The Spire Irvington United Methodist Church February 2015 OUR SHORT TERM VISION “Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.”—Exodus 20:8 The January Church Council decided to create a short term vision for our church. It is the commandment listed above. Of course, we have a long term, four-part vision adopted in May of 2012 which is slowly being accomplished: 1) adopt ICAN as our Major Missional Objective (we did that by moving the administrative offices here and still do it through quarterly special offerings); 2) hire an activities coordinator (that is waiting on funding); 3) add upbeat, contemporary music (we did that by hiring Darrell Day and now do that through volunteers doing Special Music); and 4) increase our presence through advertising (we still need to redo our website, create seasonal banners, and begin mailing post cards to the community for special events). Now back to our short term vision. It is really a two-parter. We encourage everyone to remember the sabbath day. That entails a renewed commitment to Sunday morning worship. Let’s all set aside Sunday morning as a special time for God. Every week. Why? Because God is worthy. So how do we make it holy? Pledge to focus on coming to this sacred place for a sacred hour and seek to experience God. One way Church Council offered to help was to set out a Suggestion Box. If anyone has an idea how something could be improved, drop your idea in the Suggestion Box in the hallway. On Monday, Kim will forward to Trustees, or Worship, or wherever it needs to go. We listen. We care. And maybe this way we can get business out of the morning and make it holy for the pure purposes of praising God and growing spiritually. God Bless, Keith The Spire Page 2 February 2015 2015 JOINT EVENING LENTEN SERVICES SPONSORED BY THE IRVINGTON ASSOCIATION OF MINISTERS We begin each week with a soup supper at 6, followed by a worship service at 7. The following chart shows the dates, locations, texts, and preachers. This year’s topic is DATE The Love of Jesus Christ. LOCATION TEXT THEME PREACHER February 18 (Ash Wednesday) Gethsemane Lutheran Church Luke 19:29-44 Courageous Love Steve Moore February 25 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Luke 21:1-4 Generous Love Bob Heimach March 4 Irvington Presbyterian Church Luke 22:14-31 Greatest Love Noah Casey March 11 Emerson Avenue Baptist Church Luke 23:1-24 Love on Trial Andy Rutar March 18 Downey Avenue Christian Church Luke 23:26-43 Crucified Love Justin Thornburgh March 25 Irvington United Methodist Church Luke 23:45-56 Dying Love Alan Blakemore Page 3 The Spire February 2015 Page 4 The Spire February 2015 6th ANNUAL SWEETHEART DINNER Irvington United Methodist Church 30 North Audubon Road, (317) 356-7231 Dinner, Live Music and Dancing SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 6:00 pm $15.00 per person Childcare provided (6-8pm) Page 5 The Spire February 2015 Greetings from your new music director…Joy Goetz Conners Dear IUMC congregation: First of all I’d like to express my thanks Dr. Keith Adkins, the choir, and hand-bells for the warm welcome, as I embark on a new musical/spiritual journey at IUMC. Irvington has a rich musical heritage and it is a privilege to be a part of such an historic continuum of musical excellence in this community. I am passionate about music, and it defines who I am. In fact I can say, “I know God because I know music”… For over 35 years I have spent virtually every Sunday morning playing piano, organ, and directing choirs at church…it’s in my blood, my heart and my soul. For me there is no greater pleasure than to sit and perform music to the glory of God, and there is NO GREATER JOY (pun intended) than to join together with others to create a magnificent musical moment…such an experience is heavenly…PRICELESS! It’s a sheer labor of love. I am SURE that there are others in the congregation/community who feel similarly about music and spirituality. To those of you who used to sing in the choir,…or you sang in high school choir,… or you played in high school band or orchestra,… or you play in a garage band,… or you just enjoy lifting a voice in song,.. I say to you: “There is a new music director at church and it’s time for new beginnings. This is YOUR season…. the perfect time for you to jump in and join a music organization at IUMC.” The musical groups at Irvington are 1st rate musicians, with willing hearts, but we are a little low in numbers and we could use some support and reinforcements. So if you a have a love of music and an eagerness to learn, please consider the role you might play in the music ministries at IUMC. Come…. and bring a family member or friend with you. (Certainly you all know people who would join a performing group with you.) Choir practices on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm and bells rehearse after church on Sunday mornings. Make the commitment to this worthy and fulfilling endeavor. Join us as we make beautiful music together! Joy Page 6 The Spire February 2015 Page 7 The Spire February 2015 A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: