St. Joseph Parish, 1709 Wyatt Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481-3699 715-341-1617 Fax: 715-341-2623 Mission: Together in faith, we celebrate Christ through prayer and service. ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY 1-8 Sunday, February 1, Parish Directory Picture Sign-up after Mass Picnic Meeting following Mass Monday, February 2, Online Directory Sign-Up 6:30 p.m.—Youth Choir Practice Tuesday, February 3, Online Directory Sign-Up 6:30 p.m.—RCIA Wednesday, February 4, Online Directory Sign-Up 6:30 p.m.—CCD 6:30 p.m.—TYME Thursday, February 5, Online Directory Sign-Up 8:00 a.m.—New Teacher Formation Class 10:00 a.m.—Staff Meeting 12:00 p.m.—2/15/15 Bulletin Deadline 6:30 p.m.—Sacred Worship Committee Meeting Friday, February 6, Online Directory Sign-Up Saturday, February 7, Directory Sign-up after Mass 8:30 a.m.—1st Reconciliation Retreat, Potluck and Celebration of the Sacrament Sunday, February 8, Directory Sign-up after Mass 10:00 a.m.—Confirmation Retreat 1:30 p.m.—Baptism Class PARISH February 1, 2015 Volume LI, No. 5 St Joseph Parish Directory—Have you scheduled a portrait session yet? Sign up continues after weekend Masses through February 14/15. Stop by the table to schedule, pick up a portrait guide, pricing and “Feed the Need” donation information. Appointments set in February and March will qualify for a free directory, a free 8 ½ x 11 directory photo, and 20% discount on any purchases. You can schedule online at the parish website Please note that the Online Scheduling link will be disabled during the weekends when appointments are taken at the sign-up table. The link will be enabled each Monday after the appointments have been entered into the system. For those who would like to include a family pet, Tuesday, February 24 and Saturday, March 28, have been set aside. All pets must be in a pet carrier or leashed. Families with 7 or more members will need more time for their portrait sessions and should schedule 2 consecutive time slots. If you have questions, please contact Mary Davidson, directory coordinator, at 715-342-0313. Diocesan Annual Appeal Team Note—We are soooo...close!! As of January 26, we need $1,052.00. Thank you all for your continued generosity and again, taking us over the top! If you have not yet given, would you consider doing so? If you have given, are you able to consider an additional gift? May God bless the people of St. Joseph Parish! Thanks! —Chet, Brian and Ed Facebook Contest—“Like and Share Winterfest” contest on the St. Joseph Parish Facebook page is running January 30 to February 9. To enter, “like” and “share” the Winterfest post on your Facebook page and you could win 2 tickets to the Fish Fry on Friday, February 13. Entry deadline is 11:59 p.m. CST, Monday, February 9. Special Collections—1/26/15 $ 14.00—Milk Can Fund $ 226.00—Building Fund $ 992.00—Keeping Our Father’s House Envelopes/Basket Summary—1/26/15 Weekly Giving $6,091 Weekly Giving Budgeted $6,678 Giving to Date $214,358 Budgeted to Date $200,340 Diocesan Annual Appeal Goal $46,587 1/26/15 Received $45,535 DAA Home $3,200, received $3,200 Copier $3,600, received $3,750.00 SAINT JOSEPH PARISH PARISH Church Poinsettias—If you donated a poinsettia for the church, please take it home to enjoy. There are plastic bags in the sacristy. Thank you for helping to make the Christmas season beautiful! Mass Schedule and Intentions MONDAY, February 2, The Presentation of the Lord 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen TUESDAY, February 3, St. Blaise & St. Ansgar 8:00 a.m. Greg Molkentin WEDNESDAY, February 4 8:15 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen THURSDAY, February 5, St. Agatha 8:00 a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Wondzell Family FRIDAY, February 6, St. Paul Miki & Companions 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Stephen Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, February 7 4:00 p.