FAITH FLAME 2015 Faith’s Mission Statement We are Faith Lutheran Church, members of the Body of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit calls us today to share God’s love and grace for your life through worship, study, fellowship and service. STAFF AT FAITH Church Office - (561) 848-4737 Transition Pastor - Rev. Ken Fuehler Music Director - Dr. David McCalla Contemporary Music Director - Janet Cunningham Pre-School - (561) 848-4737 Toddlers - (561) 842-2487 School Director - Kathy Knudtson New Day- (561) 844-0012 Director- Julie Tombari Sunday Services 8:15 AM Morning Service with Communion 9:30 AM Contemporary Worship with Communion 10:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 11:00 AM Formal Traditional Service with Communion Bible Studies times are listed on “Bible Study Options” page PASTORKEN’SKENNECTION HOLY BAPTISM MUSIC . . . MUSIC . . . MUSIC Sunday, January 11, was a happy day as we participated in the Holy Baptism of Emily Mae, infant daughter of Jonathan and Jenny Schuemann. Her sponsors are Ben and Lisa Schuemann. We also were very happy to have so many of both parents’ families in attendance. May she increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). Don’t forget our string trio concert on Saturday, January 31. And, our final concert of this series will be in May with several guest organists to share the beauty of our Casavant Organ. IS THERE A DRUM IN YOUR FUTURE? GOD•CONNECTS GodConnects is a video series explaining the Christian faith in a way that makes it easy to invite a friend, family member, or church visitor. And, it is a great “review” for any Lutheran who wants to be refreshed on how it “all” fits together and how it is all about Jesus. I’m not sure a drum set has been on the minds of many of our members, but for some it has been. Yes, we are researching drum sets and looking for a drummer for our Contemporary Worship service. Another work in process is our need to do some work with the wires (or wireless) connections for our Praise Band. Plain language and helpful illustrations present God’s work of salvation in a concise manner. THE CIRCLE MAKER This series is ideal for those with questions about sin, judgment, redemption, Jesus, the believer’s life, and more. It also is a means to become a member of Faith Lutheran Church—however, by attending there is no binding or implied contract to do so. Join me for a look at the New York Times bestseller THE CIRCLE MAKER - Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears by Mark Batterson. Our evening is from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in the Michel building Multi-Purpose Room. No book purchase is necessary. GodConnects is an excellent resource for amplifying and sharing key concepts of the Christian faith. Who has God put in your life that needs to hear His message? And how might you be better able to give an explanation of the hope that is in you? Your last day to join is Wednesday, January 28. Have you missed the first and/or second Sundays? Then, come on the first Sunday you can! All the video segments are online at Lutheran Hour Ministries and Don Rousseau or Pastor Ken will help you catchup. On the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, Sunday, February 15, we are invited by Jesus to join Peter, James, and John ascending the mountain. There we will behold the Lord revealed in the brightness of the glory of God with Moses (standing for the Law) and Elijah (standing for the Prophets). We meet in the Michel Building MultiPurpose Room, Sundays, 9:20 a.m.-10:20 a.m. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD We celebrate this Feast on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday as it provides hope for us just as it encouraged and gave hope to Jesus as he makes His journey to the cross. And, we also have our Shrove Tuesday gathering to help us along, too! THIS YEAR LENT BEGINS FEBRUARY 18 TRANSITION TEAM Lent is a 40-weekday time to prepare for Easter. Our Lord’s resurrection was the antidote to His Passion and death, which was the way God chose to rescue us from our fallen sinful condition. Thus Lent is a time to be penitent as we review our own sinfulness as well as the fact that “we daily sin much and surely deserve nothing but punishment” (Small Catechism, Meaning of the Fifth Petition). I could go on and on about this great group