Sunday Worship/Communion Schedule: Bible Class, 9:15am Morning Worship, 10:30am (Communion: 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month) Evening Worship, 7:00pm (Communion: 2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays of the month) Office Hours: The church office is open Monday-Friday, from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm. Pastor Herman will be available for walk-in appointments Monday through Thursday, noon to 4:00pm, and at other times by appointment. New Member/Information Class: Pastor Herman will be starting a New Member/Information in February. If you are interested in attending a class that explains what the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod teaches and believes, please email Pastor Herman at [email protected] with the subject line: Info Class. You may also indicate your interest by signing up at the back of the church. LWML Brunch to Benefit the Wittenburg Project on Feb.8: Please make plans to join the ladies of the LWML for a delicious brunch after the morning service on Feb. 8. A free will offering will be taken for the Wittenburg Project, a project sponsored jointly by the LCMS, the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (Germany) and the International Lutheran Society of Wittenburg to restore an old Latin school in Germany as a center for teaching and encouraging confessing Lutherans from around the globe. For more information on this exciting project, please pick up a brochure at the back of the church or visit Please sign up at the back of the church if you plan on attending. Open Bible Study at Beta Sigma Psi: Pastor Herman’s open Bible study at the Beta Sigma Psi Lutheran fraternity house, 525 University St., continues on Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Please come along and bring a friend! All are welcome! 1 Giving Statements Available for Members: The 2014 yearend giving statements have been prepared and are available this Sunday, January 25 th. All members please stop by the office after church to pick up your statement. Any statements remaining will be mailed. Ushers Needed: ULu is in need of ushers for the Spring semester at both the morning and evening services. If you are interested in serving in this way, please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church, or contact Logan White at [email protected]. Call-Out Meeting for Ulu’s 2015 YLM Servant Event: Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 15 th for a Call-Out Meeting and Taco Luncheon to learn about how you can get involved with our summer servant event to El Paso, Texas and the Ysleta Lutheran Mission. Founded in 1982, the YLM provides aid and ministry services to benefit the lives of people living on the U.S./Mexico border. This trip is for all interested students and church members, friends, family members and alumni! Join us on February 15 th to hear more! Devotional/Informational Material Available: We have added some new titles to our Lutheran Hour Ministry booklets. These are located at the back of the church on the rotating stand and cover many topics ranging from spiritual to practical. They are completely free, so please be sure to take any titles that are interesting to you. In addition, the January- March Portals of Prayer as well as the new Lutheran Witness have arrived! Pick up your copies at the table at the back of the sanctuary, or in the church office. Paper Shredder Needed: Do you have a paper shredder that you are no longer using? If so, and you would like to donate it to ULu, please contact Brynne at [email protected], or call the office. Thanks! 2 English Classes/Bible Studies for International Students: The following classes are currently meeting. These groups are geared toward internationals, but all are welcome. Conversation Group – Mondays, 9:15am English Current Events and Conversation Class: Thursdays, 5:30pm International Bible Study – Sundays, 5:30pm (Come at 5:00pm for food and fellowship) Men’s Breakfast/Bible Class: Please join us on Friday mornings at 6:00am for a Men’s Breakfast/Bible Class at the Downtowner Restaurant located in the Market Square Shopping Center in Lafayette. For more information, please contact Tom Schultz at [email protected]. New Contribution Envelopes: New envelopes have arrived and can be picked up at the back of the church. Please sign your name beside your box number. Thanks! 3 Installation of New Church Council Officers: We will be installing our new Church Council Officers and Elders today, Sunday, January 25th at the 10:30am service. Please pray for those who will be serving in leadership positions for the year 2015. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 2015 Council Members and Elders President: Samuel Stoddard* Vice President: Nathan Wiedemann* Secretary: Ruth Mussman Treasurer: Tom Schultz Assistant Treasurer: Derek Schwanz Financial Secretary: Bekah Krupski Financial Secretary: Sara Wendte* Chairman of the Elders: Joseph Lukens Chairman of Deacons: Logan White* Chairman of Evangelism: Kayleen Herb Co-Chairs of Social Ministry and Social Activities: Natalie Lamport* and Kayleigh Fisher* Elders: Gene Hanus, Nathan Wiedeman*, Paul Wonnacott*, Aaron Korff*, Daniel Zilz# and David Ross*# *Denotes new Member or Elder #Denotes studying abroad 4 Van Schedule University Lutheran provides a free van service on Sunday mornings and evenings for students who may need a ride to and/or from church or Bible study. The van is tan and clearly marked with University Lutheran Church. Call the church (765-743-2472) if you miss the van or need a ride at some other time. After worship, there is time for you to get some refreshments and visit with others, before the van leaves. AM AM PM Bible Study Worship Worship Back of Cary (Cary Quad) 8:50 10:05 6:35 Stadium & Jischke (Own, Trk, Wly) 8:52 10:07 6:37 Co-Rec 8:54 10:09 6:39 Jischke at Meredith (Mer, Wnd) 8:56 10:11 6:41 1st St. at Earhart (Ear, Harr) 8:58 10:13 6:43 MacArthur & 3rd St. (Shr, Hil) 9:00 10:15 6:45 Purdue West (Mct, Purdue V.) 9:02 10:17 6:47 Arrive at ULu 9:10 10:25 6:55 Special Prayers: Feel free to add to this list, by writing requests in the Prayer Book in the narthex, by emailing the church through our website, or by letting Pastor know. For those serving in the military, including Rusty Becker, Joe Garn, Eric Vahle, Anne Radavich, Bryan Smith, Joshua Elmshaeuser, Ryan Guard, the Richeson’s grandson, Curtis, R.J. Weldon, Lance Noel, Jessica Franklin, David Valentino, Levi England, Tom Mussman and Andy. For Richard and Susan Linson, for God’s healing and comfort with Richard’s health concerns. For a niece Kathy who has Stage 4 cancer. For our new and returning Council Members and Elders, that God would give them wisdom and passion to serve in their positions this year. That God would expand the ministry of University Lutheran Church and use the students and members of our congregation to reach those in our community for Christ. 5 Thank you to those who serve: Sunday, January 25: Liturgist/Preacher (all services): Pastor Justin Herman Assisting Elder: (7:00pm) Joseph Lukens Organist (10:30am): Carol Ghiselli Pianist (7:00pm): Jeff Goodspeed Sunday, February 1: Liturgist/Preacher (all services): Pastor Justin Herman Assisting Elder (10:30am): Paul Wonnacott Organist (10:30am): Carol Ghiselli Pianist (7:00pm): Jeff Goodspeed Pastor Herman is now on Twitter! Follow him @pastorherman1 for a daily devotion written by Pastor with scripture links. Check out our Facebook page for the latest on what’s happening at ULu! 6 February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany WELCOME / ANNOUNCEMENTS OPENING HYMN #394 “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise” CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION INTROIT KYRIE THE SALUTATION AND COLLECT OF THE DAY SCRIPTURE RESPONSES FIRST READING EPISTLE READING THE HOLY GOSPEL p. 156-157 Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 HYMN OF THE DAY p. 151 (See reverse side) p. 152 p. 156 (p. 161 in pew Bible) (p. 956 in pew Bible) (p. 836 in pew Bible) #842 “Son of God, Eternal Savior” SERMON NICENE CREED (AM) APOSTLES’ CREED (PM) p. 158 p. 159 PRAYER OF THE CHURCH THE OFFERING (Please fill out Friendship Sheets) OFFERTORY p.159 SERVICE OF THE SACRAMENT (AM) p. 160-164 DISTRIBUTION COMMUNION HYMNS #620 “Jesus Comes Today With Healing” #696 “O God, My Faithful God” THANK THE LORD p. 164 POST-COMMUNION COLLECT p. 166 LORD’S PRAYER, CLOSING COLLECT p. 162 BENEDICTION p. 166 CLOSING HYMN #849 “Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness” Introit Many are the sorrows of the wicked,* But steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord. Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven,* Whose sin is covered. 7 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity,* And in whose spirit there is no deceit. I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity;* I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;* Surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble;* You surround me with shouts of deliverance. Glory be to the Father and to the Son And to the Holy Spirit; As it was in the beginning, Is now, and will be forever. Amen. Many are the sorrows of the wicked,* But steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord. Collect of the Day Almighty God, You know we live in the midst of so many dangers that in our frailty we cannot stand upright. Grant strength and protection to support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 8
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