EBENEZER LUTHERAN CHURCH LAKE STEVENS, WASHINGTON February 2015 Vol. 31, No. 2 VOICE Newsletter From the Pastor’s Desk Inside this issue: Education2 Preschool2 W.A.T.CH.2 Events Page 3 Council Corner 3 Ministries of Ebenezer 4 Our February Birthdays 5 The Prayer Corner 5 Youth of Ebenezer News (Grades 6-12) 6 Readings for Worship 7 February Senior Luncheon 7 Special Thanks 7 The First Valentine 7 Mustard Seeds 8 Five Minute Devotion Reading Schedule9 In the News 10 New Members’ Class See page 4 for details. Special points of interest: •VBS—NEW DATES...................2 •Preschool Registration...............2 •Spaghetti Dinner.......................3 •Suicide Prevention Workshops.3 •Norwegian Pancake Bkft...........3 •New Members’ Class................4 •Souper Bowl of Caring..............6 •Senior Luncheon (Valentine’s)...7 •Mustard Seeds Art Party...........8 The season of Lent is perhaps one of the most important and significant in the church year. It is the time when the passion and death of Jesus come into focus. It begins with a special day of repentance, Ash Wednesday (this year on February 18), and ends in the depth of sorrow and tragedy of Good Friday. The word “Lent” comes from the Old English word “lencten” meaning “spring” and is related to our word “lengthen.” Taken literally, the word means that this is the time of the year when the days lengthen. For Christians the Lenten Season is a time of preparation, reflection, growth, and change. Lent can be seen as the springtime of the soul—a time of growth in faith and a time to nurture the faith that is already ours. In the early church Lent became a time to prepare people, who were new to the faith, for baptism on Easter Sunday. By the middle of the fourth century, a 40-day preparation period had been established. During that time candidates for Baptism fasted and heard lectures from early church leaders. Later, the season of Lent became a time for all Christians to prepare for Easter. It remains a 40-day period, not counting Sundays, because all Sundays are considered “little Easters” and are festival days. During the Middle Ages Lent became a time of self-discipline and harsh self-examination. The season was so strict most people dreaded its coming. Through time the harsh demands and expectations have been softened and relaxed. People today look to Lent as a time of growth and change. They often include fasting or restriction of some of their favorite foods or drinks during the 40 days of Lent. Some people spend more time in prayer and meditation, while others give up habits they think unnecessary. Still others search to discover how they can share God’s love with others in the world in meaningful ways. Our Our Journey Journey Through Through Lent Lent FEBRUARY 18 Soup Supper: 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service with Communion: 7:00 pm FEBRUARY 25 Soup Supper: 6:00 pm Lenten Service: 7:00 pm Purple is the color associated with the season of Lent and is used in churches, like Ebenezer, that observe liturgical traditions. Purple is a solemn color, reminiscent of royalty and repentance. It reflects the serious and somber nature of this time in the life of the church. As we turn to God during this season of Lent, we are aware of our sin and rejoice in the forgiveness promised to us through our baptisms. I encourage you to make and keep a resolve to pray daily, read a passage from Scripture every day, and worship on Wednesdays and Sundays. You’ll be richer spiritually if you do. May God bless you richly and deeply during this Lenten Season. Pastor Benson VOICE Newsletter Page 2 Education SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS Our lessons this month are from the book of Luke. The preschool through 5th grade children will learn about: • February 1: The beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and how Jesus called regular people to be his disciples. • February 8: The story of Jesus’ healing a sick man whose friends helped him to reach Jesus. • February 15: Jesus’ healing of the 10 diseased men, one of whom came back to thank Jesus. • February 22: From the parable of the Good Samaritan, we will learn how to show mercy to strangers. Middle School students on Sunday mornings are exploring the re:form session videos and workbooks from Augsburg Fortress. Youth encounter a question from the historic Christian faith through creative inquiry, humor, illustrations, and animation. Individual and group activities engage the students in tough faith