February 2015 Voice of Faith A Newsletter of Faith Presbyterian Church Volume XLXVIII Issue 2 Dear Friends, Faith’s Leadership Team Tom Lovell Pastor 256-881-4983 Holly H. Yeuell Director of Christian Education 256-881-1727 Sally M. Priester Interim Choir Director 256-881-0899 Shari Williams Preschool Director 256-880-8218 Published by: Faith Presbyterian Church 5003 Whitesburg Dr. Huntsville, AL 35802 Phone: 256-881-4811 Fax: 256-880-9355 Email: [email protected] Home Page: http://presby.org Find us on FaceBook As I noted in my message to you in the January newsletter, one of my hopes for our church in 2015 is for each member of our congregation to become personally engaged in our ministry in a tangible fashion. Our Elders and Deacons do a magnificent job of leading our ministries, caring for our facilities, and providing the necessary supportive assistance which enables Faith Presbyterian Church to respond to God’s call upon us. However, the responsibility of supporting and being involved in the ministry of the church is not and should not be reserved only for those who have been ordained to office as Elders or Deacons. We have elected these men and women to lead us in ministry, and in order for them to do so effectively, the congregation needs to be actively involved in the programs and ministries of our church as well. Opportunities to engage in the ministry of our church abound, and the best way for you to become involved is to participate in the work of one of our Sessional or Diaconate Committees. Each of these committees has specific needs ranging from serving on the committee itself to plan and implement programs, events, and ministries, to assisting in those programs, events, and ministries. There are opportunities for engagement in one-time events as well as short and long-term involvement. I am confident that there is a place for each member of our congregation to become actively engaged in our ministry. There is a question which I heard posed to a congregation many years ago, and as corny as it may sound, it is one that seems fitting as we contemplate our engagement in the life and ministry of the church. The question asks: “If every member were a member like me, what kind of church would my church be?” In its section on the meaning of church membership, the Book of Order of the PCUSA offers these words: “Membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s Church.” In his first Letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul describes the Church as the Body of Christ, which, just like our individual bodies, is composed of a variety of different parts, each vitally important to the health of the entire body. Each one of our members, each of you who are reading this newsletter is vitally important to the life and ministry of Faith Presbyterian Church and it is my prayer that during the coming months, you will seek to discover ways in which you can become personally involved in our ministry. I am confident that the more we engage the members of our congregation in the ministry of our church, the more we will be able to engage the community and world in which we live with the good news of Jesus Christ. I look forward to sharing this wondrous journey with you! Grace & Peace, Tom Lovell Voice of Faith—February 2015 Jan and Richard Stairhime Dear Faith Family, are proud to announce their son, I’d like to thank our Faith family for your concern and prayers during my recent fall and illness. We very much appreciated the home communion (Stan Cowan and George Edlin) and the many cards and phone calls. Knowing what a caring church we have provides a lot of comfort. Rick Stairhime, was ordained and installed on January 11th, 2015 as a Deacon in the First Presbyterian Church In Charlottesville, VA. Jan & Richard are excited grandparents-to-be as Rick and his wife Anne are expecting their first baby in May. Brenda Ray Volunteer Needed The Elderly Mission Project at FPC needs a person(s) willing to deliver a 50 lb. box of non-perishable food once a month to a couple on Stevens Avenue (in the 5 Points area). This service would take about an hour a month, and if you wish, a smaller box may be brought to divide the food so carrying it would be easier. The time and day of delivery is your choice, but it needs to be within a week after the 3rd Thursday of the month. Thanks for your consideration. Billy Spears, Elderly Mission Project Coordinator 256-536-2912 or [email protected] WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPERS February 4th: Hamburger Steak with Gravy, Sweet Potato Fries, Green Beans with Onions, Salad, Rolls, Cream Cheese Coffee Cake LUNCH AT FAITH February 11th: Pot Pies, Herbed Corn, Salad, Rolls, Banana Bread Brownies Monday, February 9th at 11:30 a.m. In the Fellowship Hall February 18th: Red Beans & Rice with Sausage, Potato Salad, Maque Choux Corn Casserole, Green Salad, Bread Pudding with Custard Sauce February 25th: Stuffed Bell Peppers, Roasted Carrots, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Salad, Berry Pie Bars The program will be Andrea Williams, Director of the 305 Eighth Street House. She runs this halfway house for people who fall through the government cracks. This has been a multigenerational calling for her family. To make your reservations, please contact the church office