100415 - Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church

120 Marydale Lane
Columbia, SC 29210
Parish Office–772-7400
Fax –798-8030
E-Mail [email protected]
Website: ourladyofthehillssc.org
Pastor –Ext. 1
Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church
October 4 , 2015 / Octobre 4, 2015
Sunday in Ordinary Time/ 27TH Domingo De Teimpo Ordinario
[email protected]
Medical Emergency – 803-772-7490
Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar - Ext. 3
Cell 803-394-6773
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate – Ext. 2
[email protected]
794-3388 or [email protected]
Saturday, (Vigil) 5:30 PM
Sunday, 8AM, 10AM & 12NOON
Spanish Mass –3:30 P.M.
Saturday, 4pm or by appointment
Community Assistance - 465-1644
Director of Religious Education - ext. 13
[email protected]
Youth Minister - Ext. 4
[email protected]
Secretary Religious Ed- Ext.114
[email protected] &
[email protected]
Parish Secretary - Ext. 5
[email protected]
Bookkeeper - Ext. 7
[email protected]
Parish Bi-Lingual Assistant
772-7400 Ext 6
[email protected]
Facilities Manager – Ext. 8
[email protected]
Mission Statement
Our Lady of the Hills Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and formed
by the Gospel, under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our mission is to preach
and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As one family under God, the Father, we welcome all
who come to us and are particularly mindful of those in need.
Welcome ~ We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you see an Usher
after mass for a registration packet or call the Parish Office. Please stop by the Hospitality
Table after Mass if you have any questions concerning the Parish.
Sacramental Information
Baptism - You must call the parish office to register for a Baptism Class. This must be done one
month prior to the scheduled class. Call the Parish Office for more information.
Marriage - You must contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding.
Anointing of the Sick
If you find yourself or a loved one as a patient in a hospital and are in need of the Sacrament of
the Anointing of the Sick, please call the office during business hours as soon as possible. Please
do not wait until your loved one is in critical condition. There can be unavoidable delays in a
priest getting to the hospital immediately. Also, if you plan on entering the hospital for a
particular procedure, you may receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, prior to admission, by
making contact with the parish office.
Catholic Inquiry
No previous experience necessary. Contact Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator or Deacon Steve
Burdick at the Parish Office at 772-7400. Discover the Catholic Church!
Change of Status/ Cambio de Estatus
If you have a change in your family information (i.e. new address, new phone # or leaving the
parish) please notify the Parish Office. Cambio de Estatus - Si usted tiene un cambio en su
información de la familia; es decir, nueva dirección, nuevo número de teléfono o dejando la Parroquia,
po favo notifique a la oficina Parroquial 772-7400 Ext. 3
Attention Young Adults!! Interested in finding out what is available in our Diocese-go to
these web sites http://sccatholic.org/young-adultministry
The Vocations Office - would like to announce its presence on Twitter (@FatherKirby) and on
Facebook (Charleston Vocations). The office invites everyone to “follow” and “like” us on these
social media.
Since each of us is given unique gifts to serve, finding an opportunity to
apply our gifts, heart, abilities, and experiences in the church is
important. MINISTRY CORNER - we remain in need of: Cantors-please
contact Mickey [email protected], Ushers-please contact Dennis
Sheahan at [email protected], Ministers of the Eucharist-please contact Maria
Bernhagen - [email protected], Adult Altar Servers-please contact Maria, Altar
Servers – please contact Gloria Cazallis - [email protected] Choir – Saturday @ 5:30 please
contact Debbie Bernhagen @ 750-7146 or [email protected] / for the 10am Choir please call
the parish office, Nursery Workers – Contact Pam Baxley @ 732-8985, Altar Committee
Members – Contact Pat Reiland 781-3371, Lectors – Contact Randi Olafson @ 803-732-4884
or [email protected].
Dear Parishioners,
I am writing this a few days before the Parish Picnic and am praying that the weather cooperated and it was a wonderful time
for all. I would like to give a large THANK YOU to all those who organized the picnic and worked on a particular team (parking,
cooking, games, and Mass music to name a few) to serve their fellow parishioners. With the picnic Mass and the ceremony of
installation that was conducted by Fr. Linsky, I am now officially your pastor!!
