New Life Presbyterian Church MINISTRIES SUPPORTED BY NEW LIFE DRESHER Northeast Community Church Partnership Serge Gibraltar Team Partnership Alpha Pregnancy Services Bethany Christian Services Eastern PA Presbytery Church Planting Presbyterian Church in America Whosoever Gospel Mission (Resurrection Offering) ESL (Resurrection Offering) International Justice Mission (Resurrection Offering) Hunting Park Christian Academy (Resurrection Offering) Children’s Jubilee Fund (Resurrection Offering) Medical Ministry Int’l (Resurrection Offering) Kianga Kids (Resurrection Offering) David and Debra Almack, Philadelphia, CLC Int’l Eric and Karen Brauer, Europe, Serge John and Sue Burch, Atlanta, Mission to the World Robert and Lois Carr, Philadelphia, Mission to N. America Tom and Jan Courtney, Europe, Solas Richard and Robyn Crane, Miami, Mission to the World Ellen Dykas, Philadelphia, Harvest USA Jon and Tracy Eide, HMA, Mission to the World Meredith and Sandy Elder, Philadelphia, Serge Jodee Fortner, Peru, Medical Mission Int’l Dan and Gini Herron, Spain, Serge Mike and Judy Hollenbach, Easton, Bridge Community Church Andrew and Mary King, Penn State University, Intervarsity Steve and Jessica Lutz, Penn State University, CCO Jeff and Jodie McMullen, Philadelphia, Serge Rose Marie Miller, England, Serge Tom and Lisa Seelinger, Virginia, Mission to the World David and Eowyn Stoddard, Berlin, Mission to the World In addition, NLD maintains a presence in N. Africa NEW LIFE DIACONATE DEACONS Dave Fischer Rich Knudsen Dave Frearson ** Scott Lauer Brian Gill ** Rob Radcliff Paul Thress * STAFF Ron Lutz, Pastor Joshua Earman, Assistant Pastor Anthony Gammage, Pastoral Assistant Children’s Ministries Debbie Leonard, Director Beth Anne Lesshafft, Assistant Student Ministries Todd Hill, Director Jacob Lee, Assistant Presbyterian Church of Dresher Crossroads Tim Gorbey, Coordinator Worship Joyce Johnson, Coordinator Outreach Partner Laurel Kehl, Coordinator Office Michael Todd, Treasurer Ward Shope, Church Administrator Carol Rhodes, Secretary Fae Hicks, Secretary Andrew Bors, Communication Specialist February 1, 2015 Prelude: Oceans Call to Worship: based on Psalm 91:2, Romans 10:9, 13 He is Exalted Praise is Rising Build Your Kingdom Here NEW LIFE ELDERS STRATEGIC TEAM Dave Almack Jeff Nitz Sam Chez Bill Parr Joe Johnson SHEPHERDING TEAM Meredith Elder * Paul MacQueen Keith Humphreys Ward Shope * Don Joos Dave Solt Justin King Keith Soper Jeff McMullen ELDERS AT LARGE Jim Baird Jeff Stark Currently on Sabbatical * Currently on Extended Leave ** DEACONESSES Julie Courtney** Donna McLaughlin** Dyan Fischer Janet Snyder * Patti Kane Maryanne Soper Church Office: 215-641-1100 Fax: 215-641-1107 New Life Church, 2015 S. Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA 19025 New Life is a local church of the Presbyterian Church in America. Prayer of Confession My Jesus, I Love Thee Assurance of Pardon: John 3:16-17 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands Children Dismissed You Said Congregational Prayer Outreach Video Sermon: “Right Place, Right Time”, John Findley, preaching General Offering Days of Elijah Benediction Please silence your cellular phones during the service. Welcome New Life News Announcements Welcome! This Sunday is our last week of a four week emphasis on how we live for God's glory by seeking the good of others. This week we focus on God's compassionate love for all nations, cultures, and languages. As New Life is a large church, it can be a challenge meeting and getting to know others — to feel like you’re truly part of the church community. Start by letting us know you are here, by filling out the index card in the bulletin. Place it in the offering basket at the end of the service. We encourage everyone to form meaningful relationships with others at New Life by doing the following: choose a worship service time and attend regularly, get into a Home Group, find a team or ministry where you can regularly serve with others, and be in conversations with your friends about what the gospel means to you. Visit