Saint Columba 20 15 Catholic Faith Community Diocese of Brooklyn 2245 Kimball Street, Brooklyn, New York 11234-5154 Telephone: (718) 338-6265 Fax: (718) 377-6440 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 8 PM Friday: NO regular hours (by appointment only) Saturdays: 10 AM to 5 PM and Sundays: 10 AM to 2 PM Very Rev. Francis J. Hughes, V.F., Pastor Rev. Charles J. Matonti, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Lawrence E. Coyle, RCIA Coordinator Deacon Fred Ritchie, Director of Religious Education Alice Fiato, Administrative Assistant Eucharist Saturdays: 5 PM; Sundays: 8 AM, 10 AM &12 Noon (Summer Schedule: Saturdays: 5 PM; Sundays: 9 AM, 11:30 AM) Holy Days: Vigil at 7:30 PM, & on the Feast at 9 AM & 12 Noon Weekdays (Monday through Saturday): 9 AM Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: following 9 AM Mass each Friday Holy Hour & Benediction: following 9 AM Mass on 1st Fridays Communion for the Homebound For those who are unable to attend Mass and desire to receive Holy Communion - call the parish office Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays: from 4 PM to 4:45 PM, or upon request. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: John Agresto – 6th Grade and above. Eucharistic Ministers: Paul DePaolo – Communion for homebound. Lectors: Carolyn DePaolo Liturgy Committee: Pat Pennea Ministry of Environment: Lee Ritchie & Barbara Riley. Music Ministry: Charles Gelo Ministry of Consolation: Pat Pennea – Funeral Mass planning Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers): Pat Pennea Centering Prayer: Paul Moses – Mondays at 7:30 pm Prayer Group: Deacon Larry Coyle SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Pastoral Planning Council: John Hayes, President – Suggestion box in Church foyer Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick When one’s health is seriously impaired due to illness, age or injury, a priest should be contacted to administer the sacrament. Baptism Usually, on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Preparations include: pre-registration with a staff member and instructions on the 1st Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM Marriage Arrangements must be made at the Parish Office at least six (6) months before the wedding. Also see Midwood Catholic Academy St. Columba is affiliated with and supports MCA, located at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, 1501 Hendrickson St., 718-377-1800, Mrs. Elena Heimbach, Principal Ladies’ Guild: Amelia LaLima – 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:45 pm Men’s Club: Charles Gelo – Check bulletin for meeting days and times Golden Age Club: John Gilligan – Thursdays from 12 noon to 3:00 pm Bingo: Joanne Cringle – Mondays at 6:45 pm; Betty Mineo – Tuesdays at 11 am Saint Vincent DePaul Society: Deacon Larry Coyle – Assistance to the needy Youth Council (Sports): Bob Sommer (718-951-7665) & Debbie Izzo (718-336-0065) – Athletic programs ages 5 and up Book Club: Last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Check bulletin for reading selection. OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS Alcoholics Anonymous: Wednesdays at 10:00 am Recovery, Inc.: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Secular Franciscan Order: 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm CATECHETICAL MINISTRIES Religious Education: Deacon Fred Ritchie – Grades 1 to 8 & Special Needs (718) 253-8840 [email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Deacon Larry Coyle – Adult Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation Adult Faith Formation: Paul Moses – Education program including Bible Study and Night at the Movies Outreach: Maryann Oliva Welcoming new parishioners and those seeking to return to the Church Vocations Committee: Deacon Fred Ritchie – For those discerning a call to the ordained or consecrated life Elizabeth Ministry: Ming Lay – Support for expectant parents and young families. Mondays at 10:00 am Youth Ministry: John Agresto – Teenage social and service group, for Grades 6 to 12 For assistance, contact the Parish Office at (718) 338-6265. Daily Mass Intentions FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Readings at Mass for the Week: Saturday, January 31 5:00 pm ▪ For All the People of the Parish ▪ Joseph Sullivan, by the Nuzzo family Sunday, February 1 8:00 am Dennis Collins, by the O’Dea family 10:00 am John O’Brien, by St. Columba Religious Ed. 12:00 pm Frank Sharkey, by Maureen & family Monday, February 2 9:00 am Those enrolled in the Purgatorial Society Tuesday, February 3 9:00 am Patrick Sullivan, by Dr. & Mrs. Greenberg & Staff Wednesday, February 4 9:00 am Patrick Sullivan, by Maureen & Bob Sharkey Thursday, February 5 