As your pastor, one of the ways that I am assisted is by the Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council shares the responsibilities
for the spiritual and temporal development of the parish programs and policies and fosters pastoral activity. They are a consultative
body and the pastor always has the final decision. They could be seen as the eyes and ears of the parish that helps the clergy provide
pastoral care. The pastoral council members have a responsibility to communicate their views on matters bearing on parish programs
and policies to the pastoral staff of the faith community.
The pastoral council members can be elected by the parish at large or appointed by the pastor. At this time I want to thank
those who are presently on the pastoral council and who are willing to continue serving. I also would like to begin a nomination
process to seek additional members for the pastoral council. A parish council member would have to be a practicing Catholic in good
standing who is a registered and active member of the parish. I would welcome self-nominations if you would like to serve the parish
in this capacity for a three year term. You could also nominate another parishioner, with their permission and approval, who is
involved in the life of the parish and who you think would be able to offer advice to the council and pastor. It would be a ministry of
service attending the monthly meetings and making contact with specific groups and organizations within the parish to provide
information to the pastoral council. At the present time I am planning to appoint the members to the council but if there are a large
number of nominations then we will proceed with a parish wide election at the beginning of November.
Ideally I would envision the membership to be a balance of younger adults, parents of school age children, older parishioners,
Spanish speakers and English speakers, and men and women.
Pray about it and think about it. If you would like to serve on the Pastoral Council, nomination forms will be available at the
hospitality table beginning next weekend.
Queridos Feligreses,
Estoy escribiendo esa carta unos días antes del picnic de la parroquia y estoy orando para que el clima sea bueno y que haya
buen tiempo para todos. Quiero dar mi agradecimiento a todos los que organizaron el picnic y colaboraron en algún equipo en
particular (estacionamiento, cocinando, organizando los juegos, la música para la misa por nombrar algunos) para servir a los
feligreses en la parroquia. Con la misa del Sábado y la ceremonia de instalación del párroco, conducida por el Padre Linsky, ahora soy
oficialmente, su párroco!!
Como su párroco, una manera en la que yo estoy ayudado es por medio del Consejo Pastoral. Este consejo pastoral
comparte las responsabilidades para el desarrollo espiritual y temporal de las políticas y programas de la parroquia y fomenta la
actividad pastoral. Los miembros del consejo pastoral son un grupo consultativo y el párroco siempre tiene la última decisión. Ellos
pueden verse como los ojos y oídos de la parroquia que ayuda al clero proporcionando cuidado pastoral. Los miembros del consejo
pastoral tienen la responsabilidad de comunicar sus puntos de vista sobre asuntos en materia de programas y políticas al personal de
la comunidad de fe.
Los miembros del Consejo pastoral de la parroquia pueden ser elegidos por la parroquia o designados por el pastor. En este
momento quiero agradecer a los que actualmente están en el Consejo pastoral y a quienes están dispuestos a continuar sirviendo.
También me gustaría iniciar un proceso de nominación para buscar a más miembros para el Consejo pastoral. Un miembro del
Consejo Parroquial tiene que ser un católico practicante de buena reputación, que sea miembro registrado y activo de la parroquia.
Yo estaré recibiendo nominaciones personales, si alguien desea servir a la parroquia en este consejo por un período de tres años.
También ustedes podrían nombrar a otro parroquiano, con su permiso y aprobación, tiene que ser una persona que participa en la
vida de la parroquia y que ustedes creen que sería capaz de asesorar al Consejo y al pastor. Sería un ministerio de servicio el cual
asiste a las reuniones mensuales y hace contacto con determinados grupos y organizaciones dentro de la parroquia para informar al
Consejo pastoral.
Actualmente estoy pensando en nombrar a los miembros del Consejo pero si hay un gran número de nominaciones,
procederemos con una elección amplia en la parroquia a principios de noviembre.