questions presented in the re:form session videos. Preschool W.A.T.CH. (Wednesdays At The CHurch) WATCH continues through February 11. We will meet at 5:30 pm for fellowship, devotions, and prayer. Classes meeting at 6:00 pm: VALENTINE’S DAY In our Preschool classes the coming of Valentine’s Day will bring discussions about friendship and love. Each class will have a Valentine party celebrating with yummy treats and special cards they will share with each other. Our Bible lessons will be on how God wants us to love him, be kind, and to be sorry but to do what’s right. • Confirmation (7th-8th grades): Students meet with Pastor Benson. • High School (9th-12th grades) & Middle School students who are not attending Confirmation: Led by Virginia Dutcher. •Adults: 1. Big Questions: We’ll examine the “big questions” about our faith based on the book, Letters from a Skeptic, by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd. Led by Ken Cross. 2. Make quilts for local shelters such as Women’s Gospel Mission and Millennia Ministries. Lots of help is needed. Led by Betty Bauer. SNOW SCHEDULE SAFETY UNIT FOR WATCH We are continuing our safety unit If Lake Stevens School this month. We’ll have a visit with a District is late starting firefighter team from the Lake Stevens Fire school, please call the Department. They will teach us safety tips church office after VBS—NEW DATES: JULY 13-17! and show how they can be helpful in our 12 pm to see if WATCH is still scheduled. If Save the Dates! Have fun this times of need. The children will get to tour school is canceled WATCH is canceled. summer with Ebenezer’s VBS! a fire engine and an ambulance. Parents are welcome to join us. Everyone is welcome to WOW (WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAYS) help us plan another successful season. To COME TO give input and be involved in early decision- REGISTRATION FOR FALL 2015 WORSHIP making, see JoAnn Cross, 425-334-8540, or It’s time to register for the upcoming every Kristin Sutton, 425-377-1932. A meeting will school year. Registration is open to all Wednesday be on February 2 at 7 pm if you would like to families. from 7:00join us to learn about our exciting new format. Preschool families, please get your 7:30 pm. Invite friends and neighbors to registration forms turned in by March 1 to join you. ADULT FORUM ensure a spot for your child. We are limited The worship style changes each week The Adult Forum will continue to Honor Our in space so it’s first come, first serve. We and is very different from our Sunday Neighbor’s Faith the first three Sundays of hope classes will fill up quickly. Help us by February as we learn about and discuss the spreading the word and letting your family, worship. These Wednesday services include: following Christian churches: friends, and neighbors know. • A quiet, contemplative Prayer service • February 1: Baptist, United Church of You can call, email, or stop by • Holden Evening Prayer service Christ (Congregational), and Religious the Preschool desk to pick up your • Unfailing Light communion service Society of Friends (Quakers). registration form or email preschool@ • A festival of hymns service • February 8: Christian Scientist, Seventh- ebenezerlakestevens.org. day Adventist, and Eastern Orthodox. Come each Wednesday to hear God’s “Seek the wisdom of the ages, but • February 15: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Word and to receive His blessings. Some look at the world through the eyes Latter-day Saints (Mormon), and weeks we will have the Sacrament of Holy of a child.” –Ron Wild Salvation Army. Communion. Page 3 VOICE Newsletter Events Page SPAGHETTI DINNER YOUTH OF EBENEZER FUNDRAISER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ~ 5-7 PM • Rise Up Detroit! The Youth of Ebenezer will host a spaghetti feed fundraiser. Donations of food are needed and are being accepted. Sign up to donate on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Put your food donations in the box by the Youth Board. Questions? Please contact Courtney Stepp, 425-210-3176. • Spaghetti Dinner in Ebenezer’s Fellowship Hall. Cost is $15 per seat for adults (13+), $10 per seat for children (4-12), and children 3 and under are free. A limited number of “fancy” seats is available with a youth table host for $25 per seat (all ages). Check out the flyers around the church for more details. NORWEGIAN PANCAKE BREAKFAST FEBRUARY 21 ~ 7:30-10:30 AM So delicious! Come to the all-you-can-eat breakfast on the third Saturday of the month. Cost is $5; children under four are free. See you there! HELPING OTHERS! Are you interested in helping others in our community, in the United States, and around the world? Something simple to provide is a quilt. Many opportunities are available to put together simple quilts with little or no sewing. At Ebenezer quilts are put together using tops and bottoms (sheets or quilted tops), pinned, and then tied with yarn. 1. Come to a daytime group that meets two times a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 10:00 am2:00 pm. Bring your own lunch. 