February 1, 2015 The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany MEMORIAL FLOWERS The flowers at the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of SERVICES AT ST. GEORGE’S There are two principal services of worship each Sunday morning: 8.15 am said service of Holy Eucharist from BCP 10.00 am choral service of Holy Eucharist Weekday services: Wednesdays 6.30 pm Evening prayer from BCP Thursdays 10.00 am Holy Eucharist 8.15 AM SERVICE Worshippers at the 8.15 am service are reminded that it has been previously requested by those attending this service , that silence be observed, following the lighting of the altar candles until the welcome and start of worship. BUILDING COMMUNITY There are two upcoming opportunities for building community as a parish. Please mark your calendars: Saturday April 18th - St. George’s Dinner Saturday June 6th - Caribbean Gala Both events will take place in the lower parish hall. Watch the Standard for further details. BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION Adults considering baptism for themselves, and all those interested in confirmation , should speak to Fr. Anthony no later than Sunday, February 1st, 2015. SCREENING FOR RESPONSIBLE MINISTRY All parishioners in leadership/ministry positions within the parish must have a police check every three years, in accordance with Diocesan regulations. Those persons requiring an updated record will be receiving a letter in the mail shortly. Please complete the form and return it to Cowan House as soon as possible. PARISH EVENT PLANNING FOR 2015 This coming year will be a busy time of preparation and parish events. All groups/committees planning activities for 2015, should reserve appropriate space as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment. Please be aware of diocesan and governmental regulations as they pertain to your event. Fr. Anthony requests that he receive regular updates for all activities. SIDESPERSONS’ SCHEDULE 2015 The new schedule for 2015 is now available at the back of the church. All sidespersons are reminded to please pick up a copy. 2015 FLOWER CHART The new 2015 Flower Chart has been posted in the gallery. Those wishing to give flowers in thanksgiving, or as a memorial gift, should choose a date, and clearly print your name and phone number and other information on the chart. Colour: Green Parish News ANNUAL MEETING OF VESTRY 2015 The annual meeting of Vestry is scheduled for Sunday, 8th February, 2015, following the 10.00 am service. All those who have been active communicants at St. George’s during the past 12 months, and are fully 16 years of age are eligible to vote at vestry. If you wish to have refreshments for the meeting, please organize volunteers and notify the church office. CLERGY PRE-LENTEN DAY St. George’s will be the venue for the Diocesan Clergy Pre-Lenten Day Tuesday February 10, 2015. We will be catering to over 130 clergy. We are looking for people to help with preparation, ushering at the service (9.00 am), serving of meals and other tasks. If you are interested, please call in your willingness to the church office at 905-723-7875. A sign-up sheet is at the back of the church or contact Kaye Michaux at 905-434-8307 if you can assist with serving and clean up. A number of parking spots, in Cowan House lot, will be reserved for visiting bishops, guest speaker and other participants on February 10, so volunteers are asked to please be prepared to make alternate arrangements. Parking in front of the parish hall doors will not be permitted, as we must provide accessible parking. SECRET PRAYER PARTNERS If you have not done so please withdraw partners names from the bowl in the Narthex For those of you who are still interested, it is not too late to fill out a form, deposit it, then withdraw another name. The idea is that you uphold that person in thought & prayer throughout the year and someone will do likewise for you. February 8th will be the last day to participate and withdraw names. Thank you for your support of this prayer devotional. We offer all our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Contact: Nancy Dunleavy for more information. OUTREACH NEWS Please note that the First Aid Box at the Centre Street entrance has now been replenished. We would like to thank Catherine Lofsky for her help. Thank you very much to the Mansfield family for their donation of $258.13 resulting from their theatrical production in December. PRE-AUTHORIZED REMITTANCE FOUR REASONS TO CONSIDER PAR eliminates the cost of offertory envelopes, many of which are not used every Sunday remembering the ice storm last year, givings are still received, even during inclement weather reduces the size of the task of counting each week minimizes the possibility of fraud/ theft (less money on the premises) PAR forms are available in the pew and from the back of the church. Please remember to sign the form and include a VOID cheque. CLEARING SNOW Occasionally we experience a sudden accumulation of snow in the entrance to the parish hall/church, from the parish hall roof. If it is necessary to clear the snow, please move it away from the foundation and gardens, out to the lawn. Extensive repairs were made to the foundation this past year, and salt and chemicals in the snow will result in further deterioration. 