YOUTH ENCOUNTER THIS Sunday, February 1 “Super Sunday” Outing. Right after morning Worship we will go to Cici’s Pizza then over to Averett North Campus to play Ultimate Frisbee on the football field. We should finish a little after 2:00. MINI YOUTH RETREAT West Main Baptist Staff Bruce Wilson - Pastor Jamie Farish-Williford - Minister to Students and Young Adults Jennifer Clatterbuck - Minister to Children and Families Mark Gourley - Minister of Music Billie Jo Reynolds - Administrator/ Financial Secretary Sherry Price - Communications Sec. and Director, WEE Center Daryl Edwards - Custodian Ann Beyer - Coordinator of Church Life Deacon Greeters For Feb. 1 Sallie Minter, David Dalton, Robert Jones Extended Session Workers For Feb. 1 Babies: Brad & Megan Dalton 2’s & 3’s: Sallie Burton, Jenny Elder 4’s & 5’s: Pam & Paige Swanson SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. THE EMMAUS CAFE Love, Dating, and Sex: Better Decisions, Better Life 5:30 P.M. Hannah Wilson, guest Learn how our Christian faith offers guidelines for making better decisions about relationships. February 4, 2015 Menu: Baked Ham, Creamed Potatoes, Lima Beans and Dessert Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 8 Danville, VA 24541 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Bible Study @ 9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship @ 11:00 A.M. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The WEE Center Preschool of WMBC is now accepting registrations for the fall of 2015. We offer classes for ages two through fouryears. Our classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00-12:00. Children enrolled in the four-year-old program may enroll in the extended program, which meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-12:00 (total 5 days). We also offer Tuesday Morning Out a program for one-year-olds on Tuesdays from 9:00-12:00. Please call Sherry Price for more information or to receive a registration form at 792-5960. Spaces are limited. West Main Baptist Church 450 West Main Street Danville, VA 24541 Phone: (434) 792-5960 West Main Baptist Church 450 West Main Street Danville, VA 24541 Preschool Registration Hi-Lites West Main Baptist Church January 28, 2015 Worship This Sunday February 1 11:00 Bruce Wilson’s topic: The Beginning of Wisdom Is… Psalm 111 SOUP FOR MISSIONS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Homemade soups and chilies, grilled cheese, cornbread, homemade desserts, all concocted by The Gathering to support our 2015 West Main Mission Offering WISE UP! Sometimes people find themselves in a lifemess and they don’t know where to start fixing things. This week in Sunday morning worship we will look at Psalm 111. This is a psalm of praise that ends with a declaration about where to start getting smart about life. I hope you will join us Sunday at 11 as we discover where all life-saving wisdom begins. And, if you are curious, the photo on the cover is of Antelope Canyon near Page, Arizona. PARENTS OF TEENS, WE ARE OFFERING A MINI-RETREAT FOR YOUR STUDENT ON LOVE, DATING AND SEX COMMUNION SCHEDULE 2015 Some of you are planners, so here is the communion schedule for 2015. It used to be every first Sunday, but we are mixing it up a bit so our first Sunday nursery workers can take communion, too. All are Sundays unless noted: February 8, March 1, April 2 (Maundy Thursday during Holy Week at Compline), May 3, June 14, July 12, August 2, September 13, October 4, November 8, and December 24 (Christmas Eve). GOD’S STOREHOUSE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS I have heard from a couple of sources that God’s Storehouse is in need of volunteers. Is this something you could do? Many West Mainers serve at the God’s Storehouse distribution center. (see next column The Adult Ministry will screen a movie on Thursday, February 19 at 2:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited. Popcorn and Drinks will be served. More information on the movie title is forthcoming. Sign up on the bulletin board in the hall. Are you interested in learning to play the drum “djembe” that Jamie plays occasionally during worship? Jamie & Mark will offer a workshop in Djembe playing. Ages 13 and up. Space is limited. Contact Jamie or Mark to sign up. Date and Time to be announced. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1-7 Children’s Handbells Parents of teenagers, we hope you will make a strong effort to have your child at our Mini-Retreat, Sunday, February 8, 5:30-7:30. This will be a very positive event about making smart decisions about love, dating, and sex. We have invited my daughter, Hannah, to be a part of our retreat. Hannah leads two weekly small groups for young women through her church in Charlotte. She, plus Jamie, myself, and others, will be teaching the Christian way to think about love, dating and sex. I see so many people struggle with relationships because they lack clear goals for themselves and a wise understanding of what love really is. Our culture is a disaster when imparting quality values that create dignity, discipline and respect, especially in the areas of male/female relationships. Jesus wanted the very best for us in our relationships, especially those designed to last a lifetime. Let’s help our kids get going in life with clear Jesus-values that will, as Andy Stanley says, create "better decisions with fewer regrets.” If you want more information, call me or Jamie. ) ECHO NEWS Djembe “Drumming” Workshop Children’s Handbells will resume on this Sunday, February 1 at 9:00 A.M. in the Handbell Room. New ringers are welcome. Please contact Mark if you would like to join us. February Birthdays! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 Trisha Buchanan Ted Hodges Courtney Dodson Jacob Brown John Hall Caleb Brinkley William Hankins Pattie Lineberry Patricia Glenn Marjorie Motley Sonya Wentz Bill Finch Lee Burton Genie Owen John Crews David Hoffman Sheena Shelton 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 Judy King Gary Ferguson Joe Lee Anna Hughes Gray Hughes Gordon Darkis Noah Abercrombie Charles Haynsworth Kim Meeks Matthew Wells Sarah Brinkley Gavin Elder Ralph Elder Anne Adcock Marc Dalton Ricky McFarling John Hall (son) 22 23 25 26 27 28 Joe Perez (Dad) Jenny Elder Virginia Powell Jennifer Gibson Leisa Hall Jeff Wright Jeff Buchanan Rufus Reynolds Anita Finney Noah Blackwell Katie Lineberry Julia Scott Linda Poteat Sunday, February 1 9:00 A.M. Children’s Handbells 9:45 A.M. Bible Study 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 12:00 Noon Youth after church Super Outing Wednesday, February 4 9:15 A.M. Women’s Book Study 5:30 P.M. Emmaus Cafe 6:00 P.M. Youth Chill, Fifty6:Live It, Children In Action 6:15 P.M. ReNew Danville Backpacks, Preschool: Jubilee 7:05 P.M. Sanctuary Choir PRAYERS If you would like to learn more, call God’s Storehouse and tell them you are from West Main and you’d like to help. LAST SATURDAY FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST This Saturday will mark the end of our Saturday morning Fellowship Breakfast. Although it is sad to see this fine ministry come to an end, we are excited about new partnerships that God’s spirit will lead us into that continue to provide care to the most needy among us. Pray for our Missions Committee as they sort out our next steps. Grace and peace, Bruce WH Williams - home Reba Lambert - home Scott Blankenship’s father Judy Williams - home Dot Stone - surgery, Feb. 4 Joyce Payne - procedure on February 11 Jim Minter Gary Ferguson Jennifer Dalton’s mother Peggy Cotta’s sister, Marianne Robin Jones’ brother, Darrell Betty Starr Rachel Martin’s son - viral meningitis Artsem Fitsner Larry Duncan’s daughter, Michelle Susie Gay - shoulder pain Kathy Harville’s mother Ken Calvert’s niece, Cynthia Kristy Talbard’s cousin, Teresa
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