2. During WATCH on Wednesdays from FAIR TRADE SALES 6:00-6:55 pm. (Come for fellowship SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 ~ 9:30 AM from 5:30-6:00 pm.) 3. Take home material or squares to sew Social Ministry will be quilt tops and return them later to be selling Fair Trade items pinned and sewed. For material talk to such as coffee and Betty Bauer, 425-334-6332. chocolate in the Fellowship Hall. Questions? Please contact Susan Donated quilts are sent to local Shephard, 425-334-7517. shelters, Camp Lutherwood, Holden BOOK CLUB MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 ~ 6 PM A short discussion of January’s book, West of Here, by Jonathan Evison will take place in the Fellowship Hall. Come to listen to the discussion to see if this is a book you would like to read. During February we will read Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Everyone is welcome to attend—each month or whenever you can. Questions? Please contact Jane Briske, 360-653-4675 or [email protected]. Village, and Lutheran World Relief. CELTIC PARTY! EBENEZER’S FELLOWSHIP HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 6 ~ 6:00 PM Ebenezer’s Choir is getting prepared for their fifth annual Celtic Party to benefit the music program. Great entertainment ... authentic Irish food ... a raffle—all equals a FUN time. Tickets will go on sale starting Sunday, February 15, or can be purchased at the church office, 425-334-0421, during the week: adults $12, children 12 and under $8, seniors 60 and over $10. You will want to “experience” this delightful evening. SUICIDE PREVENTION WORKSHOPS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Suicide is the third-leading cause of death among people ages 15-24. Ebenezer is hosting two suicide prevention workshops: (1) 8:30 am-12:00 pm; and (2) 1:00-4:30 pm. Seats are limited, and this opportunity will be open to the community. In these 31/2 hour sessions, we will learn what we can do to help prevent such tragedies. The presenters will be Shirley and Rev. John Swanson, Pacific NW Regional US Navy Chaplain. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Ken Cross, 425-334-8540, for details. WHAT’S UP WITH FELLOWSHIP? • Pinochle ~ Saturday, February 14, promptly at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Love to play pinochle? Bring a dinner snack to share and a friend. Council Corner Highlights of 01/13/15 Meeting Treasurer’s Report: • All accounts payable are current. • Total income for 2014 was 105 percent of budgeted income. • Expenses for the year have exceeded income by $3,000. Ministry Action Reports: • Property: The vacuum is broken and needs to be replaced. Discussed replacing the church offce air conditioner. Expressed concern about women using the Nursery entrance to the bathroom instead of the hallway door. • Bake Sale: $200 went to Lake Stevens Family Center, and balance of $1,300 plus $400 from Thrivent will go to organ repair. New Business: • Pastor will present Care Team this month. VOICE Newsletter Page 4 Ministries of Ebenezer STEWARDSHIP PASTOR’S BIBLE STUDY F.A.S.T. (Faith And Service Teams) A big thank you goes to all those who have faithfully supported Ebenezer Lutheran Church throughout the past year. Pastor Benson’s Thursday morning The leaders of FAST Team #2 for February Bible Study begins at are Lon and Pam Shultz. The following 10 am. We meet in members will be called to help: the Fireside Room as we dig deeper into the scripture lessons to be read the following FEBRUARY Sunday. Refreshments are served. Boyns, Bob We were operating on a deficit budget Cash, Randy & Beth PASTOR’S NEW MEMBERS’ CLASS which means we needed to take in more Caton, Gregg & Rhonda SUNDAYS, FEBRUARY 8, 15, & 22 money than people had promised to provide. Ferguson, Doug & Candy Pastor Benson will be conducting classes A big thanks also goes to all who used Hovland, Myron for new members in his office