Saint Ann Catholic Church February 1, 2015 The Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time love faith hope Rev. Msgr. J. Bruce Jarboe Pastor Deacon William Nairn Deacon Gary Fulmer Mass Times: Weekdays: 8:00 am in the Resurrection Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:15 pm (fulfills Sunday Obligation) Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:15 am Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00-4:45 pm or by appointment Holy Day Schedule: to be announced. Next Weekend: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7:1-4,6-7 Mark 1:29-39 From the Desk of Monsignor JarboeDear Friends, Having concluded this week a wonderful celebration of the blessings of Catholic education with Catholic Schools Week, our attention now “pivots” toward two other annual undertakings --- the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal and the liturgical/spiritual season of Lent. For the next two weekends, all of us will be encouraged to offer a special gift of our treasure in support of ministries that touch the lives of thousands and thousands of people throughout our Archdiocese. With our generous support, the Annual Appeal helps sustain 25 important ministries of our archdiocese – enriching parish life, evangelizing young people, strengthening families, and providing critical assistance in community outreach. What’s not to like about helping things like that! Then, on February 18, the great 40-day Lenten season of spiritual renewal kicks off with Ash Wednesday. And, to help us make the most of this annual time for “turning away from sin and being faithful to the gospel”, we will be offering a terrific 3-day Parish Mission (including a special Family Nite) and will be forming another series of small faith groups that will help us experience and deepen our growth and development in the spiritual life (over 70 people participated in our last small-groups series and several of the groups continue to gather together in prayerful, mutual support). We are really excited about these offerings – so “stay tuned” as more information will soon be coming your way! Come to think about it, these two initiatives are not really “separate” or “unrelated” happenings at all. In fact, the focus of this year’s Appeal – “Go Make Disciples” – is exactly what our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving are designed to foster and cultivate! Faith in, and living in relationship with, Jesus naturally expresses itself in hearts and spirits that welcome opportunities to share blessings that bring more/ new blessing into the lives of others! Have a great week! Msgr. Jarboe 1525 Oak Hill Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-733-0410 MASS INTENTIONS L I T U R G Y Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8 8:00 am Edna Bast 8:00 am Chris Llano NO MASS 8:00 am Ted Reinhart 8:00 am Mary Martin 5:15 pm James Amato 9:00 am Mary Delvecchio 11:15 am Saint Ann Parishioners *denotes Living As a Courtesy To Others: During these difficult winter days of the cold and flu season, please remember that germs are easily passed in hand contact or through a shared cup. If you have a cough or cold or any other communicable disease, please refrain from drinking from the chalice or shaking hands with others. A simple bow at the Greeting of Peace will acknowledge another person. Mal 3:1-4;Luke 2:22-40 Tues, Feb 3 Heb 12:1-4;Mark 5:21-43 Weds, Feb 4 Heb 12:4-7;Mark 6:1-6 Thurs, Feb 5 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24;Mark 6:7-13 Fri, Feb 6 Heb 13:1-8;Mark 6:14-29 Sat, Feb 7 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mark 6:30-34 Sun, Feb 8 Jeb 7:1-4,6-7;Mark 1:29-39 PLEASE PRAY for our military who serve both home and abroad. May God protect them and keep them. Ssg. Christopher Walker, Army Sgt. Barton Jetter, Army Edward Stewart ,TACP Sgt Philip Charles Cook, Army Reserves Michael Johnson, Afghanistan Alexander Ongay, Airman Capt. Alexander G. Kline, Army Joshua Knepp, USAF Lt.Col. Tom Harmon, USAFR Amn First Class Cody Harmon C3C Nicholas Brandt,, USAF THIS WEEK’S READINGS Mon, Feb 2 Congratulations! to Laura Gregorio and Devin Shenberger whose marriage took place at St Ann this weekend. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen 2014 Contribution Statements have been mailed. If you did not receive one and would like one, please contact Kathy at 301-733-0410 x13 or [email protected] and we can mail or email one to you. Thank you. Prayer Network: If you have a prayer request please either call Barb at 301-733-0410 ext. 11 or email [email protected]. Our dedicated group of Prayer Network volunteers will pray for you. Parish Registration: Fill out a Welcome Card in the pew so we know how best to serve you. All parishioners, please notify the Parish Office of a change of address or phone, or if you are leaving the parish. Bulletin Articles: Deadline for articles is 4 pm on the Friday before (8 days prior to) the weekend in which the article is desired to appear. All articles must be submitted to the Administrative Assistant preferably by email at [email protected]. Sacramental Information: Please visit our website at 2 STEWARDSHIP Stewardship is comprised of time, talent and treasure. With the current operating needs, our weekly budget requirement is $13,765.07. Thank you for your generosity in helping us meet our weekly budget goal! Upcoming Second Collections February 7/8 February 14/15 Please use red-bordered envelopes provided in the pews unless specific envelopes are provided. Remember to provide your name and the intended collection.. Week of January 25 Envelopes Loose Electronic Giving Mortgage Reduction TOTAL $ 6,423.00 $ 1,977.52 $ 1,855.00 $ 1,711.25 $ 11,966.77 Next Weekend at parishes across the Archdiocease of Baltimore, parishioners will be asked to pledge support to the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, “Go Make Disciples”. Ministries supported by the Appeal include the Office of Religious Education, which provides oversight and assistance to our Religious Education program, and Catholic Charities, where almost one quarter of all funds collected are used to support programs like My Sisters Place, Our Daily Bread Employment Center as well as the Food Bank of Western Maryland. In advance of next weekend, please prayerfully consider how you will support the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Making a pledge, which can be paid in monthly installments through December 31, 2015, is a powerful way to maximize your contribution. For more information on the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal or to pledge online, please visit Thank you for your prayers and support as we all help further Archbishop Lori’s mission as we become missionary disciples. O U T R E A C H Tuition Assistance Mortgage Reduction Do you knit or crochet and would like to join a fun and fulfilling ministry that creates shawls for those in need? Join SAINT ANN SHAWL SHEPHERDS! We meet the first Sunday of every month and our next gathering is Sunday, February 8 at 7 pm in the Library. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. For more information, call Marian Marshall at 301739-8604. The Poor Box for the month of February benefits W House which aids women dealing with substance abuse. Thank you for your generosity. FOOD AND GAS CERTIFICATES for Martins and Weis are available after all Masses at the front and north doors of the Church or during the week in the Parish Office. Saint Ann receives 5% back from the sale of the certificates. FOCUS ON….. HOLLY PLACE Every few weeks throughout the year, Outreach will publish a brief outline of one of its ministries or one of the community agencies supported by St. Ann Church. Today’s focus is on Holly Place. HAITI OUTREACH-Father Alexis is coming! The pastor of St. Claire will visit Saint Ann on the weekend of February 7 and 8. He will be present at all masses, pray with us and update us on life in our partner parish. Plan to attend “Dinner with Fr Alexis” on Saturday, February 7 at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. Main course and drinks provided. Please bring a dish and small dessert to share. RSVP: [email protected] Or come to the “Café on the Hill” after 9 AM mass or “Meet and Greet” after 11:15 AM mass on Sunday, February 8. 3 Holly Place is a local resident home for lowincome seniors in Hagerstown. St Ann’s parishioners supply a meal for 20-25 people two or three times a month. It can be lunch or dinner. The meal can be as basic or as complete as you would like. Holly Place is also always in need of paper products, cleaning products and hygiene items. For more info., please contact Donna in the Parish Office, 301-733-0410 ext 10 or [email protected]. FAITH FORMATION Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA Inquiry): Are you interested in becoming Catholic? The process might be able to help you with your decision. RCIA has been crafted for those who seek to enter the Catholic Church whether they have been baptized in another faith or have yet to be baptized. For information, contact Rita at 301-790-2744. We invite you to join an exciting new spiritual formation program called “To Live in Christ-Jesus”: Growing in Daily Spirituality. The topic will be Jesus….coming to know him with our hearts and not our heads. Meetings of small groups will be held once a week for six weeks during Lent for discussion and mutual support. At this time, we need individuals to facilitate our small groups. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office. A training for Facilitators will be held February 2 from 7-9 pm in the Galilee Room. Sign up for Small Faith Community gatherings for Lent will be held on February 7/8 after all Masses in the Narthex or please call the Parish Office at 301-733-0410. Youth Alive (Gr6-8) Youth Mass and Movie Night Confirmation The next High School/Confirmation class will be held on Sunday, February 8 from 6:00-8:00 pm. We will meet in the Jerusalem Room. will be held on Saturday, February 7 from 5:15 pm8:30 pm in the Church and Manalis Center. A taco bar will be provided for after Mass (sign up to bring fixings on your registration form) with a movie showing to follow. Friends are invited to attend with a liability form either in hand or on file. Please turn in your registration form (available online or outside the Parish Office) and $5 no later than Friday, February 6. Hope you can join us! Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) A Growing Ministry Needs More Ministers! WHAT: WHO: WHEN: NEEDS: HOW: A child-friendly me of prayer for kids to hear Sunday’s readings from God’s Word at their age level. Children from age 4-Grade 5. Sundays, 9:00am Mass during the Liturgy of the Opening Prayer, children are prayerfully dismissed to gather together in the Chapel with the help of several adult leaders. Children return to the church with their families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For each Mass: ♦ 1 adult leader to read the Gospel and explain the lesson in a way that the children will find easy to understand ♦ 2 parent helpers (1 to keep an eye on the kids and help them stay a7enve, 1 to keep an eye on the clock to help keep me for the leader) You do not need to be a teacher, a theologian, or an entertainer to enjoy this valuable ministry. Lots of helpful material (including an outline, training, and resource material) is available for leaders—-and plenty of opportunies to start as a helper and grow into the leader posion. If you are interested in parcipang, please contact Lisa Noel at lisansco#[email protected]. 4 Parish Office In Our Parish This Week:.. Mon, Feb 2 7:00 pm-Gofl Committee Mtg-Library 7:00 pm-Small Group Facilitator Trng-Galilee Tues, Feb 3 7:00 pm-Pre-Baptismal Classes-Library Wed, Feb 4 6:30 pm-Adult Handbell Choir-Choir Loft 7:30 pm-Adult Choir-Church 7:30 pm-RCIA-Galilee, Jerusalem Thurs, Feb 5 9:00 am-Relaxed Bible Study-Galilee 9:00 am-Marian Prayer Group-Chapel 10:00 am-Catholic Golden Angels-Galilee 7:00 pm-Boy Scouts-Capernum 6:15:pm-Potluck Dinner w/Fr. Alexis-PC 5:00 pm-YA Mass/Movie-Manalis Sat, Feb 7 Sun, Feb 8 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm Phone: 301-733-0410 Fax: 301-733-6218 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: stannchurchhagerstown Parish Staff Pastor: Rev Msgr. J. Bruce Jarboe x18 [email protected] Outreach: Deacon Bill Nairn [email protected] Outreach/Health Care Ministry: Deacon Gary Fulmer [email protected] 10:00 am-Café on the Hill-PC 10:10 am-Faith Formation-PC, Manalis, Goretti 6:00 pm-Confirmation/HS Mtg-MC, PC Parish Formation Coordinator: Dawn Sirface X15 [email protected] Adult Faith Formation: Rita Mahoney X19 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Amy Burzinski X21 [email protected] P A R I S H L I F E REMINDER: Join us at Café on the Hill on Sundays from 10-11 am in the Parish Center. Coffee, tea, juice, muffins, and fruit along with the company of fellow parishioners are on hand. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Liz Becker (240-291-3041 or [email protected]) or Christina Doucette (240-818-7234 or cdoucette [email protected]). The St Ann Golf Committee is seeking VOLUNTEERS to serve on the committee to help with the Spring (May 15, 2015) and Fall (sometime in October) Tournaments. The first meeting will be Monday, February 2 at 7:00 pm in the Library of the Manalis Center. Meetings are held once a month (usually Monday) from December through May 15 for about an hour. Please join us if you have any interest. We would love to have you! 5 Office Manager: Donna Louzon X10 [email protected] Ministerial Admin Assistant: Barb Mills X11 [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Kathy Sebrosky X13 [email protected] Music Director: William Bland X17 [email protected] High Places Music Director: Zach Burt [email protected] Pastoral Council Chairperson Colette Rupert Vice Chairperson Frank Linn Secretary Sharon Curtis Brooks McBurney Allyson Flynn Todd Hoffman Corporator Margie Gyurisin Corporator John Chambers Finance Chair Mike McGinley EMERGENCY CLOSINGS: 301-739-2935 301-739-3474 301-745-6445 301-733-5143 717-597-4547 301-393-3852 301-824-5388 301-797-3551 301-797-2202 In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies, please call the Parish Office (301-733-0410) for a recorded cancellation message, check the St Ann website at, or the St Ann Facebook page at If Faith Formation is cancelled (a decision will be made by 7 am), all other activities held at the Church will be cancelled. During