PARISH STAFF Fr. Chris Luoni, Pastor ....................................... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Carol Craven, Dir. of Religious Education.......... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Georgie Shane, Parish Bookkeeper................... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Helen Parry, Parish Secretary ........................... 330-542-3466 JoAnn Yaskulka, Youth Ministry Coordinator…..330-542-3824 Rosalie D’Angelo, Director of Music................... 330-542-3100 or 330-757-7945 Jerry Wittenauer, Business Manager ................. 330-542-3466 MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday .............................................. (see bulletin) Saturday ...................................................................... 5:00 pm Sunday ..................................................... 8:00 am & 11:00 am Holy Days ............................................................ (see bulletin) PARISH SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES 50+ Group Liturgy of the Word for Children AA Meetings Married Couples Altar Guild Men’s Fellowship Altar Servers Mercy Meals Bereavement Music Ministry Bible Studies New Parishioner Committee Charismatic Prayer Group Nursing Home Visitation Church Environment Pastoral Council Eucharistic Ministers Parish Mission Team Evangelization Pirohy Family Life RCIA Financial Advisors St. Vincent de Paul Garden Angels Silas Marners Grounds Crew Sisters in Grace Health Ministry Sponsor Couples HOSPITAL VISITATION: If a parishioner is in the hospital, please contact the rectory to inform us of an admission as the hospital is not allowed to contact us. Homebound Visitation STCCC Hospitality Total Parish Religious Education JOINING ST. PAUL’S: Anyone who wishes may join St. Paul’s. We are proud of our parish’s hospitality, warmth, and friendship. We invite you to become part of our parish family. Once you are comfortable among us, we invite you to join any of our parish organizations or programs. We encourage each single adult in a family to be registered in his or her own name. If you must leave the parish, please let us know. In your journey, we wish you well and thank you for the time you did spend with us. Human Needs BAPTISM: Parents are asked to call the rectory to arrange for a Baptism meeting with the pastor. A date will be arranged at your baptism preparation meeting. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays - 4 pm to 4:30 pm in the Reconciliation Chapel. MARRIAGE: Couples wishing to marry must contact the pastor as soon as possible but no less than six months before your intended date of marriage. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Individuals who will be having surgery or are suffering from a chronic illness should receive the Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the rectory for a time to receive the sacrament. VISITATION OF THE SICK: Visitation, prayer, and communion are offered to our homebound and/or sick on a regular basis. Simply call the rectory. Hospitals & Jails Kid’s Parties Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgical Planning WEBSITE: ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH MASS SCHEDULE: SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: +MEANING DECEASED FIND OUT HOW FAR YOUR HEART CAN REACH. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 5PM +Richard Hunter SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8AM +Mary Lee Skaleris 11AM Members of St. Paul’s MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8AM Liturgy of the Word TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8AM +Anthony DeFrances WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 8AM +Donna DeMain THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8AM +Dorothy Bernardich FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 8AM Fr. Popovich SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 5PM Members of St. Paul’s +Frank & +Mary Dixon SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 8AM +Barbara DeFrances 11AM +Natale Luscre Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. 1-888-354-0060 CRS.ORG/cb CRS Catholic Relief Services serves poor people in 93 countries. CHURCH OVERSEAS COLLECTION: Last weekend, parishes throughout the Diocese of Youngstown joined with Catholics across the country in the Church Overseas Combined Collection in order to assist the Church in its ministries throughout the world. This combined collection supports four major overseas services: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Holy Father/Peter’s Pence, the Church in Latin America and the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. CRS and other agencies request special funds when natural disasters occur. This collection supports these Church agencies in their on-going work in long-term development, education, leadership training and other social and pastoral ministries. Thank you for your wonderful commitment to the work of the Church around the world. Thank you for your generosity in this annual collection for mission and ministry across the globe. If you have yet to make your contribution, you may do so next weekend by using your Church Overseas Collection envelope. Again, thank you. FEBRUARY 