LEARNING FROM WESLEY A Lenten Sermon Series Kind of ‘blah’ right now? Sort of apathetic? Vitality gone? Spiritual life at a low ebb? Faith a bit dormant? Here at IUMC our concern has been dominated by attendance, finances, and the building. Perhaps it is time to plant the seeds of revival. Join me as we go through the key events in the life of John Wesley to find lessons for our own spiritual journey. I will be preaching biblical texts from a new book by Adam Hamilton entitled Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It. Let us make an effort to revive our spirituality by attending all through Lent and bringing a friend. Date Sermon Text Sermon Title February 22 Revelation 2:1-5 Precursors to Revival March 1 1 Peter 1:13-16 A Longing for Holiness March 8 Romans 4:3-5; 5:1-2 A Crisis of Faith March 15 Ephesians 2:8-10 The Necessity of Grace March 22 James 2:14-18 Works of Mercy March 29 Proverbs 31:8-9 Persevering to the End April 5 Mark 16:1-8 Transformation Page 8 The Spire January 2015 PARISH VISITOR TEAM SCOUTING MINISTRIES SUNDAY Pastor Keith held a Parish Visitor Training last month and we now have nine people on our Parish Visitor Team. Thanks to the following people who have been empowered to officially represent the church in caring for our people through the ministry of visitation: This Annual great day will be celebrated on February 8. We ask all scouts to come in uniform: Brownies, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and adult leaders. The Boy Scouts always provide a liturgist for that day and this year our Scouting coordinator John Worthy will care for a time of thanks and recognition. Ellen Foster Lisa Hedges Cindy Stevenson VACATION Pat Dearing Marsha Petry Jeff Petry Kathy Fulton Kitty Stewart Our pastor gets four weeks of vacation each conference year from July 1 to June 30. His first week was in September and his second week will be February 6-12. Andy will be on call and preach February 8. Dave Stewart Call the church office if you would like a visit for any reason. We also need a Volunteer Parish Visitor to coordinate the team. This person does not have to do visitation. He or she would need to call the church office weekly to find any new names, communicate with the team, and make a report at the monthly staff meetings. One final reminder. Anyone can visit anyone any time. This just adds to the list of official ministries we conduct at IUMC. PRESCHOOL SUNDAY This annual event is scheduled for February 22. Most of the over 100 children in our Preschool attend other churches, so we greatly appreciate when parents take time to come worship with us as we recognize the fantastic work our Preschool continues to do. Lori Steuer will once again care for this time of appreciation. Page 9 The Spire February 2015 FRIEND SUNDAY March 1 is our second annual Friend Sunday. Here’s the schedule of events leading up to it: February 25—we will run a video entitled “Strangers” on our Facebook page. February 15—we will have an entertaining and useful video entitled “Awkward First Date.” This will serve as the Call to Worship to help prepare us for inviting. Then during worship everyone will be asked to write down the names of three people they would like to invite to church. We will then be challenged to spend one minute a day praying for each of the three names and asking God to give us opportunities to talk to these people and to prepare their hearts for this invitation. February 27—we will run a video entitled “Friend Sunday Invite” on our Facebook page. February 22—our second Call to Worship video is entitled “The Pyramid Scheme.” During worship we will distribute invite cards and be challenged to hand these cards to the people on our list sometime during the week. Don’t forget that 90% of people say they would be open to coming to church if a friend invited them. March 1—the day of the event. Offer to pick up your friend if needed and plan to invite them into your favorite small group, whether it is a Sunday School Class, choir, bible study, book discussion, quilting, men’s group, women’s group, youth group, handbells, or a mission or program experience. Page 10 The Spire February 2015 UNITED METHODIST MEN NEWS! We are planning a new year with more opportunities to fellowship and “get to know” the men in our church family. The UMM of Irvington can make a difference in the future of the church and local community. We look forward to your suggestions and spending time together to grow and serve. Mondays Feb. 2 and 16th 8am “breakfast social” Steak and Shake (E. Washington St and Franklin Rd.) Saturday, March 14th 8am breakfast and organization meeting IUMC fellowship hall ANNA CIRCLE Meetings are throughout the year for Christian fellowship. Monthly meetings are led by volunteer officers and hosted by circle members. Over the many years Anna Circle ladies have made a difference by supporting our church maintenance, donating to many mission projects and programs and organizing our well known IUMC and community outreach, Strawberry Festival and fundraising Fall Auction. Please