Idealmente preveo que haya un equilibrio en los miembros de este consejo, jóvenes adultos, padres de niños en edad escolar,
feligreses que tengan más tiempo inscritos en esta parroquia, hispanos, anglos, hombres y mujeres.
Oren y piensen en esto. Si ustedes desean servir en el Consejo Pastoral, los formularios de nominación estarán disponibles en la mesa
de hospitalidad, comenzando el próximo fin de semana.
Catholics Returning Home- mid October - we will
begin our second series on
Welcoming Catholics Home-if
you know someone who has left
the Catholic Church please
invite them to attend these six sessions and come
home. Watch the bulletin for details.
On Sunday, Oct 25, 2015, the Knights will be
offering Breakfast after the 8 AM and 10 AM
Masses (8:30 to 11:45 AM) to Our Lady of the
Hills Parish. Come support the Knights and
join your fellow parishioners for some good
fellowship while enjoying a Great Breakfast.
The Breakfast will consist of Pancakes, Scrambled eggs,
Grits, Fruit, Sausage, Juice, Milk, and Coffee. Tickets at the
door are $5 per adult. Children 8 & under no charge. As
always, the proceeds of these events are used to support the
charitable deeds of the Knights of Columbus.
Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday, Oct.6th, 2015 at
10:00 AM in the Church
Nursery. Please contact
Ashley Bender @ 447-2555
with any questions.
Coffee & Doughnuts Schedule:
Anyone interested in hosting please contact the
Parish Office or Joe Kennedy @ 803-4141076.
"It's Not Too Late to Join Us"2015-2016 INQUIRY
CLASS - Are you a non-Catholic who has been coming to
Mass? Do you have Catholic friends who have intrigued you
with their talk about being Catholic? Have you had a little
voice in the back of your mind urging you to learn more about
Catholicism? Then our Inquiry Class is for you. You will learn
more about the Catholic Church and what you need to do to
join if you decide that this is the next step in your journey of
faith. Call Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator (917-0353) or
Deacon Steve Burdick, RCIA Coordinator, at the Parish office
(772-7400) to find out more about these classes.
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion Workshop
There will be a MANDATORY Workshop for ALL
Ministers of Holy Communion (this includes those who
only take Communion to the hospitals and the
homebound) on Monday, October 5, 7:00 PM AND
Saturday, October 17, 10:00 AM. Both workshops
will be held in the Church. You have a choice to attend
either one as the same material will be covered at
both workshops. Father Peter will be talking to us about
the different aspects of the Eucharist and then we
will go over the changes and nuts and bolts of the
Has anyone been thinking or praying about joining this
ministry but were not sure if it was for them? Please come
one of the workshops and listen to what Father has
to say and it might just encourage you join your
fellow Catholics in this most sacred ministry.
If you have any questions please call either Marsha
Sansonetti, 731-2097 or Maria Bernhagen, 772-2725.
We appreciate everyone who can increase
their giving levels.
Giving is joyful and makes your soul smile.
Budget Amount Needed
Amt. Received 9/27
$ 133.00
Total number of registered households….……….......1542
Children’s Stewardship……......................................$84.00
Christ Central…………………………..$200.00
One of the simplest ways to make a future gift to
Our Lady of the Hills is through your will. Please call the Parish Office for
details on how to make arrangements.
Dear Parishioners of OLOH,
With the idea of making it easier and more convenient to
contribute to our Church the parish Finance Council has
arranged to set up E-giving for those who may be interested.
You may access the form from our website by clicking on Egiving on the homepage. If you have questions please contact
Marianne at 772-7400 or [email protected]. Thank you.
Rachel's Vineyard weekend retreats offer you a
supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment;
where women and men can express their post-abortive
emotions to begin the process of restoration and healing.
Our next retreat in SC is October 9-11, 2015 in
Greenville. For more information, please contact Christy at
803 554 6088 or Kathy at 803 546 6010 or
[email protected] Now is the time.
Have you been wanting to give more of
yourself in service to our Lord and our
Lady? If so, come join the LEGION OF
MARY here at Our Lady of the Hills. We are
celebrating our 16th year of formation at OLH.