of people you nominated and who are our TTeam. Sadly, Nancy Arsenault decided to resign from the Team. Because we are so far into our Teamwork, we will not be replacing her. We emphasize Lent by gathering for additional worship services on the five Wednesdays between Ash Wednesday, February 18, and Palm Sunday, March 29. Worship themes for the Wednesdays of Lent and the Sundays in Lent are printed for you in this edition of The Flame. LENTEN PRAYER MORNING Cheryl and I are working at putting together another morning of focused prayer at the beginning of Lent. More information will follow about our time together on Saturday, February 21, beginning around 9:00 a.m. or so. YES, I’VE BEEN EXTENDED As many of you may remember, my first official day with you was Saturday, March 1, 2014. I was called for a 12-month time period, with an option to extend that. Since that ends February 28, 2015, and since it included a clause prescribing a two-month lead time for expiration or extension, during our last Board of Discipleship meeting it was decided to extend my Call by 6 months, with the understanding that should a Pastor accept the Call to here and be arriving before August 31, I would leave three to four Sundays earlier with no expectation of the contract to be paid out. So, we will spend our second Lent and Easter Seasons together, and most of the hot and hotter days of Summer. Let’s enjoy each other while we are able. Part of our activities so far has been our Sunday asset groups, our Back-to-the-Future event, and many Monday evening meetings. We have learned we are not the only congregation in a situation similar to ours. And we have learned that there are many ways congregations have attempted to return to health and have not been successful. We do not believe that will be the story of Faith Lutheran Church. We are working at understanding the rich diversity of our assets and how they might be linked for ministry. And the lode of facts and interpretation from our Back-to-the-Future event is being minded for greater understanding of us and our aches and pains, and our strength and agility. We will begin learning about, discussing and planning our next all-membership event that will focus on the Mission and the Vision of Faith Lutheran Church. It is extremely important to know and agree on, as God’s people, what He expects of us, not only individually but also corporately. Then, based on that Mission we will work at putting together the known population of our local community environment—their needs both spiritual and physical, our location in relation to the needs of our community, our plant resources, our membership resources —time, talent, treasure, and our known affinities to various types of service. This will be massaged into a Vision for Faith Lutheran Church for the near and farther-out future. Then, the Mission and Vision, the description of our community, the insights we have learned from you, and much prayer and discernment, will permit the T-Team to write a Profile for Faith LC. Then, based on that, a Pastor Profile—a spiritual, character and skill description of the Pastor we think appropriate to lead us into our Vision will be crafted. These profiles will be shared with you for your understanding and consensus. Then you will be asked for potential candidates who fit the pastoral profile and these names, together with our profiles, will be sent to Rev. Greg Walton, president of the FL-GA District for his advice about potential candidates. to make this work. The making of sufficient coffee, the supply of doughnuts, the rolling out of the goodies, and the rolling back and clean-up. While I’m not thrilled about taking on this role, I don’t have anyone at this point that I’ve asked to be the presider over this feast. How about you? VOTERS MEETING Our next Voters Meeting will be on Sunday, March 8, following the 11:00 a.m. worship service; around 12:15 p.m. or so. We will (1) discuss and approve our 2015 Budget, (2) elect our congregational delegate to the FL-GA District Convention , June 12-14, Orlando, and (3) approve our Call Committee for our new Pastor. THE LUTHERAN RITE OF COFFEE Effort is being made while we still have reasonable temperatures, to have coffee and doughnuts on the patio from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. This way we can have a mixing of our 9:20-a.m.