February 1 - Central Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church
Deliberately Diverse and Fully Inclusive
11:00 am, February 1, 2015 4th Sunday after the Epiphany
Celebrating Life Together Kim Rogers
Presbyterian Church
Leader: This is the day the Lord has made.
People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
the Peace
A Time of Silence
Deliberately Diverse and Fully Inclusive
Call to Worship by D. Grotenhuis
Call to Worship Leader:
Chancel Choir
adapted from Psalm 111
Come! Let us give thanks and praise to the Holy One.
We give thanks to God with our whole hearts.
Great are the works of our Creator.
Great is the God who is faithful and just.
Great is the God who is full of compassion and grace.
The God who is Love that has no end.
Let us worship God!
For the Fruit of All Creation (ARHYD ENOTH)
Prayer of Praise and Adoration Sarah de la Fuente
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession Loving God, we gather together in your presence and we become
aware of our resistance to your grace. We confess that there are times
when we avoid your glory. We may forget that it is from your hand
that food for body and soul are given. We may forget that all that is
lovely, delightful and good has its origin in you. Although we know
better, we may seek wisdom in the wrong places. We confess that
there are instances, often inadvertent, when we serve the forces of
cruelty, harming the earth and each other. Forgive us we pray. Help
us live according to the wisdom and love we find in you. Amen.
Silent Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Grace The God who created you and knows your every thought hears you now.
In the name of Jesus, know that you are forgiven and be at peace.
Thanks be to God!
Glory Be To The Father
Hymnal, No. 579
Prayer for Illumination
Deb Robison
Scripture Reading
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Pew Bible, O.T. Pg. 168
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!
Canticle of Hope by J. Martin
Children’s Sermon
Scripture Reading
Mark 1:21-28 Sermon Affirmation of Faith
Chancel Choir
Sarah de la Fuente
Pew Bible, N.T. Pg. 33
Kim Rogers
from the Belhar Confession
We believe in the triune God, Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, who
gathers, protects and cares for the church through Word and Spirit.
This, God has done since the beginning of the world and will do to
the end.
We believe that God has entrusted the church with the message of
reconciliation in and through Jesus Christ, that the church is called
to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, that the church is
called blessed because it is a peacemaker, that the church is witness
both by word and by deed to the new heaven and the new earth in
which righteousness dwells.
399 We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight (DUNLAP’S CREEK)
verses 1, 3, & 4
Minute for Mission: Share the Love
Souper Bowl
Prayers of the People
Doxology †
Mark Taylor
Andrew Calderon
Joseph Moore
Hymn 592
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures
here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and
Holy Ghost. Amen.
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional)
Breaking of the Bread, Pouring of the Cup
Communion of the People
The Prayer of Dedication
Hymnal, Pg. 16
Hymn 516
Lord, We Have Come at Your Own Invitation (O QUANTA)
Choral Benediction
O For a World
Hymn 386
O for a world where everyone Respects each other’s ways,
Where love is lived and all is done With justice and with praise.
 Worshippers are invited to rise in body or spirit
† Some prefer the words, “Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”
to “Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.”
Pastor Intern: Sarah de la Fuente
Recorder: Susan Richter
Please Remember These People in Prayer This Week
•Katherine Williams, daughter of Ann McClain, with health concerns.
•J.J. Baskin, friend of the Kennedy family, undergoing treatment for cancers.
•Jo Schaper and Eugene Val, aunt- and uncle-in-law of Leah Stoddard, recovering
from an automobile accident.
•Bob and Betty Manning, parents of Robin Manning, with health issues.
•Ann Whichard, mother of Steve Whichard, undergoing treatment for cancer.
•Sandra Deller, with health issues.
•Lewis Donelson & Lin Team and family, on the death of their son, Jamie Donelson.
•Margaret Harren and family, on the death of her husband, Herman Harren.
•Ann Hooks, with health issues.
•Barbara Anderson and family, on the death of her mother, Vera Ann Anderson.
•Jane Sampson, in rehabilitation after a hospital stay.
•Isabella Ruiz-Green, struggling with epilepsy and ongoing seizures.
