Seven Holy Founders Parish Staffed by the Order of Friar Servants of Mary – USA Province 6741 Rock Hill Road – Affton, Missouri 63123-3198 Tel: 314-638-3938 – Fax: 314-638-0613 – Website: Parish Mission Statement “We, the community of Seven Holy Founders, invoke the SPIRIT to lead us in worship, education and SERVICE. Through the teaching of Jesus, we are led by HOPE to promote HEALING. As people of FAITH, we support our Parish with our time, talent and treasures.” LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am Monday through Friday at 8am in the Church. Saturdays at 8am in Church. Holy Days & Holidays: Consult the bulletin. SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE Baptism: Celebrated by appointment only. Call the Priory Office for Baptismal Prep details etc. Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3pm to 4pm. Marriage: As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact the Priory Office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to schedule the wedding and preparation. No weddings are scheduled during Advent and Lent. Communion to the Sick/Shut-Ins: Call the Priory Office. Sacrament of the Sick: 1st Saturday of the month after the 8am Mass and upon request. Devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows: All other Saturdays of the month after 8am Mass. St. Peregrine Devotion: Mondays after 8am Mass. SERVITE SECULAR ORDER Visit: JOHN 15 YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] Tim Lucchesi—Youth Ministry Director—631-8234 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 631-8248 SCHOOL: HOLY CROSS ACADEMY: 475-3436 PARISH STAFF: Fr. Paul Gins, OSM — Pastor Fr. Eugene Smith, OSM — Associate Pastor Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM — Faith Formation Director Mrs. Gail Duvall — Parish Business Manager Parish Secretary — 638-3938 Mrs. Mary Eggleston – Coordinator of Music — 842-4049 Rev. Mr. Charles W. Lombardo — Deacon (Retired) FAITH FORMATION Website: 633-0123 6737 Rock Hill Road Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM - Director Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Paul Gins, O.S.M. In the structure of the Liturgy, Ordinary means counted, a way of ordering time-not dull drudgery or lifeless routine. This week is anything but “Ordinary” as we concluded on Saturday Catholic School’s Week and the Super Bowl Raffle prize winning tickets pulled during the 4th quarter of Sunday’s Seattle SeahawksNew England Patriots Adventure. Tickets are on sale until half time. In Ordinary time we celebrate Festival days and heroic saints. St. Marianne Cope’s feast was celebrated on January 23rd. Canonized on October 21, 2012, publicity about her as an American saint is not well spread. A member of the Franciscan Sisters of Syracuse, NY she worked with the victims of Hansen’s disease (lepers) for 35 years until her death in 1918 on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus is February 2nd. This liturgical feast originated in the 4th century in Jerusalem and was celebrated in Rome by the middle of the 5th century by its Greek title which translated into the Feast of the Meeting. In the faithful observance of the law of Moses, Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the Temple to consecrate him to the Lord. In the Preface of the mass for the day it succinctly states that the “coeternal Son was presented on this day in the Temple and revealed by the Spirit as the glory of Israel and the Light of the nations.” When the ceremony of presentation was completed, Mary and Joseph and Jesus returned to their hometown, creating a home and family life. In this context Jesus grew up, becoming strong and wise, and the grace of God was upon him. St. Blaise Day is remembered with a general prayer of Blessing of Throats. Looking forward to the last day of Ordinary Time which is February 17th, we celebrate the Feast of the Seven Holy Founders with its proper prayers and readings. Remembrance of the feast will also be marked on the previous weekend. Mardi Gras is also on the 17th and it is usually celebrated with parades, masks, costumes and parties. In the Middle Ages this was known as Shrove Tuesday, rich with meals of meat and dairy products including: donuts, fritters, and pancakes as Lent is a time of fasting starts the next