feel welcome to fellowship with us. Circle meets the 4th Tuesday of most months at 1pm. The next circle meeting will be hosted at the home of Joanne Lisle on March 24th. Page 11 The Spire February 2015 YOUTH EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 February 1 – No Group, Enjoy the Super Bowl February 8 – Preparing for Sweetheart Dinner 5th-8th grade meets 5:00-6:15pm, 9th-12th grade meets 6:00-7:30pm February 15 – Sweetheart Dinner, 5:00-9:00pm February 20 (Friday) – Winter Jam Concert, Cincinnati February 21 (Saturday) – 9th-12th grades, Snow Tubing, Afternoon February 22 – 5th-8th grades, Skyzone, 5:00-7:30pm February 26 (Thursday) – Rock & Worship Concert, Indianapolis Page 12 The Spire February 2015 WINTER ASSISTANCE FUND (WAF) - 2015 CENTER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE 863 Massachusetts Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 And JOHN H. BONER COMMUNITY CENTER 2236 East 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46201 WARREN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE 501 North Post Road, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46219 SERVICE PHONES: (317) 545-1204 Forest Manor DESCRIPTION: Offers financial assistance with past-due heating bills for Marion County households with income between 150%-225% Federal Poverty Level (gross: 23,265 - +30,260). Maximum benefit amount is $400, and the client will be asked to pay a portion of the amount owed. HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-2:30pm ET ELIGIBILITY:* Living in Marion County * Current household income (all sources) 150%-225% of Federal Poverty Guidelines * With past-due or disconnected heat bill totaling $400 or less (including any reconnection fees or deposit) * Have made payments toward their heating bill within the past 90 days * Bill is in the name of an adult living in the household * Person applying for assistance must be a member of the household, ages 18 or older INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call and ask for Information Desk to receive a WAF application appointment and to confirm specific documentation required at this site; NO walk-ins accepted. WHAT TO BRING: Each application site may require slightly different documentation. In general, the following will be required of all applicants: * Government-issued ID for applicant (need not be from US government) * Proof of applicant's address (if address on ID does not match that on utility bill) * Past-due Marion County electric/gas/fuel bills * Proof of CURRENT household income (current month's income will be multiplied by 12 to get annual income number; persons with fluctuating income should bring enough paystubs to determine an average) * Verification of each member of the household (could be Medicaid card, Social Security cards, birth certificates, school records, etc.) SERVICES: Electric Service Payment Assistance Gas Service Payment Assistance ● Heating Fuel Payment Assistance Page 13 The Spire February 2015 Fun and Fitness! Come join us! STARTING MARCH MONDAYS @ NEW TIME! 4-4:45PM IUMC Fellowship Hall We are celebrating our one year anniversary of fun and fellowship while getting healthier. Are you curious what we are all about? Have you been thinking you want to be more pro”active”? Come see how much fun we have with music, moderate exercise and best of all treating ourselves to something that is good for our health. Can’t hula hoop? We can show you how to modify this exercise without a hula hoop. You will enjoy the fellowship, music and social fun! Your first class/demo is free. Classes are $5 and all proceeds go to the IUMC general fund and room use. ( casual attire and supportive shoes ) NO CLASSES IN FEBRUARY Contact Kathy Fulton 506-0723 Page 14 The Spire February 2015 Start saving your donations! Rummage Sale and Bazaar Saturday, August 22, 2015, 9am-2pm Spring is just around the corner, time to reorganize all those storage areas. This year we are going to offer “love made” items also. Think about making crafts and gather your favorite recipes for cookies, candies and baked goods. Reserve a table to share your talents! The Irvington community looks forward each year when our church doors open for a day of bargains and treasures for everyone! It is always nice to reflect how our rummage sale proceeds provided opportunities for outreach ministries and missions. 2007 AED machine for IUMC, 2008 South Dakota Mission Trip, 2009 Church Council for distribution, 2010 Memorial Lounge,, Youth Program ,Preschool Scholarship, Mission Trip, Screen and Projector, 2011Youth Program, Hope Counseling, UMCOR, 2012 Habitat for Humanity, 2013 ICAN, 2014 ICAN Page 15 The Spire February 2015 ICAN Assistance Center Update WINTER 2015 Volume 4, Issue 1 2014 - Filled With By Rosie Butler, MA, LSW ICAN Director “...