ANNUNCIATION PARISH February 1, 2015 PASTOR: Fr. Tony Rinaldo, 573-635-6143 [email protected] DEACON: Ed Schepers, 573-694-9331 [email protected] PARISH OFFICE: 573-796-4842 or [email protected], Hall 796-3568 PASTORAL MINISTER: Sr. Mary Ruth Wand, [email protected] 796-2654 SECRETARY: Ruth Ann Jobe, 796-4842, [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Doug Distler, 644-3127 [email protected] MASSES @ ANNUNCIATION: SATURDAY @ 4 PM, SUNDAY @ 10 AM, and SPANISH MASS @ NOON MASSES @ ST. ANDREW, TIPTON: SAT. @ 5 PM, SUNDAY @ 9 AM BAPTISMS: By appointment. Please call for Parental Sacrament preparation WEDDINGS: Please contact at least 4 months in advance RECONCILIATION: Saturdays @ 3 PM before Mass – Sundays @ 9 AM or by appointment Sat. Sun. Sun. Tue. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Sun. MASSES FOR THE WEEK Jan. 31 4 PM – Mark Imhoff Feb. 1 10 AM – Parish Feb. 1 Noon – Spanish Mass Feb. 3 8 AM -- Alma Hile Feb. 6 8 AM -- Bill & Gertrude Roll Family Deceased Members Feb. 7 4 PM – Parish Feb. 8 10 AM – Don Heinen Feb. 8 NOON -- Spanish Mass MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK Feb. 2 5:45 PM – Prayer of Holy Rosary 8 PM – AA-ALNON Feb. 3 7 PM -- RCIA Feb. 4 6:30-8 PM - PSR/EDGE/HS 8:15 PM -- Mustard Seed Feb. 5 Quilting 7 PM -- Holy Hour Feb. 8 9 AM–Noon -- Confirmation STEWARDSHIP – OUR GIFT TO GOD Monthly Goal: $23,100.00 1st week: $3,537.87 3rd week: $2,040.42 2nd week: $5,910.63 4th week: $5,220.72 Mustard Seed: $55.00 Building Fund: $40.00 Short of Goal: $6,390.36 ******************** Pray for the sick: Alan Irey, John Dorn; Allyson Imhoff (granddaughter of Vince & Gloria Imhoff); Teresa Kirchhoff; Lu Girard; Casey Garber, Norman Wood; Carlene Blickhan (SMR sister); Nanette Boessen (sister of Alicia Taube); Anthony “Tony” Taube Sr. (father to Mike); Barbara Reichl (Bill’s mother); Jim Wand (SMR brother); Fr. Ed Schmidt; Gary Bardwell; Max Williams; Joy Whitaker; Carole Barbour; Sheila Stark (daughter of Earlene Elliott); Joel Rivera; Francis Knaebel; Kenny Fischer; Betty Gombkoto; Russell Milligan; Catherine Bruemmer (sister of Rosina Loethen & Bev Frank); Phyllis Rimel (sister of Sandy Schaeffer); Morris Burger; Carol Rackers; Charlotte Baker; Gertie Leonard; Irene Hodler; Philip Imhoff; Carol Baker; Doris (Tiny) Walters; Bob Winkler; Betty Edwards; Alvin Nannemann (Becki Collier Uncle), Kay Krewenka, and Mary Wood. Please notify the office if your phone number or your email changes. Information for the Bulletin needs to be submitted by Wednesday, 8 AM for publication in the weekend bulletin. Pastor’s Notes . . . . February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time “He taught them as one who had authority…” The people in the synagogue at Capernaum were amazed that Jesus taught with authority, because only the Scribes and Pharisees had the authority, or power, to teach. His teaching and his “stamp of approval” came directly from God. The Church gets its authority to teach from three sources: Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, or teaching office. Scripture is obvious, of course. We believe that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” (1 Timothy 3:11) Tradition: Here we differ from most other Christian believers. The Tradition that we hold to has been handed down to us from the Apostles. This includes those things such as the writings of the Church Fathers and the Rosary, novena prayers. The Magisterium: This term may not be familiar to many of you. The Church, in response to the need to understand and interpret Scripture and Tradition in light of an ever changing world, devotes itself to study and prayer. Guided by the Holy Spirit, according to Jesus’ promise, the Magisterium offers authentic teaching for all Catholic believers. Examples are things such as medical issues regarding end of life decisions, such as the use of life support for the terminally ill. With new medical knowledge, situations arise that demand an answer based upon Church teaching. Other things that the Magisterium studies are marriage and family questions in today’s world. So, in brief, we can rely upon and put into practice the teachings of the Church in our lives with full confidence that she is guided into all truth by the Holy Spirit. Fr. Tony Sympathy and prayers to the family of Ida Mertens, a long-time parishioner. May her soul be granted eternal rest and comfort be