Page 2 Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ February 11-12, 2017 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK INTENCIONES DE MISAS PARA LA SEMANA February 11-12, 2017 Sacrament of Bap sm - Sacramento de Bau smo: The 2nd Sunday of the month in English Call the rectory for informa on/registra on. Primer, Tercer y Cuarto Domingo del mes en Español. Llamar a la rectoria. ST. JOSEPH’S - 64TH Street Sat. 2/11 5:30pm Carlos Bancroft/Lourdes y Hilde Bancroft (Sp) 7:00pm Eloy Chavarria, Anniv./Esposa, Vilma Sun. 2/12 7:45 Ignatius Pizzo/Wife, Ruth 10:00 Stefano Piccinich/Maria Piccinich 12:00 Catherine Smolinski/Catherine Stumpf (Sp) 8:45 Jairo y Aurelio Restrepo-Gutierrez/ Amparo Ramos y Hermanos (Sp) 11:00 Cenon Roca Garcia/Hijos (Sp) 1:30 Argentina Lopez/Soraya Grullon (Sp) 6:00pm Maria Antonia Chavarria, 7th Aniv./ Miguel Monge Mon. 2/13 8:30 Doris & Howard Harvier (Sp) 7:00pm En acción de gracias a San Pancracio/Heather Aguilar Tues. 2/14 8:30 James & Valerie Toomey (Sp) 12:15 Olga Iglesias/Lucy Velez (Sp) 7:00pm Adolfo Gonzalez/Cofradia de la Caridad del Cobre Wed. 2/15 8:30 Maria & Stefano Tarabocchia/Maria Piccinich (Sp) 7:00pm Lisandro Garcia/Hijo Thurs. 2/16 8:30 Liz Schiela/Maria Piccinich (Sp) 12:15 Honore Manshia/Dilia Palencia (Sp) 7:00pm Nicole Soto/Padres y Familia Fri. 2/17 8:30 Caroline & Matthew Defendis/Monique Defendis (Sp) 7:00pm Guillermo Selas, Jr./Adriana Curbelo Sat. 2/18 8:30 Intentions of the Parish Sacrament of Reconcilia on - Confesiones: Saturdays/Sábados: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Weekdays/Dias de Semana: 6:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Masses in English (E) Masses in Spanish (Sp) Misas en Inglés (E) Misas en Español (Sp) Sat. 2/11 Sun. 2/12 (Sp) Mon. 2/13 Tues. 2/14 Wed. 2/15 Thurs. 2/16 Fri. 2/17 Sun. 2/12 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 5:00 Rose Marotta 10:00 Ethel Renner/Peggy Schiebel 12:15 Paulina Rodriguez de Urrea/Hermanos 7:30 Souls in Purgatory/Circe 7:30 Louis & Louise Cass/Daughter, Rita 7:30 Rose Marotta 7:30 Special intention for Noemi Gonzalez, missing/Gonzalez Family 7:30 Souls in Purgatory/Loli Rodriguez COMMUNITY CENTER 8:45 En acción de gracias por 35 años de matrimonio de Samuel y Reina Lamourtte Pray For The Recovery of: Arleen M. Conil, Logan Andres Norman, Juan José Caro, Margee Sanchez, Luke Abbadessa, Eva Draude, Manuel Prieto, Jonathan Jimenez, Cathy Quinn, Anne Schiebel, Hector Valderrama, Yudis Mercedes, Ligia Baratto, Patrick Comess, Musika Yuh, Susana Quiroga, David King, Haydee Cubero, Esther Brinnkers, Cesar Andrade, Fermin Quintanilla, Joel Kabezian, Patricia Hannon, Abimael Arias Nuñez, Kamal Faris, Victoria Benavides, Marisol Marin, Carlos Roman, Esperanza Evzonas, Victor Martinez THE CURE The only known cure for fear is faith. —Lena K. Sadler Sacrament of Matrimony - Matrimonios: Registra on one year prior to the date of marriage. Call the Rectory for appointment. Registrarse un año antes de la boda. Llamar a la rectoría para una cita. Pastoral Care of the Sick - Enfermos: Family member must call the Rectory to no fy a priest. Un familiar debe llamar a la rectoria para informar al sacerdote. Funerals - Funerales: All deceased Catholics are to have a funeral Mass before being buried. Arrangements made through the Funeral Home. Todo difunto católico debe ser llevado a la iglesia para la Misa de Funeral antes de recibir cris ana sepultura. Arreglos a través de la funeraría. Religious Educa on - Catequesis: English: Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. St. Joseph’s Grammar School Español: Domingos, 8:30 a.m. Escuela Elemental de San José. Parish Membership - Miembros de la Parroquia: Every Catholic family should register in the parish. Todo católico debe registrarse en la parroquia. Monday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22; Ps 116:12-15, 18-19; Mk 8:22-26 Thursday: Gn 9:1-13; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Mk 8:27-33 Friday: Gn 11:1-9; Ps 33:10-15; Mk 8:34 — 9:1 Saturday: Heb 11:1-7; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Mk 9:2-13 Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 Page 3 Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ Dear Friends: In line with parish prac ce, Msgr. Greg requests that I introduce myself to you, the good people of St. Joseph of the Palisades Parish. I am now almost a month here and grateful having been given the opportunity to serve you and being with equally welcoming and hard working brother February 11-12, 2017 Have you taken a step up? ¿Has tomado un paso más? priests. I am Fr. Ernesto C. Tibay, born and raised in the Philippines to the late Mateo & Mena Cervantes Tibay. My immediate family, four sisters and three brothers in all, migrated to this country beginning in the 1960’s. St. Henry in Bayonne is our home parish. It is where my family se led to begin life in the U.S. I finished my priestly forma on in Mary Help of Chris ans Seminary and Immaculate Concep on School of Theology in the Philippines and was ordained to the priesthood April 3, 1976 at St. John Evangelist Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Daupan (Philippines). These are the parishes that I have served in the Archdiocese of Newark: Sacred Heart (Vailsburg, Newark), St. Joseph (Jersey City), St. John the Evangelist (Bergenfield) and Ascension (New Milford). Ten years ago Archbishop John J. Myers appointed me as Archdiocesan Coordinator for the Filipino Apostolate. The Apostolate organizes and assists events for the Filipino community such as Simbang Gabi for the Christmas Season and feasts for the Filipino saints, San Lorenzo Ruiz and San Pedro Calungsod. I pray that this new assignment given to me by the Archbishop be a grace-filled experience for us all. Again, my thanks to Msgr. Greg and my brother priests and to all for your warm welcome. Thank you! Gracias! Salamat! Father Ernesto Tibay Weekly Collection Needed Weekly: $14,200 Sunday, 5 de Febrero: $12,827.24 The normal operating cost of running your parish average $14,200 weekly! Please remember to support your parish. Pastoral Council Mee ng Monday, February 13 7:45 p.m. Upper Community Center A representa ve from every organiza on and Ministry must a end the mee ng. Mee ng with English Speaking Community The follow up to our Mee ng with English Speaking Community will take place at our next Parish Pastoral Council mee ng on Monday, February 13, at 7:45 p.m., in the community center. This will be a working session to plan implementa on of ideas suggested par cularly to serve the English speaking community of the parish. Anyone with ideas and interest is more than welcome to a end. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Amount needed weekly to cover expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 4 Church of St. Joseph of the Palisades, West New York, NJ February 11-12, 2017 Prayer & Life Worship Classes Offered St. Joseph Cultural and Educa onal Program are star ng the calendar of classes for February 2017. Classes offered are piano, guitar, sewing, literacy, metal art, pain ng and dance. If interested please register in the rectory. Persons interested in joining the choir, rehearsals are on Thursdays in the Convent at 7:00 p.m. English classes start in February and Ci zenship classes will start in the spring. Persons interested in these classes, please register in the Rectory Office. Bring a Can OR give a Dollar Our Food Pantry collection will take place the last weekend of every month. We ask you, our parishioners, to bring a can of soup or tuna fish or a jar of peanut butter or any non-perishable item to church but should you forget, we will gratefully accept a dollar. Thank you for any choice you make! You are invited to a Prayer and Life Workshop Starting Monday, February 13 From 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Meeting will be held at the meeting room in the Convent. For more information please call Laura at (347) 440-8445. Romance Your Sweetheart! Take your Honey on a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND to deepen your love and communica on. It's the perfect weekend for married couples in love! If you would like to find out more or to receive a registra on brochure, contact Mike and Janet Turco at 973-427-7016 or 609-335-6880 [email protected] or check us out on FACEBOOK. Revive your spirits and build your faith! Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, March 4, 2017, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Cost: $25, Seton Hall University. This year’s theme is “Be Not Afraid: Becoming Missionary Disciples!” Speakers for the English track will be Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, and Joe Lombardi, Jr., quarterback coach for the New Orleans Saints. Spanish track speakers will be Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, Pepe Alonso from EWTN, and Mario J. Paredes. His Eminence Joseph W. Cardinal Tobin will be celebrating the Mass! Register at For those who are unable to register online, you may do so at the Rectory Office. Bus transportation will be provided for the first 36 men who register at the Rectory. Wedding Anniversary Masses Once again the annual tradition of honoring those couples in our Archdiocese who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage in the year 2017 is underway. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated by Cardinal Joseph Tobin in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as follows: April 30, 2017, 3:00 PM, 5 years and 25 years (All counties) May 7, 2017, 3:00 PM, 50 years (All counties) It is our desire that every couple in the Archdiocese deserving of such recognition be present at the appropriate liturgy. The presence of a large number of couples will give favorable witness to the strength and stability of Christian marriage in today's society. Couples wishing to attend are asked to call the rectory to register. Come for a day of Faith, Fellowship and Prayer! Women’s Commission Day of Reflection Saturday, March 11, 2017, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, Cost: $25, Seton Hall University. This year’s theme is “Alive in Christ as Missionary Disciples.” Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart, founder and mother servant of the Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, Archdiocese of Boston, and Lisa Hendey, founder and editor of, are the keynote speakers for the English track. The Spanish track will feature Kathia Arango, director of the Office for Hispanic Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, joined by the musical talents of Freddy Flores and Shaddai. Register at For those who are unable to register online, you may do so at the Rectory Office. Bus transportation will be provided for the first 36 women who register at the Rectory. Holy Hours Pro-Life Rosary and Holy Hour Every Saturday 11:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Lower Church Divine Mercy Bilingual Holy Hour Tuesdays from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Upper Church Recitation of the Chaplet followed by Adoration. Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament Mon. to Fri.: 7:30 a.m. — 9:00pm Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. — 5:00pm Sundays: 12:00 p.m. — 5:30pm Tax Statement To obtain a statement of your contribu on to the parish during the year 2016, please fill out the following and return to the rectory or you may deposit it in the collec on basket. Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone #: ______________________________________ Envelope #: ______________________
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