8 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIRST READING: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 I am filled with relentlessness until the dawn. STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. Our Gospel today provides an acknowledgement of the teaching authority of Christ. As stewards of our faith, do we adhere to that authority; conforming our lives to follow Christ, or do we seek to twist the teachings of the Church to meet our wants and desires. Faithful stewardship requires faithfully living the teachings of Jesus Christ, in word and deed. GOSPEL READING: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases. FREE COMMUNITY MEALS: The weekly Mass for Shut-Ins can now be viewed by going to the home page of the diocesan website and clicking on Mass for Shut-Ins. This Tues., Feb. 3, Trinity United Methodist Church New Springfield Tues., Feb. 10, St. Paul’s Table of Plenty Sponsored by Sisters in Grace Menu: Barbequed Ham/Roll, Baked Beans Fruit Cup, Cookie The Regular Collection for Jan. 24/25 $7,685 Tues., Feb. 17, Calvin’s Friendly Table Petersburg Presbyterian Church St. Paul’s is in need of a person or persons to host our Nov. Table of Plenty. If interested, call the rectory. 2 View this bulletin at FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE MONTHLY SMART CHOICE FOOD PROGRAM AT NEW SPRINGFIELD CHURCH OF GOD: Order forms can be picked up in our rectory, this program is for all who are interested. THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 9AM Altar Guild Meeting at Golden Rye TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 7PM Prayer Group in Day Chapel WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9AM Scripture Study 3:30PM Mass at Windsor House 3:30PM Communion at Hampton Woods 7PM RCIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 7-11AM Pirohy Orders (330-542-3525) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 7-11AM Pirohy Orders (330-542-3525) Noon-1PM Pick-up in Hall Walk-ins Welcome SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 9AM TRE in Various Rooms 9:30AM Confirmation Practice in Church 7PM Alpha Gathering in Church 8PM AA Meeting in Lower Hall ALTAR GUILD MEETING: This Mon., Feb. 2, 9AM at Golden Rye (note the change). We will be planning for 2015. Bring any $1 bingo prizes for the Spring Fling. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPONSORED PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST: Here in our parish hall, this Sunday, February 1st, 8:30-11AM. All are welcome! EASTER VIGIL CHOIR SIGNUP DATES: Jan 31/Feb. 1, Feb. 7/8, Feb. 14/15. If you are planning on signing up, please do so ASAP as this helps with our music preparation. ALSO Rehearsals will be on Feb. 22, Mar. 1/8/15/22/29. There will be an evening rehearsal on Wed., Apr. 1. Time TBA. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: We will be having a non perishable food collection for St. Vincent de Paul on the weekend of Feb. 14/15. Containers will be placed in the Gathering Space for your donations. Thanks! KUDOS TO ALL OF US WHO ARE STILL SHINING OUR BLUE LIGHTS AND DISPLAYING OUR BLUE RIBBONS AS A REMINDER TO KEEP FR. POPOVICH IN PRAYER. THANKS EVER SO MUCH!!! LOOKING TO EMPLOY person to do light housework and cooking. If interested, call Chris at 330-781-0033. THE FLAG WILL FLY on Thurs., Feb. 5, in memory of George Bernardich, this being the anniversary of his birth. The flag will also fly on Fri., Feb. 6, in memory of Dave Malysa, this being the anniversary of his death. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR February 7/8 MASS Lectors Servers Euch. Min. 5PM Elston-P May-F Ohlin-R Scheck-N Bator-S Ohlin-R/A/L Bell-A Perrine-P Cubellis-F Scheck-C/G Elston-B Humphries-T Ohlin-M Pope-K Sofran-A/A 8AM Morena-J Aey-J Cosentino-M Blasko-L SCHEDULE OF FEBRUARY CONFIRMATIONS IN THE DIOCESE: Saturday, February 7 Tuesday, February 10 Wednesday, February 11 Sunday, February 15 Tuesday, February 17 Thursday, February 19 Monday, February 23 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. St. Charles, Boardman 7:00 p.m. St. Michael, Canfield 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick, Hubbard 2:00 p.m. St. John, Canton and St. Peter, Canton (at St. Peter) 7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Peace Ashtabula (at St. Joseph) 7:00 p.m. St. Joseph, Massillon 7:00 p.m. St. Paul, New Middletown 11AM Prayer Box (Blue Box) Prayers Answered Box (Silver Box) Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your prayers for Ryan. In Jesus name, Amen! Thank You, Jesus, for Ron’s cancer being in remission. View this bulletin at 3 Dalesandro-T Figuly-C Morocco-S Yaskulka-Z Gentile-D/P Helbley-M Ortenzio-J/N Sofran-A/A Dalesandro-N Emerson-R Kutchel-M Nicoloff-S Scarsella-B/J Hosp. Donegan-M Farinelli-A Farinelli-D Jaspers-L Sofranec-C Sofranec-N Davanzo-K Eminhizer Lucci-C Schuler-M Yaskulka-B Yaskulka-G ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION WILL BE CELEBRATED HERE IN OUR PARISH ON FEBRUARY 23, 2015, 7PM. Dear Brothers and Sisters, “I should like you to be free of anxieties.” As St. Paul speaks to the Corinthians, he is trying to put them at ease and to help them understand that by depending on Jesus Christ, they can make it through whatever comes along. What do we worry