the Info Desk to find out more about these opportunities. Worship Worship Celebration 8:30 and 11:10am “Right Place, Right Time” Acts 17:16-27 John Findley, preaching Erin Amann, worship Jeff McMullen, prayer 8:30 service Don Joos, prayer 11:10 service Nursery Children’s Church at 8:30 and 11:10 Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available throughout the morning. Children's Church is available after the singing portion of worship. Children will be dismissed to their classrooms at the appropriate time. Please escort your child to their classroom, and pick them up promptly after the service. Room 202: Infants-12 months Room 201: 12-24 months Room 208: New Mom’s Room Room 203: 2 and 3 year old Room 204: 4 and 5 year old Room 206: K through 2nd Grade Best wishes to: Jesse and Katie Harper on the birth of their son, Caleb Erez Harper, on January 22, 2015. Steve and April Bohannon, on the birth of heir daughter, Elizabeth Joy Bohannon, born on January 26, 2015. Brian and Abby Jakl, on the birth of their daughter, Shea Rebecca Jakl, born on January 27, 2015. We are looking for more greeters for Sunday mornings! Each Sunday we have a team of dedicated people who help by greeting, passing out bulletins, and ushering in the auditorium. This is a once a month commitment. If you would like to serve in this way contact Beth Curley at [email protected] or contact the office (215) 641-1100. Parents of 3rd thru 5th grade students: Students in these classes may elect to join a membership class beginning February 8 at the Sunday School hour. Students will study the truths of the Christian faith and afterwards, have the option to be interviewed for membership by the elders. You can sign up by contacting the church office or signing your child up on New Life Online using the link on the left. Direct questions to [email protected]. Giving Statements. This year, statements of charitable giving to New Life will come through an email containing a link for you. You will need to log in to New Life Online and your statement will be available anytime you want. There will be more detailed instructions in the email. We will provide a paper statement to those who request them, and to those who have no email address in our records. Please contact Ward Shope with questions. IMPORTANT NOTICE: To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, do not file your 2014 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. General Offering Stats as of January 25, 2015 PREVIOUS WEEK YEAR-TO-DATE Needed: $27,102 $81,306 Received: $21,126 $57,677 New Life News School of discipleship Children’s Ministries School of Discipleship for Children - 10:00-10:55am NO Kids Clubs tonight. Enjoy the Super Bowl. Next Sunday, February 8th we will have Boys Clubs as usual from 6:00 7:30pm. Daddy/Daughter Dance for all girls in kindergarten to fifth grade will be Sunday, February 8th; here in room 306; from 5:45 - 7:30pm. Bring your Dad, Grandpop or a special friend!! There will be food, dancing, crafts and lots of fun memories. Room 203 Room 205 Room 204 Room 206 Room 302 2 Year Olds 3 Year Olds 4 and 5’s Kindergarten Grade 1 TODAY—Outreach Festival Outreach to the Nations YOUTH MINISTRY NEXT SUNDAY New Classes begin. See insert! The deadline for discounted registration for the 2/20-2/22 Sr. High Winter Retreat is TODAY. The final registration deadline is next Sunday, 2/8. Registration forms can be found at the church information desk, or registration can be completed on the church website. Calendar of Events TONIGHT the youth group will be meeting at Todd's house to watch the Super Bowl. Bring a snack or dessert to share. Save the date: We will have an all youth ski trip on March 1st. More details to come. All-Church Nursery Rotation TODAY– NEXT WEEK– Early—Gail Moyer, Staci Runion, Early—Donna Stark, Andy Shockey, Tom McLaughlin, Bethany Serridge, RuthAnne Burke, Jessica Chen Abigail Serridge Middle—Judy Parr, Brian Gill, Holly Middle—Pat Solt, Ellen Dykas, Tuttle, Ilona Krastina Barbara Marks, Cindy Jeffes Late—Janel Fackler, Mary Ellen Late—Carol