from their hands for God’s work at Ebenezer. It Hurt, Linda takes many hours to keep the church up and 9:40-10:20 am. If you are interested in Lyon, Barb running, and it would be impossible without becoming a member of Ebenezer, talk to Markwardt, Sheldon Pastor Benson after worship services or help from all of you. Olson, Arden & Karen, Anthony, Angelina call the church office, 425-334-0421. Olson, Jim & Mary FELLOWSHIP NEEDS ~ FEBRUARY Peterson, Truman & Phyllis MAR-CILLA CIRCLE Poremba, Nancy Paper napkins, paper plates, coffee TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 ~ 11:30 AM Shultz, Lon & Pam creamer, gallon Ziploc bags, and aluminum The ladies of Mar-Cilla Sutton, Scott & Kristin, Brigitta, Berit, foil are being collected for fellowship Circle enjoy fellowship, Boden activities and meetings. Please write a delightful lunch, and “Fellowship” on all donations and leave a Bible study. They will THANK YOU, FAST TEAM #1 them in the kitchen. Thank you to all who continue their study provide these supplies. FAST Team #1 led by Ken and JoAnn Cross Meeting Jesus. All ladies are invited! served in January. Your team made our WE ARE ON FACEBOOK! WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AT STEPP’S worship enriching, fulfilling, and especially meaningful. Thank you for serving. To find us look up MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 ~ 6:30 PM “Ebenezer Lutheran All women are invited FAST TEAM #3 MEETING Church.” Please ‘Like’ to this Bible study at our page to be up to date The members of FAST Team #3 and leaders, Janice Stepp’s home. on events and news. We are at 175 likes. Michael and Susan Shephard, will help with This year’s theme from Could you help us make it to 200? Questions Sunday morning duties in March. Look for a the Gather magazine or want something posted? Contact Kristin mailing in February if you’re on this team. is Transforming Life and Faith. February’s Sutton: [email protected]. subject is “Making Conversion Last.” Bring FAST TEAMS HOST SOUP SUPPERS your Bible to fellowship, learn, and journey WOMEN’S EVENTS in the scriptures. Questions? Please call Each FAST Team will need three people to Janice, 425-334-5443. For information about women’s events, set up and cook four pots of soup and four contact Janice Stepp, 425-334-5443; check people to help with cleanup. Soup suppers COMMUNITY SUPPER NEEDS the Fellowship Hall bulletin board; or go to start at 6 pm and Lenten services at 7 pm. www.womenoftheelca.org. We are collecting canned pears, peaches, To serve, call your Team leaders. QUESTION OF THE MONTH How can we know that Jesus was actually God and not just a prophet? (Hint: Start in Philippians 2.) fruit cocktail, and applesauce. Please leave all your donated items in the baskets under the signup sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your donations. For more info please contact JoAnn Cross at [email protected]. • • • • • • #1 (Cross) on February 18 #4 (Charlot) on February 25 #6 (Wilson) on March 4 #7 (Bracht) on March 11 #8 (Briske) on March 18 #9 (Gross & Stepp) on March 25 Page 5 VOICE Newsletter Our February Birthdays Name Egtvet, Brennan Anderson, Marnie Nearhoff, Marcia Hicks, Russel Appelgate, Diane Olson, Andrew Werner, Alice Ballard, Elizabeth Crowley, Lisa Birth Date (month/day) 2/1 2/6 2/8 2/12 2/14 2/14 2/14 2/15 2/15 Name Severson, Roger Matthews, Alexis Lowder, Rhonda Staffenhagen, Carter Feizbakhsh, Eileen DiMonda, Logan Staffenhagen, Wyatt Nicholson, Katy Parzyk, Kathy Birth Date (month/day) 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/23 Name Gust, Celia Johanson, Crystal Martuch, Dominic Brothers, Susan Marks, Sandy Birth Date (month/day) 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/28 2/29 “You grow up the day you have your first real laugh—at yourself.” –Ethel Barrymore The Prayer Corner Julie Gordon (Jeff Gust’s sister) - surgery David Gronlund (C. Johanson’s son-in-law) Leah Hammersmark (Kathy Eliason’s niece) - Lou Gehrig’s Disease CoraLee Hicks (Uilani Smith-Munoz’s friend) - strokes Michael Holzwarth (Uilani Smith-Munoz’s friend) - reconstruction & healing Lillian Hone (K. Shouman’s mother) - cancer Dave Hopps (Kirk & Fran Clapper’s brotherMembers of the Congregation: in-law) - skin cancer Tyler Caulfield - life’s issues Dee Hopps (Fran Clapper’s sister) Pam Hallanger - cancer Sue Huffman (Jane Briske’s friend) - chemo Emma Honcoop (Shaya Honcoop’s daughter) Kirsten Jines (Korrine Gust’s daughter) Michele Redland - recovering