BULLETIN 2015-02-01.pub

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Date Mr. Mrs. Miss FourthSundayaftertheEpiphany
1, 2015 11:00
Prelude Connie Burns Church Ministry Highlights Kermit Burns Welcome to Our Guests Kermit Burns Invoca on Robbie Stollger Song Our God Song How Great Is Our God Hymn 10 Redman/Tomlin/Reeves How Great Thou Art Offertory Prayer Anthem Tomlin/Cash/Reeves Hine Ushers Changed Chancel Choir Stefanovich Children's Message Larry Leatherwood Intercessory Prayer Jane Mills The Lord's Prayer Congrega on Scripture Reading Hebrews 12:32‐35 (NASB) Message Hymn 294 F
Have Thine Own Way, Lord Benedic on Response A
The Bond of Love Postlude Robbie Stollger Robbie Stollger Stebbins Robbie Stollger Skillings Connie Burns Those who are able, please stand.
Sçėƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 1:
Name 9:00A 9:15A 9:45A 11:00A Dinners in a Bag Commi ee Deacons' Prayer Time (Parlor) Sunday School Worship Spouse Address MÊėƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 2:
City, State, Zip 10:00A Staff Mee ng 10:30A Cra ing Circle 6:30P Heart 2 Heart Ministry Tç›Ý—ƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 3:
10:30A Sounds of Joy Choir 6:30P Deacons' Mee ng W›—ěݗƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 4:
6:00P 6:30P 6:45P 7:30P Family Supper Berea Kids GriefShare Youth Bible Study Adult Bible Study Chancel Choir Rehearsal  This is an address change E‐Mail Home Phone Work/Cell Phone  New in Community I am a:
 1st Time Guest  Returning Guest  Regular A endee  Member Church Sƒãçٗƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 7:
6:00P Deacons’ Singles’ Valen ne Banquet City, State Sçėƒù, F›ÙçƒÙù 8:
9:15A 9:45A 11:00A WMU Sunday
Deacons' Prayer Time (Parlor) Sunday School Worship I would like to know more about:
 Becoming a church member  Preschool Ministry  Children’s/Youth Ministry  Bible Study mes/groups  Mission groups/opportuni es  Music Ministry May we:
 Send you our newsle er?  Call to schedule a visit? Age Group:
”A welcoming, Spirit‐filled church sharing God’s Word and love with all people in our community and around the world.” OurMISSION
“Our mission is to glorify God through Spirit‐filled worship, evangelism, discipleship, and service to our community, both locally and worldwide.”  Preschool  30‐44  6‐11  45‐54  12‐18  55‐69  19‐29  70+ Names & Ages of Children at Home: I am the guest of: MenuforWednesday,
Baked Spaghe , Salad, Dessert/Beverage Call the Church Office to make reserva ons or drop this form in the offering plate. The cost is $5.00 per adult and $3.00 per child. Please make reserva ons and/or cancella ons by noon Tuesday. Name Phone Number _________ Number in Family   Permanent Reserva ons  This Week Only  Cancel This Week Only  Cancel Un l Further No ce CDM
If you would like a CD copy of today’s service, please print your name and address below. Your copy will be mailed to you. ______________________________ Name ______________________________ Address _________ No. Copies  I need a CD player H
_______________________________ Name Prayer Call Card Visit _______________________________ Name Prayer Call Card Visit _______________________________ Name Prayer Call Card Visit H
There will be a Dental Bus
Luncheon Sunday, February 15th following our Morning Worship. Be y Barne e will be preparing the meal. Desserts prepared by our members are also needed. Tickets are available from today, January 18th through Sunday, February 9th. Take outs will be available. A Sign‐Up Sheet for Dental
Bus Volunteers is on the Bulle n Board outside the Church Office. The Spring Yard Sale
will Saturday, April 25, from 7:00am un l 1:00pm. Gently used items will be greatly appreciated. Your help for the day is also needed. For more informa on, please contact Shara Uzzell at 704‐
577‐0018; Jean Shoffner, Peter and Kathy Schmi or Sue and Arlen Belk. Bill Aiken Be y Allen Larry Ammons, Jr Clifford Archer Wilma Barker Tyler Barkley Mike Barne e Marion Barnes Geraldine Beaver Louise Benfield Randy Brotherton Jim Brown Clair Caldwell M/M Gene Catoe Marsha Chester Lorene Clodfelter Jeff Crissman M/M James Current Emanuel Schmidt Joyce Draper M/M James Sherrill Cricket & Trent Goforth Debra Shook M/M Ron Harrison Sco Slaugh & Family Jeff Hartsell Tiara Smith Judy Hughes June Smith‐Hartness Be y Lancaster Marverine Stu s Ellen Lancaster Suzie Summers Jonathan Li le Cur s & Ellen Threa Bobby Lineberger Sco Uzzell Mike Long Larry Wagoner Eadie Low Jimmy Wallace Elizabeth ‘Si ’ Manser Ben & Starr Benjamin Mar n Westmoreland Vickie McAuley Julia Williams Michelle Nesbit The San Diu Pat Nicholson The Family of M/M Jimmy Pucke Jennie Johnston Peggy Railey Saundra Rogers Dan Schmidt SUNDAY,FEBRUARY8
We need your homemade cookies for the teachers and staff at Lake Norman High School. Please bring your cookies to Faith Hall by Sunday morning, February 8. Please mark the outside of your container how many cookies are inside. We need volunteers to come at 4:00pm to help pack the cookies to be delivered to the school in me for Valen ne’s Day. LastSundayatBerea
Sunday School 104 Worship A endance 148 Regular Offering $6,292.00 Weekly Needs $8,789.73 Year to Date Goals $35,158.92 Year to Date Gi s $29,136.75 Rev. Robbie Stollger, Senior Pastor (704) 231‐4393 (C) Rev. Kermit M. Burns, Minister of Music and Senior Adults (704) 662‐5008 (C) Rev. Larry V. Leatherwood, Minister of Children, Youth and Outreach (704) 252‐0671 (C) BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH
1015 River Highway • Mooresville, NC • 28117 NC 150, 2 miles West of I‐77, Exit 36 704.663.0986 • bereabc@bereabap st.net • www.bereabap st.net We gladly welcome you into our church home,
trusting that if you are seeking Christ, you will find
him here; if sorrowing, you will receive comfort; if
troubled in spirit, you will gain the blessings of
peace; if discouraged, you will rejoice in hope; if friendless, you will find
companionship and Christian love. That these and other blessings may be
your portion is our prayer.