Pastor: Fr. Edward Sutton Mass Times: Sat. 5:00pm & Sun. 10:30am St. Peter’s Parish Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 8:00-12:30 Tues., Thurs., & Fri.8:00-4:30 (lunch 12:30-1:30) Office is closed Mon. & Wed. Afternoons Parish Office Administrator: Karen Snelgrove 110 Ashford Drive, Mount Pearl A1N 3L6 Weekday Masses: Tues & Thurs. @ 7:00pm Wed & Fri @ 9:30am St. Vincent de Paul: 747-3320 Emergencies: 699-5701 PH: 364-8606 FAX: 364-8608 Website: email:[email protected] ST. PETER’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Jesus entrusted the mission of the Church to Saint Peter. Rooted in scripture, prayer and sacraments, we, the community of St. Peter’s Parish, embrace the mission in today’s world. Through proclamation of the Word, the celebration of the Eucharist, Stewardship, ongoing faith development, and the nurturing of a sense of belonging, we will foster an allinclusive community of love. Approved December 2005 February 8th, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION: “…. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.. He told them, “Let us go to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come…” -Mark 1:35, 38 In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes – healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. 180 CLUB: It’s that time again! What is the 180 Club? It is a fund raiser for the parish that consists of 180 tickets. Each ticket gives you 36 chances to win for the year. Each month (normally the last Saturday of the month) there are 3 spins on the 180 Wheel with your chance to win First Prize: $500, Second Prize $300 and Third Prize: $200. Tickets cost $120.00 that’s only $10 a month!! There are many different payment methods: monthly, 3 months, full payment; by either cash, cheque, Visa or Interac. If you would like to renew your tickets from last year or take part for the first time contact Alice Howlett or the Parish Office. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Week of Feb. 10th, – Feb. 15th, 2015 Tuesday 7:00pm: Aggie Walters / Kathleen Watson / Christopher Peddigrew Wednesday 9:30am: John F. Ryan / William & Margaret Fleming / Charlie Kane Thursday 7:00pm: Jack Corbett / Ann & Gerri Kavanagh / Marg Brown Friday 9:30am: Mary & George Briffett / Rita Power / Zita Lundrigan Saturday 5:00pm: Thomas Trelegan / Keith Keating / George Groves Sunday 10:30am: Intentions of all Parishioners If there is a Funeral Mass on a weekday, the regular scheduled Mass for that day will be cancelled. If the schools are closed due to snowstorm, there will be no Mass on those weekdays, as our parking lot possibly would not be cleared. ANOINTING & VISITATION OF THE SICK: Please call the Parish office at 364-8606. In case of emergency please call the parish office or the emergency number 699-5701. A Notice from the St. John's Hospital Chaplains Upon admission to one of the St. John's Hospitals please inform the admitting staff of your Denomination so you will receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain during your stay. “Lord hear our prayers for those who are sick, recovering from surgery, aging, and in need of our prayers, and for the people who care for them, may they find strength and courage through their faith.” Brian Mulcahy, Rita Giovannini, Joey Predham, Kevin Putt, Peter Miskell, Louanne Kelly, Mary Connolly, Debbie Pierce, Carmel Howard, Linda Anderson, Jonah Broderick, Rhonda Whittle, Karlee Gogol, Mike Dillon, Nancy Walsh, Spencer Guy, Elizabeth Keating, Alvin Butler, Adele Poynter, Wilson Dale, Elaine Greene, Patrick Walsh, Aubrey Halfyard, Gary Thompson, Joanie Bruce, Anne Coady, Arden Kennedy & Hope Ward Cyr. (Please remember to keep this list updated.) RECONCILIATION: Father Ed is available on Saturdays starting at 4:15pm, or anytime upon request. VOCATIONS “Everyone is searching for You.” If your search for the Lord is leading you to a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, call Fr. Ken Walsh 432-2865, Fr. Steve Courtney 7263660 or email: [email protected] FAMILY LIFE BUREAU - Counselling Services: Individual, couple, family and sexual abuse counselling available upon request. To register for any of the above groups or for further details: either go to our website for online registration, call Jennifer at 579-0168, or email: [email protected] R.C. CURILLO MOVEMENT: has resumed its weekly Ultreyas at St. Patrick’s meeting room at 6 Patrick Street at 10:15 am every Saturday morning. MARRIAGE: Six months’ notice is required. Please make an appointment with Fr. Sutton. Note that preparation session and courses are obligatory. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Takes place at the Family Life Bureau, 200 Military Rd., St. John’s. Please call 726-3660 or 579-0168 to register. It is recommended that couples register for the preparation course at least six months prior to their wedding day. Please call the parish office for further information. BAPTISMS: will take place during Mass. Preparation for Baptism is a requirement of the church. Call the parish office for registration. (The next session is in February 12, 2015 at 8pm. This session can be done before the baby is born. To register, please call the Parish @ 364-8606. Ministry Schedule Ministry Lectors Saturday Feb. 14th, 2015 Sunday Feb. 15th, 2015 Deborah Perry, Terry Power Christina Cabiltica, Youth Group Eileen Murphy Altar Servers Thomas Conway Presentation of the Gifts June & Terry Power Linda Rossiter Communion Ministers Jim Clements, Brendan Connolly, Eileen Marshall, Eileen Murphy, Gary Perry, Paula Stamp Betty Dunlop, John Fifield, Fatima Hewitt, Doug Kennedy, Claude Pike, Grace Pike Hospitality Ministers Adam Keating, Alex Keating, Andrew Ledwell, Ernest Ledwell, Leo McKenna Chris Gushue, David Holden, Don Kelly, John Pearce ASH WEDNESDAY Mass times are 9:30am and 7:30pm there is a need for Communion Ministers and ministers for the distribution of ashes to volunteer to serve at these Masses. Please contact Karen at the parish office or Carol Medd to volunteer. From Your Stewardship – Treasure Offertory Collection Jan. 31 & Feb. 1 ................................................ $2,621.00 (215 env.) Offertory Collection ............................................................................................................. $221.10 ( Loose ) THANK YOU! Contact the parish office if you would like to set up Direct Giving by Debit or Credit Card. Parish Committee Meetings: Finance Meeting: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, Feb. 24 @ 7:30pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, Feb. 24 @7:30pm Liturgy Meeting: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, Feb. 10, @7:30pm Youth Group: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUNDAY, Feb. 8, @6:30pm Home Based Catechesis. . . . . . . . . . . . your choice of Sa. Feb 14 or Sun Feb. 15 after Mass THE COUNTDOWN TO LENT Ash Wednesday is February 18. The ashes that will be used to mark the beginning of Lent come from the branches blessed and distributed last Passion Sunday. The Parish is inviting people to bring the branches from last year to the Church, so that thye may be burned and used in Ash Wednesday Liturgy this year. A basket will be available in the Church Foyer for you to place the blessed branches. THE UPCOMING SYNOD ON THE FAMILY: A CHANCE TO PROVIDE OUR INPUT When: Saturday, Feb. 21- Where: Episcopal Library, Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre -Time: 9:30 am12:00 noon. On Sat., Feb.21, Anne Walsh and Fr. Tony Bidgood, C.Ss.R. will lead the session covering the questions being asked in preparation for the upcoming Synod on the Family in Rome. We will have a chance to offer our input and then our responses will be forwarded to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to be sent on to Rome. Come, join us for this interesting and important session. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Father J.B. Kent Council will be hosting its popular Dinner & Bingo on Tuesday, February 24th. Doors open at 6:30pm Dinner (turkey) will be served at 7:00 and Bingo starts at 8:00pm tickets are $20 and are available at the Council home on Greenwood Cres. 781-6638 COWAN PLAZA BINGO: Corner of Topsail Rd. & Burgeo St. - Seven nights a week. Doors open at 6:45pm. Bingo starting 8:00pm. Profits received are in aid of the Church Mortgage and Maintenance Fund. 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES: are now available in the Cloak room. New users of Parish Envelopes should contact the parish office. WORLD DAY OF THE SICK: The Archdiocese of St. John’s will celebrate the World Day of the Sick with a Retreat at 10:30am, at St. Pius X Parish Hall, on Wednesday, February 11th followed by Mass 12:15, with a Luncheon to follow. Please register by February 6 by contacting Janet Stead at 726-3660, ext. 230 or emailing [email protected]. 2014 TAX RECEIPTS: The tax receipts are now available for pickup in the cloakroom, any questions about your tax receipt, please contact Karen at the Parish Office. YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES: interested in getting involved with other Catholic youth or young adults? Visit the Archdiocesan website to find lots of upcoming activities that you can participate in this season. PUBLIC LECTURE: You are invited to a public lecture, titled, “The Call of the Earth and the Call of the Poor are One”, 7 pm, February 19th, St. Pius X Parish Hall, Smithville Crescent. Guest speaker is Sr. Mary Tee, RSM. This lecture is co-sponsored by The Mercy Centre for the Ecology and Justice and the Provincial Council of the Catholic Women’s League. A reception will follow. Everyone welcome! ST. KEVIN’S PARISH DESSERT CONCERT On Sunday, March 1st @ 2pm in St. Kevin’s Parish Hall. Tickets are $10 and available at the parish office (St. Kevin’s) as of Feb. 4th. MARY QUEEN OF THE WORLD PANCAKE SUPPER: Shrove Tuesday Feb.17th 5pm-6:30pm $5 ADULT $2CHILD tickets may be purchased in advance after all weekend masses or in M.Q.W. parish office 9-noon 1-4pm Mon. – Thursday, all proceeds will be in aid of St. Vincent de Paul. CHILDREN’S BOOKS NEEDED Do you have any children’s story books which you are not using? If so, we have a use for them. A program at HMP allows inmates to read and record ‘Bedtime Stories’ for their children. A CD recording of the inmate reading a story, and the associated book, are then mailed to the child. This simple process allows the child to remain connected with their father while he is incarcerated. Please drop your unwanted books off at the Parish Office. Thank You! FROSTY FESTIVAL EVENT: ECUMENICAL CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday, Feb. 8 at 5:30pm First United Church Park Avenue. All are welcome to join in to celebrate community, family and friends. Refreshments to follow. YOUTH GROUP FLEA MARKET/YARD SALE: St. Peter’s Parish youth group is planning a flea market/yard sale on May 2, 9am-1pm. They are currently seeking donations, but asking your cooperation in only bringing the donations to the Parish center on May 1st, as there is limited space to store items at the Parish Center. Thank you for your support and understanding. (watch the bulletin for more details.) PARISH FUN DAY: normally scheduled for the first Friday of each month has been rescheduled so it takes place on Feb. 13 this month. Participants meet in the parish center after the 9:30am Mass on Friday morning to share in a game of cards, a board game, or a craft. Then enjoy a cup of tea and a sweet or two afterwards. Come along and bring a friend!!
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