about; family, job, finances, weather, health? It can be easy to be anxious about so much going on in our lives. Keep in mind that the anxiety, over time, can make us ill and kill us. That is why St. Paul wants us, no matter what state we live in, to always depend on Him to help us through whatever we are dealing with. Let us put all our cares in the hands of Christ. In doing so, we will be able to find peace and to make it through whatever challenges come our way. HAPPENINGS ELSEWHERE: Volunteer Opportunity: Companion volunteers needed to visit Hospice patients in Trumbull, Mahoning, and Columbiana Counties. Training days: Sat., Jan 31 and Feb. 7, 9AM-4PM, Hospice House, 9803 Sharrott Rd., Poland. Call 330-549-5902 to reserve a spot. Curbside Pasta Take-out: Holy Family Parish Center, Poland, this Wed., Feb. 4, 3-6:30PM or until sold out. Signs will direct you. Your dinner will be delivered to you. $9 includes cavatelli/meatballs/salad/ bread & butter/cookies. $5 includes side of cavatelli and 1 meatball. Homemade pasta fagioli for $6 a quart. Homemade sauce for $5 a quart. Free Gospel Concert Offered By The Mahoning Valley Chorale: St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, this Sun., Feb. 1, 1420 Oakhill, Yo., 1:302:30PM. St. Pat’s is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 11:30AM-4PM. All are welcome. First Friday Club Of Greater Youngstown 2015 Luncheon Speaker Series: First Friday Club Speaker’s Luncheon Series presents Sr. Darla Vogelsang this Thursday, February 5, 2015 at Antone’s Banquet Centre on Market Street in Boardman. Sr. Darla, Pastoral Care with Mercy Health (formerly known as Humility of Mary Health Partners), will speak on Spiritual Care in Health Care. The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. and concludes at 1:00 p.m. The cost to attend is $16.00. Call today! Reservations are limited - 330-720-4498 or visit our website at As was offered during last week’s homily, our parish is embarking on a new program to begin our evangelization efforts. This past Sunday our Evangelization Committee presented the ALPHA program to 25 to 30 parishioners to gage their level of interest. The interest is high and we will be moving forward with the great program. It is our hope that over time, all of our community will become immersed in this first step of evangelizing our parish and we will deepen our relationships with Christ. From there we hope to reach out to those beyond our parish. You will be hearing further updates as we move forward. World Day For Consecrated Life will be observed next Sunday, February 8. The Universal Church has been celebrating World Day for Consecrated Life since 1997. Bishop George Murry, S.J., invites our diocesan church to celebrate the gift of Consecrated Life with him and the religious of our Diocese on Sunday, February 8, at St. Peter Church, Canton at the 11:00 a.m. liturgy. All are welcome. Please mark your calendar. Valentine Day Workshop On Prayer: Grow your hearts intimacy with God by centering your prayer more deeply on the Lord of our lives. Contemplative Outreach, a worldwide Movement started and led by Trappist Monk and Abbot Thomas Keating, will introduce this Method of prayer during a workshop in Struthers at Christ Our Savior Parish, St. Nicholas Church, from 9AM-3PM on Valentine’s Day, Sat., Feb. 14. For more information or to register, call Fr. Bob Bonnot at 330-7559819. Congratulations to our young men and women who came through the Rite of Enrollment in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday, February 23. That is the right date. Please ignore the two wrong dates that I gave at the 11:00 am Mass last weekend. Sorry for that – it just shows, none of us is perfect. Right To Life Of Mahoning County Annual Essay Contest: Calling all high school juniors and seniors! Let your voice be heard. 1st place winner: $200 and the opportunity to represent Mahoning County at the State Oratory contest held in April. State contest winners may compete at the National Right to Life Oratory contest for even greater prizes! 2nd place winner: $100 (not bad), and 3rd place winner: $50 (not bad either). Hope you saw the flyer inserted into last week’s bulletin. Deadline is Feb. 18. Stay well and warm this week. Fr. Chris Pilgrimage To Lourdes: Fr. Michael Dosch, O.P., pastor of St. Patrick’s, invites you to join them on the 61st U.S. National Rosary Pilgrimage to Lourdes, June 28 to July 7, accompanied by Clergy and Medical Staff to assist the needs of the pilgrims. For details, please contact Fr. Michael, Email: [email protected] or the Lourdes Pilgrimage Office: Toll free: 1-877-276-7292, Email: [email protected], Website: Registration deadline Mar. 20. VOCATION BULLETIN BLURB: Paul speaks of how the unmarried man or woman is able to focus his or her total attention on the things of the Lord, while the married man or woman rightly focuses on the family in the name of the Lord. If you are single, or know someone who is single, could it be because the Lord wants you or the person you know to consider a calling to the priesthood or religious life? If so, contact Fr. Christopher Luoni at (330) 744-8451, or email: [email protected]. RECTORY PHONE: 330-542-3466 WEBSITE: 4 View this bulletin at
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