THE VISION February, 2015 IMMANUEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 800 NORTH MAIN STREET EDWARDSVILLE IL 62025 Trivia Night—Valentines Day Theme Saturday, January 31, 2015 Doors Open 5:30 • Play Begins 6:00 $10/Person • $80/Table Maximum of 8 People per Table Free Popcorn Water, Soda & Cookies Available to Purchase Child Care Available Sign-Up Sheet in Hospitality Room Welcome to Praise Community Fellowship! On February 1 Praise Community Fellowship will begin a new relationship with folks at Immanuel UMC. As an opportunity to get to know each other, and as an expression of thanks, PCF would like to cook and serve Immanuel folks lunch this coming Sunday, January 25th. The lunch will immediately follow the 10:30 am Worship Service and will be served in our Fellowship Hall. See Page 2 for information about our new relationship with Praise Community Fellowship. Page 2 THE VISION Welcome to Praise Community Fellowship! Plan to have lunch at IUMC this Sunday, January 25, On February 1, Praise Community Fellowship (PCF) will begin a new relationship with folks at Immanuel UMC. PCF will have their first worship service at noon on February 1 in the sanctuary of Immanuel UMC. They are a MultiDenominational Church, with Kent Schuette serving as the Pastor. Kent and his wife Bonni, along with members of their congregation have expressed a great joy in getting to know those of us at Immanuel UMC so far, and have already enjoyed working together. following late worship I think we will find an exciting ministry of mission that lies ahead on a journey of faith and fellowship together. As an opportunity to get to know each other, and as an expression of thanks, PCF would like to cook and serve Immanuel folks lunch this coming Sunday, January 25th. The lunch ill immediately follow the 10:30 am Worship Service, and will be served in our Fellowship Hall. Let’s enjoy good food, fellowship, and fun. THE VISION Page 3 Souper Evening Reprise! We had such a good time in January, that the 55+ Fellowship Group will meet again on Sunday, February 8, 2015 in the Journey’s Inn Room at 5:30 p.m. for the same sharing of delicious Soups and the Breaking of Bread together. Anyone that has a soup, chili, bean soup, ham and bean, etc. recipe to share with our group is welcome to come. Bring a small pot of your best recipe to share and a side dish or dessert. Bowls and silverware are at the church, as well as drinks. Those attending are asked to bring a donation for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. See list of needed items on page 5. May we be generous with our donations and be Thankful for all our Blessings. Everyone is welcome to attend!! Art with Allie Sunday, February 22, 2015 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall Fee is $35 (Includes all paint supplies, finger foods, beverage and light dessert) The instructor will bring a large quantity of paintings for you to choose and copy from—or you may create your own interpretation of her picture. This is a fun and creative way to spend time with family or friends in this cold weather. Limited space—call the church office, 656-4648 or Sharon Koenig, 633-2659 for a reservation. R.S.V.P Church Office 656-4648 Sharon Koenig 633-2659 THE VISION Page 4 Sweetheart’s Dinner & Silent Auction MENU: Spaghetti or Mostacolli Bread Sticks Romaine Salad Valentine Cup Cakes Sparkling Grape Juice Our Fourth Annual Sweetheart’s Dinner & Silent Auction on Saturday, February 7, from 5-7 pm. Cost of the dinner is $8 for Adults, and $5 for Children ages 5-12. Children under age 5 eat free. Tickets are available from Sharon Koenig. Silent Auction bids can be placed from 5—6:30 pm. We are in need of donations of Silent Auction Baskets/ Tickets/Items, as well as donations of food items for the dinner, and Kitchen & Dining Room Help. There are sign-up sheets in the Hospitality Room for each of these areas. Your enthusiastic support of this event is greatly appreciated!! Silent Auction Items Needed We need donations of silent auction items for our Sweetheart’s Dinner! A very popular item to bid on is a themed basket. Some ideas: Potting About in the Garden—seeds, gardening magazine subscription, gardening books, tools, gloves, hanging baskets, vouchers to garden shops It’s a Date! Gift cards for restaurants, movie tickets, popcorn, bowling or any activity that could be used for a date and flowers. Pet Lovers—themed for a specific type of pet—cat, dog, bird, etc. Have a selection of pet toys, snacks, food, etc. Car Care—Car wash vouchers, car wash products, inner air fresheners, seat covers, etc. Death by Chocolate—an assortment of chocolates and gourmet chocolates. Gourmet Coffees—a coffee machine, a variety of filter coffee packs, espresso coffee packs, milk frother, coffee plunger, gourmet