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Fisher Family SUNDAY, February 8 10:30 a.m. †Jim & Mona Maslowski Liturgical Ministers Next Weekend, Feb. 7-8 4:00 p.m. — Saturday Mass Preparation: Mar cia Molner Altar Servers: Ben Formella & Ben Kroening Hospitality Ministers: Maurice Stoltz Rosie Stoltz Virginia Zakoski John Meyer Dale Tetzloff Readers: Brian Formella & Jim Krueger Eucharistic Ministers: Marcia Molner Dave Ksionsk Eleanor Duberstein Anne Swenson Lucy Ksionsk Gift Card Sellers: Jim & Deb Kretschmer 10:30 a.m. — Sunday Mass Preparation: Terri Chang Altar Servers: Tim Tippel Anna Hlavac Matt Tippel Nick Schroeder Hospitality Ministers: Perry Pazdernik Amy Nieman Casey Nieman Readers: Paul Koehl & Katie Bemowski Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Nowakowski John Chang Gail Klauck Terry Miller Terri Chang Theron Nash Gift Card Sellers: Laurie Schroeder STEVENS POINT, WI St. Joseph Parish Annual Winterfest, February 13, is just around the corner. Will you help us make this a successful event? You can sign up to work the entire event or a partial shift. Don’t forget to purchase or sell the raffle tickets that are in the bulletin. More tickets are available in the Parish Office. “Like” us on our Facebook page for a chance to win free tickets. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends while helping our parish. See the bulletin insert for more details. Thank you. Parish Directory—Help is needed to man the reception table when portraits are in session. The dates are: Thursday through Saturday February 19-21 Monday through Tuesday February 23-24 Thursday through Saturday March 5-7 Friday through Saturday March 27-28 Weekday appointments are 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday appointments are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed for 2-3 hour shifts on these dates. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mary Davidson, directory coordinator, at 715-342-0313. Parish Directory Photographer, Lifetouch, knows the importance of helping the community in times of need. To help support their “Feed the Need” program, food donations can be brought in at the time of your portrait session, and a coupon for an additional $5.00 off your portrait order will be given to you. To learn more about how Lifetouch helps the community, call 1-800-521-4611 or visit St. Joseph Parish Holy Name Society annual $5.00 dues are now payable. Please use the blue envelope in the monthly envelope packet. If you give monthly through EFT, Electronic Fund Transfer, you will need to write a check or pay cash because the dues are not transferred to Society funds. Members of St. Stephen Parish can mail their dues to St. Joseph Parish or drop it off when the group meets. Men and boys of St. Joseph and St. Stephen Parishes, if you are not a member of the Holy Name Society and would like to be, please contact one of the officers: Rob Jaworski, 715-630-7648, Mike Daniels, 715-342-0753, or Dave Ligman, 715-341-0274. Wee Worship Session Leader Needed—This Sunday morning program for children ages 3-6 is held in the church basement during the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Session Leaders plan and lead the hour-long session once a month. Beginning on March 15, the parish will need a new Leader for the 3rd Sunday of each month. Two seventh graders serve as Helpers and an idea file with sample session plans is provided each month. To volunteer, contact Lynn Meyer in the Religious Education Office at 715-341-1617 x114. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH St. Joseph Parish Confirmation Candidates are: Jenna Bohanski, John Bohanski, Hunter Brown, Emily Check, Sabra Cisewski, Olivia Clemens, Ashley Crawford, Damien Davis, Maddie Fink, Carly Fix, Halle Gregorich, Evan Hartjes, Ally Horgan, McKenna Kawski, Clara Kennedy, Kaylin Kostuchowski, Mathias Kroening, Sam Peskie, Isaac Pisarski, Alejandro Rodriguez, Clay Rogers, Brooke Schroeder and Ally Schulist. The students will be attending a confirmation retreat on February 8. Please pray for them, their sponsors and families, as they continue on their faith journey, growing in love and generosity, learning to be more like Christ. Holiday Light Fundraiser—Thank you to all who brought in their used and expired lights. The parish took 375 pounds of lights to be recycled. Express Recycling paid 20 cents per pound, giving us a profit of $77.00. St. Anne’s Society/PCCW: The Family Center kitchen is now sparkling clean thanks to the many wonderful volunteers who gave of their time and muscle. Thank you so much for your help in keeping our parish facilities clean. Special thanks to the two gentlemen who took on the task of cleaning the ovens and floor! Your help is truly appreciated. During the month of February, we are collecting baby items, including diapers, baby food, formula, etc., for Operation Bootstrap. Please place donated items in the Bootstrap shopping carts located in the church entrances. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Reminder—St. Anne’s Society/PCCW meeting is Monday, February 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Center. Group 6 will be in charge of the meeting. Thank you! Dear Social Concerns Committee/St. Joseph Parish—Thank you for your generous donation of Christmas wish list items to the shelter. We appreciate your support. —Family Crisis Center 2014 Contribution Statements—are available for pick-up in the Gathering Space. Thank you. AREA CHURCHES, SCHOOLS & DEANERY Polonia Sacred Heart Parish Steak Night Dinner and Raffle is Saturday, February 7, starting after the 4:30 p.m. Mass. There are over 50 raffle prizes. Call the Sacred Heart Office at 715-592-4221 or see the website at for ticket information. A Ponczka-Bingo Party is February 15 at 1:00 p.m. There will be bingo, a bake sale featuring ponczkas and peanut squares, raffle, fun and much more! FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Open House Parent Meeting, St. Peter Middle School is Tuesday, February 3, at 5:00 p.m. This event is for parents of students currently in grades 5, 6 and 7, who are interested in learning more about the school. There will be a tour, a chance to meet with some teachers and information about tuition assistance. For any questions call Ellen Lopas, Principal, at 715-344-1890, or email [email protected]. Knights of Columbus, Council 1170 Annual Clergy night is Tuesday, February 10, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The menu is either a rib eye steak (cost $15.00), or chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese (cost $11.00). This is a special night to honor our local clergy, including all priests, deacons and nuns in an informal setting. All are welcome. Mark Your Calendars for Pacelli Lenten Fish Fries on Fridays, February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 27, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Please join this great Pacelli tradition and enjoy the homemade beer batter fish fry/shrimp basket, baked potato or potato salad, coleslaw, roll and homemade cake. “The Soul Sanctified”—A retreat of meditations and spiritual readings from the works of Saints and approved writers of the Catholic Church will be at Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Custer, on Sunday, February 15. The retreat starts with 10:00 a.m. Mass and ends at 4:30 p.m. Two topics, “Life is a Pilgrimage” and “God Deserves to be Supremely Loved” will be covered. Lunch will be provided. For more information or to register, call Debbie Adamski at 715-345-1257 or visit DIOCESE/WIDER CHURCH Holy Family-St. William Parish, Wittenberg is having a kapusta-kielbasa, golabki, meatballs and potato dumpling dinner on Sunday, February 15, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Menu is sauerkraut, kielbasa, stuffed cabbage rolls, meatballs, potato dumplings, mashed potatoes, rolls, vegetable, pickles and pie. Adult cost is $8.50, children ages 6-12 are $4.00, and age 5 and under are free. Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking, is February 8, feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita. The following prayer may be recited: “God of hope and freedom, inspire and strengthen us in our work to loosen the chains of human trafficking in our world, so that like St. Josephine Bakhita, we may stand firm in our resolve to create a slave-free world. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.” SAINT JOSEPH PARISH DIOCESE/WIDER CHURCH Audited June 30, 2014 Financial Statements of the Diocese of La Crosse, along with Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the financial statements, can be found at They are also available from St. Ambrose Financial Services, Inc., at Rediscover Your Marriage Program is the weekend of February 13-15, at St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon. Registration deadline is February 9. If your dreams of happiness in marriage have turned to disappointment and loneliness, the program offers tools to restore the love that brought you together. For confidential information or to register, call 1-877-922-4673 or go to Worldwide Marriage Encounter—Today St. Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal with anxieties of the world, some of which can cause stress and a negative impact on a marriage. Get away from worldly anxieties by attending one of the following Marriage Encounter weekends: Feb. 6-8, Buffalo, MN, call 1-763-434-4332; Feb. 13-15, Windom, MN, call 1-507-838-8178; Feb. 20-22, Dubuque, IA, call 1-563-927-4352. St. Joseph Home & School Pasta Dinner at the St. Joseph Parish Hall, Stratford is set for Wednesday, February 11, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Menu is salad bar, chicken soup, spaghetti with meat sauce, lasagna, chicken Alfredo, garlic bread, beverages and dessert. For more information, call the school office in Stratford at 1-715-687-4145. Weekly Reflections—Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has often been used as an argument for the superiority of a celibate life. But, Paul’s focus was really on pleasing the Lord who would be returning very soon. What your state in life was, single, married, rich, poor, free or slave, was of little importance. What mattered was how you were living your life. Sharing what you had, encouraging others, and treating everyone with love and respect are the things that really matter. In that way, you would be ready when the Lord returned. Doing God’s will should be our goal and any distractions should be unwelcome. What keeps you from focusing on the Lord? Consider how you could make your life become more pleasing to God? Come, let us bow down in worship; Let us kneel before the Lord. —Psalm 95:6 STEVENS POINT, WI Holy Father’s Intentions for February Universal: Prisoners. That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Evangelization: Separated spouses. That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. National Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for March 7-8 in Eau Claire. The program is presented by local couples from Chippewa Valley Marriage Encounter. Renew the bonds of mutual understanding and love by better communication in your marriage. Registration is 7:30 a.m. on Saturday and closes Sunday at 3:30 p.m. For information, contact Chippewa Valley Marriage Encounter at 715-832-3296, or email [email protected]. Also, see the website Affiliates/chippewa.htm. 8th Annual Wausau Financial Wellness Conference sponsored by Catholic Charities, is February 7, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., John Muir Middle School, (1400 W. Stewart Avenue, Wausau). Cost is $2.00 for adults and children under 18 are free. The conference offers financial education through a wide range of workshops, information tables, a credit report with credit score, and time to discuss individual financial situations with knowledgeable experts. There is free child care. Registration forms are at ST. ANTHONY SPIRITUALITY CENTER Making Your Marriage Last—A romantic “Evening for Lovers” is Sunday, February 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. After a delicious dinner, Dave and Renee Phillips will speak about permanence and faithfulness. Cost is $55.00 per couple, which includes a marriage blessing in the Chapel. For more information call 715-443-2236, or email info@sarcenter. COMMUNITY Care for God’s Creation—Central Wisconsin Earth Institute is an area-wide collaboration with the goal of engaging others in the case of the earth. Interfaith Community for the Earth, I,C.E., is a local non-profit group, agreeing to promote the goal of care for creation. Attend the next I.C.E. meeting on February 12, at Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1300 Main Street, Stevens Point, with a potluck meal at 5:00 p.m. For questions and/or for more information, contact Leo Jacoby, Interfaith Community for the Earth (I.C.E.) Board, at 715-341-2790, or by email at [email protected]. St. Joseph Parish Parish Office-715-341-1617 Fax-715-341-2623 Website— Parish Office Father Jerzy Rebacz, Pastor Email: Art Schaller, Deacon Renée Schneeberg, Admin. Assistant Email: Tammy Erdmann, Finance Secretary Email: Pat Mendyke, Custodian Kris Hansen Pastoral Minister Email: 715-341-1617, x103, x104, x150 [email protected] 715-592-3692 715-341-1617 x101 [email protected] 715-341-1617 x102 [email protected] 715-341-1617 x116 715-341-1617 x112 [email protected] Religious Education