Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Three Books That Can Change the World February 08, 2015 Rev. Pat Jobe Minister Rev. Michelle McClendon Associate Minister Christian Elser Music Director Kathleen Anderson Director of Lifespan Religious Education Maureen Nery Director, Our UUWoC Stephanie Green Fellowship Administrator Want to Contact Us? Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1135 State Park Road, Greenville, SC 29609 864-271-4883 [email protected] Office Hours Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship February 08, 2015 Order of Service Welcome Pat Jobe Chalice Lighting Investiture of Covenant Circle Facilitators See back of The Spark Prelude Shelton Love Opening Words Pat Jobe *Opening Song #18 What Wondrous Love is This Story for all Ages Maureen Nery Children's Benediction #413 Go Now in Peace Community Caring Please share your joys and sorrows in our Community Memory Book before or after the Service Anthem Rumsfeld by Christopher Noren Offertory Sermon *Closing Song All Sing All Sing Choir Shelton Love Three Books That Can Change the World Pat Jobe #101 Abide with Me All Sing Closing Words Postlude Benediction Shelton Love Pat Jobe *Please rise in body or in spirit as you are willing and able. Please turn off cell phones before our service begins. “Joys and Sorrows” You may write your Joys or Sorrows in the Memory Book on the table in the front of the sanctuary. These will be read during the "Community Caring” segment of the service. If you are not inclined to write in the book, you may simply light a candle in silence. ~ Thanks to Our Service Associates ~ Worship Associate Ed Proulx Accompanist Shelton Love Music Director Ushers Greeters Sound Crew Sound Crew Assistants Coffee Baristas Christian Elser Chuck & Diane Lawrence Liz McGrory & Debbie Plonkey Richard Fuller, Teresa Hall, Charles Fulks John & Dillard Robertson Cathy Jaggars & Jennifer Kouyoumjian Shelton Love received his degree in Organ Performance from Bob Jones University and is currently the accompanist for both the Pride of Greenville men’s chorus and the Pride of Greenville women’s chorus. Newcomers! To learn more about our Fellowship, please fill out the yellow card and drop it into the offering basket. Recordings of Sunday Services may be ordered and picked up opposite the wooden entrance doors to the sanctuary where the audio stand is located or by email to [email protected]. If you would like a hearing device, please ask an usher. February 15, 2015 Is It Time to Change the Language? Pat Jobe (Barbara Gill) What's the deal with a war on poverty, a war on cancer and a war on drugs? Who's winning? What if it were not a war? What words can we use? Getting to Know You! Please join us after service for coffee, snacks, and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall at the opposite end of the building from the Sanctuary (on the same floor); all are welcome. We look forward to getting to know you better, even if you think we already know you pretty well. Flowers If you would like to have flowers put on the Chalice Table in remembrance of a loved one, a thank you, or a special joy please contact Sylvia Skipper at 864-608-4484. The cost is $10 and a note about your gift will be included in The Spark. Congregational Care Items We extend our loving support to: Noel Howard (Lucy Beam-Hoffman’s sister) is back in the hospital. Asking for prayers and healing thoughts – via Pat J. Our dear friend Lee’s family; his mother, Neva, is in the last days of her battle with lung cancer. Please send good thoughts and prayers and energy for a peaceful passage to the “other side” and also for Lee’s entire family during this difficult time. A very dear friend went to pick up her son at the grandfather’s house on 01/30. When she arrived, she saw her son lying on the couch with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head. The grandfather then beat her to a bloody pulp, blaming her for this. Please pray for all members of the family. The son is on life support – Bill Schulze. We celebrate with: My daughter Amber has been invited to speak at Yale in April and I have been invited to speak in London in May! – Deborah Armstrong. A great joy – I’m from upstate New York and have just closed on a townhouse in Greenville, near Mauldin – Jean Ploutz. Highlights in Lifespan Religious Education From Babies to Sages February 8, 2015 Classes and Events Today 9:30 am Childcare Opens Choir Practice 9:45 am Discussion Group—Founders' Room A Course in Miracles—Middle School Classroom downstairs RE Classes for Children and Youth Teen classes begin in classrooms with teachers at 11:00 am. K5-5th: grade children begin in service. Middle School (grades 6-8): Sikh Faith Coming of Age (9th-10th grade): Community Service (with mentors) Senior High (10-12th grade): Covenant Circle 11:15 am After the Story for All Ages: 4th-5th: Kingdom of Equals: Parable of the Sower Spirit Play 1 & 2 (K5-1st) (2nd-3rd): Beatrice’s Goat Spirit Play “Lite” (3-4 yrs): The Lion and the Mouse (Little ones can help.) Parents, please remember to monitor your children closely when they are in your care. A NEW GROUP IS FORMING! YOUNG ADULTS’ DISCUSS AND DO GROUP SUNDAY AFTER SERVICES 12:30-2:00 PM CONFERENCE ROOM Are you between the ages of 18 and 35? Are you single, in transition, or still trying to figure out your life? This might be the place for you to find friends for the journey, talk about the things you do and care about, and seek for answers to your questions together. Contact CJ Gillum for more information at 864-3762643. ONGOING ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DISCUSSION