day. Speaking of Lent, Fish Fries begin on Ash Wednesday, February 18th and continue each Friday though Good Friday, April 3rd. I have been told that there will be no price increase. The Parish Hall has been the site for years of par- February 1, 2015 ties, meetings, and meals. The Sisters in Service took it upon themselves to volunteer to clean, prep, and paint the hall. After completing that project, they took on the task of painting the Cafeteria. We are beginning to use that space more frequently and the work really needed to be done. When the painting is complete I’ll have the floor stripped and waxed. Thank you so much to the hard working women who have brightened our spaces. The March 1st Ministry Noon Luncheon will also include the heavenly dusters who for over twenty five years have made sure that our church is dusted and fresh holy water in the basins for our weekend celebration of Mass. All ministers should contact their coordinator if they plan on being there. It is just a simple hour together to reinforce our service to the parish. Congratulations to the fifteen boys and girls who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Monday, January 26th. They look forward to their reception of First Eucharist in May. Our Adoration Chapel in the basement of the Parish Center, remains open whenever the main door is open to welcome groups. This means almost every weekday evening. Individuals can also obtain a onetime access code from the parish office during our open hours. The weather has been warm, and with the large number of attendees at the 8am Mass, we have not celebrated Mass in the chapel and probably won’t unless there is a bitter cold snap. Monthly Adoration in the chapel is the second Monday of the month from 5 to 8pm. I am grateful to the many volunteers that add so much to the life of the parish. The S of SHF stands for service and so many do provide that. Some are mentioned above and others quietly go about their role without recognition, but with the reward of Our Heavenly Father. I hope that you have seen the photo collage that has replaced the notices in our front entry bulletin boards. Sue Erschen and members of the communications squad do good work. Thank you. Last fall, Tom Schiller received the Order of Lector as a step in his advancement to ordination to the diaconate in 2016. Thank you to the lectors who have allowed him to fill in for them The Office of Diaconate has asked that Tom minister each weekend. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am February 1, 2015 Parish Calendar February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Stella Iwasyszyn SHF Parishioners Scout Sunday Mass/Reception in the Parish Hall follows Edward Scanlon MONDAY 8:00am February 2, 2015 The Presentation of the Lord John Conrath 3:15pm 6:30pm Dance Class/P. Hall PSR 8:00am February 4, 2015 Gary Gern Sr. Coffee & donuts after Mass in the Mary Rm. 9:00am 9:00am St. Juliana Quilters/St. Juliana Rm. Cancer Dressing/Brd. Rm. Super Bowl Party at 3pm in the Parish Hall TUESDAY February 3, 2015 Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr Saint Ansgar, Bishop 8:00am The Intention of Mary Jo Holoubek 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm Adult Bible Study/Brd. Rm. Rekindling the Faith/Brd. Rm. Men’s ACTS/Jos. Rm. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY February 5, 2015 Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 8:00am Eric Thoma 7:00pm FRIDAY 8:00am February 6, 2015 First Friday John Ludwig Sr. & John Ludwig Jr. 7:00am 9:00am 11:00am February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time SHF Parishioners The Gamache Family Raffaele & Luigi DiPalo Liturgy Mtg./Priory Office Bingo in the Parish Hall Doors open at 4:30pm Great food Please join us!!! SATURDAY 8:00am February 7, 2015 First Saturday Jerry Bueltmann Sacrament of the Sick SUNDAY Sacrament of Reconciliation 3pm to 4pm 4:30pm Gail Zysk Hospitality Sunday In the Parish Hall 7:30am-12:30pm Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 )Faith Formation (PSR) Please continue to pray for our 15 First Holy Communion Candidates who last week made their First Confession. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus comforts us. He strengthens us on our journey. We are reconciled with God, with the Church, and with the people we have hurt. Through this sacrament the Church celebrates Jesus’ gift of forgiveness. On May 3rd. at the Sunday 11am Mass, these same Candidates will celebrate with their families and the parish at large their First Holy Communion …mark your calendars. Deacon Charlie Lombardo Melvin Frank Shirley Kluempers Geraldine Rosenthal Mark Preiss Theresa Twellman Sean Young Judy Maddock Betty Bauer Sue Risler Anna Heritz David Lansford Aubrey Miller Lorraine Sullivan Kathy Dacey Marilyn Diebold Nancy Braneky Ray Stahl Robert Abbott Nancy Schukai Bea Blaskow Louise Carcagno Pat Gern Linda Virga Linda Makarewicz Charles Schwartz Nina Guttierrez Jennifer Shipp Carole Borts Don Alwine Judy Lowe Donalyn Pieschel Cissell Tim Becker John & Jeanette Brielmaier Angela Rauh Deacon Ted Rodis Brayden Granda Caroline Farrel Fran Butler Richard Sullivan Marilyn Jansen Leo Hylla Stan Reynolds Jim Baragiola Jeanne Alphin Bob Keilholz Jr. Helen Bangert Jerald & Elaine Fortner Katherine Harley Walter Treppler Thomas & Ginger Nolan Dorothy Vorst Karen Palazzola Bill Wren Barbara Nixon Janice Huether Theresa Panneri In Loving and Prayerful Memory Deacon Frank A. Heritz From his Living Wife Anna Retreats for Women There are several women’s retreats available at White House. Experience the beautiful setting, overlooking the Mississippi River. Reflect, relax, rest and experience the peace. Contact Mike Panneri @849-5557 or Dan Eggleston @842-4049 for info./how to register. Retreat dates are: May 4th-7th, May 21st-24th, July 23rd-26th, Sept. 14th-17th, Oct. 5th8th, Nov. 12th-15 and Nov. 16th-19th. Blessings, Bro. Arnaldo M. Sánchez, OSM SHF Men’s Faith Group Men of the Parish gather on Saturday mornings approximately every two weeks. Our next Strengthen Your Brother (SYB) meeting is Saturday, February 14th. Please note the planned meeting on February 7th has been canceled. Future SYB meetings are on February 28th, March 14th & 28th, and April 11th. Please contact Bill Lampe at 314-540-3651 or at [email protected] for the discussion topic or to obtain the discussion material. We meet to pray and support one another in faith development. All men are welcome to attend. SYB meets in the Mary Room. Some come at 6:30am to say the Rosary. Some arrive at 7am to reflect on the discussion topic and how that material may guide us. Coffee is served. John 15 Youth Ministry ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS are invited to apply for the 2015 Luke 18 team. The Application deadline has been extended to February 8th. Absolutely no applications will be accepted after this deadline!!! Applications can be found at ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS are encouraged to register for the 2015 Steubenville Conference (July 10-12, 2015). Registration forms are due February 9th, and can be found at ALL CURRENT HIGH SCHOOL TEENS are invited to join in the twice weekly youth group (Thursdays 7-9 pm and Sunday 12:30-2:30 pm) on SHF's campus. For more info contact Tim Lucchesi or the website. Your Weekly Donations For January 18, 2015 $9527 was collected in contribution envelopes to the General Fund. This money helped defray the cost of the Ameren Electric billservice 11-18-14 through 12-18-14 totaling $2427. Your generosity is most appreciated. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time SHF Super Bowl Raffle This raffle is a Parish Sponsored event!!! Super Raffle offers a one in 350 chance to win $10,000—only a maximum of 350 tickets are sold. There are also 9 secondary monetary prizes: 1 at $1,000, 4 at $500, 4 at $250. We draw the winner at halftime at the Super Bowl Party in the Parish Hall Sunday, February 1st. Plus we show the game on the big screen in the Hall!!! Cost is $100/admits 2 to the Super Bowl Party. Doors open at 3pm. Food, beer & soda provided at 4pm. You can bring your own snacks. We must sell at least 140 tickets in order to do the raffle. Tickets available after Mass and at the Super Bowl Party in the Parish Hall. Call Tom @631-8483. Thursday, February 5th in the Parish Hall Doors open at 4:30pm Sale of Bingo Cards & Pull Tabs begin at 5pm Speedball games start at 6pm Hot Ball Progressive is $900 Consolation is $250 $500 Coverall The Dinner Menu Special Is different every month!!! Ministry Lunch st March 1 , from 12 Noon to 1:00pm, all