URBANDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST A Just Peace and Open and Affirming congregation Our faith is over 2,000 years old~ God is still speaking February 8, 2015 10:00 a.m. “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are invited and welcome here.” Fifth Sunday after Epiphany GATHERING We extend a special welcome to our visitors. Nametags and information packets are available at the welcome table at the main entrance to the sanctuary. Nursery care is available for children ages birth through three years. Please see an usher for location if you wish to use the nursery. GREETING Isn't it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing its absurdity. ~Vaclav Havel TIME OF FRIENDSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE “Pedacinhos do Ceu” Vitor de Mendonca, carioquinha solo LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES Waldir Azevedo Their flames symbolizing God’s Spirit. This symbol invites the congregation to stand in body or spirit Bold type indicates a unison response CALL TO PRAISE AND PRAYER ONE: To whom shall we compare the Holy One, and what words can we choose to convey God’s glory? ALL: Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The Holy One is the Everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. ONE: How long can we wait for God to act? Our plight is hidden from God, or worse, God ignores our predicament! ALL: God doesn’t grow tired or weary. God’s understanding is far beyond human comprehension giving new strength to the tired and reviving the exhausted. ONE: Youths will become tired and weary, the young will certainly stumble; but those who wait on the Holy One will renew their strength. ALL: They will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary. Let us praise the God of hope and new life. OPENING HYMN “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” Hymnal 1 INVOCATION PROCLAMATION ANTHEM “Join Hands and Sing” SOS Choir John D. Miller Children age 4 through 2nd grade are invited to the Everyone Is Welcome Room, where they will reflect on today’s message. They will return at a later point in the service. However, parents may bring their children back to the sanctuary at any time. 2 SCRIPTURE LESSON Isaiah 40:21-31 21 Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? Wasn’t it announced to you from the beginning? Haven’t you understood since the earth was founded? 22God inhabits the earth’s horizon—its inhabitants are like locusts—stretches out the skies like a curtain and spreads it out like a tent for dwelling. 23 God makes dignitaries useless and the earth’s judges into nothing. 24Scarcely are they planted, scarcely sown, scarcely is their shoot rooted in the earth when God breathes on them, and they dry up; the windstorm carries them off like straw. 25So to whom will you compare me, and who is my equal? Says the holy one. 26 Look up at the sky and consider: Who created these? The one who brings out their attendants one by one, summoning each of them by name. Because of God’s great strength and mighty power, not one is missing. 27Why do you say, Jacob, and declare, Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD my God ignores my predicament”? 28Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He doesn’t grow tired or weary. His understanding is beyond human reach, 29giving power to the tired and reviving the exhausted 30 Youths will become tired and weary, young men will certainly stumble; 31but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary. MOMENT OF SILENT REFLECTION SERMON “My Name is Montoya!” ANTHEM “God Is Our Refuge and Strength” Pastor Dave Allen Pote RESPONSE COMMUNITY SHARING AND PASTORAL PRAYER Randy Jedele… Diann Miller. And our dear ones: Mary Looney, Lee Couch, Lois Luick, Madeline Kaloides, Marge Wittenbaugh, Mary Sherer and Miriam Cline. To list someone in this section, with their permission, please email [email protected] by the weekly bulletin deadline. To notify the staff of a prayer concern, or to send a note of caring and support to someone, please use the cards in the pew rack and drop them in the offering plate. Please indicate whether prayer concerns should be forwarded to our Prayer Chain. Notes will be mailed on Monday, provided we have the recipient’s full name and the sender’s signature. THE LORD’S PRAYER O God, our heavenly Father and Mother, may your name be sacred to us. May your realm become a reality for us. May your desires be fulfilled among us as they are in your courts. Give us today what we need for life. And forgive us for our wrongs as we forgive those who wrong us. Guide us in tempting situations, and protect us from the power of evil. For the realm that is coming, the power that is growing, and the glory that is building, all belong to you forever. Amen. PRESENTATION OF OUR GIFTS ONE: God is good! ONE: All the time! ALL: All the time! ALL: God is good! ONE: Let us share the goodness of our God! 3 When the offering plate comes to you, we invite you to hold it for a moment and consider the many gifts that you can share. You may pray for a person or a ministry; you may commit yourself to a specific act of compassion; or you may resolve to work on a relationship that is in need of repair. Allow the Spirit to guide your thoughts. OFFERTORY “Melody” T. Arne Please sign the Pew Pad and pass it to your neighbor. DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! tune: Lasst uns erfreuen Praise God the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PRAYER OF DEDICATION CLOSING HYMN “Eagles’ Wings” (Insert) The candles are extinguished. God’s Spirit remains as a living flame in the hearts of God’s people. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Tuba Tune” C.S. Lang Please reshelve the hymnals and put this used Bulletin in the recycle basket. SERVING AT URBANDALE UCC THIS SUNDAY Liturgist: Hattie Schott Acolytes: Carter-Shields Family Nursery: Anjy Allen, Riley Minard EIW Room: Deb Beery, Avis Allen Ushers & Greeters: Jim Nervig, Adam Dirks, Sara Drake, Nancy Robinson Opening the Church: Today, Jeff Couch Next Sunday, Mark Siegel Sound Booth: Scott Davis The flowers are given by Diane Gladson in loving memory of her father, LeRoy Gladson’s birthday on February 24th. This Week at UUCC UUCC Sunday, 8 February 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship: Communion Adult Choir, SOS Choir 11:00a Youth Groups: Ice Skating 11:15a “Connections” (all teams) 11:15a Silent Auction 12:30p Burmese Church Tuesday, 10 February 9:30a Caregivers 10:30a Staff Meeting 7:00p Leadership Team 7:00p ESL Class Wednesday, 11 February 1:00p Women’s Fellowship 5:30p Spaghetti Meal 5:30p Wednesday Night Alive 7:30p AA Thursday, 12 February 6:00p Private Rehearsal 7:00p Book Club Saturday, 14 February 8:00a BTB’s Family Promise Breakfast 3:00p Private Group 4 Upcoming Sundays Sunday, 15 February 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship: Confirmation Sunday Adult Choir, Raggedy Band 11:15a Silent Auction 12:30p Burmese Church Sunday, 22 February 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship Adult Choir 11:15a Silent Auction & Reception 11:15a General Synod Info Meeting 12:30p Burmese Church Happening Today: 3rd-6th & 7th-12th Youth Groups to Brenton Skating Plaza Today, from 11:00AM – 1:30PM, we will eat lunch in Fellowship Hall and then head to Brenton Skating Plaza for ice skating. Cost is $7/person. As always, please see Amy if financial support is needed. Be sure you’ve signed the permission slip outside Rev. Amy’s office. Pick up your youth at 1:30PM from Brenton Skating Plaza. We look forward to some wintery fun outside! Silent Auction Items on Display Auction items are displayed in Fellowship Hall-SE for our Annual Silent Auction. Each item has a clip-board to record your bid and the value of the item. Bidding will close February 22 at 10:00AM and winners will be announced at a reception following worship. Half the proceeds go to our Campership fund to continue our mission of paying 50% tuition for each camper, and half will go to General Synod participants for registration and transportation. Wednesday Night Alive 5:30-6:00..... SOS Choir (Grades 1-8) 6:00-6:30..... Youth Bells (4th–Sr. High) 6:30-7:00..... Adult Bells (Sr. High & up) 6:45-8:00..... Confirmation (through Feb. 11) 7:00-8:30..... Adult Choir (Sr. High-Adults) If your child is not in one of the scheduled activities, please honor the safety policy and supervise him/her so that children are not left unattended in the building. No childcare unless requested. Sunday School, 9:00-9:45am Preschool–Grade 6, use the rotation model curriculum. We gather as one group in the sanctuary for our Bible story from 9:00-9:15, and then break into the three age groups listed below. Activities will be in the upstairs Educational Wing from 9:15-9:45am. Teachers will lead children to the narthex after Sunday School to join their families at 9:45am. Preschool, K & Grade 1 Grades 2 & 3 Grades 4, 5 & 6 Grades 7−12 (Emerging Adults) meet in Fellowship Hall-NW and do not use the rotation model. Adult Spiritual Formation (ASF) ~ 9:00-9:45am in Fellowship Hall: Today: Lenten Reflection, presented by Pastor Dave. Feb. 15: Re-entry Program at ICIW in Mitchellville, presented by Diane McClanahan & Brenda Hobson, Women at the Well Coordinator at ICIW in Mitchellville. 5 Lent 2015 Ash Wednesday Service & Pancake Supper The Advent-Christmas-Epiphany season is coming to a close and we are approaching the LentEaster-Pentecost cycle. We will begin this season with the Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper on Wednesday, February 18, being prepared by the Bow Tie Boyz. Supper will be at 5:30PM in Fellowship Hall. Following supper is the Ash Wednesday Worship service with imposition of ashes, at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary. Adult Choir will rehearse at 7:00PM as usual, but there will be no other Wednesday Night Alive choir rehearsals. Leadership Team will meet on Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00PM in Fellowship Hall. Family Promise Coming This Week The cold, snow and ice may be persisting outside, but the spirit of warmth and fellowship will be flowing through UUCC this week during our next Family Promise hosting week, February 8-15. Please join us in welcoming our neighbors who are in need of a safe, warm, supportive environment as they make a life transition. We have the opportunity to serve our community by providing a week of shelter and meals for families seeking to secure housing and employment during this difficult time. Volunteers are still needed, so please check the yellow sign-up board in the narthex, and consider giving of your time and talent to assist with this worthwhile mission. Opportunities to Donate Chancel Flowers in March Please consider donating Chancel flowers in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion in your family’s life. The Flower Donation Chart is on the narthex door. The cost is $30 and you may keep the flowers after the service or donate them to a homebound member. FEBRUARY FOOD PANTRY Spring is getting closer but hunger is always going to be here. The personal care need for February is baby wipes, and as always, canned goods and cash donations are very welcome. Please make checks to Urbandale UCC with “Food Pantry” in the memo line. Thanks for all your support! Ruth Brauer, [email protected]. 4th of July Parade Planners Needed! Yes, we know it’s only February but the parade will be here before we know it! Your Christian Growth Team has typically organized our involvement in the parade in the past; however, this year our attention is focused on getting youth and adults to General Synod. We need a few parade types interested in organizing our UCC walkers and riders as well as designing a float, if desired. We also seek candy donations to pass out at the parade. We have typically use two vehicles and have decorated a trailer with pictures, balloons and streamers. We look forward to supporting you in the planning process. Please see Rev. Amy with your interest. 