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” Matthew 25:40b Football season is now in full swing, and though I’m not a big football fan, being raised by one has given me a general understanding of the game. Charles Swindoll wisely noted “(t)he church worship service is a huddle. We run the plays during the week. The game is not won in the huddle.” The Irvington churches and community as a whole are definitely playing the game reaching out to this community through the work of seeking jobs walk through the doors. referrals to programs which have expertise in job placement is common, and recently I was able neighbors had in referrals and some financial assistance from ICAN while awaiting job placement. different from 2014, but with the financial and overall support of the help Irvington churches and community at churches large. Irvington Ministerial different outreach to neighbors. needs and A couple recent stories concern success in job searches. ICAN is not a job placement ICAN Clothing Closet employment after receiving both of ICAN is not possible without the about gloves, hats, socks and more for ALL ages visiting the locating viable The needs in 2015 will be no year Your help brought to hear of the success a couple the ICAN Assistance Center. The work Vignettes have been shared over the THANK YOU! from the which and help from community at many Irvington make the Association, the large, up Irvington the ICAN Assistance Center will be present to “run the plays” to the During 2014 nearly 550 visits were made by neighbors in need to the ICAN Clothing Closet selecting items for around 980 individuals of all ages. Your donations make this ministry possible. many neighbors in Irvington in need. program, however, frequently those Irvington Churches Advocacy Network Assistance Center Is a Ministry of IAM* (Irvington Association of Ministers) Contact office at: 317-322-9645 [email protected] Visit ICAN on Facebook for regular updates. Financial donations needed: ICAN c/o IAM * @ Irvington Presbyterian Church 55 Johnson Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 *tax deductible Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3, NIV Page 16 The Spire February 2015 TO DONATE FOOD: ICAN Clothing Closet Needs Current Donation Needs: For ICAN Clothing Closet drop off at: Emerson Ave. Baptist Church, 308 N. Emerson Especially men’s JEANS, JEANS, JEANS New underwear for children & adults always & any BRAS Avenue Christian Church 111 S. Downey Avenue OPEN: Thursdays 1– 3 PM TO DONATE CLOTHING: Gently used, CLEAN, Winter Clothing ONLY, PLEASE**: ICAN Food Pantry @ Downey Mon—Thurs. 9 am —3 pm &/or Emerson Avenue Baptist’s Shoes & BOOTS - Food pantry which is open especially men’s Fridays 10 —11:30 am. Blankets of all sizes - (both receive donations M—F) especially for beds Additional food pantries are **Storage space is limited available for neighbors in need. 2014 in Review - A Few Stats assistance. Financially 56 eligible neighbors were aided with utility or rent and over 100 with ICAN Director is on location at three Irvington transportation (bus tickets). churches weekly: Irvington United Because of nearly Methodist, 70 individuals or groups who donated clothing, and Emerson Avenue Baptist, and Downey Avenue Chris- the financial help from ICAN churches around tian Church on Thursdays, 1-3 pm, during their food 980 were clothed. The ICAN Clothing Closet pantry hours. ICAN Assistance Center had over could not have operated without the few dedi1,040 individuals walk into the various locations cated volunteers and interns who helped shop, and during 2014 with a variety of needs with which they kept the shelves and racks stocked. Many thanks! Hours & Locations of ICAN Assistance Center Outreach: Main Office Hours: M - T - TH: 9:30 am —Noon @ Irvington United Methodist Church 30 N. Audubon, Indpls., IN 46219 ICAN Clothing Closet @ Emerson Avenue Baptist Church 308 N. Emerson Ave., Indpls., IN 46219 Tues.-3 pm & Fri. 10 — 11:30 am ICAN is open to neighbors in need throughout the work week, except on Wednesdays and holidays. There are boundary limits for financial assistance, but referrals are made to other programs if visitor is out of boundaries. ICAN Clothing Closet has NO boundaries, any in need may visit. To ALL who made the work of ICAN possible in 2015 either through volunteer work, financial donations or through gifts-in kinds! Page 17 The Spire February 2015 PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS FOR FEBRUARY The general lessons during the winter quarter of 2014-15 has been the same for each group. Each group is given material and does activities and projects that are age appropriate. ‘Unit I: Hope is Born’ was the December weeks focus, including Mary and Joseph / Mary and Elizabeth, the Birth of Jesus and the Wise Men. ‘Unit II: Touched by Jesus’ was the January weeks focus, which includes Jairus’s Daughter / The Woman at the Well / The Ten Lepers and Mary and Martha. ‘Unit III: Miracles’ is the February focus and this month has The Wedding at Cana / Jesus Walks on Water / Feeding 5000 and The Man Beside the Pool. This month there is special news from the class with grades (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) lead by Marsha Petry. Lisa Hedges has been sharing leadership as well. They meet in room 201 (the Panda Room at the top of the stairs). We call ourselves ‘The is always losing a tooth! Toothless Wonders’ because it seems that someone We designate a direction we want our collection money to go each quarter. This quarter our class offering is being saved for St. Jude Children’s Cancer Hospital. Each quarter we select a new charity by voting on choices we suggest. To-date, the charities chosen have been: 1. Heifer International – Matthew Whiteman’s school in Nepal. 