or rare coffees Baker’s Basket—oven gloves, flour, baking powder, chocolate chips, nuts, icing sugar, cocoa powder, cookie/ muffin pan, recipe book, etc. There are literally thousands of ideas for silent auction gift baskets online. Just have fun with this and you will put together a great prize for someone. When you decide what kind of basket you will be putting together, please put your autograph and description of the basket on the sign-up sheet in the Hospitality Room. A basket doesn’t have to be a “basket” literally. It can be a tote or a tub, it can be a backpack or baby diaper bag. It could be a BBQ grill! Be sure people can see all the items you have lovingly put together. THE VISION Kid’s Night Out This monthly activity for children age 3 through 5th grade will meet on Friday, February 13th from 5—9 pm in the Journey’s Inn Room. The children enjoy a meal, games, crafts, a movie and popcorn. Volunteers are needed and greatly appreciated!! 2015 VBS—July 20—24 We know it’s early, but we need a jumpstart on donations for VBS. The theme is “Everest”, so a lot of the decorations will revolve around snow. The leaders will be building an igloo out of milk jugs, so over 400 of them are needed. Please start saving now: Empty milk jugs (cleaned out please!) 2 liter clear plastic bottles, rinsed out Large pieces of foam Large boxes (like appliance size) White sheets New or left-over paint in white, black, blue (any shade), green, brown, gray White tissue paper White scrapbook paper or card stock Winter decorations—snowflakes, snowmen, icicles, etc. White Christmas lights Decorative items will be returned to you following VBS. Collect your items at home—please do not bring them to Immanuel yet! Page 5 THE VISION Page 6 Lenten Bible Study The 2015 Lenten Bible Study will be taught by Rev. Dale Wilfong. The study is entitled, "Secrets of the Vine," by Bruce Wilkinson. The study centers on John 15, Jesus' final words to his disciples about bearing fruit. Secrets of the Vine talks about bearing fruit and that in order for a vine to grow good fruit, it sometimes has to be pruned. No fruit, fruit, more fruit, and much fruit is discussed and at times God or the circumstances of life often prunes us. As we dedicate ourselves to a Holy Lent, will you commit to participating in this lively discussion and internal cleansing? Monday evenings 7 pm - Begins February 23rd Food Pantry Needs Catsup Dish and laundry soap Deodorant—men’s and women’s Cake mixes—white, chocolate and yellow Juice Jelly—grape and strawberry Canned chicken Canned fruit Stove Top Dressing Hamburger Helper Toothbrushes Inclement Weather Plan The way in which we will be communicating the closing of the church for those who have an internet connection, is through our website: If you do not receive the newsletter by e-mail, you will receive a phone call to let you know if services have been cancelled. THE VISION Page 7 United Methodist Women The regular monthly meeting of the United Methodist Women will be on Thursday, February 5th. Executive Board meets at 6:45 pm, meeting at 7:00 pm. This months’ program is our annual Call to Prayer and Self Denial, led by Patricia Rader. All women of the church are invited. Mission Work at Immanuel We were kept very busy in 2014 as we served approximately 3,200 lunches at Free Lunch Friday; donated shoes to the Shoe Man Project; coordinated and supervised the summer S.A.K. (Serving Area Kids) program that served approximately 1,000 lunches to area children; collected unsold items from St. Louis Bread Company each Monday and delivered them to Main Street Community Center on Tuesday; delivered Meals on Wheels during the month of August; and provided Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents via Angel Tree Ministry. Ageless Grace Is Coming Back! Jeanne Carter and Janice Zelasko will restart our Ageless Grace class on Mondays at 6:00 in the Journey’s Inn Room beginning on Monday, February 16, 2015. If you have joined us before, get ready to “Dive In”, get “Juicy Joints”, and “Shake It Up, Baby”. If you are new to Ageless Grace, we’d love to have you join the fun. Ageless Grace is an exercise program designed for all ages. It is performed in a chair for a level playing field. There are 21 tools (7 per class) that work on all different aspects of brain and body fitness. Everybody’s Ageless Grace will look a little different; you can’t do it wrong because you do what feels right for you. You’ll be surprised at the workout you get sitting in a chair and at how good you’ll feel at the end of class. There is lots of fun, music and laughter. We always finish with a quiet relaxation to send you home feeling even better. Cost of the class is $6.00 per class, or $20.00 for 4 classes a month. If you qualify for Silver Sneakers, we bill