6 Habitat for Humanity Work Day The church is again helping with Habitat for Humanity at 8:00AM, Saturday, February 21. Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. They build with people in need regardless of race or religion. We will need helpers of all skill levels to work on building or repairing a home. Youth volunteers must be at least 16 years-old. Volunteers ages 16 and 17 must have a parent/guardian sign their waiver of liability and be accompanied to the site by an adult who is legally responsible for them. You may sign up on their web site: http://gdmhabitat.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?startover&id=7324. Then scroll down to Week of February 21. The UUCC is listed toward the bottom of the page. Call Jerry Woods, 250-5089, if you have problems or questions. Women’s Fellowship will meet next on Wednesday, February 11, at 1:00PM in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome! February Book Club The Book Club will meet on Thursday, February 12 at 7:00PM at Gail George’s home (4829 NW 86th St., # 3, 334-9881). For February we’re reading Dead Man Walking, by Sister Helen Prejean. This is a correction from what is listed in the February CALL. Please join us if you enjoy reading and chatting about books. News from the “Green Boat” Environmental Crew The “Green Boat” Environmental Crew will meet on Monday, February 16 in Fellowship Hall. A potluck meal starts at 6:00PM. Discussion of issues and planning for April’s Earth Day events begins at 6:45PM. If the meal doesn’t fit your plans, please join us for the rest of the evening. We generally finish at 8:00PM. You are encouraged to attend, whether you are a longtime environmentalist or just beginning your search of ways to care for the earth and all its inhabitants. Coming Events: Be sure to check the Community Events Bulletin Board! Tuesday, February 10 & 17: Winter Thaw Sessions, 6:30-9:00PM at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 924 Polk Blvd.; $15/session, $50/all sessions ($30 for students); information and registration for Winter Thaw is available online at dmarcunited.org/winterthaw. Sunday, February 22: Iowa’s Senator Rob Hogg will lead a discussion in response to his book America’s Climate Century, 2:00PM at Immanuel United Methodist Church, 2900-49th Street, DM. Free, open to the public; contact Elsie Naylor for more details. For pastoral care, please contact Pastor Dave at 276-0625 (church office), 515-720-6389 (cell phone) or [email protected]. 7 URBANDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3530 70th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322 www.urbucc.org Phone: 515-276-0625 ▪ Fax: 515-276-2451 www.facebook.com/UrbandaleUCC “We welcome into this community of faith, and affirm the participation in all aspects of church life, persons of every age, race, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability, and sexual orientation. We will continue our efforts toward inclusiveness, and stand against all forms of discrimination. We will empower ourselves, our children, and one another to be fully present in the world, living in Christ’s image and striving for justice and peace.” Staff The Rev. David P. Sickelka, Senior Pastor ......................................... [email protected] The Rev. Amy Murray, Ministry Program Coordinator .......................... [email protected] Steven Linn, Music Program Director ...................................................... [email protected] Bobby Stinnett, M.M., Organist, Children/Youth Choirs and Handbell Director ......................... [email protected] Tara McConnell, Office Coordinator .................................................................. [email protected] Sadmir & Umihana Omerhodzic, Custodian ................................ [email protected] The Rev. Gayle Strickler, Jr., Adjunct Minister for Community Concerns .................................. [email protected] Ministry Leaders Caregiving Ministries: Caregivers, Homebound ...................... Jo Lilley ........................................... [email protected] Caregivers 2 ........................................ Bonita Wiley, John Chaplin ....... [email protected] Prayer Circle ......................................................................................... [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry......................................................................... [email protected] Leadership Team Officers: Moderator ........................................... Kevin Gannon ......................... [email protected] Vice-Moderator .................................. Mary Minard ............................ [email protected] Treasurer ............................................. Charlene Hjort ........................ [email protected] Financial Secretary.............................. Karen Capps-Davis ........... [email protected] Recording Secretary ............................ Sara Drake.................................... [email protected] Teams: Building & Grounds ................................................................................. B&[email protected] Christian Growth................................. Amy Murray.............................. [email protected] Endowment Fund ................................ Obid Hofland [email protected] Membership Team .............................. Jennifer Gardner .................. [email protected] Social Media Team ............................. Andy Smith-Jones .................... [email protected] Worship & Music Usher/Greeter Coordinator....... Ruth Miller .................................. [email protected] Church Office hours are 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 8
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