active members who minister at a Mass on weekdays and weekends are invited to the Parish Hall for a simple meal and an opportunity for those who serve the parish community have the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other a little better. Some have worked side by side with other ministers for years and really don’t know who they are. What ministries? The Extraordinary Ministers, the choirs, the lectors, altar servers, greeters and ushers. I ask that those who schedule when ministers serve, to email their group with date, location & ask if they plan to attend. Spouses & children welcome. It’s free with a light lunch and beverages provided. Ministers should respond to their coordinator by February 16th and the coordinators/schedulers respond to Gail in the office by February 20th. Thanks, Fr. Paul, OSM February 1, 2015 Would you like to grow closer to Christ? Then Mark Your Calendar! Soul of Christ: A Face to Face Encounter with the Eucharistic Christ Presented by Sr. Marie Paul Curley, fsp Monday, March 9th, 7pm Seven Holy Founders Church Sr. Marie Paul is a popular writer and speaker who uses a multi-media approach to help people feel the love of Christ come alive in their lives. She is the author of many books, a radio personality and blogger. Adults and teens are encouraged to make this special evening part of your Lenten journey this year. Invite your friends and family! This evening is open to parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Let’s fill our church for this spiritually enriching event! Copies of Sr. Marie Paul’s book will be available for purchase. SHF IS STARTING A BOOK CLUB! Meet fellow parishioners and share your love of a good book! Our first book is the New York Times Best Seller Empty Mansions, an intriguing tale of waste, greed and generosity. Get a copy now and start reading. We will meet some evening in March to discuss this book. Date to be determined. Future books will be selected by recommendation and vote. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! If you are interested, please call or email Grace Kruger - 578-1394 or [email protected] or Joan Finder - 849-1426 or [email protected]. We hope to hear from you so we can plan meetings and books that meet the interests of all. Dynamic Catholic, Alive! - Forms of Prayer It is important for us to include the 4 main forms of prayer into our conversations with God. There is an acronym that can help with this: ACTS– (1) Adoration (acknowledgement that we are creatures of the Creator), (2) Contrition (interior peace), (3) Thanksgiving (gratitude for blessings), (4) Supplication (petition). The Eucharist contains and expresses all the forms of prayer. Do you cultivate these forms of prayer in your prayer life? Have you ever attended a life-changing retreat, such as ACTS or Christ Renews His Parish? Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 BVM Sodality News Wednesday, February 4th—St. Juliana Quilters at 9am in the St. Juliana Rm. Wednesday, February 4th—Cancer Dressing at 9am in the Brd. Rm. A Scout is Reverent Duty to God is one of the fundamental principles of Scouting. The SHF Scouting Family would like to recognize the following young men who through special service & learning projects demonstrated their faith by earning their Catholic Religious Awards. AD ALTARE DEI—BOY SCOUTS: The Ad Altare Dei Emblem is earned by Boy Scouts after they have completed 6th grade. This programs helps the Scout to see Jesus Christ as part of his daily life, as well as develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith community while living the Scout Oath & Law. The program is based on the seven sacraments. These Scouts will receive their medals during a special Scout Sunday Mass at the Cathedral this afternoon: Martin Sharpe and Sam Siess. BRONZE PELICAN EMBLEM: This Emblem is presented on behalf of the Archdiocese of St. Louis Catholic Committee on Scouting, BSA to a person who gives their time to counsel, to lead and to train the young people to be better Christian citizens. This award is presented to Scoutmaster Donald Kuehnle. 