9:00 am Jorefe Pandolfo, by the Tamilio family Friday February 6 9:00 am Giovanna & Angelo Gerratano, by Susie & Manny Gerratano Saturday, February 7 9:00 am Frank Arcoleo, Sr. & Frank Arcoleo, Jr., by Tess & Annmarie Arcoleo 5:00 pm Nick Cataldo, by Maryanne Fasano Sunday, February 8 8:00 am ▪ For All the People of the Parish ▪ Gerry Braganza, by his wife, Azea ▪ Amelia LaLima, by Deacon Larry & Eileen Coyle 10:00 am Michael Ritchie, by Deacon Fred & Lee Ritchie 12:00 pm Carmine Urciuoli, by his wife & family Parish Purgatorial Society -- In addition to our Mass Intentions, you may remember your loved ones by enrolling them in the Purgatorial Society. Enrollees are remembered at a monthly mass for a full year. Four Memorials for any intentions are available each week through the Rectory Office. They are (each for the entire week): An Offering For: ■ Ringing of the Bells ■ the Sanctuary Lamp ■ Altar Flowers ■ Hosts & Wine Altar Flowers: In memory of Frank Arcoleo, Sr. Host & Frank Arcoleo, Jr., by Tess & Annmarie Arcoleo & Wine: In memory of Patrick Sullivan, by the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Sunday, Feb. 1 Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32–35; Mk 1:21-28 Monday, Feb. 2 Mal 3:1-4 ; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday, Feb. 3 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, Feb. 4 Heb 12 :4-15; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, Feb. 5 Heb 12:18-24; Mk 6:7-13 Friday, Feb. 6 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, Feb. 7 Sunday, Feb. 8 Heb 13:15-21; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-7; 1 9:16-23; Mk 1:29-39 Readings are also available at the Bishops’ website: OUR CIRCLE OF PRAYER -- Please Pray for the Sick: Mary Aiello Susan Alloca Debra Anduaga Vincent Angelo Fern Arcieri Theresa Arcoleo Nicole Angelo John Arroyo Christian Banker Jacqueline Banker Rose Barbaro Patricia Batack Butch Bowler Meado Bronson Sarah Bronson John Burke Suzanne Burns Regina Buthorn Grace Butler Pierce Butler Connie Cancello Carmela Canonico Tom Caporale Julie Caragiulo Cosmina Caruso Baby Anthony M. Cicolello Nikki Coe William Cohen Dennis Cook Bridget Colliery Joan Collins Peggy Connelly David Conti Diane Crisply Salvatore Cyprian Rose Cyprian Vicky De Gruccio Gay Delzezcchia Al Dobbs Dorothy Dobbs Lisa Donofrio Denise Esposito Robert V. Esposito Sienna Ferrugio Margaret Finn Kristine Fitzpatrick Lucia Funaro Frank Gambaro Frank Gelo Damian Gonzalez Luz Gonzalez-Carlson Marinella Giovaniello Linda Guglielmo Julia Hansen Cassandra Henry Marie Honchaurk Eileen Humel Gilda Ida Gianna Jara Marge Jasman Cheryl Joseph Michael Joseph Logan Kaplan Lorraine Keogh Andreya Laguerre Marie LaVine Jennifer Lemon Jonathan Michael Lemon Blanche Lenihan Courtney Lentini Mark Lewis Michelle Lopresti Danielle Lyons Karen Lyons Séan Mahon Madelyn Mahony H. Manning Andrea Martin Evelyn McCarthy Cheyenne McCloud Daniel Mellone Carmen Mende Gemma Mignano Steve Mignano Nicholas Murad John Nellis Christy Noonan Arthur Nuriele Larry O’Grady Fr. John O’Holohan, S.J. Chioma Okpara Charlotte O’Leary Bettina Ortiz Joanne Parasole Pat Perkins Donna Pimpinella Susan Proietti George Raphael Basia Recko Kate Reinke Linda Rhatigan Doris Rochford Joan Rochford John Joseph S. Denise Santanella Breanna Sarubbi Casey Sarubbi Jonathan Sarubbi Shelly Schechter Stu Selmon Jeanne Silva Romolo Testa Judy Thomas Ann Thompson Margaret Tobin Armando Tommasso Joanne Musolino Vidal Paul Wein Bob Wilson Margaret Wrede And for the Deceased: Thomas Duffy, and Marion O’Farrell If you would like to have a name added, removed or retained, please call the parish office. Vocation Corner -- February 1, 2015 “Everyone is searching for You.” If your search for the Lord is leading you to a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454, or email: [email protected]. Think about it, pray over it, and contact Deacon Fred in the Religious Education Office at (718)253-8840, or by email at [email protected]. The rewards are heavenly! Pray daily for the Priests and Deacons of our Diocese: 2/1...Rev. Dennis Farrell 2/2...Rev. William Farrugia 2/3...Rev. Msgr.Eugene Feldhaus 2/4...Rev. Charles Fermeglia 2/5...Rev. Joachim Fernando 2/6...Rev. Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese 2/7...Rev. Msgr. Steven Ferrari Dcn Jaime Cobham Dcn. Joseph Connelly Dcn. Thomas Connolly Dcn. Jose Contreras Dcn. William Contreras Dcn. Victor Costa Dcn. Thomas Costello Please Pray also for Pope Francis FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME dear Padre February 1, 2015 Why can’t we all celebrate Mass in Latin? You said we should offer Mass in several languages so everyone can participate. There is an alternative: the Latin Mass. In the past, all nationalities could attend and unite themselves to the sacrifice on Calvary without the barrier of vernacular. There is one God and one Church. There should be one Mass. I’m writing this in the rectory of the Redemptorist parish in New Orleans. Across the street is St. Alphonsus Church, which was built for Irish- and English-speaking immigrants in 1847. Behind the rectory is St. Mary’s Assumption, which was built for German-speaking immigrants in 1849. Two blocks from here is Notre Dame de Bon Secours, which was built in 1843 for French speaking immigrants. Until the 1960s, Mass was celebrated in Latin, but the preaching and music weren’t necessarily done in Latin. Latin has been an important part of the Catholic Church since the fourth century, but it’s important to remember that language and ethnicity don’t bind us—Jesus does. I think we should do whatever we can to help people know Jesus. If celebrating Mass in Spanish, German, English, and French is going to bring people closer to Jesus, that’s what we should do. FR. PATRICK KEYES, CSsR [email protected] © 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. No part of this work may be used without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. B.C.R. CATHOLIC MINISTRY The Youth Ministry of St. Bernard-St. ColumbaResurrection Parishes YOUTH A place where teens can be with other teenagers and be free to be themselves in a spirit of Christian fellowship For teens in grades 9 through 12 Meets from 6 to 8 PM 1st Sunday at St. Bernard 2nd Sunday at St. Columba 3rd Sunday at Resurrection Contact: Youth Minister, Mel McChesney ([email protected]) Please pray for the repose of the souls of our parishioners who died in January: Maryann Barbuto Patrick Sullivan Joseph Sullivan Thomas Duffy May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful Departed rest in peace! Amen. PURGATORIAL SOCIETY ENROLLMENTS For January, 2015 Joseph Sullivan Susie Tomasino Patricia Stewart Patrick Dolan Good News! February 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Dt 18:15–20; 1 Cor 7:32–35; Mk 1:21–28 When my children were small, I had the power all mothers have to soothe little cuts, scrapes, and bruises with a single kiss. Mother kisses, and the hurt is lessened or disappears altogether. It worked wonders until the day my daughter burned her hand when she touched a steam pot. With full confidence, she lifted her fingers to be kissed—and then realized they still hurt. Over and over she lifted them to my lips, and over and over I kissed them until I finally admitted we needed to try something else. Cold water and a wash cloth eventually soothed the pain, and the limits of my magic touch were suddenly apparent. Jesus’ power is of a different magnitude. It’s evident when he reads and preaches with authority (from the Greek word exousia, which means “out of himself”—as opposed to studying or having a title thrust on him). It’s even more manifest when he simply rebukes a demon and the demon leaves his human host—not because he wants to, but because he knows true authority when he sees and hears it. It’s no wonder the people are astonished. They’ve never seen this kind of immediate response. This is no mother’s kiss to heal the little hurts of life, no magician pretending to have power he doesn’t. This is the Son of God come to cast out evil itself and open the Scriptures so the people can hear God’s Word in a new and powerful way. Today, let us turn to him to heal our wounds and make us whole. Mary Katharine Deeley [email protected] © 2015 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. Imprimatur: Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. No part of this work may be used without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? join us FoR THE sT. CoLuMBA MEn’s CLuB SUPER BOWL PARTY Sunday, February 1, 2015 AT 6:00 P.M. Msgr. Jolly Hall * * *Admission is free * * * NO ONE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE To reserve a table or for your FREE ticket, Call 718-253-0759 Refreshments will be sold: Franks, burgers, knishes, chips, Pretzels, Beer, soda, coffee *** ALL MEn oF THE pARisH ARE inviTEd To join THE MEn’s CLuB, FoR inFo, CALL: 718-253-0759 CHECK OUT OUR PARISH WEBSITE: Saint Columba Ladies’ Guild presents “Spring FeSt -- raFFle night” (our Annual Card Party) Lots of wonderful prizes! plus Pot-of-Gold Drawing! Friday, March 20, 2015 (doors open at 6:30 PM) SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE TABLET (Our Diocesan Newspaper) Again in 2015, all parishioners will be receiving The Tablet at home (not just those who subscribe). Delivery of The Tablet to parishes in the Diocese works on a quota system. Each parish must receive a certain number of papers, either