Corpus Christi Parish at Holy Rosary Church Lawrence, MA 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 vo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 2016 Parish Fair The Parish Fair will be held on September 2nd, 3rd & 4th in conjunction with the Feast of the Three Saints. This is a great opportunity for parishioners to work together as a community. We are looking for CLEAN electrical items in working condition & the following items in good condition & clean: Clean Stuffed Animals Jewelry Crafts Gifts Empty Jewelry boxes Pocketbooks Unopened Cologne & Cosmetics Toys and Dolls White Elephant Items Wine & Liquor for the Raffles Books & Religious Articles New items will also be accepted We will not accept luggage of any kind, Christmas trees, used computers, computers parts, clothing, encyclopedias & typewriters. The Parish Center will be open from 6-8 pm on the following Monday evenings: August 1, 8 & 15 August 15th will be the last opportunity to drop off any of the above mentioned items. We are looking for NEW BIG Baskets for the raffle table. Please do not bring your donations to the Rectory. Thank you for your support. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA July 31, 2016 Page 1 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 vo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Corpus Christi Parish At Holy Rosary Church (Established November 1, 2004) PARISH OFFICE 35 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 978-685-1711 Fax: 978-691-5927 Office hours: Mon-Fri. 9:00am-4:00pm PARISH CENTER 34 Common Street, Lawrence, MA 978-687-9047 Mass Schedule Daily 12:05 p.m. (English) Except Thursdays 7:00 pm Spanish Mass on Thursdays-Lower Church Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. (English) 10:30 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish Mass) SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Pastor invites any person who is going to the hospital to receive this Sacrament. Also invited to receive the Sacrament are those who are ill or elderly who cannot come to Church. Please contact the rectory to arrange for the celebration. El SACRAMENTO DE LA UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS. Lo puede recibir toda persona anciana, o que esté enferma. Por favor contacte al sacerdote. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples wishing to be married at Corpus Christi should contact the parish to speak with the Pastor or Deacon at least six months prior to the planned wedding. Las parejas que deseen contraer MATRIMONIO deben hablar con el Párroco o el Diacono por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (Infant) The sacrament of baptism is celebrated the last Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Upper church. Parents wishing to register their child for baptism are asked to contact the rectory and to speak with a member of the pastoral staff to arrange the date. The instruction class, to which all parents and godparents are invited, is held in the rectory on the Sunday before the baptism at 2:00 PM. LOS BAUTIZOS para bebes hasta niños de 6 años de edad, se celebran el último Domingo de cada mes. Llame a la rectoría y hable con alguien del equipo pastoral. Los Padres y los padrinos deben asistir a una charla obligatoria el domingo anterior de la celebración del bautismo a las 3:00 p.m. en la rectoría. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00-3:45 p.m. and by appointment. EL SACRAMENTO DE CONFESIÓN El sábado a las 3:00-3:45 p.m. o por cita. EXPOSITON OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Holy Days Every Friday 9:00a.m – 7:00p.m. in the Lower Church 12:05 pm (English) (Upper Church) 7:00 pm (English) (Upper Church) ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO Todos los viernes de 9:00a.m – 7:00p.m. en la Iglesia de abajo. OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL DEVOTIONS Holidays 9:00a.m. (Lower Church) Ethnic Masses Lithuanian Mass 10:30 a.m. – T.B.D. Italian- English Mass 9:00 a.m. -Bilingual Massthe 3rd Sunday of the month in the upper church. Portuguese Mass: Sun., Aug. 7th at 11:00am in the upper church. (Bilingual Mass Eng./Port.) Polish Mass: Sun., Aug. 28th at 10:30AM. (Bilingual Mass English/Polish) The Upper Church of Corpus Christi Parish is handicapped accessible. There is a ramp entrance through the parking lot. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA SACRAMENTS AT THE PARISH: July 31, 2016 Every Friday at 11:45 a.m. in the Lower Church DEVOCIÓN A LA VIRGEN DEL BUEN CONSUELO Todos los viernes a las 11:45a.m. en la Iglesia de abajo. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults who are either (a) non-baptized; (b) baptized in another Faith; or (c) baptized Catholics who received no formal religious training and never received Eucharist or Confirmation, and who are interested in becoming Catholic or are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. Please contact the Rectory. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Para los adultos quienes están (a) no bautizados, (b) bautizados en otra fe, o (c) Católicos bautizados quienes no han recibido una educación formal religiosa y nunca recibieron la Eucaristía o la Confirmación, y quienes estén interesados en ser Católicos o esté buscando la Comunión plena con la Iglesia Católica. Por favor llame a la Rectoría. Page 2 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 vo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Mass Intentions Saturday, July 30th 4:00p.m. Rose Catalano, Joseph Benanti (Birthday), Josephine Benanti, Carmelina Milone, Mario Giarrusso, Joseph Ferraro, Gloria Nardozza (M.M.M.), America Savastano (M.M.M.), Fr. Salvatore Musumeci 5:00 Anointing of the sick 18th Sunday in Ordinary time, July 31st 9:00 For all the parishioners 10:30 Rose & Pat Polizzotti, Ida & Salvatore (Sam) Lombardo 12:00 Spanish Mass2:00 English Baptisms-Upper church 3:00 Spanish Baptisms-Upper church Monday, August 1st, St. Alphonsus Liguori 12:05 Anthony & Heidi Pasquale (Alive & well) Tuesday, August 2nd Sts. Eusebius of Vercelli, Peter Julian Eymard 12:05 Jeanette (Chakar) ElKhoury (Birthday) Wednesday, August 3rd 12:05 Michael F. & Mary E. Ruffino Thursday, August 4th, St. John Vianney NO 12:05 MASS 7:00 Spanish Mass-Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús-Lower church -Lower Church -All Welcome Friday, August 5th The Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration -Lower Church until 7:00 pm 12:05 Pasquale “Pat” Aufiero (Anniv.) Saturday, August 6th THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION 12:05 Domenic & Agata Argenciano 4:00p.m. St. Rita Sodality, Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Mr. & Mrs. Orazio Finocchiaro, Mr. & Mrs. Santo Leone, John Dadducci (17th Anniv.), Carmelo & Angela Consoli (Anniv.), For vocations for the Franciscans Primitive Observance, Mary Dellicolli (2nd Anniv.), Diodati family, Margaret Wawszkiewicz, In thanksgiving to St. Jude (F.F.R.) 19th Sunday in Ordinary time, August 7th 9:00 Gabriel Fusco 11:00 Senhor Santo Cristo Feast-Bilingual Mass-Eng./Port. Living & deceased workers of the Senhor Santo Cristo Feast 12:00 Spanish Mass4:00 Procession in honor of the Senhor Santo Cristo Sanctuary Lamp Upper Church- Nicholas Fiorilla Lower Church- Carmela Pistorio Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA July 31, 2016 The altar bread and wine for our Masses has been donated in loving memory of John Dadducci by his wife Josephine, daughters & granddaughter. Calendar of Events Sunday, July 31st 2:00 English Baptisms-Upper church 3:00 Spanish Baptisms-Upper church Monday, August 1st 6:00 Parish Fair Item Collection – Parish Center Tuesday, August 2nd 12:45pm Legion of Mary Meeting (English) – SRMR Thursday, August 4th 7:30 Charismatic Group Prayer Service -Lower Church Friday, August 5th 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration -Lower Church until 7:00 pm 11:45amOur Lady of Good Counsel Devotion-Lower Church Saturday, August 6th 10:00am Legion of Mary Meeting (Spanish) – SRMR 6:00pm Sr. Santo Cristo Feast- Parking Grounds Sunday, August 7th 12:00 Sr. Santo Cristo Feast- Parking Grounds 4:00 Procession for the Senhor Santo Cristo SUNDAY MASS TIME CHANGE Please notice that next Sunday, August 7th the 10:30am Mass will be change to 11am and it will be bilingual Mass English and Portuguese to celebrate the Senhor Santo Cristo Feast. The regular Mass schedule will resume on Sunday, August 14th. Pot of Gold Tickets: Please bring or send tickets stubs to the rectory or put in the collection basket on Sundays as soon as possible. Also if you need more tickets that maybe your friends or family might be interested in buying them to help us to raise money for the church please call the rectory. Remember to clearly mark the envelopes Pot of Gold tickets. The drawing will take place on Sunday, September 4th. Thank you for your support. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY If you would like to donate money for the poor please put your regular offerings during the year for our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society in an envelope marked as such [“St. Vincent de Paul”, “for the poor” or “for the needy”] or use the envelopes that we have available in the upper Church and put it in the collection. Page 3 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 vo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario From From your Pastor NEXT WEEKEND: SENHOR SANTO CRISTO The annual celebration in honor of Senhor Santo Cristo will be celebrated on August 6th and 7th [see separate entry in the bulletin]. The social part will be celebrated under the tent in the parking lot. Sponsored by the Portuguese community, the proceeds benefit Corpus Christi Parish! Our parking lot will be closed off for the weekend. The lot at the corner of Canal and Union Streets can be used for parking as well as the area behind the Essex Mill building. The religious aspect will be celebrated in the upper church with a bilingual Mass, Portuguese and English, at 11am [not 10:30am]. This means that the 12Noon Spanish Mass will start a little later [later than usual!]