ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE NEWSLETTER 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th FEBRUARY, 2015 MA SS/LITURGY CA LENDAR YEAR B Dear Parishioners, Jesus’ preaching and cures make such a deep impression on the people of MONDAY 9th FEB: 9.10am Mass 7.00pm Rosary Capernaum that everybody is looking for him. In the midst of all the acclaim, Jesus withdraws so He can be alone with His Father in prayer. There he discerns that he must continue His preaching elsewhere because that is why He came. TUESDAY 10th FEB: 10am Mass We too need prayer to enable us to discern what really matters in life. WEDNESDAY 11th FEB: 9.10am Mass 10.30am Mass at St. Thomas’ Retirement Village THURSDAY 12th FEB: No Service FRIDAY 13th FEB: 10.00am Mass May I thank you all for your kind welcome to me as your Parish Priest. I really look forward to being a part of this faith-filled community. May the Lord continue to shower many blessing upon you all as you journey through life. Fr. Terry, msc (ONLY A 12PM MASS ON 1ST FRIDAY OF MONTH) P.S. The person who volunteered to do the overheads at 10.30am Mass, could SATURDAY 14th FEB: 10.00am Reconciliation 6.30pm Mass you please approach Fr. Terry or Fr. Frank and pass on your contact details. Thank You SUNDAY 15th FEB: 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.00pm Mass A TIME TO REFLECT………….. Lord, when we are wrong, make us willing to change, And when we are right, make us easy to live with. Liturgy - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B Entrance Antiphon: Ps 94:6-7 O come, let us worship god and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. First Reading: Job 7:1-4,6-7 I am filled with sorrow all day long. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 He cured may who suffered from diseases of one kind or another. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 146:1-6 Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted. A Vocation View: The afflicted Job in the Old Testament thinks that his life is like dust in the wind; his restlessness depicting the sorrow and sadness afflicting society today. Are we prepared for the task ahead? To heal the broken hearted, to bind up all their wounds? How do you choose to respond? Please remember the following in your prayers... Sick: Fr. Chris Murphy, Br James Maher, Kevin Dwyer, Therese Irwin, Kevin Patterson, John Francis, Germaine Symonds, Patrick Johnston, Dao Le, Ron McDonald, Irene Arthur, Luigi D’Aloisio, Elaine O’Hea, Chris Leach, Ian Arelette & Mark Crowe Recently Dec’d: John Bertrand Funeral Notice: Second Reading: Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Punishment will come to me if I do not preach the Gospel.. OPENING TIMES: BEFORE & AFTER MASS Last chance to purchase New Compass Magazine - $3 each Communion Antiphon: Ps 106:8-9 Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children of men, for he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things. All enquiries re Youth Ministry activities can be directed to the Parish Office. PIETY STALL Columban Calendars $9 each Gospel Acclamation: Mt 8:17 Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and endured our suffering. Alleluia! CATECHETICS PROGRAM: Children in Years 2-6 attending government primary schools are invited to join our after school RE classes in 2015. Enquiries can be made to the Parish Office on 9878 –0818. Annals Magazine -$2 each Br. James CD’s available Greeting Cards hand-made by Sr. Angelica of the Disciples of Divine Friends of Same East Timor Ground Coffee @ $7.50ea Pocket sized hand carved NZ crosses at $8.95ea AUSTRALIA’S REFUGEE CRISIS: WHAT NOW? On Thursday Feb. 19th at 7.30pm at Yarra Theological Union Study Centre (best entry via 34 Bedford St) Box Hill. An evening with Phil Glendenning who is President of the Refugee Council of Australia and Director of Edmund Rice Centre for Justice & Community Education, Sydney. Entry free. Donation welcome. WHAT IS THE STARFISH PROJECT? The project has been running for 3 years now providing a much needed and appreciated Gardening Service to a group of residents at St Thomas’ Retirement Village on a monthly bases. Adults and youth (from Year 3 and above) meet Saturday morning—to do weeding, planting, sweeping and tidying for Villagers who can’t do their own gardening. Finishing by 11.30am for morning tea, which is provided by the residents. Starfish Project provides an opportunity to prove to the wider community the importance our young parishioners can play in parish life. Come join us on Saturday 14th February. Contact: Maria Bardsley 0403 354 584 Anniversaries: James Heywood , Louie PROJECT COMPASSION FOR LENT Gonzales, Denver Spring Please note Project Compassion boxes will be available from the week-ending 14th & 15th February in the Church Foyer. ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY—SPECIAL EVENING MEETING On Monday 16th February at 7.30pm in the Crying Room - St Thomas Church, a one off special invitation and occasion to offer parishioners and St Thomas’ school parents the opportunity to witness a regular working meeting of the Vinnies—”What’s it all about?” Duration will be one hour and obviously there is no follow up obligation. “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God” (Luke 6:20) Gary Harkin, President Blackburn Conference STEWARDSHIP CORNER CATECHETICS CLASSES: Tuesdays 4pm-5pm (during School Terms) FIRST FRIDAY PARISH MASS & LUNCHEON: First Friday of the month starts at 12noon. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Sundays at 10.30am Mass. During School Terms only. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION AFTERNOON/EVENINGS: Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Quiet Room of the Church. Contact Phil Collins on 0410 668 140 or email at [email protected] New comers most welcome. Monday afternoons at 4pm at the Retirement Village Centre. Contact Geni Hunt on 9802 2078 or email: [email protected] In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes—healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. ST. THOMAS’ PLAYGROUP: On Wednesdays at 9.15am till 11am. Location front Portable at the school. All families with pre-school children (0-4yrs) are very welcome. Please bring a piece of fruit for each child. Please contact Julie O’Donnell on 0434 408 122.or email [email protected] (During School Terms) Anyone wanting Spiritual Direction can enquire at Parish Office on Ph.: 9878 0818. St. Thomas’ Social Scene What’s On………. SPOT: PAINTING AND SKETCHING…. Is held on the 2nd Wed. of the month and starts back on 11th Feb at 9.30am at 4 Wellington Ave. Contact Marie 9878 0319 New comers always welcome. BUS TRIP—3 DAY ALBURY, BEECHWORTH & BRIGHT TOUR From Monday 30th, Tues 31st March and Wed. 1st April 2015. Two nights accommodation at Burvale Motor Inn, Albury. Cost: $247 p/person & $70 single supplement. Bookings: ASAP—Yvonne & Peter on 9877-3360. Payment no later than 15th March 2015. Itinerary on Noticeboard in Church Foyer. CARDS NIGHT/ SCRABBLE NIGHT Is held on the 1st Thursday of the month. We start back on Thursday 5th February. Contact for Cards Don & Pat 9878 4790 Contact for Scrabble Maureen 9884 4376 BIBLE STUDY GROUP…. Starts back for 2015 on Thursday 19th Feb. at 7.30pm in the Presbytery Meeting Room. Make a New Years Resolution and come along! For further details contact Quentin (9877 5906) or any member of the BSG. FEAST DAY - ST JOSEPHINE BAKHITA His Holiness, Pope Francis, has on Sunday 8th February, 2015, declared as “WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, REFLECTION AND ACTION AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING”. St Josephine Bakhita (an enslaved woman), who died 8th February, 1947, was born in Southern Sudan in 1869, and during her life experienced kidnapping and slavery. Following her delivery to freedom , Josephine dedicated her life to sharing her story and to supporting the poor and suffering. She eventually became a Canossian Sister, living a life of prayer and service for 50 years. She was canonised in 2000. FILM NIGHT: Will be on the 27th Feb. For our first film night for 2015, to see the sequel to “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”. At 6.30pm (approx.) at Pinewood Theatre, Waverly..Cost $8.50ea including a light supper. Contact Dorothy 9893 3341 or Rhonda 9894 0176. WATCH SPACE EVENTS…... FOR UPCOMING PRAYER FOR PEACE God of hope and peace, be the spirit of wisdom, reconciliation and justice in the words and actions of the leaders of all nations. Protect those communities affected or threatened by violence in troubled areas. May the memories of those who have died urge all people towards an international community of security and peace. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us. IMPORTANT NOTICE SCHOOL STARTS BACK MONDAY 2nd FEB. All parishioners: Please be mindful of School Children and Parents when driving in and out of the church driveway/ grounds during drop-off and pick-up times. Many thanks. URGENT—CATECHETICS PROGRAM We are in urgent need of someone who can help out with the Confirmations program for Catechetics. Please contact the parish office on 9878-0818. ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 57 CENTRAL ROAD (PO BOX 395), BLACKBURN ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND OF THE 14th & 15th Feb. 2015 Year B Mass Commentators Lectors Special Ministers Altar Servers Welcoming Committee 6.30pm B. McLellan M. Easton J. Philp D. Murray Jan Gaffy Please Help Where possible until new roster M & M Ransom 8.30am P. Collins F. D’Souza F. Winter D. Murray F. D’Souza R. Johnson 10.30am A. O’Hea V. Hawkins M. O’Loughlin J. Jennings Y. Reidy P. Dempsey 5.00pm P. Fulton K. Simpson Josie De Fina PARISH PRIEST – Fr. Terry Bowman MSC ASSISTANT PRIEST & FORMATOR: Fr. Frank Dineen, MSC PARISH PHONE: 9878 0818/9877 7693 PARISH FAX: 9877 9519 PARISH EMAIL: [email protected] Children’s Liturgy: Leader: Rosanna Korporaal Web: Piety Stall: Team 2 Money Counters: Team 4 ST.VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: PARISH SECRETARIES: Susan Collins, Luise Hendricks & Luisa May Call Centre for assistance – 1300 305 330 Weekdays 10am-3pm. PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Sr. Marg Burchell Ringwood Centre Ph. 9870 9124, Unit 1B/76-82 Maroondah Hwy Ringwood. (cnr Murray Pl.) Furniture & White goods pickup -1800 621 349 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL : Joan Morgan 9877 3472 SCHOOL PHONE: 9878 8268 SCHOOL FAX: 9878 1233 SCHOOL EMAIL: [email protected] Web: FIRST AID EQUIPMENT Attention Parishioners: A First Aid kit is available in the Kitchen on the bench top. First Aid items (blankets etc.) which are provided by the Church are stored in a large plastic tub in the crying room (right sliding cupboard.) ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE POSITIONS VACANT NOTICE Please check our Notice board in the Narthex for positions/jobs that are available for interested persons. MATHS TUITION A fully registered Math's Teacher with 25 years experience. Please call Andrew on 9894-7893. Specialty in VCE 11-12 (can also help with Yrs. 6-10 Math's) LOST PROPERTY LOCATED BY NOTICE BOARD. PLEASE CHECK IF ANY ITEMS BELONG TO YOU. MANY THANKS PRESBYTERY OFFICE . A Prayer for Priests God, grant them the joys of their vocation, health of mind, body and spirit; a strong faith and a light heart to do the Lord’s work in this world; and the love and support of their friends, family and parishioners. Holy Spirit, guide them and give them grace. Amen NEED A HAIRCUT? OR A QUICK TRIM? Please call Esme on 0421 132 356 Competitive Prices for Ladies/Gents/Children. Able to come to you. FOLLOW THE WAY OF YOUR HEART! Heart of Life Spirituality Centre, 96 Albion road, Box Hill, (9890 1101) Invites you to: The Beginning of the Year Blessing Ritual at 2.30pm followed by afternoon tea on Sunday Feb. 22nd. To follow the way of your heart, come and discover what’s available; a peaceful space for reflection, spirituality programs, reflection days, spiritual direction and individual live-in retreats. YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION 2015 COURSES Brochures and handbook available in Narthex for your perusal. Located at 98 Albion Road, Box Hill. Phone 9890 3771 for more info. Time for a cuppa and a chat after Mass………..
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