The Legion of Mary is a world-wide
organization of the lay apostolate, open to
Catholic men and women, who wish to offer a
few hours a week of their time, effort and prayers. They
perform spiritual works of mercy in the parish, as approved by
the pastor. Members participate in the life of the parish
through visitations of families, the sick in homes, hospitals
and nursing homes. Some serve as Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion, or involved in Religious Ed, RCIA, Prison
Ministry and through collaboration in other undertakings by
the parish. This is an opportunity for personal spiritual growth
and service for Christ and His Church, in union with Our
Lady. If you are interested in learning more about the Legion
of Mary and becoming part of an active or auxiliary group in
this parish please call Theresa Freshwater 798-0026 c 9208123 or Mary Limpert 742-0424 or c 606-5163.
Pray For Peace If you have a family member or friend
serving in the military, please see the bulletin board in the
Narthex and provide a picture so we can keep them in our
prayers. Details are on the board. Everyone, please pray daily for our
service men and women and their families.
Puede venir a cualquier hora las 24 horas que
expuesto el Santisimo. Questions:
[email protected] or call 803-661-1079.
Vespers Service on Thursday, Oct. 8th, beginning
in the church at 5:00 PM. Please join us for this
prayer service which will last to approximately 6:15
Life Chain Sunday will be observed October 4,
2015, in two locations in the
Midlands from 2:30-3:30 p.m. In
Irmo, Life Chain will be located at
the intersection of Lake Murray
Bldv. and St. Andrews Road. In Columbia, Life
Chain will be located at the intersection of Forest
Drive and Beltline Blvd. Life Chain is nationwide
silent but pubic prayer vigil upholding the sanctity
of human life and calling for an end to abortion.
Life Chain signs may be picked up beginning at 2
p.m. at both locations. For more information call
Holly Gatling at 803-730-1095 or e-mail at
[email protected].
The Knights of Columbus will be
Come discover Joy in the Spirit! Join us Tuesday evenings in
the church from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We sing, pray, listen, learn,
and enjoy drawing closer to Christ through unleashing the gifts
of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism and Confirmation. Come
as you are, and see what God has in store for you! If you have
questions or need more information, please contact John Killilea
at (803)201-7900 or [email protected]. Come find Joy!
conducting its 3rd Blood Drive of
2015 on Sunday, Oct 25 ,2015,
after all masses (8:00 AM to 1:30
PM). This is a great way for you,
the OLH Parish, to continue supporting our community by
helping to save lives with every pint of blood donated – Todate (since 2003) a total of 2010 pints have been donated.
Please support the Knights as you did this past January – 63
pints of blood were donated. Let’s make it our goal to
improve that to 70+ as was done last year (2014). As with
our previous blood drives, the Knights will provide a
complimentary breakfast to all blood donors.Please call Sam
Allen at 749-2571 to make an appointment to donate blood.
Christ Central ~ Thanks for your continued support with
much needed clothing and other supplies for the homeless in
our community. Donations of new or used clothing in clean
condition may be placed in the white chest located in the Church
Narthex. Tax donation receipts are also available in the chest.
FOOD FOR THE POOR – There is a new
donation container located in the Narthex for nonperishable food donations. These donations will
be distributed to the less fortunate in the Columbia
area. We would appreciate your support.