2014 PATHFINDERS ADULT RECOGNITION AWARD: This Award was presented on December 6, 2013 by the Archdiocese of St. Louis Catholic Community on Scouting, BSA to Janet Paluczak with gratitude for her dedication to the Catholic Scouting Ministry. A Pathfinder is one who makes a path or way where none had existed, as in unknown wilderness. We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of all our Scouts, Scouters, and Scout Leaders. We would also like to than the dedicated Staff & parishioners at SHF for their continues support of the Scouting Program. Consider joining us...SCOUTS HAVE FUN!!! “On my honor, I will do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” 2014 Contribution Statement Request Form Name:_____________________________ Address:___________________________ Join us for the Fish Fries!!! From 4pm to 7pm in the Parish Hall every Friday during Lent and Ash Wednesday, February 18th {Fish Fry on Good Friday, April 3rd is from 4pm to 6pm. NO Alcohol is being served Good Friday.} Desserts, including sugar free, are needed for all fish fries. Drop your homemade or store bought dessert off at the Parish Hall Friday mornings after 11am. Fry Prices: Adult Fillet $8.00 (1 fillet with 2 sides) (baked or fried) Adult Shrimp $10.00 (7 shrimp with 2 sides) Adult Combo (baked or fried) $9.00 (1 fillet, 4 shrimp, 2 sides) Sandwich $6.00 (1 fillet, bread, chips) 9” Cheese Pizza $4.00 Fish a la carte with Dinner purchase only: 3 Shrimp $2.50 1 Fillet $2.00 Sides a la carte: $1 Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Spaghetti, or Augratin Potatoes. Soda: $1 Beer: $2 Dessert 50¢ at Dessert Table Fish Fry Workers Needed!!! As you know this takes a lot of volunteers. If you are willing to help, please email Monica Hartmann at [email protected]. Let her know what dates you can work and where you want to help. They need line servers, ticket sales & help serving drinks. Let’s make this our best Lenten Fish Fry Season ever!!! Hope to see everyone there!!! Knights of Columbus News…. Did you know that the Knights of Columbus has Scholarships available for College Students? Last year 130 individuals applied for our 11 scholarships. Both traditional and vocational scholarships are available. However to be considered for the non-vocational scholarships the person applying must be a Knight of Columbus or the son or daughter of a Knight of Columbus. To be a knight, a man must be 18 or older, and a practicing catholic. If interested in being a knight, contact Ben at 314-489-7938 or drop us your information at Information on our scholarships may be found at or All applications for our scholarships are due by February 13th. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Mike Fontana 965-4745 “For All Your Real Estate Needs” Dan Murphy Broker/Realtor - 314-280-1208 or Barb Murphy Realtor - 314-566-2347 Cunetto FRITSCH ROOFING CO., INC. Fritsch “Since 1946” House of Pasta COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL INSURED - FOR YOUR PROTECTION NO SUBCONTRACTORS 752-3350 6528 Lawnside Drive, 63123 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK ........ 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Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 544-1111 Dane Huxel Auto • Home • Life • Health 9907 Gravois Rd., St. Louis, MO 63123 Sherbrooke Village and The Lodge Located at Ripa and Union in south St. Louis County HEATING•COOLING • Skilled Nursing Center • Residential & Assisted Living Apartments • Outpatient & Short Term Inpatient Rehab • Alzheimer’s Care & Hospice • Wellness Club for area Seniors We make a difficult choice easier. (1 Mile East of Grant’s Farm) 314-631-1800 Joe Sinak, Owner P.O. 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LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 843-1881 We offer pick-up and delivery Mark Bartnett Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs An ideal companion for personal prayer. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 For further information, please call the Parish Office. YORKSHIRE CLEANERS 8080 Watson Rd. wson DaROOFING, INC. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Expert Care for your Entire Wardrobe 800-566-6150 • Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 SINAK PLUMBING CO. NEW - REPAIR - REMODEL 1300 South Laclede Station Rd. Expires 9-30-14 (314) 968-1340 007031 Seven Holy Founders Church Est. 1929 Lic. #p8960 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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