the week, if school is cancelled, there will be no 8 am Mass and all activities at the Church will be cancelled. If school is delayed, there will be no Mass but activities at the Church will still be held weather pending. Check with the parish office to confirm your event. Community Events YOU WHAT???!!! Saint Joseph Church will be hosting St. Mary Catholic School is currently accepting applications for students interested in our PreKindergarten Program for the 2015-2016 school year. The program is half day (8:15am – 11:30am) five days/week. (Pre-K Students must be four years old by September 1st, 2015) If you are interested, Please don’t delay. The Pre-K class will only have 15 children and last year there was a waitlist. WANT ME TO EAT Again! on Saturday, February 14 from 5:308:00 pm in St Joseph’s Riggle Hall. Cost of the turkey breast dinner is $12 for adults, $6 for children 4-10, and children 3 and under eat free. The dinner will feature turkey breast entrée, mashed potato bar, layered salad, beverage, and dessert with “exotic tastinigs” (this is your chance to sample foods that you have been curious about but never had the opportunity to exploreR.or not). There will also be silent auctions and beer tastings. Please call Angie at 301-797-9445 by February 9 to make your reservation! St. Mary Catholic School will begin accepting applications from new families for Kindergarten through seventh grade for the 2015-2016 school year on Monday, February 2, 2015. For a personal tour and/or an information packet, please contact Rachel O’Connor at the school front desk at 301-733-1184 or by email at [email protected]. Attend Catholic Lobby Night in Annapolis on February 16-Join Maryland’s bishops and hundreds of fellow Catholics on President’s Day, Monday, February 16, from 2:30-8:00 pm for the 31st Annual Catholic Lobby Night in Annapolis and make your voice heard. Meet your new legislators and urge them to protect the poor and vulnerable, build up common good and respect human life and dignity. Lobby Night is an advocacy event that gives Catholic voters the opportunity to speak in person with their elected officials about pertinent issues. Registration is required. Visit lobbynight or call the Maryland Catholic Conference at 410-269-1155/301-261-199 to register today! There will be an Italian Night Dinner & Dancing on Saturday, February 21st from 6-10pm at the K of C Hall 20340 Leitersburg Pike. The event is hosted by Ladies Auxillary. Ticket prices are: Adult: $12 in advance, $15 at the door, Children 6-12 $6, 5&under free. For tickets contact Glenn & April King [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Corner Brotherhood Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 8pm in the Council Hall. Knights, please come to keep active and show your support. Our Worthy Grand Knight for 20142015 is Cel Shannon. Consider becoming a Knight. For information, please contact Glenn King at [email protected] or 717-597-9121. Region IV of the National Religious Vocations Conference invites young adults, who may be discerning life choices, to join us for Discernment Days. Discernment Days are morning retreat experiences for young adults. Come to one or come to them all! They will be held from 9 am to 12 noon, with an optional mass being celebrated prior to the gatherings at 8:30 am. Two short presentations will be made on “Discernment” and “Listening to Prayer Using the Word of God.” There will also be time for reflection, shared prayer, and discussion with local men and women religious. Bring your Bible. The dates and locations are as follows: February 21, 2015 at Notre Dame University of Maryland in Baltimore MD. Please RSVP to Sr. Rebecca Tayag, SSND: [email protected], 212-982-4671. February 28, 2015 at Saint Anselm’s Abbey, Washington DC. Please RSVP to Fr. Christopher Wyvill, OSB: [email protected], 202-269-2335. April 25, 2015 at Saint Benedict Monastery, Barstow VA. Please RSVP to Sr. Andrea Westkamp, OSB: [email protected], 703298-5337. Please visit for details. Bingo Bingo Bingo. Every Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall (20340 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742) Starting at 6:45 pm we conduct 34 bingo games for the public. Please join us and have fun. ALL February Bingo 1/2 PRICE on regular games! Second Degree Ceremony will be held February 12 at the Council Hall at 8pm. Care Net Pro-Life Fund Raiser: The Knights of Columbus invite you to save a life by participating in the Pro-Live campaign tin support of Care Net of Frederick. Care Net has saved 254 babies from abortion using sonograms and compassionate counciling. Please call or see the following knights: Jerry Lachapelle 301-824-1011 or Deacon William Narin 301-797-3108. Every dollar that you donate will be matched by Supreme. 6
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