•Family and friends of Jean Kindle, on her death.
Pray for comfort and continued healing for: Shelby Martin, Mason O’Neal, Aaron &
Megan Samaniego (Peace Corps), Cliff Soderlind, Mary Thomas, Bette Lou Voorhis, Lindsey Weiler, Scott Wells, Doris Wilkinson.
Inquirers and Candidates for Ministry under care of CPC: Rick Carlson, Carolina
Treviño, Janine Zabriskie, Annanda Barclay, Ryan Larkin, Holly Swift, and Meg Vail.
Pledge Report
Through Thursday, January 22, we have received 128 pledges for a total of $385,046. Last
year we had 130 pledging units, pledging a total of $395,401. We expect to receive more
pledges in the upcoming weeks.
Calling All Youth and Adults!
Lenten Time is Near!
Sign up today for our all-church, small
group, Lenten study: Looking Inward /
Living Outward. The groups will meet
Sundays, Feb 22 to Mar 29, from 9:30 to
10:45 am. Books are available for $8.00
each (scholarships are available).
Look for the members of the Christian
Education Team at the church doors and
in Smoot Fellowship Hall, ready to sign
you up!
Souper Bowl Sunday – Today!– our
youth will hold soup pots at church doors.
They will join young people in churches
all across the country to collect money for
those who are hungry and hurting. All
money collected at CPC goes to the Capital
Area Food Bank. Please support them by
dropping coins or cash in the soup pot—
thank you!
The Annual Congregational/Corporation Meeting has been called for Sunday,
February 8, for the following stated purposes:
•To hear a report from the Board of Trustees.
•To vote on renewing the Terms of Call for the Pastor and Associate Pastor.
•To vote on dissovling the pastoral call between Joseph Moore and Central
Presbyterian Church effective March 7, 2015.
Note: This is simply a formality, and is part of the process as we keep
things decent and in order for Joseph’s resignation.
•To receive and vote on nominations to fill vacancies in the Officer
Nominating Team (Cynthia Blaha and Susan Richter will be presented as
The meeting will take place at the end of the 11:00 am service.
Attendance last Sunday morning, January 25, was 189.
Refreshments this morning are provided by Janelle and Jim Collier.
All-Team Meeting Night will be Wednesday, February 11. We hope that everyone will
find a place to serve on one of our teams so that we can carry out God’s plan for our life
A memorial service celebrating the life of Jean Kindle will be held on Saturday, February 7 at 11:00 am at Westminster Manor, 4100 Jackson Ave. All are invited to attend.
Greg Freed
Seth Meisel
Wesley Mack
Addie Pierce
Dorothy Nelson
Henny Wieck
Carmine Salvucci
Nene Mbaya
Ella Hoopman
Luca Badolato
Judson Greene
Jack Barden
James Bonney
Amy Davis
Nancy Fly & Seymour Guenther 2/5/1994
Share the Love Mission Fair
& Valentine’s Gift Market
Sunday, February 8th, 2015 (after
the worship service), with cookies and
punch provided by the Mission Team
Join us in Smoot Hall for our annual CPC Mission Fair
and Valentine’s Gift Market. You will have the opportunity to learn more about some of the local ministries that our church currently supports and how you
may get involved in helping if you so choose! And
you may participate in the “Share the Love” Gift Market by dedicating gifts in your friend’s and/or loved
one’s honor and help support our church’s work in our
community at the same time!
CPC Community Art Show
February 18 through Easter, April 5, 2015
The newly formed CPC Art Team is interested in promoting and using the
arts for worship and inspiration. To that end, the CPC Art Team is hosting its first event; an opportunity for CPC community members to show
their visual art in the Narthex during the Lenten season. Please see the CPC website for more
details and share your creative gifts with the community! Today is the last day for entries!
For more information, contact Craig Blaha at [email protected] or 512-633-9745.
FOR SALE & Help Wanted
South by Southwest is returning to CPC! We’ve had nine successful
years, and we’re ready to do it all again, which means two things:
We’re raffling two Platinum Passes, good to all SXSW events — the
drawing is March 8, during our Fellowship Hour. Also, we’re looking
for volunteers for the evenings of Tue-Sat, Mar 17-21, to sell refreshments, welcome the
guests, and assist the performers! We’ll also want some workers for Sunday morning...