at 256-881-4811 or email [email protected]. The menu will be Orange Marmalade Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Mixed Salad, Rolls and Dessert Surprise. You can also make standing reservations! Questions or food allergy issues, please email Rachel at [email protected]. We would love to have you join us!!! 2 Voice of Faith—February 2015 Women of the Church The Women of the Church will gather on Tuesday, February 3rd at 9:00 am in room 109 for a time of fellowship, food, Bible study, and service. Our Bible study, led this month by Holly Yeuell, is Lesson Six: The Aroma of God Among Us from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and 6:14-7:1. Hostesses for this meeting are Pat Bartman and Dee Schmidt with Jeanne Hightower serving as our Moderator. Betty Lou Grigsby will be finalizing the plans for the February service project: The WOC-sponsored WHITESBURG TEACHER LUNCHEON scheduled for Friday, February 6th from 11:30-1:00 at Whitesburg P8 School. Women of all ages and stages of life are invited to come and join us! Wednesday Night Bible Study in February As we gather for the first two Wednesday evenings in February, our topic will be, “Learning From Children.” Using the wisdom found in some classic children’s literature we will reflect upon and discuss God’s presence in our lives and what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. The third Wednesday in February is Ash Wednesday which means that following our regular meal, we will gather in the Sanctuary at 6:15 pm for our Ash Wednesday Service. On February 25th, we will begin a Lenten Study entitled, “Final Words From the Cross,” using a video series created by Dr. Adam Hamilton, who also authored the series we used this past Advent season. You are invited to attend a Music Ministry Update As we move through this time of transition in the leadership of our Music Ministry, we want to thank Sally Priester for serving as our Interim Choir Director and Christopher-Joel Carter, IV for his assistance with the music for our 8:30 am service. The search process for a new Director of Music Ministries will begin soon and we covet your prayers as we seek the one whom God will call to join us in ministry. Casual Reception to celebrate the wedding of Brenda Carney & Stan Cowan on Sunday, March 1, 2015 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Join us for a me of congratula ng the newlyweds and welcoming Brenda to the Faith community! In lieu of gi s, you are invited to make a dona on to Faith Presbyterian or your favorite charity. Hostesses for the recep on are: Margaret Murray, Clairene Runnion, Krista Lovell, Pat Bartman, Joyce Doolin, Be y Lou Grigsby, Nancy Hamilton, Candace Krugh, Libba Nicholson, Jan Miller, Cassandra Murray, Pa Powell, Be y Richardson, Lana Smith, Shirley Stokes, and Claire Whitmore We have the following opportunities for you to be involved in our music ministry: Choir - rehearsals on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm Hand Bells - rehearsals on Sundays at 4:00 pm Sally is adding a 5th Grade Hand Chimes group very soon. Please contact her at 256-429 -9162 or [email protected] if you are interested. 3 Voice of Faith—February 2015 4 Voice of Faith—February 2015 MILITARY PERSONNEL UPDATE It is easy sometimes for us all to slip into casual optimism as a war appears to come to a close. The drawing down of formalized troop involvements in Afghanistan, for example, encourages us to imagine a time when our church family will have no members in uniform. Sadly, that is unlikely to ever be the case. The American abolitionist Wendell Phillips said in 1852," Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty", and the post-9/11, ISIS-ascendant world in which we live today underlines the truth of that statement. Let us continue then to be aware of and ever-thankful for the thirteen members of the Faith Presbyterian Church family who still wear our nation's uniforms: CPT Scott Warnke, US Army, grandson of Jeannie and Russ Davis - Assigned to Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, CA, where he is pursuing a Master's degree in Systems Engineering. SEAMAN Josh Fohner, US Navy, grandson of Phyllis Fohner and son of Kelly and Mike Fohner Medically discharged as a result of injuries sustained during SEAL training. Currently at home in Arkansas. SSG Chris Lovelace, US Army, Grandson of Jan Newell - Continues to serve in his assignment at Ft. Bliss, El Paso, TX. PVT Kim Lovelace, US Army, wife of Chris Lovelace - serving alongside her husband in TX. CPT Andrew Wilson, US Army, husband of Emily Caldwell Wilson - Continues to serve in his assignment in Ft. Carson, CO, where he is accompanied b y his wife. A1C Benjamin Satake, US Air Force, grandson of Betty Lou Grigsby - Still serving as an aircraft mechanic at Dyess-Merkel Air Force Base, TX. He is accompanied by his wife and two children. PO3 Peter Martin, US Navy, son of Bridgett and Phillip Martin - Continues to serve aboard a ship stationed in Sasebo, Japan. He became engaged while home for a short while over Christmas. Congratulations to the entire Martin family! AIRMAN Tyler Torres, US Air Force, grandson of Betty and Billy Spears - Continues to serve in Incirlik, Turkey, after a short visit home for the holidays. PVT Jeffrey Powell, US Marine Corps, grandson of