Welcome To East Tenth Street Church of Christ Date __________________ Name__________________ Street__________________ City___________________ State ________ Zip_______ Phone__________________ E-mail_________________ New Address/Phone/E-mail? Yes No Please check all that apply: ___Guest ___Member ___Regular Attendee ___Would like to know more about this church ___Would like to join this church ___Desire a visit or call ___Would like to know about becoming a Christian ___Other/Prayer Request: ____________________ ____________________ Prayer Requests Church Members & Attendees Carl & Mary Hammack Carol Seta Savannah Helms: ear Kelly Allen Donna Jean Wheeler Kristen Hammack David Hammack Larry Dixon Greg Shaffer Frances Crawford Steve & Frances Vester Shut-in of the week Neida Jones Leader of the week F.D. Snead Mission of the week Training Christians for Ministry Praise We thank God that He allows us to be a part of His work in the world. We thank Him that although we have many things we face in this life, that His grace is sufficient for us and in our weakness His power is made perfect. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Please place this portion in the offering plate. Friends & Other Requests Stacie & Avery Pressley (relatives of Susan Wilson) Chad Geary Dorothy Curling: fall Gilbert Portela David Rawls Lia Spur Mike Berry Bruce Berry Kristen Hamm Curt Snelton Keith Banty Becky Story Ray Gray Joe Russell Alyssa Sprouse Jack Benton Lynn Tudor Perry Hammack The following families, in the passing of their loved ones: The family of: Eli Oberdier (relative of Susan Wilson) Link Nixon Stanley Richardson, Jr. Mike Newsome Kenneth Scott Ed Deese Howard Myrick Nada Whitby David Chapman Minister Church: (252) 537-4504 Cell: 532-9072 [email protected] Susan Wilson Secretary [email protected] 1207 East Tenth Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 537-4504 www.easttenth.org [email protected] Trudy Duke Music Director [email protected] Service Times Bible School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. East Tenth Street Church exists to… Exalt God in worship Edify believers through discipleship Encourage us through fellowship Express God’s love in service Evangelize nonbelievers through outreach Morning Worship Service for February 1, 2015 We Come Together in Worship “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb” Opening Prayer Welcome and Greeting Choir, with Terry Wheeler, soloist We Share God’s Word in Scripture Leader: When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. People: Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. Leader: But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” People: On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. Leader: When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. People: They said: “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Leader: “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” People: After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. (Selected verses from Acts 4:13-31) We Worship God in Song “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” (verses 1, 3 & 4) “In Christ Alone” We Celebrate God’s Gift to Us Communion Meditation Communion Prayer The Lord’s Supper # 720 Dave Chapman Terry Wheeler We Give of Ourselves to God Stewardship Meditation Dave Chapman Offering Prayer Bill Harris Sharing our Tithes and Offerings (2nd through 5th grade children may leave for Junior Church at this time) We Hear God’s Word Proclaimed Judges 6 We Respond to God’s Invitation “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” (verses 1, 3 & 4) Announcements Closing Prayer Announcements Dave Chapman # 602 F.D. Snead Thank you for worshipping with us today! If you are our guest and you would like more information about the church, please speak to one of our leaders, and pick up one of the white packets that are available at either entrance. We hope to see you again soon! Notes _____________________ Ongoing Sunday events: the youth Sunday school worship time, the Dollar Club, and the vital signs check continue each week. Contact the church office for more information on these programs. _____________________ The youth will have a Souper Bowl soup sale following today’s morning worship service. This is a fundraiser for their upcoming trip to CCYC, which is February 20-22. (Tickets for CCYC have been ordered, and there are no more tickets available, so unfortunately it is not possible to add additional attendees for this event.) Contact Bill Conover for more information on the soup sale or CCYC. _____________________ Please join us tonight at 6 pm for our Sunday evening programs. The adults meet in the worship center and are continuing their video and discussion series, Walking with God in the Desert. We also have a nursery available. See the following announcement for tonight’s special youth and children’s programs. The youth (grades 6-12) will have a Big Game Party tonight at the home of Mike and Alice Williams. Children (age 4 through 5th grade) will have a Big Game Party tonight at the home of George and Ginny Lewis. Both parties begin at 6 pm; however, adults attending the evening service at the church can drop off young people at either event beginning at 5:40 pm, to allow the adults time to get to church. Contact the Williams or Lewis family for more information or directions. These parties take the place of the youth and children’s evening programs at the church for tonight only; the regular youth and children’s programs will resume at the church next week. The practices for the youth Easter play are continuing. Contact Bill Conover for more information. Please see additional announcements on both sides of the insert. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Announcements Announcements The Young Family Group will continue our parenting study this Friday, February 6 at 6:15 pm. Contact Dave at the church for more information. There will be a baby shower for Jennifer Wrenn on Sunday, February 15 from 2-4 pm at the church. All are invited to attend. Beginning next Sunday, February 8, there will be a light continental breakfast available in the fellowship hall prior to Sunday school, from 9:30 to 9:55 am. This will feature basic items like bagels, doughnuts, juice and coffee; it is not a full breakfast. This is to encourage wider participation in Sunday school, while also encouraging fellowship among our attendees. This is being offered in response to your recommendations in the Sunday school survey. This will be offered every Sunday. It is being done on a trial basis for at least four weeks, and will be continued or discontinued based on your participation and support. There will be a donation basket to recover the cost of the items offered. Those participating are encouraged to give, but there is no set cost. The breakfast will end promptly at 9:55 am; no food will be available after that, because a Sunday school class meets in the fellowship hall beginning at 10 am. The breakfast is open to all Sunday school attendees—all ages and all classes. Volunteers are needed to purchase food and do setup and cleanup. Contact Rhett Phillips, Debbie Beale or Mary Jones for more information, or if you would like to help. The Sonshine Circle meets on Monday, February 9 at 1:30 pm. SIS meets on Tuesday, February 10 at 7 pm. Stay tuned for more details. All women are welcome at either group! There will be a Valentine’s banquet on Wednesday, February 11. All are welcome to attend! This is hosted by the Men’s Fellowship, but is open to everyone—men and women, couples and singles. Tickets are $12 per person. Please pay Larry Beale (making out checks to the church). The signup deadline is next Sunday, February 8. There will be a women’s conference at New Testament Christian Church on Saturday, February 21. Tickets are $10, which includes lunch. See the poster on the lobby bulletin board for more information. See Dot Smith if you would like a ticket. We will have a church cleaning day on Saturday, February 28 from 9 am to noon. Everyone’s help is welcome and needed; if you are not available at that date or time, we will be happy to let you know about projects that can be done at another time of your convenience. Contact Dot Smith (537-2313) for more information. Other upcoming youth events: There will be a youth bake sale fundraiser on March 1. ATF (Acquire the Fire) is March 20-22. The 30-Hour Famine is May 1-2. CIY is July 6-10. Stay tuned for more details, or contact Bill Conover for more information on any of these events. The Women’s Forum is Saturday, March 14. Tickets are now available; tickets are $15, and include a delicious lunch and the program. For more information, see the poster on the lobby bulletin board, or contact Dot Smith (537-2313) or Susan Wilson (537-4504). We welcome donations of small, unwrapped gifts that can be used in the gift baskets at the Women’s Forum. 2014 giving statements have been mailed to all who did not pick them up last week. If you did not receive your giving statement, or if there were any errors or you have any questions, please contact Ginny Lewis. Please be sure to use the offering envelopes we provide, as we use these to track giving. Thank you for your faithful giving! The Valentine’s banquet will take the place of the Men’s Fellowship meeting on February 11; we will resume our regular Men’s Fellowship meetings on Wednesday, February 25 at 6 pm at the church. Men of all ages are encouraged to join us then. A Christian movie called A Matter of Faith will play at our local theater for one or two shows only. There will be a showing this Saturday, February 7 at 4:10 pm, and possibly a second showing next Sunday, February 8 at 3:05 pm. Tickets are $7.50 at the door. Not having previewed it, the church is not endorsing the film, but we are announcing this showing for any individuals who are interested. Please see additional announcements on the other side of the insert. Please see additional announcements on the other side of the insert.
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