GROUP Facilitator: Herb Reeves Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:45 am, Founders’ Room The Discussion Group is the longest running group at GUUF! They meet every Sunday for coffee and lively discussions of topics of interest, with the third Sunday of the month devoted to short story readings and discussions. For information, contact Herb Reeves at [email protected]. A COURSE IN MIRACLES: Facilitator: Jean Blank 9:45-10:45 am, Lower Level Middle School Classroom All are welcome! Participants work with the spiritual practice of forgiveness. Contact Jean Blank at [email protected] for information. NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE: ADULT BOOK STUDY GROUP Facilitated by Dr. Michelle McClendon Sunday afternoons 5:00-6:30 pm, through March 8, 2015 Downstairs Adult Classroom Twelve essays from Unitarian Universalists reflect on the importance of relational connectedness. How might we grow our souls through our connections with one another and with the Holy? Participants have opportunities to discuss and to engage with their own thoughts about becoming part of something that both includes us and transcends us. Several spaces in the class and copies of the book are still available. To register, please contact Michelle at [email protected]. WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP 2nd Sunday each month 9:45-10:45 am, Senior High Classroom—RE Commons For information, contact Genny Hill, [email protected]. YOGA Monday evenings, January 18-March 23 7:00-8:30 pm, Sanctuary Join Bruce Cable, a certified and experienced Sivananda instructor, for Yoga practice that will benefit you in body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome; donations gratefully accepted. For information, contact Bruce at [email protected]. BUDDHIST MEDITATION GROUP Tuesday evenings 7:30-9:00 pm Stressed? Worried? Feeling all right? Whatever your state, you are welcome. Join us for meditation with both sitting and walking practice. Newcomers and beginners are welcome; we'll give you a short orientation to help you get started. For information, contact [email protected]. NOTICE BOARD RESTAURANT DINNER GROUP When: Saturday, February 21, 6:30 pm Where: Hans & Franz Biergarten, 3124 Hwy 14, Greenville. Kommen sie hier, y'all! Wursts, schnitzel, rubens, spaetzel, bratkartoffeln, frikadellen, obatzda, fleishkase! If you know these dishes, you know how great this'll be. Not recognized? Google 'em and discover new and wonderful horizons for your dining enjoyment. Don't feel like Googling? OK, they have beef, chicken, pork, and fish dishes. Vegetarian? Try spaetzel, cuke salad, slaw, red kraut with apples, sauerkraut, and more. Menu available: Ken Flanagan will reserve your places (864-901-1945 or [email protected]). Come and Honor the Goddess Within You The Women’s Spirituality Group March 12, 7:00 pm All GUUF women are invited to our Open Circle on Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 pm. Please email Pat Dillow at [email protected] if you have any questions. GUUF RECEPTION TO CELEBRATE & DEDICATE OUR NEW BUILDING When: SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015, 7:00 pm Reception; 8:00 pm Program; 8:30 pm more celebration Where: GUUF New Fellowship Hall You are invited to an elegant, gala evening to celebrate the official dedication of our new Fellowship Hall. Doesn’t it look fabulous! Everyone has worked so hard and been so patient over the course of the project and we think we deserve a “pat on the back.” Dress to impress! Come and enjoy scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, refreshments, music, guest speakers and much more! Childcare will be provided, but you need to register your child prior to the event. Inside The Spark is a registration form that you can put in the basket, bring/send to the Fellowship Office or pass to Kathleen Anderson. You can also register by emailing the details to [email protected]. Please register no later than March 14, 2015. SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 2015 Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Calling all members, friends and anyone who enjoys our Enchanted Chalice Renaissance Faire. 2015 will be our 5th year anniversary , and we want this to be our best ever! We’re looking for dedicated people who would like to help us see this happen. This year, our Steering Committee will create and lead specific teams to help with the business administration, set design and construction, and food management. If you’ve ever wanted to be a part of this exciting Fellowship fundraiser, NOW is the time to let us know. The Steering Committee meets every 2nd Sunday after service in the Fellowship Hall. If you’re interested, please join us there (first meeting February 8, around 12:30 pm). If you can’t make it, please contact either Mayor Todd Couillard at [email protected] or Business Manager Teresa Hall at [email protected] with questions or for more information. Join us for the Fun, the Magic, and the Revelry that is the ONLY Renaissance Faire in Upstate SC. HOW TO RECOGNIZE A VISITOR Do you want to say a friendly “hello” to one of our visitors, but you didn’t get a good look at them during the service? Maybe you can’t discern between someone you haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet and a visitor. Never fear, the green mugs are here! The Membership Committee has purchased lime green coffee mugs for visitors to use in the Fellowship Hall after Sunday services. When you see folks with green mugs, please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome. We want our visitors to stick out so that we can, in