Charlotte and Wayne Miller - Completed basic training in late January and is awaiting February orders while on leave at home in Dothan. SPEC James Campbell, US Army, son of Kerry and Jim Campbell - Has returned from duty in Cuba and anticipates orders to WA in the near future. PFC Cameron Campbell, US Army, son of Kerry and Jim Campbell - Anticipating deployment overseas in April or May. CPT Doug Reynolds, US Army, son of Rebecca and Bob Reynolds - Continues to serve as a support group commanding officer at Ft, Carson, CO. MAJ Bo Reynolds, US Army, son of Rebecca and Bob Reynolds - Still deployed overseas, while serving as a headquarters company commander out of Ft. Benning, GA. 5 Voice of Faith—February 2015 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINISTRY AND SERVICE Faith Presbyterian Church 2015 Below is a list of our Sessional and Diaconate Committees along with a brief description of their work and the Elders and Deacons assigned to them. You are encouraged to review this information, decide where your gifts and talents can be best used and to contact one of the respective Elders and Deacons to volunteer to share in that ministry. Session Committees: Worship: The Worship Committee is responsible for planning, implementing and supporting all of the worship opportunities of the congregation. Volunteers are needed to support our music ministry, to prepare Communion, to usher, to serve as greeters, to assist with seasonal worship opportunities and in many other ways. Elders Wayne Whitmore and Mariam Steele serve as our Worship Committee Elders. Discipleship: The Discipleship Committee is responsible for our church’s ministry of Christian Education, which includes our Youth programs, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and weekly Bible study opportunities. Teaching, working in the nursery, assisting the classroom, accompanying the youth, and leading Bible studies are among the opportunities for ministry available through this committee. Elders Nancy Beason and Erin Cobb serve as our Discipleship Committee Elders. Outreach: The Outreach Committee is responsible for engaging our congregation in mission and ministry to our community and beyond. Faith has a long history of mission involvement and with the retirement of Frank Broyles, we need the input of many to continue this vital aspect of Faith’s ministry. Volunteers are needed to serve as contact persons for our partner mission agencies, to be personally involved in mission projects, to organize various mission events and to help coordinate the wide variety of missions in which we are engaged. Elders Joel Robinson and Bob Captain serve as our Outreach Committee Elders. Fellowship: The Fellowship Committee is responsible for nurturing the community life of our congregation and does so by providing dinners, events, outings and other gatherings which brings the members of our congregation together. New ideas for fellowship are always welcome and there is a constant need for assistance with organizing and implementing our activities. Elders Bob Ogle, Candace Krugh, and Joyce Doolin serve as our Fellowship Committee Elders. Evangelism: The Evangelism Committee is responsible for discovering ways in which we can share the good news of Jesus Christ and the good news about Faith Presbyterian Church to our community. Sharing what our church does and finding ways to invite others to join with us in ministry is the primary purpose of the Evangelism Committee and assistance is needed with keeping our Website up-to-date and helping us to discover ways to reach those in our community who may be in search of a church home. Elders Mike Garber and Henry Norton serve as our Evangelism Committee Elders. Stewardship & Finance: The Stewardship & Finance Committee is responsible for creating and overseeing the annual budget as well as assisting with our annual Stewardship Campaign each fall. Assistance is needed in keeping track of the church’s finances, promoting faithful stewardship among our members and developing our annual stewardship campaign. Elders Ron Miller and Bob Reynolds serve as our Stewardship & Finance Elders. 6 Voice of Faith—February 2015 Personnel: The Personnel Committee is responsible for overseeing, evaluating, and supporting the members of the church staff. Since our staff members engaged in a variety of functions, we are always in need of members who are willing to provide support and encouragement to our staff members. Elders Steve Murray and Richard Stairhime serve as the Personnel Committee Elders. Diaconate Committee: This year, we revised the organizational structure of our Board of Deacons into three Ministry Teams which are described below. Each of these teams is composed of several Deacons who will welcome your involvement in their ministry. Care and Nurture of Members Ministry Team: This Ministry Team is responsible for providing assistance, care, and support for our members who may be experiencing a time of difficulty in their lives as well as seeking to integrate visitors and new members into the life of our congregation. Some of the ways in which this Ministry Team provides care and support for our members include: providing meals in times of crisis or need, providing transportation to/from therapy and other appointments, sending cards to members, assisting