ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH TERRELL, TEXAS OCTOBER 12, 2014 Pro-Life News: Rosary for Life--Join us for the Rosary for Life on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 10 am at the Lourdes Grotto. All are welcome. _________________________________________________ RCIA/AFF Hike for Life: HIKE FOR LIFE is Texas' oldest Pro Life event. It is a pro-life walk held once a year in various locations around Texas that raises money for area Crisis Pregnancy Centers and raises awareness of the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. Your involvement in the Hike will help area Crisis Pregnancy Centers to continue their life saving mission. There are several locations and dates to choose from. More information at 40 Days for life is from September 24 – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/ Adult Faith Formation RCIA/AFF meets at Casa St. John’s on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30. This week’s topic will be: “Who Is Jesus?” Please feel free to join us. For more information contact Karen Mathers at [email protected] _________________________________________________ New to the Parish? If you are new to St. John the Apostle Parish and would like to register, please visit our website at and click on "ABOUT" and go down to "Parish Registration". Or you can come by the church office during business hours. _________________________________________________ St. Luke’s Church Rummage Sale November 2. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion. This years location is at Public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood mega abortion center, 7989 West Virginia Drive, Dallas, Texas. Vigil sign up, directions and more information is available at _________________________________________________ October – Month of the Holy Rosary Please join St. John's Women's Guild as we pray the rosary asking our Blessed Mother to intercede on behalf of the persecuted Catholics in the Middle East. We will pray every Thursday in October at 6:30pm at the Lourdes Grotto. During inclement weather, we will pray in the Old Church. Everyone is invited. _________________________________________________ Child Care St. Luke’s Church in Wills Point invites you to their annual rummage sale next weekend Friday, October 17th and Saturday, October 18th (Highway 80 Sale). We will have lots of houseware, clothing, toys, eats, drinks, and miscellaneous items. _________________________________________________ is available during the 10:30am Mass which started last Sunday September 14th for children up to age 4. Mary Robinson joins Barbara and Wayne Meshell and Elvia Valle this fall in caring for the children. Adults interested in helping with this ministry are asked to contact Susan Warner in the church office. Signs will direct parents to the Child Care room in the Parish Center on the main floor. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/VIGÉSIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Prayer Requests Craig Cadwaller James Kyser Richard Lozano Sr. José Manuel Villalobos Richard Collier Debbie Ryder Christopher Gabriel Hardy Larry Tomasek Justin Schwartz Drilma Vezina Baby Pollyana Roberts Sergio Campos Vicki DelaCruz Diane Konganach Colleen McNamara Joe Wages Ubaldo Gonzalez George Kopecky Annie Sickman Sharon Akin Jose Ma. Lozano Larry Barbee Charles Mercer Bob Harris Tammy Avalos Andy Lopez Natividad Chavarria Tommy Locour Mike Beaty Nick Morales, Sr. Devon Colbert Ryan Silch Joey Richardson Jack Sikors Brenda Newburn Luis Arteaga Mason Gumler Randy Moore Felipa Garcia Jack Morrell Pat Turner Blaine Miller Jimmy Donahue Margarito Soto Leonard Mazzola Pat Adams Olivia Nicole Yates Olimmpia Saenz Lee Wilde Laura Treviño Raul Rivera Addie Wright Dorothy Newburn Mariah Cavazos Tom Boyd Deborah Krueger Patricia Reyes Ava Smith _________________________________________________ Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of October 18/19 Saturday, October 11 4:00 PM For a Special Intention – Fr. Orosco Sunday, October 12 8:00 AM Pro Populo 10:30 AM †Joe Ferguson – In Memory of his Birthday by Rosie Ferguson & Family 12:15 PM †Israel Navarrete Int. de Rebeca Navarrete Monday, October 13 8:30 AM Gary & Linda Whalin by A Friend Tuesday, October 14 8:30 AM Ava Smith by Grandmother, Sarah Smith Thursday, October 16 8:30 AM Karol Rogers Swinehart by James & Melody Zimmer Friday, October 17 8:30 AM †Ottie Lynch by Bill Bedrick Saturday, October 18 4:00 PM †Alice Frances Helmberger by Duane C. Helmberger Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM For an end to Abortion & a greater respect for Human Life at all stages by Sherry Goelden & Lucy Krouskop 10:30 AM Pro Populo 12:15 PM †Jesus Vargas Int. de sus Hijos Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered, please visit the parish office or return to the office a completed Mass intention card. Available cards are located in the foyer of the church. Lectors: _________________________________________________ Sat. 4:00pm Cathy Burton/Debbie Patterson Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Seth Jungman Sun.10:30am Cynthia Rosales/Maury Buford Anointing of the Sick Ushers: Sat. 4:00pm Debbie Patterson*/Michael G./Sherry G./Paul M. Sun. 8:00am Robert Brown*/David B./Rachel H./Wayne M. Sun. 10:30am Lou Roberts*/Donna R./Dennis C./Steve H. Extraordinary Ministers Sat. 4:00pm Rod Kinkaid/Gary Whalin/Linda Whalin Sun. 8:00am Chris Probst/Dan Probst Sun. 10:30am Shelilah Dean/Tammy Guerra/Bud McClure Rick Sanchez/Martha Aranda/Bill Bedrick _________________________________________________ Because of the Privacy Act, hospitals and nursing homes are no longer able to provide a list of the Catholic patients/residents for the Churches use in order to visit and administer the Sacraments of Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick. Therefore, I need your assistance when you have a family member who is hospitalized or in a nursing home. ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH TERRELL, TEXAS Last Week’s Collection: 6,218.81 2nd Coll. (Parish Improvement Fund): 3,438.36 FY’14-15 Budgeted Average: 5,900.00 FY’14-15 Average Sunday Coll. thru 09/30/14: 6,860.86 Candles: 54.31 Attendance: 931 _________________________________________________ Monday, October 13 8:30 AM Daily Mass 1:00 PM Crochet Ministry @ Casa St. John 7:00 PM Grupo de Oración @ Casa St. John Tuesday, October 14 8:30 AM Daily Mass 6:00 PM Confessions 6:30 PM R.E. classes @ Parish Center 6:30 PM Clase de Biblia para adultos-Centro Parroquial Wednesday, October 15 10:00 AM Rosary for Life @ Lourdes Grotto 6:30 PM R.E. classes 6:45 PM Rosario y Devociones Thursday, October 16 8:30 AM Daily Mass 6:00 PM Confessions 6:30 PM Women’s Guild Rosary @ Lourdes Grotto 7:00 PM RCIA classes @ Casa St. John Friday, October 17 8:30 AM Daily Mass _____________________________________________________ OCTOBER 12, 2014 Praying the rosary for peace is something each of us can and should do, especially in light of the current instability in the world situation. Ask the Blessed Mother to intercede on behalf of people everywhere, but particularly in the Middle East, to bring peace to these regions and thwart the onslaught of all terrorist groups. _________________________________________________ October is also a month for honoring the Saints. Although we will not have an All Saints’ Eve party this year, the students will study the lives of saints in their classrooms. Parents are encouraged to read stories about the saints to their children. Explain that these saints were once children also and that they had a special devotion to God and lived their lives as Christ asked. There are several videos and books in the Religious Education office on the lives of saints that may be checked out. _________________________________________________ The Religious Education program sponsors two Food Drives in November. The first is the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive which begins on November 2nd and continues through November 23rd. Plan ahead and pick up food items on sale to donate to the Food Drive. October: Sunday classes: 19th, 26th. Tuesday classes: 14th, 21st, 28th. Wednesday classes: 15th, 22nd, 29th. _____________________________________________________ For the safety of our students, No Parking is permitted on Frances St. in front of the Church, the Parish Hall, and the Parish Center during the times that Religious Education classes are in session: Sunday: 9:15am – 10:15am Tuesday: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Wednesday: 6:30pm – 7:30pm The second is a project created by the Confirmation students to fill food baskets for Thanksgiving. This project is called the “Turkey Feather Pull” and features a turkey named “Tom” who has paper feathers. The students write a food item on each feather that will be used to fill baskets for Thanksgiving. On November 15th and 16th, the Confirmation students will set Tom up outside the Church and parishioners will have an opportunity to “pluck” a feather or two. Parishioners have one week to buy the food items or gift cards written on the feathers and return them to the Parish Hall or Church office. The students will assemble the Thanksgiving food baskets on Sunday, November 23rd. If you know someone that could use some help this Thanksgiving, please contact Susan Warner in the Church office. _________________________________________________ TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/VIGÉSIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Grupo de Oración El Grupo de Oración se reúnen cada lunes a las 7:00pm en la Casa St. John. _________________________________________________ Invitación Los invitamos cada 12 de cada mes en la Casa St. John a las 7:00pm para rezar el rosario a la Sma. Virgen de Guadalupe. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Clases de Pre-Bautismales Ofrecemos clases Pre-Bautismales cada primer sábado de cada mes a las 6:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. No tendremos platicas en el mes de diciembre. Favor de llamar a la oficina (972-5633643) para más información. ________________________________________________ Todos están invitados en la recitación del Santo Rosario cada miércoles a las 6:45pm. Nos reunimos en la Capilla para esta devoción a la Virgen. _________________________________________________ Unción de los Enfermos Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está necesitado en recibir comunión o el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos favor de llamar al Padre Orosco en la oficina de la Iglesia al número 972-563-3643. Calendario para el mes de octubre: Clases de los domingos: 19, 26 Clases de los martes: 14, 21, 28 Clases de los miércoles: 15, 22, 29 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Clases de Biblia para Adultos Tenemos clases de Biblia para adultos cada martes a las 6:30pm en el Centro Parroquial, 2° piso. Acompáñenos. _________________________________________________ Octubre es el mes para honrar a los Santos. Aunque no vamos a tener la fiesta de Todos los Santos este año, los estudiantes van estudiar las vidas de los Santos en clase. Se les pide a los padres que les lean a sus hijos historias de los Santos. Explíqueles que estos Santos eran niños alguna vez también y que tenían una devoción especial a Jesús y que vivieron sus vidas como Cristo lo pidió. Tenemos varios videos y libros de las vidas de los Santos en la oficina de la Doctrina que pueden usar. ************************************************ ¡ATENCION! La Iglesia de San Lucas de Wills Point le invita a su venta de artículos usados el próximo fin de semana, el viernes, 17 de octubre y el sábado, 18 de octubre (la venta del 80). Vamos a tener un montón de artículos para el hogar, ropa, juguetes, comida, bebidas y artículos misceláneo. PARA LA SEGURIDAD DE NUESTROS ESTUDIANTES, NO SE PERMITE ESTACIONARSE EN LA CALLE FRANCES EN FRENTE DE LA IGLESIA, EL SALON PARROQUIAL O EL CENTRO PARROQUIAL DURANTE LAS HORAS DE LA DOCTRINA. ¡GRACIAS POR SU COOPERACION!
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