February 1, 2015 4 Sunday in Ordinary Time th Liturgies for the week of Feb. 2 – Feb. 8 Monday: 1:00pm Funeral: Barbara Potts Tuesday: 8:30am Leo Kennedy Wed.: NO MASS Thurs.: 8:30am In Thanksgiving Friday: 8:30am Larry & Catharine Manson 3:00pm Divine Mercy Saturday: 5:00pm @ Smiths Falls: Andre Filion Sunday: 9:00am @ Lombardy: For the People 11:00am @ Smiths Falls: Eugene Martin Curran STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Offertory Collection: Actual Budget Jan. 25 $ 3424.50 $ 4250 Year to date $ 11900.90 $ 17,000 Building Maint. Fund: Jan. 25 Year to date Actual Budget $ 1129.50 $ 1350 $ 4973.00 $ 5400 THE INTO THE FUTURE CANDLE will be lit the week of February 1st in loving memory of Ernie and Frances Murray and family. Consultation for the Synod on the Family 2015 A consultation is underway to prepare for the 2015 Ordinary Synod on The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary World. Individuals and groups (e.g. parish pastoral councils, CWL councils, etc.) are invited to participate. You will find an online survey and related instructions on the website of the Archdiocese of Kingston: www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca. The online survey will end on March 6, 2015. For those who are unable to access the survey electronically, parishes have been asked to make available, on request, hard copies of the questionnaire and the Preparatory Document (Lineamenta). Copies are also available from the Pastoral Centre, (613) 548-4461. Responses by regular mail are to be sent to the Archdiocese of Kingston, 390 Palace Road, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4T3, and must be received by March 6, 2015. The responses will be collated and a report prepared for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, which, in turn, will report by mid-April to the Synod Secretariat on behalf of the dioceses of Canada. Dear People of St. Francis de Sales-Blessed Sacrament Parish, It is with regret that I announce the resignation of Deacon Brent McLaren from pastoral ministry in our parish. Since last summer Deacon Brent has been dealing with a very serious medical condition and for this reason he feels it is in his best interest and the best interest of the parish, that he take time to rest and care for his health. Shelley McLaren will also be resigning from her position as coordinator of the music ministry at St. Francis de Sales. In the years that they have been here, Brent and Shelley have contributed tremendously to the spiritual life of this community. They will be extremely hard to replace. Your prayers are asked for both Shelley and Brent as they prepare to leave St. Francis de SalesBlessed Sacrament. Since Deacon Brent’s resignation is effective Feb. 9, a farewell gathering will be held following the 5pm Mass on Saturday, Feb. 7. Fr. Rod McNeil Upcoming Events/Meetings etc.... Feb 3 – Pastoral Care mtg., Country Diner, 9:15am Feb 17 – Tri Church Pancake Supper, 4pm at Lombardy Agricultural Hall 5:00pm Ministries for Feb. 7 & 8 @ St. Francis de Sales Readers Extraord. Ministers C. Rozario V. Rozario K. Hallinan B. Stafford 11:00am W. Cecchini G. Clarke M. E. Drapeau R. Drapeau @ Blessed Sacrament 9:00am D. Edwards P. Shaw J. Boyle B. Kyle Collection Counters: J. Jenkins, J. Parrell & T. Ariss Income tax receipts for 2014 are available at the back of both churches. If there are any errors please contact the parish office at 613-283-0220. The Catholic Women’s League News: ONE HEART, ONE VOICE, ONE MISSION The Catholic Women’s League has launched a new national theme. It is: One Heart, One Voice, One Mission. We are the voice of Catholic women united in faith, promoting Christian values in the home and in the world. We are one heart filled with Mercy, Compassion, and Holiness, reaching out to other hearts and touched with the love of God. The 15th annual Pancake Supper will take place on Feb.17 at Lombardy Agricultural Hall starting at 4pm. Sign up sheets for volunteers will be at the back of the church. We need lots of help to make this event the success it has been. We are also looking for donations of baked beans, the sheet for this will also be at the church. The Canadian Chamber Choir will be performing here at St. John the Baptist