with receptions or meals for the family in times of death, visiting hospitalized members when Tom is away, and helping visitors and new members assimilate into the life of the church. If you are interesting in assisting this Ministry Team, the Deacons serving on this team are: Holly Wilks, Cheryl B. Adams, Meredith Ennis, Connie Burnside, Camille, Solley, Stan Cowan, and Marcia Flatau. Buildings and Grounds Ministry Team: The responsibilities of this team are pretty self-explanatory as its members are responsible for the upkeep of our entire church campus. From overseeing the work of our lawn care service, to working with our HVAC contractor, to trimming bushes, painting rooms, making minor repairs, to scheduling and supervising other maintenance work, the B & G Ministry Team needs lots of hands to keep our buildings and grounds looking nice and in working order. You can assist by attending seasonal work days, sharing your “handy-person” skills, or by being part of a regular work group for our buildings or grounds. Serving on this Ministry Team are Deacons John Spears, Libba Nicholson, Tom Jarvinen, Joe Powell and Tom Erwin. Administration Ministry Team: This Ministry Team is responsible for the maintenance of our office systems and equipment, the security of our building as well as the receipt of our weekly offering. Volunteers are needed to assist with keeping our building safe, our computers in working order (in concert with our much-valued technical expert, Ron Jones), overseeing the function of our other office equipment and the counting, recording and depositing of our weekly offering. Deacons Betty Richardson, Anna Norton, Sally Priester, and Jack Chapman are assigned to this Ministry Team. 7 Voice of Faith—February 2015 6:00 PM Presbytery Cluster Mtg. - FH February 2015 All events are subject to change. Please complete a Facility Use Form to reserve a room. You can find the form on our website (www.presby.org) or at the church office. Thank you! 8 Voice of Faith—February 2015 Preschool News Happy New Year! Preschool staff and students are so excited to return to Faith after our Christmas vacation and have hit the ground running. The students continue to learn about God’s grace and love, and they practice thankful prayers daily. Although we stay bundled up inside during most of the winter months, we occasionally have warm enough weather to play on the playgrounds- which remains such a special treat (especially with our new play structure). Many thanks go out to Mike Garber for updating our website. The link remains intact from the church’s website, or you can visit it directly at: www.preschoolpresby.org. Registration for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year for currently enrolled students is Wednesday, February 4. It opens to the general population on Monday, February 9. We have a few open spots remaining in our Toddler, Three, and Four year old classes. If you, or someone you know, are interested in a part-time preschool program, please contact the preschool office at 256-880-8218 or [email protected]. We gladly provide tours and additional information about our preschool program throughout the year. Please help us get the word out about our fabulous, faith-based program! Grace and peace, Shari Williams, Preschool Director Christian Education Happenings from Holly Yeuell, Director of Christian Education ([email protected] or 256-881-1727) Youth Sunday is February 22! The Faith Youth will lead worship on the first Sunday of Lent, February 22. There will be one worship service at 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Come be part of an exciting worship time exploring this year’s theme, Way to Pray! LOGOS is here! Great news! We are partnering with First Presbyterian Huntsville to provide the wonderful Wednesday night program LOGOS for children, youth, and families. LOGOS is a FUN program that includes worship skills (usually music), Bible Study, and family style dinners with crazy themes. LOGOS meets at First PC from 5:00-7:00 pm on Wednesdays. Please see Holly Yeuell to find out how YOU can sign up! February Youth Fellowship: February 1: February 8: February 15: February 22: skip MS Youth 2:30-4:00 pm MS Youth Fun skip MS Youth 2:30-4:00 pm All Youth Fun 5:30-7:00 pm Sr. High Supper and Bible at the Yeuells’ 4:00-5:00 pm Sr. High Starbucks 5:30-7:00 pm Sr. High Pizza Program at church YOUTH REMINDERS: Presbytery Youth Retreat, March 13-15. VBS Summer mission trip and youth conferences are registering NOW. Please see Ms. Holly for more information about these you-will-want-to-go events! 