Belford, Sue Bires, Troyer, Greg Troyer Curt Lind, Tim Vorwald Room 301 Room 304 Room 306 Room 306 Room 207 School of Discipleship Hour 10:00-10:55am Next Mom/Tot playgroup will be Tuesday, February 17th from 10:00 11:30am. Friday, February 13th will be the next Jr. High Friday Night Jam. Grades 2 and 3 Grades 4 and 5 Junior High (6-8) Senior High (9-12) Special Needs (11:10) THIS WEEK: Home Groups meet throughout the week TODAY 6pm No Kids Clubs JH and SH Youth will meet at the Hills Tuesday, 7-8:30pm Women’s Evening Bible Study Tuesday, 7-10pm Crossroads (Young Adult) Wednesday, 9:15-11am Women’s Bible Study NEXT SUNDAY, 6-7:30pm Boys Clubs, JH and SH Youth. Daddy/Daughter Dance 5:45-7:30pm UPCOMING EVENTS February 8: Ron Lutz, preaching Joyce Johnson, worship February 20-22: SH Retreat March 9-June 8: GriefShare For a full calendar, visit our website at Sermon Notes New Life News “Right Place, Right Time” Prayer Focus—Outreach Festival John Findley, preaching Acts 17: 16-27 February 1, 2015 Prayer Requests: That we would be faithful and effective partners with the local teams doing church planting in Granada and N. Africa, by sending summer English Camp teams and ultimately sending long-term workers to join them. That we would be a church that gives generously and joyfully sends workers into the global harvest field, in order that those who have never heard would have the opportunity to respond to the Gospel. That by February 1 this year's Granada Team will be formed and will be beginning their preparations to participate in English Camp July 1-12th. That as a congregation we would be generous with finances, time, and energy in partnering with the diaconal ministries we support with our Resurrection Offering. Outreach Prayer of Confession From the Valley of Vision based on Acts 17:24-31 We confess that you are the God who made the world and all things in it. You are the Lord of heaven and earth who does not dwell in temples made with hands, nor served by human hands. We acknowledge that you and you alone give to all people life and breath and all things; and made from one man every nation of mankind, that we all would seek you O Lord. We humbly thank you for calling us to repentance, and declare our belief that you have fixed a day in which you will judge the world in righteousness through your son Jesus whom you raised from the dead. Help us to find in his death the reality and immensity of his love. Open for us the wondrous volumes of truth in his, “It is finished.” Increase our faith in the clear knowledge of atonement achieved, expiation completed, satisfaction made, guilt done away, our debt paid, our sins forgiven, our souls saved, hell vanquished, heaven opened, eternity ours. Write these truths upon our hearts. Amen. Prayer of Belief: Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but, through you, I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment and offering forgiveness. I turn from my sins and receive you as Savior. Amen. Conversation Cafes at ESL: Wednesday, February 4, from 7-8:30pm , and Saturday, February 7, from 10-11am. Bring your home group! For details email Laurel Kehl - [email protected] English as a Second Language Teacher Training: This two-day workshop sponsored by New Life Glenside will be held on Friday, February 20 from 6-9pm and Saturday, February 21, from 8:45am-6pm. Help an English language learner hear and see the Good News! Nancy Booher, an ESL trainer with Mission to N. America, will give practical tools to use in the ESL classroom and talk on how God uses ESL ministry. Cost is $50 (includes an ESL manual, lunch on Saturday, and refreshments throughout). Attendance both days is required. Contact Laurel Kehl at [email protected] IN THE EVENT OF A SNOWSTORM or other inclement weather, the congregation will be notified of worship service or event cancellations in three ways: 1) Through the Twitter feed on the home page of our website 2) Our voice mail system 3) If you have signed up to receive texts on NLO you will get a text.
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