. All are welcome to participate in the feast: food, music, Mass, procession etc. PARISH FAIR Letters and “pot-of-gold” raffle tickets were recently mailed out. We appreciate your participation in the raffle, also in volunteering some time over the Labor Day weekend to help at the fair. If you can give two or more hours, please fill out the volunteer form and return to Isabella Fusco at the parish office. Volunteers on Friday night are asked to come by 5pm for last minute preparations, and to enter by the kitchen, not the main door of the parish center. Thanks. CATHOLIC APPEAL 2016 This annual appeal which benefits the Archdiocese of Boston, administration and central services, continues through the end of the year. As of July 25th , we had pledged $20,568 towards our parish goal of $26,585. If you have not already contributed, please consider doing so. There are still the blue info packets at the exits of the church. These may be dropped off at the office or put in the collection basket. Remember, the appeal continues through the year. Thank you. Fr. Mawn Parish Financial Report Weekend Collection: July 24, 24, 2016 Weekly Goal 167 Envelopes 21 Make up envelopes Money not in envelopes Goal +/ (-) $6,500.00 $3,227.00 $435.00 $863.00 $4,525.00 (-$1,975.00) Thank you for your faithful support Remember Your Parish in Your will Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA July 31, 2016 To all our Bulletin’s Sponsors whose ads appear on the back page. They make it possible for the publishing of our bulletin through the support of the business community. We would ask that you support these generous sponsors. Thanks again! A RAINBOW OF VOLUNTEERS Oh! What a great Parish Fair that will be. No experience necessary. We are looking for new people who can help with the emptying of boxes of merchandise and displaying them on the tables and then offering some time to sell the merchandise on September 2, 3, and 4th. Any time that you can give will be a tremendous help to assist the volunteers who have given of their time and resources over the many years to help make the Corpus Christi Parish Fair a success. FACE PAINTERS ARE VERY MUCH NEEDED. The Children’s Corner would appreciate donations of wrapped candy including 3 Muskateers, Milky Ways, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Nerds, Chewing Gum, Snickers, Chunkies, Hersheys, Starburst and Lollipops. Donations which are good sellers are as follows: Coloring books and crayons, miniature cars, dolls, school supplies, reading books, puzzles, kites, ball and bat and bubbles. These items may be dropped off at the designated times outlined in the parish bulletin. Thank you. Feed the Hungry Matthew 25:35: For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you have me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. In April, 2016, the Bread and Roses Ministry was established at Corpus Christi Parish. Once each month and with their own funds and three other donations, four women of our parish purchase food items and prepare and deliver approximately 50+ box lunches to the Bread and Roses building on Newbury Street, Lawrence. This is done on a Saturday in order to provide a Sunday meal since the building is closed on that day. Thus far, this ministry has been successful. There are 42 people who live under bridges as well as grandparents with grandchildren who obtain this meal and others. Food is provided for approximately 120 people each day and the goal of the ministry is to provide one box lunch for each person. In order to do so, more funds are needed. If you can, please place a donation in an envelope marked “Bread and Roses” any weekend and place it in the collection. If using a check, please do the same and make the check payable to “Bread and Roses Ministry/Domenica Benanti” aka Mimi. As Christians we need to recognize that our neighbors are in need and let’s not make them go hungry. As always, we thank you for your prayers and generosity. Page 4 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 vo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario SAVE THE DATE!! SENHOR SANTO CRISTO FEAST AUGUST 6TH & 7TH, 2016 CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH GROUNDS COMMON ST., LAWRENCE, MA SATURDAY – AUGUST 6TH: FROM 7:00PM – 12:00AM A VARIETY OF FOODS & DRINKS WILL BE SERVED SUNDAY – AUGUST 7TH: 11:00AM BI-LINGUAL MASS ENGLISH/PORTUGUESE AT CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH AT 4:00PM THE PROCESSION OF SR. SANTO CRISTO Parish Fair Raffle Did you know that annual parish fair, held on Labor Day weekend, is our church’s largest fundraiser? With the help of many outside donors and generous parishioners, we are able to continue to provide wonderful raffle prizes and gift items every year. As the raffle table coordinator, I am kindly asking for your support by a donation of either a bottle of wine or a gift card of any denomination. We will also accept any new, unused gift items. Your donations will ensure that we have another successful year. You may drop off your donation at the rectory, Attn: Linda Bolis. Please include your name and address with your donation. Thank you in advance for your support. AROUND AND ABOUT Youth Summer Camp with the Franciscans will be taking place at St. Basil’s Salvatorian Center, Methuen, MA. From August 1st to August 4th beginning at 9am to 4pm each day. Mass will be celebrated daily. Kids and Youth from ages 5 to 21 years old are welcome! Kids from the ages 18 or younger need a permission slip from parents/guardians. The Franciscan friars put this summer camp together every year