from surgery healthy pregnancy Evelyn Kimball (Angie Kimball’s baby) Homebound or Special Care Residents: Nick Konkler (Martha Konkler’s greatWaleene Gardner grandson) - cancer Extended Family with Needs: Ed Krueger (Debbie May’s father) - cancer Betty Berger (Pat Jackson’s cousin) - cancer Brandy & Brenna Krug (Darra Large’s friends) Keith & LaVerne Birk (Janine DiMonda’s Diane Landert (Pat Jackson’s friend) - surgery father & mother) - medical issues Irene Long (Janice Stepp’s friend) - fall Margo Bradwell (F. Clapper’s friend) - cancer Sue Loveless (Ken Cross’s sister) - healing Jim Bruins (Eileen Bruins’ son) - leukemia Wayne Marks (Sandy Marks’ son) Mavis Carlson (Lynne Charlot’s mother) - stroke Phinne Maughan (Andi Holmes’ nephew) Tabetha Carlson (Robin Lindsay’s friend) recovering from surgeries cancer Camden McAlpine (Wyatt Staffenhagen’s Pat Coleman (P. Peterson’s friend) - chemo friend) - medical tests Jeff Dale (Kirk & Fran Clapper’s friend) - cancer Frank McDaniel (Nancy Mitchell’s friend) Juli England (Cindy Rhodes’ friend) - cancer - cancer Ruth Frias (Kay Caulfield’s friend) - heart David McDonald (Betty McDonald’s son) Kayla Gay (Helen Hendrickson’s niece) cancer If you have an urgent need, call Alice Werner, 425-334-6845, or Margaret Ren, 425-334-3843, the prayer chain leaders who will contact members of the prayer chain to begin praying. We encourage all members to pray regularly for the following members: Buzzy McGee (Kathy Huber’s brother) Winnie McGee (Kathy Huber’s mother) Ed & Sally Parzyk (Roy Parzyk’s father & mother) - medical issues Marilee Payne (W. Gardner’s sister-in-law) Lisa Pearson (Ken Cross’s niece) - hospice Mark Rice (Alice Werner’s nephew) Bobbi Schneidewend (Betty Bauer’s cousin) Laura Signorello (Debbie May’s stepsister) Martha Stuart (Lia Stuart’s mother-in-law) Tom Stuart (Lia Stuart’s father-in-law) - cancer Brian Tate (Dee Anne Williams’ son-in-law) Petal Turner (Lia Stuart’s great-aunt) - cancer Caleb Ward (Kay Caulfield’s cousin) - leukemia Meggi Ward (Susan Shephard’s friend) Cale Werner (Alice Werner’s grandson) Hodgkin’s lymphoma For All Our Military and Their Families: Arie McSherry, David Peterson, Ethan Stuart, and Kole Sylte Afghanistan: Josh Main & Chuck Morris Japan: Sid Hendrickson Jr. Okinawa: Scott & Selena Viboch For Those Who Grieve: Hovland & Shultz Families - Myron Hovland’s mother LaVerna Schlag passed away Jorgensen Family - Shirley Jorgensen passed away Loth Family - Larry Loth, Pat Jackson’s friend, passed away VOICE Newsletter Page 6 Youth of Ebenezer News (Grades 6-12) Date Time Place February 1 February 8 February 15 February 21 February 22* March 6-7 After Both Services 5:00-7:00 pm Fellowship Hall 11:45 am Youth Room 7:30-10:30 am Fellowship Hall 5:30-7:30 pm Youth Room 7:00 pm Leave Trinity Lutheran College 7:00 am Return Event Souper Bowl of Caring Spaghetti Dinner Ebenezer Youth Committee (EYC) Meeting Norwegian Pancake Breakfast MS/HS Fellowship (see article below) Middle School/Jr High GO Night * This Fellowship date is conditional upon adults signing up to host/chaperone. Please read article below. Youth Contacts: Virginia Dutcher, 360-568-6258; Courtney Stepp, 425-210-3176; and Ray Delgado, 425-512-9244. SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 SPAGHETTI DINNER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ~ 5-7 PM Souper Bowl of Caring is a nationwide fundraiser supporting hunger issues and organizations. Watch for the youth with their soup pots after both services on Souper Bowl Sunday. The Spaghetti Dinner is finally here! Remember, come to participate or come to eat spaghetti and other great foods on February 8 between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Come prepared to help the Youth of Ebenezer “tackle” hunger with this nationwide youth fundraiser. This year their donations will go to the Lake Stevens Food Bank. Matching funds have been applied for from Thrivent Financial. EYC MEETING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 ~ 11:45 AM MS/HS FELLOWSHIP FEBRUARY 22 ~ 5:30-7:30 PM We would like to continue having Fellowship on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, but it requires two adults to be there. A signup sheet is on the Youth Board for parents and adults who wish to host Fellowship—at the church or at your home. We really need the help of parents and interested adults. Watch your email for updates or talk to the Youth Contacts above. Thanks for your help. Join us in the Youth Room to plan