2. Schools with mission Guatemala. There are 6 active members in our group and a few visiting children who drop-in; some are visiting friends, some are relatives, and some are new people we hope become our friends. There are plenty of chairs, so we invite more to join us anytime. We start Sunday School by singing in the choir room the first fifteen minutes with Ms. Ellen Foster. Practice has already begun for the next performance. Sometimes we run late as there is so much to do and no one wants to miss anything. Looking for fun? Pull a tooth and join us! Page 18 The Spire February 2015 Page 19 The Spire February 2015 Historic National Road Yard Sale IUMC will be taking part in the US 40 Yard Sale again this year Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30, 2015 ***We will be renting space on the north, south, west and sections of the east sides of the church yard for those who want to have their own booth. Space Size: Rental Fee: Contact: 10ft X 10 ft. with street frontage $40 for one day/$50 for both days Ellen Foster through church office Office phone: 317-356-7231 Start saving items you want to donate to be sold!!!! Donations of items for the church sale area will be in the same area as last year; the east circle drive and parking spaces from the church to the street. ›› 100% of sale money from items donated to the church will go to the church repairs. ›› Individual booths will pay rental fees and the proceeds from their sales is entirely their personal choice. *Income from the sale goes toward the expenses to make needed repairs to the church building. Extensive repair is needed to the interior and exterior of the building. This cannot cover all that is needed, but it is one effort to take responsibility as stewards of the physical building we have been given. Check picture displays on posters in the parlor for exterior repairs needed. Page 20 The Spire February 2015 Irving Hello everyone! Here we are into February, there’s hearts everywhere. My friend, the one with the pink nose, and myself are going to the Sweetheart Dinner on February 15th. There are always lots of yummy crumbs to clean up.! I think I will join Jeff Stevenson to sing a song or two. The middle of February we will be starting a special time in the life of the church, it’ something called Lent. This isn’t what we let someone borrow, it’s a special time that we get ready for Easter. Many of you will ‘give something up’. Hmm, surely you don’t mean chocolate. Maybe I will add something. Let’s see, I think that I will be a greeter. I’ve been told that some of you are afraid of us four-legged ones, but, Dr. Adkins has assured me that he will find a place for me to say ‘hi’. Sounds like fun. Joy has said that she is looking into some special music for me to sing. I am looking forward to it. I’ve changed locations. See if you can find me, I’ll give you a hint, not in the hall, not in the parlor, not in the sanctuary and not in the social hall. Got it? Don’t forget to wave! Irving Yoga Classes Beginning in February Be good to your Heart & Soul this Valentine’s Day! Do Yoga at IUMC starting Thursday Feb 12th at 6:15-7:15pm also on February 19th and February 26th. $5.00 per class. Then in March on Tuesdays and Thursdays for $5.00 per class or $40 per month. Classes meet in fellowship hall and class size is limited. Classes taught by certified Yoga Instructors – Lizzy Bishop of Indy Asanas, and Brenda Bishop-Kyle Irvington United Methodist Church 30 N Audubon Road Indianapolis IN 46219 9:15 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP Our Staff Dr. Keith Adkins, Lead Pastor (Cell: 847-5041) Rev. Andy Rutar, Associate Pastor Director of Choirs/Organist: Joy Goetz Conners Kim Fulton, Office Manager/Financial Secretary Lori Steuer, Preschool Director , We are on the Web at:: Our email address and telephone number are: [email protected] (317) 356-7231 Visit us on Facebook *Spire deadline for March will be February 23rd. Page 22 The Spire Our Stewardship February 2015 Condolences to… January-December Weekly Average 2012 Sunday School Worship Attendance 2013 2014 50 49 48 133 137 132 General Budget Offering * $4,912 $4,973 The family and friends of Virginia Galyean who passed away on December 27, 2014. $4,461 * Weekly needed for 2014—$4,948 NEW BIBLE STUDY GROUP There will be a Bible Study Group meeting Sunday evenings from 7pm to 8pm followed by refreshments. It will meet in the homes of participants each week. The first meeting will be Sunday, February 15, at the home of Ellen Foster. If you are interested in taking part or have any questions, please contact Ellen Foster or the church office.
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