to the church or mailed to parishioners’ homes or a combination of both. We will continue to have our full quota of papers mailed directly to our families. This will be at NO CHARGE to the parishioners (therefore, there are no subscriptions). However, since it will still cost the parish for our quota (as it has all along), I am asking those who wish, to kindly make a “donation” to help defray the cost to the parish. You may use the green “Tablet” envelope inserted in your packet of donation envelopes (dated February 1, 2015) for this purpose. You may donate any amount you wish, but the suggested amount is the actual cost of a subscription - $28.00. For Your Information: Billed to the parish for Tablet in 2014. . . $7,113.00 Donated in the Green Tablet envelope in 2014. . . $2,489.00 Cost to the parish for Tablet in 2014 . . . $4,624.00 Donation $20.00 per person Includes: Chips, Pretzels, Cookies, Soda, Coffee, Tea NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 ADMITTED For reservations, call: Rose (718-627-4247), Loretta (718-252-9238), or Mary (718-339-0692) RECORD OF PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS If you use our church envelopes and need to have a record of your contributions to St. Columba Church for the past year (2014) for income tax purposes, please contact the rectory during office hours or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request to: St. Columba Church, 2245 Kimball St., Brooklyn, New York 11234. We will be happy to forward the information to you. This Week in Our Parish Sunday, 2/1 ▪ Religion Class - 8:30 AM & 11:00AM ▪ Youth Council - 1:15 PM ▪ Super Bowl Party - 6 PM - MJH Monday, 2/2 ▪ Religion Class - 3:15 PM ▪ Bingo - 6:45 PM (doors open at 4:45 PM) Tuesday, 2/3 ▪ Blessing of Throats - at the 9 AM Mass ▪ Bingo - 11 AM ▪ Recovery Inc. - 7 PM Annual Candle Racks Annual Memorial Candles are available for your intentions. These are located on the right side wall of church, near the three statues. You can reserve a candle which will be memorialized and lit for your intention for a full year for a donation of $150. At the end of a year, you will be able to renew your candle for another year, as often as you want. Reservation forms are available if you are interested. The Tree of Life, located in the back of Church, offers a wonderful opportunity to perpetuate memories of special moments and special people. If you wish to join us in this Parish enterprise, please call: (718) 338-6265, or stop by the Rectory Office for more information or an application. Wednesday, 2/4 ▪ A.A. - 10 AM ▪ Religion Class - 2 PM & 3:30 PM Thursday, 2/5 ▪ Golden Age - 10 AM ▪ Youth Council - 4 PM ▪ Music/Choir Practices - 4 PM Friday, 2/6 ▪ Holy Hour - 9:30 AM ▪ No Youth Council ▪ PS 222 Card Party Saturday, 2/7 ▪ Religion Class - 9AM ▪ Youth Council – 11:30 AM & 6 PM ▪ Music School - 12 PM Sunday, 2/8 ▪ Religion Class - 8:30 AM & 11:00AM ▪ Hospitality - 8:30 PM ▪ Ladies’ Guild at Mass - 10 AM ▪ Youth Council - 2 PM Book Club Selection: “We are not ourselves” By Matthew Thomas Join us in Msgr. Jolly Hall on Tuesday, February 24, at 7 PM for the next monthly Book Club Discussion. Refreshments will be served. For info, call the Office (718) 338-6265. Elizabeth Ministry The Elizabeth Ministry of St. Columba parish is to help serve the needs of expectant women, new mothers, post-pregnancy women, and their families. “Read Me a Story” for pre-schoolers (2 & 3 year olds) meets Mondays at 10:00 AM, in Msgr. Jolley Hall (no fee) Be a partner for our Prayer Ministry Team Join our “Quill Ministry” team (writing notes, greetings, etc.) For more information, please leave your name and telephone number at the rectory (718-338-6265), or come to Msgr. Jolley Hall on Mondays at 10:30 AM SEE THE BROCHURE AT THE BACK OF CHURCH Members of Our Parish Pray the Rosary every morning after the 9:00 AM Mass. All are invited and encouraged to join them. Midwood Catholic Academy Make Your Family, Part Of Our Family Midwood Catholic Academy offers a faith filled environment and academic excellence. For info about registering for the 2014-15 School Year, Please call the School Office at 1-718-377-1800 Or to make an appointment to get a tour of the school and for any other information. (St. Columba Parish is affiliated with and supports Midwood Catholic Academy) Our Parish Mission Statement Saint Columba is a community whose faith is rooted in Christ and centered in the Eucharist. We witness to the Gospel, reaching out to serve the spiritual, emotional and material needs of others. We challenge child and adult to grow in Christ, communicating with love, and welcoming all to share their gifts as vital members of the Parish.
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