Office Lynn Meyer, Children’s Coordinator 715-341-1617 x114 Email: [email protected] Jodi Moss, Youth Minister 715-341-1617 x113 Email: [email protected] Youth Website General Information 715-341-1617 x115 Pastoral Council Rich Boden, President 715-344-6722 Sacred Worship Ellen Miskowski Kris Hansen 715-344-2952 715-340-7751 Parish Family Life Mary Stroik Terry Miller 715-345-1810 715-340-2471 Social Concerns Cheryl Kizewski 715-345-1102 Parish Education Committee Pat Wenzl, Facilitator Finance Council Bill Wallner, Co-Chairman Dave Hansen, Co-Chairman 715-341-7750 715-457-6804 Building and Grounds Ron Kobishop 715-344-2276 Picnic Mike Horgan Ellen Miskowski Dave & Michelle Osier 715-344-5050 715-344-2952 715-544-0674 St. Anne’s Society/Parish Council of Women Kathy Tetzloff, President 715-344-7150 Holy Name Society Rob Jaworski, President 715-344-3717 Senior Citizens Ron & Aggie Kobishop 715-344-2276 S.P.A.C.S Central Administrative Office 715-341-2445 Mission: Together in Faith, we Celebrate Christ through Prayer and Service. Welcome to St. Joseph Parish—to those who are new to our church or just visiting. We are grateful to have you share in this celebration of the Eucharist. If you are not currently a member of a local church, we invite you to become part of our parish family. Visit our Parish Office to sign up, ask questions or receive more information about our parish. We’re glad you’re here and hope you become involved in our parish family. Our website is Remember St. Joseph Parish in your Legacy. St. Joseph Parish has seen a decline in giving over the past year, while at the same time expenses have gone up. The Parish would like to continue with expansion of many worthwhile programs and projects successfully. Please, ask Fr. Jerzy how you can help by giving to St. Joseph Parish General Fund. Sacraments Baptism: Please call the Parish Office for detailed information on infant Baptism, as parents are asked to attend a baptismal preparation program. The Baptism will be scheduled after completion of the class. Marriage: Marriage is celebrated for couples who are active and registered members in the Parish. Please contact the Parish Office at least eight (8) months prior to the requested wedding date. Reconciliation: Confessions are heard on Saturday at 3:30 p.m., before the evening Mass, or you may call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment. Funeral: Please contact the funeral home director who will assist in making arrangements. The funeral director will then contact the Parish Office. Services Visitation of the Sick: If you become homebound because of illness and would like a visit, please call the Parish Office. Bulletin Deadline: Articles are due Thursday by 12:00 p.m. Drop off the articles at the Parish Office, or send by email to [email protected], with a copy to [email protected]. DISCOVER the Joy of Christ How Does God Guide Us? Have you ever found yourself saying, “If only God would tell me what to do?” We know He wants what’s best for us, both now and in the “long run.” And we also know, He wants to guide us. The following points are helps to receiving and understanding God’s guidance. Practice the Presence of God (See Hebrews 10:19-23, Psalm 16:11, Psalm 51:11, Psalm 140:13) You become better able to distinguish God’s guidance by making a practice of being aware of His continual presence. You will want to spend some set-apart, quiet time, no matter how short, on a daily basis to converse with Jesus, to build a relationship with Him as you would with a friend. As you share your thoughts and feelings with Him, you will begin to sense the reality of His caring Presence in the everyday moments of your life. Then, “on purpose” decide to turn your thoughts or attention to God as you go about your day, and offer “thought prayers” of thanksgiving, requests for help etc. Know the Word (See John 8:31-32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17) A great deal of God’s guidance is given to you in the Scriptures. Therefore, it is necessary to spend time reading His Word—especially the four Gospels. Very often, as you are reading, the Lord will “quicken” or “highlight” a verse or passage in your heart. It will speak to you personally and help you to know your next step in His way for you. Have “no mind of your own in the matter” (See Proverbs 3:5-8; Philippians 