FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 8, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK____ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH 8:30 A.M. People of the Parish 10:30A.M. Robert Catanio 12:00P.M. Kenneth M. Martinl MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH 8:00 A.M. Joseph Fett TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 8:00 A.M. Jenny Stephenson WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH 8:00 A.M. Fr. James Smith THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH 8:00 A.M. Pat Pandolfo FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH 8:00 A.M. Deacon William Harty SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14TH 9:00 A.M. Robert Rech 5:00 P.M Carmel De Grezia SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 8:30 A.M. Frank Amoruso 10:30A.M. People of the Parish 12:00P.M. Joseph Czerniewicz Scripture February 15, 2015– 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: THE LORD TELLS MOSES AND AARON THAT ANYONE BEARING THE SORE OF LEPROSY MUST FIRST BE SEEN BY AARON OR ONE OF THE OTHER PRIESTS, AND THAT AS LONG AS THE SORE IS UPON HIM, “HE SHALL DWELL APART, MAKING HIS ABODE OUTSIDE THE CAMP.” (LEVITICUS 13:1-2, 44-46) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CCD Facebook page at ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -PRE-K-Grade 5 Sunday, February 8th – 8:45AM – A Week (Pre-K) ACRE Assessment (Grade 5) Sunday, February 22nd –8:45 AM - B Week MIDDLE SCHOOL -GRADES 6-8 Sunday, February 8th -6:30 – 8:00 PM – A Week classes Sunday, February 22nd -6:30 – 8:00 PM – B Week classes HIGH SCHOOL – GRADES 9-10 February 8th – 6:30-8:00pm –class February 13-15: Antioch Retreat FEBRUARY 15: NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION EVENTS ASH WEDNESDAY –FEB. 18TH: ALL Religious Education students and parents are requested to attend a Prayer Service in church at 5:00pm where they will receive ashes. After the Prayer Service all 8th, 9th & 10th grade students will go to the Gym for a SOUP SUPPER and Lenten Program. Guest speaker will be Ed Craviolo. (Each student is asked to bring a can of soup or item of food for the Food Pantry that they have purchased with money they have earned themselves). Antioch Kitchen Volunteers Needed: In preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, our sophomores will be attending the annual Antioch Retreat held in our Parish Center from Friday, February 13 at 7:30pm through Sunday, February 15, concluding with 3pm mass.. Volunteers still needed to provide food, for food & meal prep, & kitchen clean-up after meals. Sign-up sheets at both SECOND READING: PAUL INSTRUCTS THE CORINTHIANS TO DO Church entrances. We also need adult overnight EVERYTHING FOR THE GLORY OF GOD, TO AVOID OFFENDING OTHERS, chaperones, especially men, to sleep over night at the AND TO BE IMITATORS OF CHRIST. (1 CORINTHIANS 10:31—11:1) retreat from 11pm-8am. You may chaperone for either one or two nights. Please contact Christine Dour at GOSPEL: JESUS TAKES PITY ON A LEPER AND CURES HIM OF HIS 973-663-2768 if you can help. DISEASE WITH A WARNING NOT TO SAY ANYTHING BUT TO SHOW Please keep the sophomores and the Antioch Team in your HIMSELF TO THE PRIEST AND MAKE AN OFFERING. INSTEAD OF prayers during this very special weekend. REMAINING SILENT, THE LEPER GREATLY PUBLICIZED THE HEALING, NOTE: RESULTS OF ANTIOCH CLOTHING DRIVE—raised MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR JESUS TO ENTER THE TOWN OPENLY. $774.00 to offset costs. $200-$300 is used for materials (MARK 1: 40-45) and team shirts, so profit is about $400-$500. None of this would have been possible without the untiring efforts of Emily Nimmo, the Young Adult Team Leader of Antioch who STEWARDSHIP by the BOOK-February 8, 2015 coordinated the event. Given its success this fundraiser may Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, become an annual event. Stay warm everyone! Christine “I do all that I do for the sake of the gospel in the hope of ( having a share in its blessings.” MASS CARDS We are asked to pray for the dead. The best way to do this is to have a mass celebrated in memory of a loved one. Call the rectory 973-6630211. CHOIR PRACTICE: Adults – practice is on Thursdays at 7:30PM in the Church. All parishioners 18 and over are welcome. Please remember in prayer those who are sick: John Rosano, William Carroll III, Jim Petland, Rich Orefice, Jr., Alessandra Spagnolo, Gregory Frederick, Sgt. Aaron Alonso, Christine Profaca, Glenn Costello, Margaret Garczynski, Sarah Sarner, Irene VanHouten, Bob Aymar, Samantha Rhinesmith. BAPTISMS Next Baptism prep- Tue, March 3rd for Sunday, March 8th baptisms. NEW ALTAR SERVERS FOR 2015: Our parish is now in need of a new class of altar servers for 2015. It is open to boys & girls in 4th grade and up. Altar servers assist the priest and deacon at the altar at Mass, help to serve at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Communion and Confirmation. Instruction takes place Saturday mornings from 10AM to 11AM, beginning February 14 continuing on Feb. 21,28, March 7, 14, and 28. Please fill out applications (in vestibule) & return to Fr. Chris by Feb. 12th, or call 663-0211 to register. COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE will be taken up on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. GERTRUDE HAWK CANDY SALE – Flyers have been distributed