» If you’re interested, please talk to Susan Richter (512-825-4252), or contact the church
office. We’ll see you at SXSW!
Noonday Concert Series
Every Thursday, at 12:05 pm, Central Presbyterian presents a
free 30 min. concert in the sanctuary. The concerts are followed
by lunch in Smoot Hall. Lunch reservations are required, and
may be made online at tinyurl.com/ThursConcert or by calling
the church office at 512-472-2445. This week’s concert:
Austin Youth Music Ambassadors
Central Presbyterian Church
200 East Eighth St
Austin, Texas 78701
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00—4:00
Joseph Moore
Kim Rogers
Associate Pastor
Mary Swierenga
Tom Estes
Parish Associate for
Adult Education
Cindy Couch
Director of Music
Nathan Quiring
Organ and Piano
Cristina Flores
Children’s Choir Director
Parish Associate for
Pastoral Care
Carolina Treviño
Christian Educator for
Children and Youth
Adult Christian Education
Riding the Dragon of Prayer - Focusing on fearless
and hopeful prayer in the midst of troubling times.
Led by Kathy Treviño, the class meets in Room 103.
Embracing Forgiveness: What It Is and What It Isn’t
- A DVD-based discussion class led by Mary Jo Hernandez and Pat Green. The group will meet in the
For further information about Adult Christian
Education, or if you have suggestions for classes,
please contact:
Mary Swierenga at [email protected]
Alice Day at [email protected]
Koreena Malone
Win Bent Office Manager
Information for Visitors
Please take a moment to fill out the Visitor’s
Response Card. After worship, join us for our
Fellowship Hour in Smoot Hall, and we hope you
will return to worship with us again.
All Children Are Welcome in Worship.
Activity folders are located at the sanctuary
entrances. Near the back balcony, there is a quiet
room with changing table and rocker for infants
and moms who need a brief respite. Childcare is
available in the Children’s Wing.
Joys & Concerns Cards (blue) are available in
the pew rack. Completed cards can be given to a
pastor or worship leader during “Passing of the
Peace” or passed to an usher during the Children’s
Parking on Sunday mornings and Wednesday
evenings is available in the St. David’s garage (on
Trinity Street between 7th & 8th Streets). Parking is also provided by kind courtesy of the Vaughn
Building behind our church for older folks, those
with mobility issues and families with young children.
For those who are hearing impaired,
there is equipment for your use in
the church office.
Deliberately diverse and fully inclusive,
Central Presbyterian Church in downtown
Austin is a community of Christian faith
where each person is welcomed as a unique
child of God.
Sunday School for Children and Youth
Jr. and Sr. High School Youth are invited to attend
Sunday School at 9:30 am in Room 310.
Childcare for younger children is available in
the Children’s Wing (2nd Floor), beginning at 9:30
Children ages 5 to 11 are invited to attend Sunday
School after the Children’s Sermon, at about 11:15 am.
All children ages 5-11 are encouraged to come to
Children’s Choir; rehearsals start at 11:45 am.
Parents whose children are new to the children’s choir, please contact Cristina Flores
at [email protected].
This Week at CPC
— Sunday —
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:15 am
12:00 noon
12:30 pm
Sunday School
Worship Service and Communion
Children’s Sunday School / Choir Reh.
Fellowship Hour (Smoot Hall)
Young/er Adult Brunch
— Monday —
7:30 am
Men’s Coffee Hour (Smoot Hall)
— Wednesday —
7:00 pm
Chancel Choir Reh (Room 304)
— Thursday —
8:30 am
The Central Mission
12:05 pm Noonday Concert and Lunch
— Saturday —
9:00 am
All-Church Facilities Work Day
— Sunday —
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:15 am
12:00 noon
Sunday School
Worship Service
Children’s Sunday School / Choir Reh.
Fellowship Hour (Smoot Hall)
Monday through Friday at 12:00 noon,
there is an AA meeting in Room 103