Church in Perth on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:30. This concert will feature music by Canadian composers. Tickets are $20 advance, $25 door, $10 for students and are available at TicketsPlease or through Beth Peterkin at 613-267-5340 or [email protected] For more information visit http://canadianchamberchoir.ca Some of the proceeds from the concert are going to help the parish. The choir is also working with students in at SJCES earlier in the day. The Rite of Election with Catechumens and The Rite of Calling Baptized Candidates to Lenten Renewal On Sunday, 22 February, 2015, at 4:00pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Archbishop O’Brien will celebrate the Rite of Election with Catechumens from Kingston Archdiocese. At the same celebration, all Baptized Candidates seeking Full Communion with the Catholic Church will be called to Lenten Renewal. All Parishioners are welcome to attend this special event and to support our new brothers and sisters in faith. Refreshments will be served afterwards at St. Mary’s Parish Centre. Adoration Chapel News: 1. An adorer is needed for 1-2pm on Wednesdays, 12pm & 5-6pm on Thursdays. Please call Jane at 613283-2847 if you can volunteer. Please Pray for the Following: The Sick: Meg Fitzpatrick, Bev Nadeau, Josie Bissonnette, Fr. Yves Masse, Mary Huffman, Cathy Quinn, Danielle Evoy, Peter Lalonde, Claire McAdam, Carla Young, Betty Warmington, Betty Stafford, Philip Duff, Purcell family, Sylvia White, Aline Deschamps, Helen Stearns, Cheryl McConnell, Tom Yurkiw, Terry Leach, Phyllis Code, Eugene Bisonette, Mary Iwanchuck, Lucille Deschenes, Jillian Lee, Hilario Munoz, Jacqueline Bowick-Sandor, Crystal Parrell, Ray Healey, Joe Murphy, Al McFadden, Evelyn McEwen, James Morris Jr., Ross Curran, Lyla Brennan, Faith Johnson, Ray Leclair, Juanita Geldart, Flora French, Ron Bernicky, Linda Burroughs, Ron Cassell, Mark Fleming, Betty Weedmark, Joanne Cardiff, Darcy Palubiski, Yvon Duval, Hillary Gauthier, Brenda Morris, Elizabeth Hamilton, Lisa Stewart, Margaret Kelly, Marg Chant, Doris Thompson, Zachary Maloney, Sr. Jean Higgins SP, Barbara Carroll, Amanda Hendrick, Mike Callahan, Brock Donald, Judy Hillman, and many others who are in our hearts and for all Caregivers who give them loving support. For the Deceased: Barbara Potts, Fr. Ed Kennedy, C.Ss.R. Fr. Alan McGregor, C.Ss.R, Kevin Retty If you wish to add or remove the name of a person asking for our prayers in the weekly bulletin, please inform the parish by calling 613-283-0220. UPDATE ON MARK QUATTROCCHI'S JOURNEY Starting in July, Mark Quattrocchi began riding his bike from Sanya, China back to Canada. Around the world by bicycle. Over the next few years, he will be raising funds for Free the Children's Adopt-A-Village program, with a focus on education. As he circumnavigates the globe, he hopes to build schools and visit the communities he will be working with in Rural China, India, Kenya, Ecuador and Nicaragua. To share with his supporters the impact of their donations. To lend a hand and hear their story. He has achieved his goal of raising $10,000. As a result, a school has been built in Guang Ming, Sichuan, China. Truly amazing! The next goal is to achieve the same feat by building a schoolhouse in Rajasthan, India. He has travelled more than 8,000 kms on his bicycle over the past 6 months through China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan; he is presently in India. As a teacher, Mark knows that in the lives of young people access to reliable education comes first. Together let's make someone's dream of a better future a reality. If you choose to make a donation, a tax receipt will be automatically sent to your e-mail. Thank you in advance to all of the supporters for their kind donations that will give people the means to live sustainable, full and happy lives! Please check out his website at: www.oneadventureplease.com to view his photos and read about his journey. Thank you as well for your prayers and spiritual support. If you would like more information on this journey, you may email Mark at: [email protected] or contact his mother, Dorothy at 613-283-2076 or [email protected] bless you!
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