-Study-Group- participants with our Contemporary Worshipers. We have several practical matters to handle TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME I didn’t fully explain the Spring Schedule of the Cardinals in the news and notes on January 18 at all three worship services. It was attached not only because I am a born and bred Cardinal fan, but because the Men of Faith are sponsoring an outing to Roger Dean Stadium on Saturday, March 21, for the 1:05 p.m. game between the Cards and the Braves. Tickets are $45 and include a $10 stadium credit coin that can be used on such things as food, drink, and memorabilia. Parry Bolognese will be happy to sell you a ticket when you give him your cash or check for $45.00 . . . no “promises to pay” allowed. He only has 15 tickets. See him A.S.A.P. Save the Date Tuesday, February 17th Youth sponsored Shrove Tuesday Dinner Watch the Sunday Parish Notes for more details February Lenten Dinners Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM in the Michel Building February 18—Prepared by the Women of Faith (Soup Night!) February 25—Prepared by New Day Staff THEPARABLESOFLENT WEDNESDAYSAT11:00A.M.and7:00P.M. Each service during the weekdays of Lent will focus on a biblical parable that connects to a traditional Lenten theme.JoinusasweseewovenwithineachplotofJesus’parablesauniquemessageaboutwhatwereceivethrough thecruci iedChrist. AshWednesday,February18—“ReceiveJusti ication” ThePhariseeandtheTaxCollector•Luke18:9‐14 Thetaxcollectorwhorepentsgoeshomejusti ied,whiletheproudPhariseedoesnot.We,too,who repentarejusti iedthroughChrist. Wednesday,February25—“ReceivetheWord” TheSowerandtheSeed•Matthew13:1‐8,18‐23 The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ lourisheswithinus. Wednesday,March4—“ReceivetheTreasure” TheHiddenTreasureandthePricelessPearl•Mt13:44‐46 Twomengiveallthattheyhavetobuyobjectsofgreatworth.WewhoarepricelesstoChristreceive himwhogaveallthathehadtocallushisown. Wednesday,March11—“ReceiveMercy” TheGoodSamaritan•Luke10:25‐37 Amanbeatenontheroadgetshelpfromanunlikelytraveler.Wewhoareoftenbeatendownalong theroadoflifeencounterthehealingofChristthroughthecross. Wednesday,March18—“ReceiveGrace” TheWorkersintheVineyard•Matthew20:1‐16 Allworkersinavineyardaregiventhesamepayfromthemaster,nomatterhowlongtheyhavela‐ bored.AllwhohavebeencalledbytheMasterareblessedbythesamerewardinChrist. Wednesday,March25—“ReceiveForgiveness” TheProdigalSon•Luke15:11‐32 Awaywardsonreturnstotheforgivingembraceofhisfather,whowelcomeshimhome.Wewhohave strayedreturnagainandagaintotheembraceofourFather,throughthesacri iceofhisSon. MaundyThursday,April2—“ReceivetheMeal” SUNDAYS OF LENT — PSALMS OF THE PENITENT This Lenten Season, as in centuries past, we are using psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs focusing on the cross of Christ for our salvation from all that would separate us from God’s love. The psalms are the seven Penitential Psalms — a name given to Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143 already in the sixth century AD. Luther’s lectures on these psalms comprised the first work he himself published. Join us each Sunday as we sequentially use these psalms in worship and as the basis of The Message. The First Sunday in Lent — What It Is to Be Penitent, Psalm 6 The Second Sunday in Lent — Blessed Are the Penitent, Psalm 32 The Third Sunday in Lent — The Disposition of the Penitent, Psalm 38 The Fourth Sunday in Lent — The Penitent Prays for a Purified Heart, Psalm 51 The Fifth Sunday in Lent — The Afflicted Penitent Hopes in the Eternal Lord, Psalm 102 Palm Sunday — The Penitent Waits Patiently on the Lord, Psalm 130 CHILDREN ! . . . “LET’S GROW INTO LENT” For the six Sundays in Lent and for Easter Sunday our Children’s Times will have a theme. Each one relates to Jesus’ journey to the cross by focusing on a different garden-themed lesson from Scripture. Our children will also receive a complementary 40-day devotional booklet and Sunday handouts. The First Sunday in Lent — God Planted a Garden The Second Sunday in Lent — The Family Tree The Third Sunday in Lent — Land of Milk and Honey The Fourth Sunday in Lent — How Does Your Garden Grow? The Fifth Sunday in Lent — Good Fruit Palm Sunday — Next Stop Paradise Easter Sunday — It’s Not the Gardener It’s Another Men of Faith Event! SWEETHEARTS PARTY POT LUCK DINNER Saturday, February 