to students in grades K-5 & 7 through 10. Please support this annual fundraiser for our Religious Education program. Last date to order is February 20th. Candy will be here in time for Easter. NOTE: FOR YOUR SAFETY, during bad weather when walkways are slippery, PLEASE use RECTORY BACK DOOR. It has no steps & is safer. PARISH GIVING AND PARISH FINANCES Three years ago the second collection was eliminated. This collection was put in place to help pay for Project Faith to the Diocese, which this year is $38,100.00. The hope was that the income from the weekend Masses would remain steady with just one collection. We hoped people would now give in one collection what before they gave in two. Unfortunately this did not happen. Our weekly parish goal of $5800.00 was determined about five years ago. This is the weekly amount that is needed for the parish to remain financially healthy. When you look at the figures below for January 1 through February 1-the weekly income for five weeks and Parish Pay-you can see there is a shortfall. We are averaging just over $4000.00 weekly and that is just not enough to sustain the parish financially. A weekly shortfall of $1,800 comes to just over $93,000 over twelve months. This shortfall must be corrected if the parish is to remain viable for the future. The collections from January 1st through February 1st: January 4 $3572.00 January 11 $3745.00 January 18 $2941.00 January 25 $3679.00 Parish Pay $3145.00 February 1 $4131.00 The Total Christmas collections were $35,522.00 What has happened is that our Project Faith Assessment of $38,100.00, payable over eight months from October through May, is in fact paid for by the Christmas and Easter Collections. These collections also help pay for our Property Insurance-about $25,300.00-and staff benefits which continue to increase. We need to increase our weekly collections by a minimum of $1000 if we are to face the future with confidence. If you could increase your weekly giving by $2 to $5 per week, it would really help us out. The bitter cold weather in January has added to our heating costs and the recent snow storms have meant increased costs for snow plowing and sanding the parking lot. We have also hired a person to shovel the walkways. The parish must be able to meet these added costs without sacrificing any other parish programs. That means that our weekly income must increase. I am very well aware that many families are having a hard time financially right now. I do ask you if possible to make a little sacrifice and help us out. We introduced Parish Pay over three years ago. This program when entered into means that a set amount is donated automatically by the individual each week through a bank account or credit card. In setting this up you can agree on a set amount each week and a special donation for Christmas, Easter, and other Holydays. Information is available at the rectory. We must now attend to our parish’s needs. Please prayerfully consider a $2 to $5 weekly increase in your giving. I am especially grateful to you and know the Lord will reward you for your generosity. I thank you all for your continued support and commitment to our parish. May The Lord Bless You. Sincerely in Christ, Father Chris ASH WEDNESDAY IS February 18th, 2015 Mass & Distribution of Ashes 8AM & 7:30PM PRAYER SERVICE & Distribution of Ashes 5:00PM Please mark your calendars. SATURDAY. MARCH 14th 9am3pm Annual OLSOS INDOOR FLEA MARKET & CRAFT EVENT – Vendors wanted! Come sell your crafts and services,and new/gently used goods, wares. Reserve a table by March 8th. Applications will be in the vestibule in the coming weeks or e-mail [email protected] and ask for one. $35 Gym table, $30 Church Hall. Vendor set up 7AM. Snow Date April 11. FOOD PANTRY TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 10:30-11:30AM, 1:15-3:00PM call 973-663-0211 for appointment. Coordinator is Toni Tarighi- Items needed: “Complete” Pancake mix & syrup, Progresso SOUP, broths, Juice, peanut butter, chili, canned stews, spam, hash, parmalat milk, oatmeal, frosting, mayo, ketchup, mustard, canned fruits, Hamburger Helper, mac & cheese, dish & laundry detergents, toilet tissue, 2-in-1 shampoo, bar soap, paper towels, deodorant. NOTE: Pathmark/ Shoprite gift card donations are also accepted. Thank you to everyone supporting our food pantry. For Hire: Mature couple available 4-5 hrs. Monday –Friday for light household duties, cooking, laundry, companionship, possible shopping and transport to doctors’ visits. No medical training; reasonable rates. Please contact Pat or George at 973-945-8352. Thank you. STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be held in Church Fridays during Lent, beginning February 20th at 7:15 PM. Come join us for this wonderful devotion. THE SPIRIT OF FAITH- MAKING FAITH COME ALIVE is our Lenten Series for this year. The Sign Up Sunday Brochures, along with sign-up cards for small groups will be available at the church doors. For more information contact Mike Dour, our small group coordinator, at 973-663-2768 (home), 973 222-6697 (cell), or [email protected]. Small groups will meet for six sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Fridays at 7:45pm (after Stations), in the Church Hall. Please join us. BANNS OF MARRIAGE Allegra Filomeno -- Our Lady Star of the Sea & Antonio Totino -- Our Lady Star of the Sea
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