2:5) When praying about a specific decision, pray for the grace to come to the Lord for guidance without already having “made up your mind” as to what you want the answer to be. Be honest; if you already have a strong leaning as to what you want, tell Jesus. Then, remember that He really does want what is best and is good for you, what you really do want in the end! He is always for life, truth, and love. Do not discount the desires of your heart. These are different from things you simply want out of selfishness. God has placed desires deep in your heart that He wants to fulfill. Remember that His direction will come to you after you express your willingness to follow Him in any given area. As you seek Him first, everything else will be added. (See Matthew 6:33) Realize that Sin “blinds” (See 1 John 2:11; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6; 2 Peter 1:3-9) No one is perfect. You will always be dealing with some areas of sinfulness until you get to Heaven, but you need to make sure that you are not continuing in conscious, willful sin. Doing so compromises (“dulls”) your discernment and ability to make sound judgments in all areas of life—in the natural order, as well as the spiritual. There is “pleasure in sin for a season” (Hebrews 11:25), but it eventually corrodes all that is good in relationships, material blessings, mental outlook etc. You can’t “free yourself” from sin but Jesus has obtained this power for you on the Cross. You must acknowledge your sin (disordered choices) to Him and follow His direction to freedom. It’s important to remember that you do this one step at a time. continued on next page >> Diocese of La Crosse, WI Original Banner Original with tinted shades 4/c 2-color C=78 M=52 Y=79 K=62 C=65 M=42 Y=63 K=50 C=65 M=42 Y=63 K=50 C=100 M=41 Y=0 K=64 C=60 M=25 Y=0 K=39 Grayscale God’s Peace—Our Special Guidance (See Philippians 4:6-7; John 14:27; John 16:33 1Corinthians 14:33; 2Thessalonians 3:16) As you follow the Lord’s direction as best you understand it, you will experience a deep, settled peace in your heart. It is “bigger”, or deeper, than any difficult circumstances you may be experiencing. There is no “counterfeit” for this peace when you experience it, you know it...and only God can give it! This peace is accompanied by joy, not “happiness” (though that may come, too). Happiness is more superficial and based on the “happenings” or circumstances you are experiencing. This peace and eventual joy is the most significant hallmark of God’s direction to you. It’s important to remember that this peace/joy will always be accompanied by other “signposts, as well (see below). “Two or More Witnesses” (See 2 Corinthians 13:1) God can speak to you in many ways. As you seek God’s guidance in specific areas, it is important that you take the proper amount of time (He normally takes longer than you would like!) to allow His “guidances” to come to you. You can’t force or hurry up the process. Like the lights that mark out the course of a runway at night for an airplane pilot, the Lord will give you “lights” (notice the plural) that will map out His course for you. Some of these “lights” or “signposts” were already mentioned: - The peace given in your heart by the Holy Spirit. - Specific “words” that come to you from the Bible. - Your sense (“gut” level) about what you know is right or wrong. - Dreams...remember Joseph in the Old Testament, and Joseph in the New Testament. - The counsel of godly and wise, experienced persons— parents, pastors, teachers, and friends whom you respect for their integrity. - Sometimes without knowing of your discernment process, a friend will come and voice some words that speak directly to your situation; your heart will “lift” and you know it is a piece of guidance, or…you’ll be reading or listening and the Lord will highlight a word or phrase that helps give you clarity. These different “witnesses” from the Lord, especially the first two listed above, will come together and begin to “light up” and confirm the Lord’s path for you. These helps to receiving and understanding God’s Guidance were partially compiled/partially adapted from a series of tapes entitled “12 Principles of God’s Guidance” given by M.G. Robertson circa 1982. For more information contact: Parish Name: Address: Ph:
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