-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time– February 1, 2015 Dear parishioners, At this point we have been in Port-auPrince, Haiti for a couple of days. We spent a day at a baby hospital run by the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Theresa's sisters). They are so filled with joy. There is a true love they embody. You cannot help but feel drawn to them and to help them. The babies in this hospital were all very ill from serious malnutrition. The babies often stay for a long time, it is the only way they can get strong again. Remnants of cathedral after 2010 earthquake Even though the babies often had fevers or pneumonia they all still just wanted to be held and loved. Many of the parents come each day for a few hours to be with their kids. But some parents can't come, and so we were there to just to love those kids. It was amazing, even in these babies, their resiliency to laugh and feel secure and at be at peace when someone picked them up and held them. This whole experience is teaching me that when Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself" he really meant it. When my neighbor needs help just to survive, I must be with them. Last night a local priest, Fr. Pierre, (Fr. Peter!) stopped by the place we are staying, the "Matthew 25 house" and shared with us a few stories about the people and Haiti. Five years ago he was on his way to a meeting with the Archbishop when the earthquake hit. The Archbishop perished in the earthquake. It is amazing the hear of such things, so terrible, and yet there is a very deep faith. In the aftermath, Fr. Pierre did the best he could help. The local parish that we attended Mass at yesterday actually came into existence the day after the earthquake. Fr. Pierre went into this neighborhood telling the people he would have Mass in a field nearby. The people came, and a parish was born from the rubble. They still have Mass outside. Someday they will build a church, but it has not hindered their faith not having one. I love one thing Fr. Pierre said, "as Catholics, what we all need, is to love our brothers and sisters were ever they may be, if we do this we can overcome anything." It astounds me at how joyful and hopeful the people are despite lacking the things I (we) take for granted. Today we will travel four hours southwest to an orphanage near a tiny town called Duverger. Many blessings, Fr. Peter 5715 108th St. SW Lakewood, WA 253-588-2141 Sunday February 1, 2015 FOR YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL REFLECTION: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass schedule & intentions 8:00am Mass 11:00am Mass 12:30pm Misa (Spanish Mass) Church Church Templo Monday, February 2 No Exposition or Mass on Mondays Tuesday, February 3 4:00pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Mass Mass intention-Emilio & Ruby Cano† Wednesday, February 4 6:00pm Misa (Spanish) Thursday, February 5 9:00am Rosary 9:45am Bible Study 6:00pm Mass Friday, February 6 7:30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8:45am Mass Saturday, February 7 2:00pm Reconciliation 5:00pm Vigil Mass Church Church Templo Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Sunday, February 8 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Church 8:00am Mass 9:00am to 12:30pm Breakfast For a Buck School Gym Church 11:00am Mass Templo 12:30pm Misa (Spanish Mass) Daily Mass readings available at www.usccb.org/nab/ PARISH SECRETARY WANTED St. John Bosco Parish, in Lakewood, WA seeks a Parish Secretary. Successful candidate will be an active member of a Catholic parish faith community (St. John Bosco or St. Frances Cabrini preferred); have excellent organizational and communication skills, demonstrate successful secretarial/office management skills; word processing and computer proficient. Position is 32 hours per week which includes weekend staffing. Salary DOE and excellent benefits. Applications are available in the parish office. Contact Debbie Pedraza at 253-582-1028 for more information. The Gospel for next weekend Masses. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 1:29-39 On leaving the synagogue Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them. When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you.” He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee. The Gospel of the Lord Cabrini & Bosco Missions blog A blog on Wordpress.com has been set up for all our parish missions (Haiti, Mexico & Philippines), so our parishioners can follow the journeys. The site is: http:cabriniboscomissionsblog.wordpress.com Check it out! IRS Tax Refund Fraud Update As tax season is upon us, it is important to be aware of recent developments in the tax fraud investigation. An updated document titled “IRS Tax Fraud Leadership Update” has been posted at the Archdiocese website:www.seattlearchdiocese.org According to the IRS the best way to protect yourself from tax fraud for 2014 return is to file as early as possible. This will help minimize the likelihood that a criminal can file a false return in your identity. Filing an extension early will not have the same effect; the return must be filed. B REAKFAST F B OR A UCK SFC SCHOOL GYM SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2015 9:00am to 12:30pm … HAM BISCUITS & GRAVY SOUTHWEST EGGS FRIED POTATOES SAUSAGE Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) CALLING ALL YOUTH!! COME JOIN US AND GROW IN YOUR FAITH Next meeting is on Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 6pm St. Frances Cabrini Mass first and then in Squier Hall (Confirmation parents and youth must attend) Questions? call Gaby Grossman at 588-2141 ext. 307 Please pray for the comfort