with the help of God and Saints to guide and instruct our youth in the teachings of our church and Gods love. We provide lunch, snacks, prayer, sports and lots of play time!!! Help us bring together Gods children in this fun gathering! Shrine of the Little Flower (First Shrine to St. Theresa in the world) Intersection of Rt. 102 & 7 – Nasonville RI 23rd Annual Shrine Feast Day Celebration August 21, 2016 – 10:00 am to 4:30 pm Solemn Feast Mass 3:00 pm (Rain or Shine) For information: (401) 568-0575 or (401) 568-8280. Website: www/ Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA July 31, 2016 Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This Collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from the Collection help provide food to the hungry, welcome and support to displaced refugees, and invaluable life skills to those seeking a better life. How will you help? Next week, please give generously to The Catholic Relief Services Collection and Jesus in disguise. NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA La rifa de la Parroquia Pot of Gold Un pequeño recordatorio acerca de los boletos de la rifa de la Parroquia Pot of Gold, por favor traiga o envié los talonarios en un sobre a la rectoría o deposítelos en la canasta de la colecta los domingos. Todas las ganancias de esta rifa son en beneficio de la parroquia. Este jueves 4 de agosto tendremos nuestra Misa de la Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en español. Los invitamos a que nos acompañe a las 7 de la tarde en la Iglesia de abajo. La Feria de la Parroquia 2016 2016 La cual se llevará a cabo los días 2, 3 y 4 de septiembre; conjuntamente con la Fiesta de los Tres Santos. Esto es una gran oportunidad para que los feligreses trabajen juntos como comunidad. Estamos buscando artículos eléctricos LIMPIOS y en buen estado y que funcionen; los siguientes artículos son los que necesitamos: *Muñecos de peluche *Cosméticos y Colonias Sin abrir *Joyería * Juguetes y Muñecas *Manualidades *Vajillas, artículos navideños *Regalos *Vinos y Licores par a las Rifas *Cajas vacías de joyería *Libros y Artículos religiosos *Artículos para el Flea Market (No se acepta Ropa y zapatos) *Carteras *Artículos Nuevos también serán aceptados No aceptaremos maletas de ninguna clase, árboles de navidad, ni computadoras usadas y piezas de las computadoras; ni ropa y ni enciclopedias. El Centro Parroquial estará abierto de 6pm a 8pm los siguientes lunes en las tardes: 1, 8 y 15 agosto El 15 de agosto será la última oportunidad de traer los artículos antedichos. No traiga por favor sus donaciones a la rectoría. Gracias por su ayuda Page 5 Special Boston Archdiocesan Offer: Subscribe Today and SAVE 49%! Item Special Discount Rate 1 Year (49 issues) Your Savings $19.95 Discount $19.05 49% price! Guaranteed lowest The Pilot is an important voice in the public square that brings you the Catholic perspective on current events. Inspired by the vision of our publisher, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, The Pilot covers it all — from in-depth reporting on Pope Francis to the good works of Boston parishes. Each week, The Pilot brings you the stories of Boston Catholics who bring the Works of Mercy to life on a daily basis. • Feed the Hungry • Give drink to the Thirsty • Clothe the Naked • Shelter the Homeless • Visit the Sick • Visit the Imprisoned • Bury the Dead • Instruct the Ignorant • Counsel the Doubtful • Admonish Sinners • Bear Wrongs Patiently • Forgive Offences Willingly • Comfort the Afflicted • Pray for the Living & the Dead Proclaiming the present Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said he wants to make it evident that the Church’s mission is to be a witness of compassion. “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always,” Pope Francis said. “Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness.” We invite you to join the Pilot readership today for only $19.95. This limited-time offer saves you 49% off the regular subscription rate. 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Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew.” ~Pope Francis ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE 617-779-3770 Kid’s Birthday Parties Rosaries from Flowers Fun Down Down on on the the Farm Farm Fun “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” Connors Farm Space Available 30 Valley Road (Rt. 35) Danvers, Massachusetts Massachusetts 01923 01923 Danvers, 978-777-1245 “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 The Catholic Cemetery Association O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on Sacred Heart Cemetery in Andover. Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 Grand Catholic Italy For more information We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Save 200 $ if deposit received by 11/29/16 For more informaaon visit and register for our webinar on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 or call us at For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins 1-888-983-2962 4363* Departs for 10 days on May 21, 2017 *Per person double rate. Includes: roundtrip airfare, aaracaons, air taxes and hotel transfers Corpus Christi, Lawrence, MA 1018
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