granted to her family. ******************** Please donate old palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday. There will be a box in the back of church. The EDGE group will burn the palms from last year to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. The first of the year is a great time to sign up for automatic withdrawal for Sunday contributions. This can be done anytime. Automatic withdrawals may be made on the 5th or the 20th of the month OR on both dates. These contributions may also be increased, decreased or stopped altogether at any time. This is a great way to give back to God the first fruits! Contact the office to have a consenting form sent to you. 2014 CONTRIBUTION Envelopes are in vestibule of church. Annunciation Teens on the Right to Life March in Washington DC. Thank you for taking a stand and representing Annunciation Parish at the March. The teens are thankful for the prayers prayed for their safety to Washington, D.C. and back. Thanks to Matthew Hurt, Jack Johnston, Sydney Labruary, Brooklyn VanLoo, and Peyton Hampton for going on this pilgrimage. Thank you to Chris Hurt for being their chaperone. Please Pray for Vocations MINISTRY LIST Lectors Greeter/Ushe r Servers Eucharistic Ministers Offertory Song Leader Organist Rosary Mustard Seed Eucharist to Shut Ins Money Counters Feb. 7, 2015, 4 PM Feb. 8, 2015, 10 AM Don & Jean Vanderfeltz Russ & Lisa Anderson Pam Brauner Becky Collier Dane & Denise Clutter Ethan Bloch Seth Bax Paul Bloch Sandy Deraps Michelle Sumner David & Mary Jo Garnett Russell & Donna Milligan Marian Fleischmann Betty Pringer Russell Anderson Eric Schroeter Sr. Mary Ruth Garrett Ferguson Colden Imhoff Mark & Rosemary Bardwell Helen Bolin J. Gattermeier Mary Lou Porter Floyd & Bev Cain Alicia Taube Mona Marshall Margaret Bieri Judy Scott and DiAnne Naros Ruthie Adams is now taking charge of the PSR program and other youth activities. Ruth Ann Jobe is still working at the parish, but fewer hours. For the next several months she will be Babysitter Extraordinaire for Baby Max a couple of days a week. ******************** The next Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10 at 7 PM. ******************** Lent begins on February 18. This year our parish will again offer the opportunity for small group faith sharing. It will be Father Robert Barron’s spiritual study: Seven Deadly Sins & Seven Lively Virtues. Join a small group by contacting Sister Mary Ruth at 796-2654. In these groups you will have a better understanding of sin and learning practical advice on how to instill a life of virtue. If you have participated in a group in past years, contact your leader and invite a friend to join also. ******************** CONFIRMATION is Wednesday, March 18 at 7 PM. Other important dates for Confirmation Candidates are: Sunday, March 1, Retreat at Camdenton Sunday, March 15, Vocation Reflection Day at Cathedral ******************** The William H. (Bill) Simon Scholarship Fund The Fund awards scholarships to Catholic students who are in financial need for the purpose of attending an accredited college or university of the student’s choice. The deadline for submission of the application, SAR, and letters of recommendation is March 31, 2015. Applications and more information are available in the back of church. ******************** Sr. Mary Ruth has many pictures taken over the years. They will be in the church basement after this week-end masses and at other opportune times for anyone to take. K of C Scholarship Fundraiser Sunday February 15th... Will be serving our Famous Rope Sausage Biscuits & Gravy, fresh scrambled eggs, pancakes, orange juice & coffee.. At Annunciation Catholic Church Hall 8:00AM to 11:30AM Carry-outs available..Free will donation DIOCESAN HAPPENINGS Incoming Freshman Informational Meetings Helias Catholic High School will hold informational meetings and registration packet pick up on February 3 and February 5 at 7:00 PM in the Commons. Parents should plan to attend one of these sessions. No sign up is necessary; just pick one of the meetings. Registration materials and class schedule information will be explained at the meetings. Packets will not be available before February 3. Information concerning financial aid and tuition grants will be included in these materials. ******************** On Friday, February 6, come and join us for a Eucharistic Celebration in Honor