and healing of: Paz Abdon, Ruby Abrigo, Liliana Contino Alfaro, Kayle Almanza, Gloria Almoguera, Carmen Antonio, Curtis and Sophia Barquet, Enn R. & Jaime Barretto, Zach Bibeau, Timea Bozic, Terry Brown, Theresa Byers, Tony Cables, Lois Carter, Cesar Coronado, Cindi Cornwell, Elaine and Michelle Crouse, Sabel Cruz, Catherine Davis. Chris Davis, Normita Davis, Jose Del Rosario, Daniel Delaney,Marilyn De los Santos, Ofelia DeLuna, Joseph Dinglasan, Marlin R. and Jonathan Dipipi, Evelyn Disbrow, Liliana Dzolic, Jandi Dunlap, Janet Engelheart, Anso Farkas, Brett and Cindy Ferrar, David Fruge, Florence Gallo, Fortunato Gappi, Henry Gariando, Andrea Garcia, Makenna Garett, Allison Le Hahn, Borgny Haroldson, Veronica Harzter, Larry Helm, Micaela Henriquez, Hannelore Hogan, Helga Winter Hunn, Doug Jensen, Robert Johnson, Bill and Sarah Jones, Mike Kapala, Sherroll Kelso, Ralph & Lesley Klein, Helen Kronaizi, Cesaria Lejia, Brunilda LLeras Marcia Loaiza, Lauretta Lucien, Laura Madrigal, Karen Martin, Mary Martin, Camerino Martinez, Gen Mason, Kennedy, Jennifer & Brennan McGranaghan, Mary Ann Merrill, Marcella Merrill, Julie Metzger, Sister Carol Ann McMullen, Susan A. Musa, Mel Nelson, Terry Newman and family, Patrick Neidorf, Priscilla Quinata, Ed Paez, Luis Pedraza, Edna Perry, Debbie Pesicka, Sonia Picardal, Kathy Pitts, Teresa Posada, Corazon Reguindin, June C. Reyes, Isaac Rincon, Jesse and Sandy Rivera, Jesse Rivera Sr., John Rose, Terry Roy, Sheila Running Hawk, Katie Rutter, Brenda Ryan, Hepuleta Sabang, Marianne Sass, Julie Schmidt, Jim Snellar, Margaret Sousek, Jim Spencer, Marline Spieth, Terri Spracklin, Frank Stiles, Jean Marie Talvo, Myrna Tabios, Jade Thompson, Sharon Thompson, Ricardo Torralba, Kaile Valeros, Astarid Velazco, Jorge Villagomez, Ethan Vlad, Calvin Wadeking, Matthew Warren, Dee Watson, Julie Watson, Elda White, Margaret Wingerter, Roger & Irene Young, Paul Zehnder. PARISH GUIDELINES: Please call the Parish Office: 253-588-2141 to offer a name for prayer. Next class is on February 5 at 7pm in Squier Hall For information call Pat Gums 588-2141 ext. 303 RCIA: Is the path for persons (14 years or older) unbaptized or baptized in another faith who desire to enter into the Catholic Church. Adult Sacramental Preparation: Is the path for baptized Catholics (18 years or older) who desire to complete their initiation with First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Stewardship of our Treasure For weekend of Jan 24/25, 2015 including mail in donations Our parishioners generously gave: $8,563.49 We still have some 2015 Parish Calendars Available! If you didn’t get one yet, please stop by the parish office Friendly reminder to Faith Formation families: Mass attendance is required as part of First Communion & Confirmation Preparation, parents and children must attend together. Please remember we keep a record of your attendance Faith Formation library Open on Sunday 12pm-2pm Questions? Call Gaby or Pat 253-588-2141 Altar Server Mathew Cooper Saturday 5:00 PM Feb. 7 Sunday 8:00 AM Feb. 8 Sunday 11:00 AM Feb. 8 Michael Gums Josephine Kaiser Jensen Ly Jimeria Carreno Alfonso Carreno Eucharistic Minister Lector Theresa Brown LEAD Bev Krashin Marie Paige Porfiria Marana Lucia Mandapat Shirley Poff Stephanie Van Leuven Kathy Spencer Michael Kizer LEAD John Kaiser JoAnne Stolz Joy Molleston AJ Mc Granaghan Stephanie Kizer Starlene Enfield Chris Davis Tim Enfield Ronda Tentarelli Dorothy Zarelli LEAD Chris Blosser Rexanne Just Mary Devila Sandi Rapp Shirley Gascon The SFC Auction Raffle Committee will sell raffle tickets after Mass on the dates listed below: St Frances Cabrini: Sat, Jan. 31st 5pm / Sun, Feb. 1st 11am &12:30pm Sat, Feb. 7th 5pm/ Sun, Feb. 8th 11am & 12:30pm Sat, Feb. 14th 5pm/Sun, Feb 15th 11am & 12:30pm Sat, Feb. 21st 5pm /Sun, Feb 22nd 11am & 12:30pm Sat, Feb 28th 5pm/Sun, March 1st 11am & 12:30pm St John Bosco: Sat, Jan. 31st 5pm/ Sun, Feb. 1st 9:30am Sat, Feb. 7th 5pm/ Sun, Feb. 8th 9:30am Sat, Feb. 14th 5pm/Sun, Feb. 15th 9:30am Sat, Feb. 21st 5pm/Sun. Feb. 22nd 9:30am Sat, Feb. 28th 5pm/Sun, March 1st 9:30am News for our Parishioners about your school… Our Auction is right around the corner and our Raffle Sales have begun! Raffle tickets are now available after all the weekend Masses in the Church vestibule. Will you join us at our Annual Auction Event on March 7th from 5:30pm at the McGavick Student & Conference Center, in Lakewood? We would love to have you there. To receive an invitation in the mail, please call the school at 253-584-5748. Or stop by to pick up an invitation to this fun, festive annual Event! Our school parents are seeking donations of items such as stays at Timeshares, Cabins, Vacation packages, or Air Travel to enhance the many other items being offered this year. If you have anything like these that you could donate for this Auction, please contact us at 253-584-5748. All such items need to have their details arranged and finalized with the school prior to Monday, February 9th. Many people are already looking for a Catholic school for the next school year. Please know that the most effective marketing tool we have is word-of-mouth from those of you who know about your parish school. Please spread the word and invite friends and neighbors to visit us in person or visit us on the web: www.cabrinischool.org or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/StFrancesCabriniSchool As always, thank you for your continued support of your parish school! ad 3 x 3 freeDoM various sizes-28_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 1 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible SS Kathleen A. 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