Hospitality First Presbyterian Church is an inclusive, reconciling congregation which welcomes into its worship and full membership all persons who profess faith in Jesus Christ regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or economic status. We are delighted you joined us today and invite you to register your presence with us on the friendship sheets. On Sundays Parking can usually be found in the Santa Fe County lot behind the church and at metered parking without charge. Childcare is available on the second floor in the preschool area. Worship Workshop for children during the 8:30 service (leave after the blessing) and Sunday School from 9:45–10:45 on the second floor. Ask the ushers if you have questions, need a Hearing Assistance Device, or would like a Large Print Version of the service. Get Involved in the Life of the Church: Have questions about the church or what Presbyterians are all about? Gatherings are held monthly on the second Sunday after each service (in February, the gatherings will be on the 15th). Contact the church office (982.8544) for more information about the gathering or about how to become involved in the church. Counseling by arrangement with the Pastoral Counseling Center (988.4131). Medicare and most insurance accepted or sliding scale fees negotiable. February 1, 2015 208 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico [email protected] 505.982.8544 Worship & Study —Sundays 9:45–10:45 The Identity of Jesus as a Jew: A Historical and Scriptural Study with John Miller in the Chapel. —Weekdays Theology in Modern Film 1st Monday at 6:00PM, home of Jen Black. As the gathering takes place on Groundhog Day, the movie will be Groundhog Day. Religion & Science Discussion 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:00PM, Rendon Room Mary’s Women 2nd Monday each month at 5:30PM, Rendon Room—a spiritual reflection of Karen Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 7:00AM, McFarland Chapel Base Community Bible Study on Wednesdays at noon in the Rendon Room—no study on February 4, but resuming on February 11 studying Chapter 8 of Mark Prophetic Spirituality Wednesdays 5:30–6:20PM in the Rendon Room Taizé Service Thursdays at 5:30PM, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 841 W Manhattan Ave Spanish Bible Study Saturdays 9:00–10:00AM—Moore Conference Room on the third floor A Church Retreat is in the works for March 29–30 at Ghost Ranch Abiquiu. If you are interested, please e-mail Pastor Harry at [email protected]. Music TGIF Concerts every Friday night at 5:30PM. Free will offering. February 6 Gilbert Giudice, piano, flute and guitar February 13 James David Christie, organ February 20 Voice Students from the Santa Fe University of Arts and Design February 27 Black Mesa Brass Serenata of Santa Fe will be performing at the church again on Sunday, February 8 at 3:00PM in a concert called Common Tones—homeland inspired music by Barber, Dvorak and Kenji Bunch. Tickets available through the Lensic Box Office and at the door. Casserole Sunday The Deacons have lovingly prepared main dishes in place of their usual soup this month. They are for sale in the lobby today. They are “dinners for two” for $10. Stop by and pick up Green Chili Mac and Cheese, King Ranch Tortilla Chicken, Chicken Tetrazzini, or Vegetable Beef Stew. There is also Blueberry Croissant Bread Pudding available at $5. Proceeds go to the Deacon Fund which provides these items to be delivered to ill and shut-ins as needed as well as other worthy causes. We thank you for your support. Rediscovering Jesus through Reconnect Rediscover Remember Rejoice! February 1, 2015 11:00AM Those who are able may stand God Calls Us PRELUDE HYMN 393 WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP bold in unison The moments before worship are a transition from “getting here” to “being here.” Take the opportunity to listen to the prelude and quiet one’s mind and become open to the spirit. Messe du Deuxieme Ton by Andre Raison O Day of Rest and Gladness Healing God, we come together in our brokenness, to call to you in your mercy, to make us whole again. Wholeness—giving God, listen to our prayers, we pray. Restoring God, we gather to worship you, even as we hopefully seek to be renewed and restored again. God, our Quiet-Centre, listen to our prayers this day. Foundational God, we come to praise and thank you! In the depths of your Holy Being we find peace and rest. God—our Beginning and our End, we hope always in you. Amen. CANDLELIGHTING PRAYER OF CONFESSION bold in unison Holy God, maker of the skies above, Lowly Christ, born amidst the growing earth, Spirit of life, wind over the flowing waters, in earth, sea, and sky, You are there. O hidden mystery, Sun behind all suns, Soul behind all souls, In everything we touch, In everyone we meet, Your presence is round us, And we give you thanks. But when we have not touched, but trampled you in creation, When we have not met but missed you in one another, When we have not received but rejected you in the poor, Forgive us. RESPONSE printed at right ASSURANCE OF PARDON bold in unison RESPONSE printed at right At the beginning, at the end, and in every time between, the good news speaks to us of God’s tender mercy and love for us. God comes! Not to punish, but to gift us with peace, not to judge, but to save us. Thanks be to God. Amen. God Renews Us SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 150 New Revised Standard Version, pg 583 ANTHEM Chancel Choir Psalm 150 by Linda Rice Beck SCRIPTURE READING Mark 2:23—3:6 MESSAGE Rev. Dr. Harry Eberts III Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath? COMMUNION Sanctus pg 9 in the hymnal, words at right HYMN 630 OFFERING AND OFFERTORY Tenor and Basses of the Choir RESPONSE 14 sing verse 5, words printed at right PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER New Revised Standard Version, pg 36 The Lord be with you. Lift up your hearts. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. And also with you. We lift them up to the Lord. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise... ♫ Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full, are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Fairest Lord Jesus Sweet Rivers by Unterseher ♫ For thyself, best gift divine to the world so freely given; for that great, great love of thine, peace on earth and joy in heaven: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise. God Sends Us on Our Journey PASSING OF THE PEACE HYMN 673 ♫ Dona nobis pacem, pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Jesus, Light of Joy BLESSING POSTLUDE A Mighty Fortress by Johann Pachelbel The service of worship concludes after the postlude. The music can be enjoyed and this time can be used for prayer. You may remain seated or depart quietly. Call to worship ©2012 Joan Stott The Timeless Psalms RCL Psalm Year B, used with permission. Confession from the Iona Community and Assurance by Thom Shuman. Prayers and Praise Names of those to pray for will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. Notify the church office 982.8544 or [email protected] with your joys and concerns. Pray for Lolly Bair—a special prayer service will be held today at 12:30 in the Chapel, Maurice Trimmer, and Kay Roberts Pray for the three Colombian Presbyterian ministers who have received death threats—again—and for their accompaniers. Deacon on Call: Anne M. (466.1120) Food and Fellowship First Friday Fellowship on Friday, February 6, at 6:30PM, at Jenny’s house. Join us for a simple potluck meal (host provides soup), followed by “soul food café”—a time of sharing poetry, prose, music, art, anything that feeds the soul. All ages, newcomers and old-timers, are welcome. RSVP to Jenny at [email protected]. Another production crew will be Filming in Our Neighborhood soon, and it will have an impact on parking for much of February. For events during the week, you might want to consider the Ghost Ranch Santa Fe lot. The Deacons are handing out GRSF parking permits today. Come learn more at the Neighborhood Meeting this Tuesday at 2:00 in Pope Hall. Rediscovering Jesus through Presbyterian Men’s Breakfast and the Facilities Committee present Building the Future: Dreams Realized and Yet to Come on Saturday, February 14 at 8:00AM. Over 10 years ago church groups and individuals were asked what they wanted to see in a new building. This congregation had the vision to provide for these dreams and to present a building paid in full. It is up to us today to appreciate the care that is needed to maintain this most integral part of our overall mission as a church. Take a deeper look into the day-to-day operation of the building, including a tour after the presentation for anyone interested. Suggested donation of $2 for a highquality breakfast is the best deal in town. If you plan to attend the breakfast, please contact John Whitcomb at 982.3921 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Worship When you enter the Sanctuary on Sundays and experience a change, you are probably noticing the creative thought, planning and work of our wonderful Liturgical Arts Committee. We thank them for the beautiful Advent and Christmas seasons. Thanks also to everyone who contributed poinsettias! In the next weeks we will see the purple colors of Lent arrive to carry us on that journey into Easter. We also have the opportunity to Contribute Flowers any Sunday to commemorate a special event or memory of a loved one. We will be passing the small purple binder where you can select a Sunday. Flowers will be delivered by the our regular florist or you may bring your own on a Friday or Saturday to arrange in our vases. Please take this opportunity to add to the beauty of our worship services. Earth Care Tidbit of the Week: We should never speak our words about climate change and the need for Christian simplicity without becoming them. We should have them become flesh. They should be our life, and that life is a light to all people. ~ Presbyterians for Earth Care Volunteers NEEDED Shelter Week: We are providing meals at the shelter tonight through Saturday. You can bring food to the shelter or to the church—there are labels in the kitchen for you to use. If you don’t want to cook yourself, Marjorie Lunderville is taking donations for meatloaf night on Friday. We also need volunteers each evening. Put your name in the blue binder in the lobby or call the church office to sign up. We need three or four persons each month to Host a Sunday Coffee Hour. If you can help, call Julia at 992.1163. Calendar February 2–8, 2015 For a full listing of calendar events, visit www.fpcsantafe. org or see the Weekly Calendar on the white board. SHELTER WEEK—Bring food or volunteer! -------------------------------------------MON 7:30 AM Exercise Class—McFarland Chapel 6:00 PM Theology in Modern Film— at Jen Black’s 7:00 PM Religion & Science Discussion —Rendon -------------------------------------------TUES 9:00 AM Staff Gathering—Volunteer Room 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Knitting Group—Rendon 2:00 PM Neighborhood Meeting—Pope Hall -------------------------------------------WED 7:00 AM Morning Prayer—McFarland Chapel 7:45 AM Exercise Class—McFarland Chapel 10:00 AM Plaza del Monte Gathering—Pope Hall 3:15 PM Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal—Chapel 5:30 PM Tenor/Bass Rehearsal—Music Room 5:30 PM Prophetic Spirituality—Rendon Room -------------------------------------------THURS 5:45 PM AA “Women’s Group”—Chapel 6:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal—Sanctuary -------------------------------------------FRI 7:30 AM Exercise Class—McFarland Chapel 5:30 PM TGIF Concert—Sanctuary 5:45 PM AA “Lungsavers”—Pope Hall C 6:00 PM Back Pew Gallery Open 6:30 PM First Friday Fellowship—Jenny’s House -------------------------------------------SAT 9:00 AM Spanish Bible Study—Conf. Room -------------------------------------------NEXT SUNDAY, February 8 8:30 AM MorningSong Service—Sanctuary 9:45–10:45 AM Christian Education 11:00 AM Worship Service—Sanctuary --------------------------------------------
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