14th 5:30 PM – Potluck Setup 6:00 PM Fun Begins in the Michel Building EVERYONE INVITED—BRING A GUEST Let us know if you plan to bring a dish (we’re not talking about your wife) Hors D’oeuvres - Entertainment Pot Luck Dinner - Music Prizes and Surprises—Loads of Fun! Free Will Donation Sign-up in the Narthex Dear Faith Lutheran Youth and Parents, Hello Everyone! We have some fun and important events coming up, and we need everyone’s help! These are easy ways to earn community service hours for your schools! SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATE: Dave Hernandez and I are currently offering Sunday School every Sunday after the Contemporary Service. It runs from about 10:45 - 11:45 AM. If any youth members want a class at 9:30am, let me know, and I will contact the Board of Discipleship. FEBRUARY 1st - 12th: Kids, start helping your parents clean out your closets and gather items for Faith’s next rummage sale. You may begin bringing items to the Multi-purpose Room in the Michel Building on Sunday, February 1. Parents, if your kids help you (or extended family members or neighbors) to the extent that it should qualify for community service hours for their school, just talk to me. Dave Hernandez or I will gladly sign their community service log. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1: If anyone is interested in hosting a Super Bowl Party at their home or somewhere at church, please contact Dave Hernandez or me, and we will get the word out. I’m planning to watch but not host. As a Colts fan, I’m feeling a little “deflated." MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9: We need help at 6 PM in the Michel Building to set up tables for the Rummage Sale. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14: Rummage Sale - We need you to drop off homemade baked goods for our bake sale. We also need help making lunch (Mr. Hernandez will be grilling). The sale runs from 9 AM - 1 PM, and then we clean up. The committee needs our young, strong bodies for this! Each rummage sale is a wonderful event where the Women of Faith and others manage to turn everyone’s “trash" into a $3000 - $4000 “treasure" to help Faith Lutheran’s ministries and others in the community. And some of these funds always come back to our youth programs, in case that helps you understand the importance of our support of this cause. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17: Shrove Tuesday Dinner - it’s a long-standing tradition at Faith Lutheran that the youth put on this fun event. Details are still being worked out, but we need as many youth as possible to help serve and clean up. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 - SUNDAY, MARCH 15: Florida-Georgia High School Youth Gathering, entitled “COLLIDE”, in Lake Mary, Florida. One of the featured speakers is Jeffrey Meinz who was fabulous at the last National Youth Gathering. This Sunday at Sunday School we will begin discussing who from our group might like to go. (Hotel reservation deadline is February 20. Event reservation deadline is March 2.) Please email or text me to let me know if you’re planning to help on February 14 and/or 17. If you know you can’t help on either of those dates, that information will help me also. Thank you so much! Lisa Fortini 561-629-4212 [email protected] FEBRUARY STEWARDSHIP ARTICLE from the Stewardship Ministry of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful” (Luke 6:36). The word for mercy that Jesus uses here has a more concrete meaning than what we typically associate with mercy. It means more than just being kind. It means to be concerned about your neighbor’s state and well-being. Thus, Jesus taught that we are to care, to be concerned about our neighbor’s state and well-being even as our Father in heaven cares for and is concerned about our state and well-being. How has our Father in heaven cared for our state? How has He shown His concern for our well -being? How has He showered this mercy upon us? He gave of Himself. He sent His onlybegotten Son in human flesh, to become one of us—a man—and to suffer all that we suffer and to endure what we endure—a fallen world full of sinful people, temptation, the attacks of the devil, and death. He took upon Himself what rightfully belongs to us—sin and death—in order that He could give to us what rightfully belongs to