2014 TAX RECEIPTS The 2014 income tax receipts are now available for pick up from the back of the church. If you need assistance, or have questions, please speak to Barb Callery, the Envelope Secretary. REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE The After Church Refreshment Committee needs two more Team Leaders to assemble an additional 2-3 volunteers (per team) to prepare coffee & tea and provide small snacks following the 10am service. The commitment would be maximum once every 7 weeks. This is a great way to meet more members of the church and contribute your culinary talents! Please contact Milena Holmes at 905-449-6575 to join. February 1- 7, 2015 WEEKLY WORSHIP SERVICES WEEK OF February 1st, 2015 7.00 pm Wednesday - Evening Prayer 6.30 pm Thursday – Holy Eucharist 10.00 am Sunday Services - 8.15 a.m. & 10.00 am SUNDAY, February 1st Core Youth Group MONDAY, February 2nd Fr. Anthony’s Sabbath Rest Day 7.30 pm AA (Upper Parish Hall) TUESDAY, February 3rd 12 noon AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 6.00 pm Beavers WEDNESDAY, February 4th 9.00 am Craft Group 6.30 pm Evening Prayer 6.30 pm Cubs THURSDAY, February 5th 10.00 am Holy Eucharist 12 noon AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 6.30 pm Scouts SATURDAY, February 7th 9.00 am Intercessory Prayer (Cowan House) NEXT SUNDAY February 8th 8.15 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 10.00 am Choral Eucharist & Annual Vestry READINGS: Isaiah 40.2-31 Psalm 147:1-12, 21c 1 Corinthians 9.16-23 Mark 1.29-39 Diocesan OSHAWA NEEDS YOUR HELP! ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD We Grow Food is a local grassroots organization that promotes the importance of growing our own food and reconnecting community members to our natural food source. In 2014 they installed 30 family gardens and one neighbourhood garden (The Pepper Patch @ John and Albert St.)! In 2015 they plan to help 2 South Oshawa communities install neighbourhood gardens! They need more volunteers to help with various aspects from planting to event organizing. On Sunday Feb 8, 2015, God willing, Bishop Philip Poole, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, will ordain Andrew MacDonald to the priesthood, at the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 151 Glenlake Ave, Toronto (one block north from Keele and Bloor Sts.) The service begins at 4:00pm. All are warmly invited to attend. A reception will follow. Andrew grew up at St. George's where he attended Sunday School and was a dedicated chorister, lector and lay reader. Since he is the first candidate for ordination from St. George's in many years, it would be a nice gesture to send him a card and gift on behalf of the congregation. At the back of the church, there is a card for parishioners to sign. Anybody wishing to donate toward a gift from the church, please see Joan Powell or Susan Wright. Trent Durham Area Community Events ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER Sunday, February 1, 2015 World Luwero (Uganda) - Evans Kisekka, Bishop MARY STREET SCHOOL BREAKFAST PROGRAM Ecumenical Ireland, United Kingdom The schedule for February 2014 is now available from the back of the church. Please contact Jean Sutherland 905-725-9875. Diocese Bishop Linda Nicholls Oshawa Deanery All clergy and lay leadership in the parishes of Trent-Durham St. George’s Families Richard - Sawyer GATE 3:16 The Gate 3:16 Fall Newsletter is available in the church and online at www.gate316.org. The Gate 3:16 Outreach Centre is a drop in centre for homeless people within Oshawa. If you would like to receive The Gate Newsletter directly, please email [email protected] or call (905) 432-5316. Youth News CORE YOUTH GROUP The CORE Youth Group will meet Sunday February 1, 2015 at 7.00 pm, here at St. George’s Memorial, in the lower parish hall. February 20th 7.30 pm- 9.00pm Parents’ Night at a youth conference (registration required) Experts speaking on “Getting Inside Their Heads” : What’s going on inside the teenage mind and Saving Face(book): Being Media-Safe Parents in the Digital Age. http://todaysteens.ca/ or http://sites.radiantwebtools.com/files/ todaysteens ttc_parent_registration_form_2015.pdf Contact Bernadette @ 289-9880370 or by email [email protected] to find out how you can become involved. - www.wegrowfood.org - THE MINISTERS OF ST. GEORGE’S CHURCH The Most Rev’d Colin R Johnson Archbishop of Toronto & Metropolitan of Ontario The Rt Rev’d Linda Nicholls Area Bishop The Rev’d Canon Anthony Jemmott Priest in charge ext 101 Ms Jann Finch - Rector’s Warden ext 103 Mr Earl Wotton - People’s Warden ext 103 Mr Steve Bowman - Deputy Warden Mr Terry Dragomatz - Deputy Warden Ms Susan Wright - Treasurer Ms Barb Callery - Envelope Secretary Mr Stephen Powell - Director of Music & Organist Mr Frank Cormier - Sexton Ms Cathy Reynolds - Chief Office Administrator ext 104 The Trent Durham Area Day of Celebration takes place Saturday, March 7, 2015 at St. Peter’s, Cobourg. Everyone from all parishes in Trent Durham are encouraged to register for a wonderful day of fun, fellowship and learning together. Bishop Nicholls notes: Our theme: Seeking the Depths, will help us to focus on our faith journey as individuals and communities. We will draw on the gifts of clergy and lay leaders across our Diocese who come, “...to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,. to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12,13) The workshop sessions are divided into two topics: Journey Inward and Journey Outward and are 1 ½ hours in length this year. Come bring a friend - or bring a whole group from your parish!! Deadline for registration is February 26th so register early to get your first choice of workshops. Registration forms are available from the back of the church.
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