Of The Sacred Heart at St Peter Parish Chapel in Jefferson City. The evening begins with Praise and Worship music at 6:45 PM and Mass at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome to come and share and experience lots of singing, sharing Scripture, celebrating Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and individual prayer teams for additional prayer requests. For more information call (573) 635-4373, (573) 619-5136. ******************** MARRIAGE MATTERS: Learn Natural Family Planning, and it will change your family dynamics forever! It's faithful to the Lord's teaching on how we reflect the Image of God in marriage and family life. The winter series of personal consultation classes begins February 1 in Jeff City at St. Joseph and February 8 in Linn at St. George. Find out more on Couple to Couple League, RSVP for the FREE Intro Session or register for a full consultation course, visit Questions? Call 660-298-3683 ***************** YOU Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married”. For everyone else there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Does talking only make it worse? For information on the Retrouvaille Program, visit the website at or call 800-470-2230. The next program begins the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. ******************** World Day of Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on February 7-8. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift of their vocation. ******************** Cursillo School of Leaders: Please join us as Ron Dunn leads a discussion on what the purpose of the School of Leaders is. Deacon Joe Puglis will also be presenting on “Allegiances-Paul or Apollos.” Tuesday, February 10, 7-9 PM at the Chancery offices of the St. Joseph Cathedral in Jeff City. ******************** The St. Elizabeth K of C Fish Fry is scheduled for Friday, February 13 from 4-7 PM at the St. Elizabeth Community Center. Adults: $10, Children (6-12): $5. ******************** DATE NIGHT EVENT! It’s an evening of fellowship, fun, food and laughter! Join us on Saturday, February 14 at 6 PM at St. Michael’s Hall in Russellville. Cost: $35 per Couple. Meal is being catered by Reinhardt Circle (Jefferson City). Contact Bruce & Gina Kudo for tickets. 573-338-6772 or 573-338-6371. The Diocesan Mass for World Day of the Sick will be held on Sunday, February 15 at 2 PM. This celebration will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 903 Bernadette Drive, Columbia, MO. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered to those of the faithful of any age whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age and are properly disposed for the Sacrament. The public is invited and all are encouraged to attend and to pray for the sick on this special day. This Mass will fulfill the Sunday obligation. Mark your calendars now for the 2015 Renewal Day on February 28, to be held at the St. Thomas More Newman Center in Columbia. Registration begins at 8 AM with Mass following at 4:30 PM. Fr. Dennis Wait and Mr. Ed Wills will be speaking on “Listen to Him”. For more information check the Catholic Missourian. Weekend sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Jefferson City Diocese. ********************* Engaged Encounter is for couples planning marriage who desire a richer, fuller life together. The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly. The cost is $100 per couple and next date is March 6-8, 2015. Registration at, click “Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter”. The cost for the weekend is $100 per couple. A $25 deposit made payable to Engaged Encounter is required and to be included with the registration form. ******************** Pilgrimages to Medjugorje, Fatima/Camino di Santiago. We have pilgrimages scheduled to St. James Church in Medjugorje and to Fatima/Camino di Santiago. Bosica Bartulica (who grew up in the Medjugorje area) will be conducting the pilgrimages. The dates are: April 27 – May 1 for $2,750 to Fatima and 10 days on the Camino di Santiago (The Way), and to Medjugorje May 11-19 for $ 1,975. The price includes all flights, accommodations and many meals. Prayerfully consider joining us. If you have questions, please contact David Lankford at 573-694-8362 or [email protected], or Bosica Bartulica at 816-2794509 or [email protected].
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