community, even if you are young? Today, God seems to speak to people in much subtler ways than we read about in the Bible. Have you ever felt like God was talking to you or trying to reassure you? LIVE IT! This week, whenever a parent or teacher calls your name, remember how God called Samuel by name to tell him of God’s plans for Israel For families to do together Make a chart where everyone in your family can write down times when they’ve felt God calling their name. Update your chart once a week and, when you do, discuss how to share God’s calling with other family and friends. Find out what our church’s mission statement is—how is God calling members of our congregation to serve God? Think of something you can do at home this week to help your family and to fulfill the church’s mission statement. St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church 1460 State Street NE North Canton, OH 44721 Phone: 330.877. 2676 Fax: 330.877.8676 Email: [email protected] Pastor’s email: [email protected] Website: www.stjacobselca.org St. Jacob’s, North Canton, OH J OIN U S I N : Praising Jesus Building Community Serving Others Sunday, February 8th in Garnes Hall During the Sunday School Hour Want to brighten the day for residents of St. Luke’s and our own homebound members and snow birds? Help make them Valentine Cards! No experience necessary and all supplies are provided. Just bring a smile and join the fun!! The Evangel is the newsletter of St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church, North Canton, OH. It is published monthly. Articles should be submitted (preferably in electronic format) to the church administrator by the 3rd Friday of the month. Articles may be edited for length and timeliness. Articles submitted by members do not necessarily reflect the opinion of St. Jacob’s or the ELCA.
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