Him— righteousness, purity, eternal life, and victory over the temptation of Satan and this fallen world. That is how He cared for our state. That is how He was concerned for our well-being. He entered into our state for the sake of our well-being, died in our place, rose for our justification, redeemed us to make all things new. He entered our state so that by water and His Word we would be granted entrance into His state as children of our Father in heaven. In other words, He had empathy toward us, which resulted in true sympathy. Jesus, therefore, calls the church to empathy and sympathy for her neighbors. “Be merciful even as your Father in heaven is merciful.” He asks the church to give of herself, to enter into her neighbors’ state for their well-being. And the church gives of herself the only thing in her that is worth giving. As the Body of Christ, she gives Christ to her neighbors. She gives out the same mercy that she has received. She gives the mercy that the heavenly Father poured out upon her through the sending of His Son. And she does it through the preaching of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed, in Word and Sacrament. For this is how the church lives—in the forgiveness of sins received in the means of grace—and, therefore, this is what the church does. What else can she do? And since this is how the church lives and what the church does, this is likewise how Christians live and what Christians do. That is why giving to the church is so important. It ensures that the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed continues. It ensures that our neighbors’ state and well-being is cared for and attended to. It ensures that our neighbors have access to our heavenly Father’s mercy just as we have received it here in time for all eternity. Therefore, I say, let us be merciful even as our Father in heaven is merciful. If you have not done so already, please pick up your 2015 offering envelopes from the table in the Narthex OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE IN FEBRUARY Wittenberg Project - Are you interested in mission outreach to Germans who were denied their legacy of a Lutheran upbringing? I have made numerous trips to Germany, taking people to see where the Reformation started, and I have met a number of people in Wittenberg – the place where it all began. In speaking with local residents about Christ, I found that most of them were not churched during their childhood upbringing, and only about 17 percent of the people in Wittenberg claim to be Christian! Why? Under Soviet rule after WWII, many were forbidden to go to church or practice any type of religion under threat of losing their job or being denied educational opportunities. These people are not against Christianity; they simply have no knowledge of it. Now, we have an opportunity to help our sister church in Germany – die Selbständige Evangelisch— Lutherische Kirche – reach these people. We are renovating the Old Latin School in Wittenberg (built in 1564), so we have a place for worship and outreach that historically represents the Reformation and the perseverance of the Gospel. Won’t you help us? We are asking congregations, schools and even Bible study groups to join the “500 Club” by pledging $500 for the Wittenberg Project. Individuals may also pledge $500 to be a part of the “Sola Verbe” opportunity. Please look at our website ( or call 1-800-248-1930 ext. 1661 or contact me ([email protected]) to find out more. I appreciate your prayerful consideration of this outreach opportunity. Food Pantry News Please continue your food donations, see suggestion list for groceries needed and thank you for your past and continued giving. Your generosity has allowed us to give 378 bags of food to those in need in 2014, up from 107 bags in 2013. Suggested List for Food Pantry—Only Non-perishable food please. Beans Peanut Butter Canned Fruit Pop-Top Cans Canned Meat, Tuna Powdered or Canned Milk Diced Tomatoes, Paste Rice Mac & Cheese Soup Pasta Spaghetti Sauces Watch the Weekly Parish Notes for special requests of needed food items. Our Food Pantry is open to the public on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 2:00—4:00 PM Women of Faith Rummage Sale Friday, February 13th - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday, February 14th - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM You may bring your donations beginning Sunday, February 1st to the Multi-Purpose Room in the Michel Building. Many hands are needed to facilitate this event, please come and donate your time beginning Monday, February 9th at 6:00 PM to help set-up tables; and Tuesday thru Thursday beginning at 9:00 AM to place and price items. Volunteers are also needed to work the days of the sale and clean up after the sale. Attention all Youth and Parents: Saturday, February 14 the Youth will be having a “Bake Sale” during the Rummage Sale—Please bring your homemade baked goods ready to sell, also we need your help to make and serve Lunch, Mr. Hernandez will be grilling. Please let Lisa Fortini know if you are planning to help. Astra Gay Falconer and Brook P. Rangeloff were united in marriage on Thursday, January 29th at 6:00 PM at New Harvest Church in Clewiston, Florida. Best Wishes to the happy couple. Emily Mae Schuemann daughter of Jonathan and Jenny Schuemann was baptized unto the Lord, on Sunday, January 11th at the 8:15 AM worship service. Deacon Ralph Scofield Sunday, January 18th, 2015 Memorial Service was held here at Faith on January 31st Sunday Morning Studies Adult Bible Study – Join us in the Michel Building Multi-Purpose Room at 9:20 AM for a course in Christianity - “God Connects” . “The Book of Isaiah Bible Study” - Meets in the Library @ 9:20 AM. Led by Larry Hess. Middle School & High School Bible Study - Grades 6 - 12 meets upstairs Youth Room of the Michel Building at 11:00 AM. Led by Lisa Fortini and David Hernandez. Weekday Bible Studies Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets at 7:30 AM in the Michel Building. All men are welcome. Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study - meets at 10:00 AM in the Michel Building. All ladies wel- come. We are studying the book of Galatians. Call or email Fran at [email protected] if you having any questions. Home Bible Study at the home of Tom & Sally Schwartz Bible Study at the Schwartz’s is the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. All are welcome. The program begins at 6:30 PM and includes potluck dinner, fellowship and Bible Study, ending promptly at 9:00 PM. Call for info and directions @ 622-4946. Come and find out why it has lasted 33 years and counting. Every Wednesday Bible Study at Tommy & Pily Tucker’s home, 504 Harbour Rd., North Palm Beach. Phone # 346-3363. Reading thru the Bible with discussion, 7:00 PM dinner, 7:30 PM Bible Study. Everyone welcome! Lent Prayer Retreat - Save the Date Saturday, February 21st at 9:00 AM What exactly does God want to cultivate in you this season? We will begin with coffee at 9:00 AM in the chapel. Watch the Parish Notes for more information. Our Faith Family In Need of Prayer Sandy Aiken, Bill Cahill, Ardie Davis, Kenitha Drury, Mekailah Drury-Enge, Mary Evelyn, Laura Fulton, Charlotte Genchi, Judith Gonnerman, Sharon Hess, Dave Johnson, Linda Keller, Audrey & Howard Kittelberger, Mal & Ruth Knudson, Dana Leininger, Connie Luneke, Kathy McCoy, Curtis Mertz, Irma Meyer, Jean Miller, Michael Schankin, Tom Schwartz, Edwina Scofield, Tom Schuemann, Jim Stilwell, Rosie Stilwell, George Sylvester, Monica Trautsch, Rich Walker, and Sharon Wiley. Prayers for the extended family of Faith Betty Sither’s nephew Richard, & little Steele; Marcia Brancolino’s relative, Charlie Bottoms; Fran Hickman’s son, Billy; Larry & Sharon Hess’ daughter, Meg Aumick; Tracy O’Daniell. Ron Woita’s friend, Robert Lowe Jr., Trish Schankin’s friends: Scott Campbell, Debbie Baldwin; Karen Terry’s sister, Donna Suggs, Carol Schmidt’s friend, Patricia MacWay Pena; Carol Rousseau’s daughter, Patty; Bill & Barb Cahill’s friend, Dick Perry, former member, Steve Stanley, Walt & Sharon Wiley’s son-in-law, Scott, Tom & Sally Schwartz’s son, Thom and Gail Bolognese’s friends Kerry Lynn Brumley, Kimberly Brumley, Vicky Tanner-Russell, Larry Ray Wegner, Susan Wegner. 1 3 5 9 13 17 Beth Keith Marcia Brancolino June Johnson Carla Sesola Istvan Krisko Michelle Moore Marjorie Bean 19 22 23 25 28 Brooke Leininger Jane Dahlmeier Mark Leininger Frances Schrade Donna Van Bommel 27 Alan & Jay Strickland Quarter Auction Thursday, February 19th Doors Open @ 6:00 PM Auction Begins @ 7:00 PM Chancel Flower Chart Many dates still available Sign up now in the Narthex
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