9 July 7-10 Voice of Faith—February 2015 News from Mervat Nuwayhid…. Dear friends, I am thankful to the Lord for your care, support and prayer over the years. My boys and I are grateful to each one of you for standing with us as we reach others with the gospel, and for all your prayers for our family. The Lord has blessed me with a strong friendship among the moms and patients from the hospital where I serve as a spiritual care volunteer. Please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom to know how to help each family as it is needed. The Lord has opened the door for me to work with the International Learning Center in Jacksonville, FL to help teach English as a second language while using Bible curriculum and Christian values. The Lord has put it on my heart to open a center in Orlando to help families that come as refugees or immigrants from the Middle East, especially the families who are sick with cancer that come to the Mayo Clinic for treatment. Most of the families are Muslims. Please pray that God would open the door for me to share His Word with those families, and help see where God will fit in their life despite cancer and hard situations. I continue to provide meals and cupcakes to the families in the hospital and I continue to send Sunday School materials overseas to four countries. In him, Mervat Mervat’s ministry is a part of our 2015 Outreach budget. You are invited to send Mervat a note of encouragement to 320 Wolfberry Lane, Chuluota, FL 32766 or [email protected] 10 Voice of Faith—February 2015 With the first meeting of 2015 and new members on the Session, the first order of business was committee assignments. Those assignments and a description of committee responsibilities can be found within this newsletter. In addition, the Session approved Linda Rass to continue as the Stated Clerk, and Margaret Morrison and Marilyn McGhee as Treasurers for 2015. Henry Norton was elected commissioner to the next Presbytery Meeting (February 21st at First Presbyterian, Florence) and Krista Lovell will be the alternate. At the Presbytery Meeting, Dr. Lovell will be installed as the moderator of Presbytery for 2015. The Presbytery will vote proposed on proposed amendments to our Book of Order during this meeting. Open meetings to review and discuss these amendments will be held within the Presbytery including one held here at Faith on Tuesday, February 10th at 6:30 pm. Dr. Lovell carried over two weeks of unused vacation into 2015 and will take one of those weeks March 4-11, 2015. Becca Phillips was approved to preach at both services on March 8th. The Session approved an Operating Budget of $607,095 for 2015. The details of this budget will be presented to the congregation at the Annual Meeting scheduled for February 1st. After considerable discussion and prayer concerning the need to move in a new direction with the leadership of the church’s music ministry, the Session approved a motion to release Bill Hovik from his position as our Director of Music Ministry and provide him with a fair and reasonable severance. The Session will have its annual retreat on February 6-7. 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. The next Session meeting will be on the 7th at the conclusion of the retreat. Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, February 1st at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a breakfast finger food to share. FINAN¢IALLY $PEAKING INCOME/EXPENSES PLEDGES & NON-PLEDGED DEC DEC Y-T-D Y-T-D INCOME $82,615 $617,566 ACTUAL $80,103 $585,944 EXPENSES $62,860 $608,118 BUDGET $49,583 $595,000 $19,755 $9,448 $30,520 $(9,056) On-line giving is through Logos Ministry Connection. To create an account, go to https:// presby.logosconnect.com. If you need help setting up your account with Logos Ministry Connection, please contact the church office. Copies of the monthly summary of the finances of the church are available outside the church office. Margaret Morrison, Treasurer 11 Voice of Faith—February 2015 Voice of Faith Inside This Issue: From the Pastor Thank You Note Congratulations Volunteer Needed Lunch at Faith Wednesday Night Suppers Women of the Church Wednesday Night Bible Study Music Ministry Carney-Cowan Reception Faith Mission Challenge Military Personnel Update Opportunities for Ministry & Service February 2015 Calendar Preschool News Christian Education Happenings Outreach Update Session Synopsis Annual Congregational Meeting Financially Speaking 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 The Church Office will be closed on Monday, February 16th in observance of Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 332 Huntsville, AL Faith Presbyterian Church 5003 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35802 Return Service Requested Worship Attendance 8:30 58 50 47 83 January 4th January 11th January 18th January 25th 10:30 113 115 109 98 March 2015 is Tuesday, February 17th Please e-mail your article to [email protected] or place in the newsletter box by the church office door. Worship Themes for February February 1st Communion Souperbowl of Caring Sunday “It’s What We Do” Matthew 25:31-46 February 8th “Don’t Forget, Don’t Ever Forget!” Isaiah 40:21-31 February 15th Transfiguration Sunday “Listen to Him!” Mark 9:2-9; Exodus 24:12-18 February 18th Ash Wednesday Worship “Heartfelt and Honest Confession” February 22nd First Sunday in Lent One service at 10:30 am Psalm 51 Youth Sunday February Birthdays 5th 5th 8th 8th 9th 9th 9th 10th 14th Dave McGhee Beth Whitener Christopher-Joel Carter, IV Haley Chapman (14) Lana Smith Rebecca Reynolds Brent Beason Katie Captain John Haley 15th 15th 16th 18th 18th 18th 19th 19th 22nd Tyler Edmondson Karson Edlin (13) Katie Lott Jim Duncan Carol Lynn Natalie Karigan (1) Marley Woody (21) Reece Adams (13) Doris Martin 12 22nd 22nd 23rd 25th 25th 26th 27th 28th Ann Redus Ginger McElhaney (5) Sarah Curtis Nita Garrett Rasheed Antonios Henry Norton Jessica Offutt Cort Flatau (7)
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