Just a reminder: if you’d like an announcement in the Family News, please email [email protected] or give Derek Gaumer or Georgia Choate a handwritten note. All announcements need to be in by Wednesday night. Thank You! Shut-In Ministry We have brothers and sisters in Christ that are not able to come to church. We need several men in our congregation to step forward, serving in the name of our Lord and give communion to our local shut-ins. If you are interested in joining the team, please see Steve or Tonya Fisher for more details. Leadership Training for Christ (LTC) on Wednesday, February 4, 2015! Bring your Chapter Questions. Chapter Question: Luke 20 Prayer Leader: Rebecca Song Leader: Kate Bible Reader: Rachel Sign Leader: Kristen Scripture Challenge Leader: Kara Scripture Challenge for 2/11/2015: Luke 12:22-34 Reminder, Wednesday, February 11th is LTC Registration Party Night! Bring your completed forms and your checkbook! Calendar Sunday Happenings February 6-8 Twelve retreat 15 WCGC volunteer training/ lunch-FLC 20 Youth Group Prayer lock-in 9:00 am Bible Classes 10:15 am Worship Small Groups on Sunday evenings: 4p Livermore Group at the Johnston’s March 13-14 West Coast Girls’ Conference Midweek Groups Church Staff Pulpit Ministry: Steve Martin Youth Ministry: Jacob Parnell Office Hours: M-F 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Elders Tony Merritt Mick Moul Rick Paquin Don Springer Email: [email protected] News & Info: [email protected] Website: www.trivalleychurch.org Facebook: facebook.com/trivalleychurch Office Phone: 925-447-4333 Monday 10:00 am Benevolence - Community Clothing ! Small Groups at TVCC Wednesday 7:00 pm! Senior Saints group (adult) Midweek Recharge(YA and up) Wednesdays at The Well (6th -12th) Leadership Training for Christ (grades 3-5) Parents of Teens Wed @ 7:00pm. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE for groups meeting at the building. Thursday 6:30pm Spiritual Growth Workshop (adult, meets til 8pm) Last Week’s Attendance: 161 Online giving is easy and available 24/7. If you aren’t sure how to do it, we can help! WiFi: Network: TriValley-Guest Password: Heisrisen TODAY’S WORSHIP WB36: We Have Come to Worship Him RB167: Hosanna! Welcome & Updates: Hugh Galyean Scripture: Garren Weiss Deuteronomy 6.4-7 RB446: Hear, O Israel RB448: The Greatest Commands Prayer: John Dudley WB86: 10,000 Reasons RB96: I Stand in Awe of You RB349: Ten Thousand Angels Communion & Offering: Phil Weiss Sermon: Steve Martin, Acts 6:1-7 “It Takes a Village” RB538: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Prayer: Rick Paquin --wb-white book; rb-red book-- The Pepperdine Bible Lectures invites you to attend it's annual gathering in Malibu, CA May 5-8. With its 72nd annual lectures, Pepperdine University has been developing stronger Christians with speakers from across the country and the world. Registration has been streamlined and is now online at pepperdine.edu/biblelectures. If you would like to be housed with someone from our church, arrange that beforehand with the university. Ask Steve Martin or Jacob Parnell if you have questions on how this could be a good experience for you and your family. For all you ladies interested in volunteering for the West Coast Girls' Conference, registration forms are available now. All volunteers must register! PLEASE NOTE: the cost for Tri-Valley volunteers is different than the cost for outside adults. If you are working in the kitchen or in a mostly observing role, the cost is $20. If you are in a role that fully participates in all activities, the cost is $30. Also, the main volunteer training meeting will be Sunday, February 15th immediately following worship. It will last 1&1/2 to 2 hours and lunch will be provided. If you would like to be involved in any way, please come to the meeting. TEENS -Juniors and seniors going on The Twelve Retreat Feb. 6-8 should turn in their registration forms and fees by THIS WEDNESDAY, Feb 4th. -Sign up sheet for the Reach UP: Prayer Lock-In on Feb. 20 is now up in The Well. Sign up now so we can know how many to expect! -West Coast Girls' Conference (March 13-14) registration forms are available in The Well, the foyer, or you can register online at www.trivalleychurch.org/wcgc-2015/. Register by February 10th and the cost is only $40. *living beautifully logo*? -Parents and teens mark your calendars for our next FREE CHILD CARE event Fri, March 20th 4-9pm. -Remember: Top 3 students to earn points get to go rafting for FREE on May 2nd. Ask Jacob for a list of ways to earn points or visit www.trivalleyyouth.com. -Parents of Teens Class continues exploring ideas from the book A Parent's Guide to Understanding Teenage Brains Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Summer Service Trips -Middle Schoolers are going to Weed, CA, June 24-28th -High Schoolers are going to Los Angeles, CA, Aug 4-8th Mark your calendars now and start praying about whether or not you are coming. -Visit www.trivalleyyouth.com regularly for photos, updates, event info, and the weekly Go Deeper Challenge. A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent! Sunday, February 8th is Scout Sunday in which scouts can show their scouting spirit and reverence by attending their church services in uniform or wearing something from their scouting days. So if you are a scout or were a scout, wear something scouting to service and invite any scouting friends you have to do the same! For any questions, please see Phil or Orinda Weiss. The next "Fifth Friday" singing will be held at Pleasant View Church of Christ at 11300 Dublin Canyon Road in Pleasanton. It will be held Saturday, February 7th at 7:00 p.m. (The meeting date is not on the actual fifth Friday due to scheduling conflicts.) Come join other Christians for an uplifting time of worship and praise. Hey Tri-Valley, the WCGC needs your help! We are in need of several items that you may have lying around your house: - card tables - picture frames (5x7 and up, single photo frames, empty) - framed mirrors (all shapes, 8 inch diameter or larger) - yoga mats We need at least 30 of each item, so if you have any that we could borrow, please let Mindy Sandlin know. Make sure your item is labeled with your name so it can be returned to you after the event. Thanks!!!
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