activities, discuss ideas, and have a voice in your youth group. If you are in 6th-12th grades, you can join the Ebenezer Youth Committee. Parents also can join. So talk to the contacts above if you want to find out more about what we do. NORWEGIAN PANCAKE BREAKFAST SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 We always have a great time helping with this community event. Don’t miss out on this time of service and a chance to help our youth group. Please sign up on the Youth Board. MIDDLE SCHOOL/JR HIGH GO NIGHT FRIDAY-SATURDAY, MARCH 6-7 A FUN, all-nighter for 6th-9th grade youth will be happening at Trinity Lutheran College. There will be roller skating, bowling, inflatables, and games at the Everett YMCA and late night PIZZA! This is a Synod event so there will be multiple churches attending and over 120 youth participating. Registration deadline is Sunday, February 22. PALM SUNDAY BREAKFAST SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Do you enjoy having breakfast at Ebenezer on Palm Sunday? We will need help this year for planning and organizing as well as knowing who will participate and serve at our traditional breakfast. The Youth of Ebenezer will have a planning meeting in February so watch the Sunday announcements and your email for the date and time. All Ebenezer friends and groups are invited to join us at this meeting. This great event must have a planning team in place to make it happen this year. Page 7 VOICE Newsletter Readings for Worship February 1 February 15 (Communion) LENTEN WORSHIP SCHEDULE 1st Lesson: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1st Lesson: II Kings 2:1-12 February 1 8:30 & 10:30 am February 4 WOW Service - 7:00 pm February 8 8:30 & 10:30 am February 11 WOW Service - 7:00 pm February 15 8:30 & 10:30 am February 18 Soup Supper - 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service - 7:00 pm February 22 8:30 & 10:30 am February 25 Soup Supper - 6:00 pm Lenten Service - 7:00 pm Psalm: Psalm 111 Psalm: Psalm 50:1-6 2 Lesson: I Corinthians 8:1-13 2 Lesson: II Corinthians 4:3-6 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Gospel: Mark 9:2-9 February 8 (Communion) February 22 1st Lesson: Isaiah 40:21-31 1st Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm: Psalm 147:1-11, 20c Psalm: Psalm 25:1-10 2nd Lesson: I Corinthians 9:16-23 2nd Lesson: I Peter 3:18-22 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Gospel: Mark 1:9-15 nd nd Sunday School Classes 9:40-10:25 am Church Office Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Senior Luncheon Special Thanks February Senior Luncheon Theme: Hearts & Flowers! Date: Thursday, February 5 Time: 11:30 am for coffee, tea, and punch; meal is served at noon Main Dish: Spaghetti & Meatballs Please bring a side dish to share and your friends to enjoy food and fellowship. See you there. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. For more info please call Lynn Moller, 425-791-0256. “We love because He first loved us.” I John 4:19 Christmas Decorations The Worship & Music Committee would like to thank everyone who helped take down our Christmas decorations. A very big thank you to Carolyn Lund for all the beautiful new Sanctuary decorations and wonderful table decor in the Fellowship Hall. –Jeanette Backstrom You Are Amazing! We want to thank our members for contributing to the Organ Repair Fundraiser. We have a total of $1,970! Our goal was $300, but you have blessed us beyond our wildest dreams. You are amazing and we are so thankful. –Iris Ingram & Ebenezer’s Choir Generous Donation Thank you so much for another generous donation of $150 for the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank. It is helping many families in our great community. –Jim Foster, Managing Director Office Closed 9:00-12:30 & 1:30-5:00 9:00-12:30 & 1:30-4:00 9:00-12:30 & 1:30-4:00 9:00-12:30 & 1:30-4:00 The First Valentine St. Valentine’s Day A time for love And no more lonely hearts, We’re sending cards That say, “Be mine,” For some, a place to start. But we forget The story of The world’s first Valentine — But not by mail Did this one come. By way of sacrifice It wasn’t words But deeds of love Of One who gave his life — The One who died With arms outstretched And simply said, “Be mine.” –Brian Roush Excelsior Springs, MO VOICE Newsletter Page 8 MUSTARD SEEDS gathered in January for an ART PARTY. In keeping with the theme of Art, Mustard Seeds made personal lollipops for a snack! When the children arrived, they were asked