them for the workout. Please consider joining us for some fun fitness. THE VISION Page 8 Prayer Ministry († Indicates weeks—call office to continue another 4 weeks) † Gladys Freitag, recovering from bronchitis Butch Mestemacher, upcoming medical test on January 27th Charles Hall and family at the death of his sister this week in Mississippi Wesley Hurcomb, nephew of Marilyn Vignola, snowboarding accident Susan, mother of Sheila Page, reoccurring cancer issues Trevor Page who will have upcoming ear surgery John Wayne Marshall, nephew of Gary Koenig, heart-valve surgery, recovering at home Jerry Green, diagnosed with advanced diabetes †† Chloe McIntyre, now recovering back at Eden Village Lida Gillham is now recovering at home Eileen Donaldson, Kari Prott’s adopted grandmother, terminal cancer Mike Barnett, friend of Emily Spitze, had mass removed from colon Trina Nolan, friend of Emily Spitze, at Barnes with complications from lung cancer ††† †††† Keith Kane recovering at home Joan Long now fighting infection from gall bladder surgery Family of Emily Johnson, friend of Gwen Cornell’s family who passed away Harry Freitag, recovering from infection Family of John Hibbard, nephew of Pat Schott Jeremy Carmen, friend of Gwen Cornell’s family, prostate cancer has returned Treasurers! It is time to prepare your books for audit. Gather all check stubs, bank statements, receipts and deposits for 2014 and bring them to the church office. Little Things Add Up! We began our eScrip program with Schnucks several years ago. Even though the amount we receive from them monthly is in the $12—$15 range, over the duration of our association with them we have received $1,052.50 just by your handing them your eScrip card before making payment for your groceries. Thank you!! THE VISION Page 9 Online Giving in 2015 If you are interested in online contributions to Immanuel, please pick up a Debit Authorization form found in the Narthex or Hospitality Room. Be sure to attach a voided check to this form and return it to the church office. If you are living away from the area, this form can be e-mailed to you and you can then mail it back to Immanuel. You will have the option of a bi-weekly or a monthly withdrawal from your account. We are looking at getting this set up with our bank as soon as possible. 2014 Contribution Statements Please pick up your 2014 contribution statement from the table in the Hospitality Room even if you do not need it for tax purposes. If you chose not to receive boxed contribution envelopes in 2015, a letter is included in this statement telling you the number that we have assigned to you. We ask that you write this number on your checks or on the pew envelope. This will allow us to easily track your donations. 2014 Current Expense Receipts January April July October $13,552.88 $14,780.62 $12,080.11 $13,770.03 February May August November $12,329.13 $14,190.22 $14,064.95 $16,607.81 March June September December $15,518.40 $14,573.21 $10,292.31 $16,418.79 THE VISION Page 10 Total Local Ministries Donations 2014: SAK Lunch Program IUMC contributions only $ 2,288.38 Glen-Ed Food Pantry 711.00 Souper Bowl Sunday 184.30 Light the Cross Campaign 2,024.00 Postage-Operation Christmas Child 433.00 Thanksgiving Baskets 240.00 Faith in Action 132.90 Faith Coalition 132.03 Community Children’s Mission Pave our Potholes Parsonage Improvements 1,374.00 67,076.91 3,500.00 Total Conference Ministries Reflected on 2014 Year End Report Clergy/Administration Benevolence/Connectional $16,668.00 9,948.00 Liberia Adv. Special 328.00 Liberia Clergy Salary Support 273.00 Heifer Living Gift 215.81 U.M.C.O.R Disaster Response 100.00 Red Bird Mission 234.00 United Methodist Children’s Home 400.00 Preacher’s Aid Society 295.00 Liberia Scholarships 175.00 Miscellaneous Designations 240.00 Imagine No Malaria 220.00 Africa University 387.00 One Great Hour of Sharing 135.00 World Communion Sunday 10.00 United Methodist Student Day 70.00 Human Relations Day 105.00 Peace with Justice Sunday 55.00 Native American Sunday 90.00 God has Blessed Us, So We Can be a Blessing to Others! The Old Church with the New Attitude IMMANUEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 800 NORTH MAIN STREET EDWARDSVILLE IL 62025 Phone: 618-656-4648 Fax: 618-656-1182 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the Web! CONTACT US! WORSHIP SCHEDULE Office: (618) 656-4648 Fax: (618) 656-1162 Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. Web Site: In Sanctuary Common Time Church E-mail: 9:45 a.m. [email protected] Includes: Pastor’s E-mail: Children’s Sunday School [email protected] Adult Bible Studies Youth Devotions Look us up on Facebook Coffee + More Chancel Choir Rehearsal Reverend Jackie Havis-Shear
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