the words of our illustrious Pat Jobe, “slather them with affection.” Well, perhaps we can’t get away with quite the slathering that Pat can, but we’ll make a valiant effort! Look for a high-topped table in the Fellowship Hall containing a large “Welcome Visitors” sign, the green coffee mugs, The Flame, and literature about Unitarian Universalism. The table will be manned after the service by one of our Membership Committee volunteers. Visitors – Please look for the high- topped table and use these green mugs for several visits so we have the opportunity to get to know you! DO YOU LIVE NEAR GREENVILLE HOSPITAL? There is a woman living near GHS main campus who needs a ride to GUUF about every other Sunday. She is new to the area, knows a couple of our members and really wants to go to our Sunday services. If you are ready, willing and able to help her out, please contact Liz McGrory (at 410 924-6245 or [email protected]), and she will put you in touch. Many thanks! PAT’S PANTRY – PLEASE HELP! We are in URGENT need of food, toilet paper, toothpaste and soap product donations please. Food donations should be non-perishable, preferably canned goods. Protein-rich foods such as peanut butter and canned goods containing meat are in heavy demand. Nothing that weighs over a pound should be donated, please, as the participants carry it home. Thanks for your participation. Carole Lavash BOX TOPS Box Tops collection is back! The box to deposit your collected box tops is located in the Narthex. Whether you have 1 or 100, each box top is worth collecting, so please keep up the good work and let’s see if we can beat the $150 we received last year. All proceeds benefit the UUWoC. Thank you--Carole Lavash GREATEST SPEECHES OF ALL TIME The Sunday Services Committee is considering creating a service that would be comprised of dramatic reading/character acting of some of the greatest speeches of all time. Many people know of these speeches, but they become more powerful when heard in person. That's not possible anymore, but this is a wonderful option to hear the words lived, and alive. We are asking the congregation to make recommendations for what you all think some of the greatest speeches are that you might like to hear delivered. Also, if you would like to lend your talent as a performer, we are looking for you as well. There is no date set yet for this. To express your ideas or intent, go to and leave your comments. GALA RECEPTION REGISTRATION FORM FIRST SECOND THIRD CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD FIRST NAME CHILD LAST NAME EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME CONTACT # AGE OF CHILD ANY SPECIAL NEEDS Please go to the website, click on the Monthly Calendar, go to March 28, click on the date and copy it into your calendar. Deadline for registration March 14, 2015. SEE YOU THERE! Our Vision for Small Group Ministry: Transforming lives and building Beloved Community through shared ministry, spiritual growth, and inspired action. The GUUF Covenant Circle Mission: Through small groups, we create safe and loving spaces in which members can deepen relationships, grow spiritually, and help to create a better and more peaceful world through service to each other, the congregation, the wider community, and the world. Goals To help members deepen relationships and grow spiritually. To develop peoples’ skills at listening, understanding, and speaking their own truth. To engage in social and environmental justice work as a circle, at GUUF and in the community. To create beloved community by providing an intentionally welcoming and safe environment where all may feel valued and supported. OUR COVENANT CIRCLE MINISTRY Covenant Circles are the backbone ministry of our Fellowship, and we encourage everyone to get involved. Without any doubt, this is the single best way to get connected, make friends, and deepen your spiritual life in this congregation. You don’t need to wait to join a covenant circle. We have several openings in groups that meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, and in our Wednesday daytime group. Brochures and registration forms are available at the “Hello” table in the lobby or contact [email protected] . Investiture of Covenant Circle Facilitators Congregation: Thank you for investing your time, energy, and love to support this ministry. We appreciate that your work enlivens us spiritually, challenges us to spiritual, social, and intellectual growth, develops leaders, and draws us into a shared ministry of mutual care. Facilitators: We welcome this opportunity for service. We seek to grow our selves through this work. We join with all those participating to strengthen our congregation and build Beloved Community within and beyond our walls. Congregation: We pledge you our support, encouragement, and trust. Facilitators: We will do our best to fulfill our responsibilities. We call forth shared leaderships from those we serve. We welcome the support and mutual accountability we share with our fellow facilitators and our program leaders. Congregation: We call you out from among us and invest you in this important role. ALL: We nurture the flame of Unitarian Universalism in our lives and in our congregation, and together we shine it out into the wider world. Our Covenant Circle Facilitation Team Coordinator: Gordon Branson Kathleen Anderson Sharon Brant Steve Compton Susan Cooper Denise Frick Candy Kern-Fuller Barbara Gill Bibi Harris Georgia Harrison Cathy Jaggars Liz McGrory Debbie Plonkey Karen Parker Judy Potwora Glen Rowley Allison Render Jackie Weddington
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