to create art together that highlighted both how we are the same (we are all God’s children) and how we are all unique and special. The art was used to create a cohesive Mustard Seeds Masterpiece. Finishing out the night, Mustard Seeds expelled a little of their extremely high levels of energy by having indoor snowball fights—the last one against the parents! For a devotional Mustard Seeds read “You are Special” by Max Lucado. The story is meant to teach listeners that each of us is special in God’s eyes and we all have talents and value. As usual the Mustard Seeds also engaged in a form of service beyond themselves. They decorated quilt squares with thoughts and prayers. The full blanket will be sewn together later and gifted with other quilts by Ebenezer. Please look for upcoming Mustard Seeds events in the announcements and on the signup board downstairs. All youth 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome to join. Friends are encouraged—the more the merrier. Parents can participate in the fun or may leave their little ones for a couple of hours. Love and Blessings, Andi Holmes Page 9 VOICE Newsletter Ebenezer Lutheran Church (ELCA) The VOICE Newsletter 2111 - 117th Avenue NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Nonprofit Org. PAID Permit No. 1 Lake Stevens, WA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Oh, love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure— The saints’ and angels’ song. JESUS LOVES ... Remember to post your calendar! An Ebenezer Lutheran Church Publication (ELCA): February 2015, Vol. 31, No. 2 Phone: 425-334-0421 / FAX: 425-334-2873 Email: [email protected] / Web Page: www.ebenezerlakestevens.org In the News Hearing Aids? Publish Birthdates? Just enable the “T coil” function, and it should work anytime you are in the Sanctuary. You can ask your hearing aid provider how to turn it on and off. If you are purchasing a new hearing aid, you may want to specifically ask for this function because some hearing aids don’t have it. For more information, please contact Ken Cross, 425-334-8540. Where Did They Go? Do you wear a hearing aid? If your hearing aid is equipped with a “T coil” (also called a “Tele Coil” or a “Loop System”), our Sanctuary is now equipped to connect your hearing aid directly to the sound system. This will allow you to avoid the distracting sounds around you and more easily hear the person speaking—no annoying feedback. NEW 2015 MEMBER DIRECTORY Change of name or new address, phone number, or email address? Please notify Roseanne in the office, 425-334-0421, as soon as possible. We are always looking for ways to be more responsible with personal info we publish. Since Ebenezer’s VOICE is a link on our web page, one item that comes up is birthdays. If you choose to have yours or your child’s birthdate left off upcoming issues, please send an email to the church office. The LWR quilts and kits members of Ebenezer put together in 2014 were distributed to many people in many countries around the world including Tanzania, Nicaragua, Armenia, and Peru. There are probably more countries we could list, but the final tallies for October 2014 have not been published. Thanks to everyone who contributed with sewing and making the quilts, supplying items for the kits, and giving monetarily. Would you be willing to help again in 2015? Purchasing items or making quilts with Ebenezer’s Quilters? Following are lists of items needed: Items for Personal Care Kits: 1 bath-size towel (approximately 52”x27”) dark color recommended; 2 bath-size bars (4-5 oz.) of soap (any brand in original wrapping); 1 adult-size toothbrush (original package); 1 sturdy comb (remove packaging); 1 metal nail clippers (remove packaging; files are no longer an option). Items for Baby Care Kits: 2 lightweight cotton t-shirts (no onesies); 2 long or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers without feet; 2 receiving blankets mediumweight cotton or flannel or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn up to 52” square; 4 cloth diapers flat fold preferred; 1 sweater or sweatshirt with hood (include a baby cap if no hood); 1 hand towel dark color recommended; 2 bath-size bars (4-5 oz.) of gentle soup in original wrapping; 2 diaper pins or large safety pins; 2 pair of socks. All items should be new or in good condition. Thanks for your support. (Read “Helping Others!” on page 3 for info about making quilts with Ebenezer’s Quilters.)
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