Monday, October 5
1:00PM – J.O.Y. Group – FLC Atrium
6:30PM – K of C Officers – FLC Ministry Room
6:30PM – OLH Women’s Grp. – FLC Atrium
7:00PM – Eucharistic Ministers Workshop – Church
Tuesday, October 6
10:00AM – Playgroup – Church Nursery
6:30PM – Sp. Ministry – FLC Classrooms
7:00PM – K of C – FLC Gym
7:00PM – Joy in the Spirit – Church
Wednesday, October 7
2:00PM – Adult Scrip. Study – FLC Library
6:15PM – Religious Ed - Grades K-5th All Classrooms
6:15PM – Scrip. Study – Ministry Room
6:15PM – Spanish RICA – Church
7:00PM – Legion of Mary – FLC Library
7:00PM – Joyful Noise – FLC Choir Room
Thursday, October 8th
12:45PM – Adoration Begins – Church
2:00PM – Saints Class – FLC Library
5:00PM – Vespers – Church
Friday, October 9th
9:00AM - Homeschool Co-op – FLC Classrooms
Adoration Continues
Saturday, October 10th
9:00AM – St. Vincent de Paul Regional Mtg – FLC Atrium
3:00PM – Rosary Makers – FLC Ministry Room
4:00PM – Sp. Young Adults – Ministry Room
Sunday, October 11th
9:00AM – Scripture Study – FLC Library
10:00AM – R.C.I. A. – FLC Ministry Room
1:00PM – Boy Scouts – Pavilion
1:30PM – Spanish Choir – Church
6:30PM – Religious Ed – All Classrooms
6:30PM – Scrip. Study – FLC Ministry Room
Sunday Evening - Grades 5th – 12 begin at
6:30 PM & end at 8:00 PM.
Wednesday evening - Grades K/5 – 5th begin
at 6:15 PM & end at 7:30 PM.
If you have any questions for grades K5 - 8th please call
Jackie Brace, 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected]
Grades 9 – 12, contact Elizabeth Hudacko, 772-7400.
Our Lady of the Hills is committed to the protection of
children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Victim
Assistance Minister ~ 800-921-8122 / Diocesan Office of
Child Protection Services ~ 843- 853-2130 ext. 206.
Reminder that there will be NO CLASS on
Sunday October 11th. Class will resume on
Sunday October 18th.
Classes have begun. Class begins at 6:15 pm. Class lists
will be on all the classroom doors. Kindergarten and Grade 1
are on the bottom floor of the Family Life Center. All other
grades are upstairs in the Family Life Center. All students
need to be walked to their classrooms and picked up in their
classrooms. Children will only be released to an adult.
Sunday Evening Class begin at 6:30 pm.
Please drop off students at the Atrium of the Family Life
Center. Grades 4 through Grade 8 are to be picked up in the
carpool line by the doors of the Family Life
Center. Confirmation students and youth group are to be
picked up downstairs.
Reminder: The best way to teach your child patience and
understanding is by practicing and modeling that behavior
yourself. 10 Minutes in the carpool line can be spent praying
for your child (or for patience).
No new registrations will be accepted on
Wednesday or Sunday evenings.
Religious Education News:
The Teaching, Touching, Safety Video will be presented to
all students in Grades K5 through grade 12 on the following
nights: Wednesday, October 14th and on Sunday, October
18th. Make up dates are Wednesday October 21st and on Sunday,
October 25th. If you have any questions please call Jackie at 7727400 or e-mail [email protected].
Saints Class
Saints Class meets each Thursday in the Family Life Center
Library from 2:00PM - 3:30PM. Classes are solely for mature
Catholic adults who wish to learn more about Catholic Saints,
their lives and struggles. We discuss how to apply lessons from
their lives to our own and many related issues. No book is
required for the class. Questions? Please contact Rachel
Godwin. Email: [email protected] Telephone: (803) 7509777 - please leave a message if there is no immediate answer.
Summer is over and we have begun a brand new
study written by Clifford Yeary entitled "Welcome to
the Feast". It is the story of the Eucharist in Scripture using
both Old and New Testament examples of ancient celebrations,
starting with the story of Abraham's hospitality in providing a
feast for three divine visitors. This study is an invitation to
explore the theme of celebrating God's unfolding covenant
relationship with humanity in the context of a meal. If you have
tried bible study before or have never tried one, this just might
be the study you have been looking to try. Come give us a look,
all are welcome! We meet on Wednesdays at 6:15pm or if you
prefer Sunday, we offer the same study at 6:30pm. Both studies
are in room 105 in the Rel. Ed. building and a fee of $15.00 will
cover materials. For further information or to reserve study
materials, please contact Paula Mistoler at 781-5369.
Wednesday Scripture Study at 2:00PM on
Wednesday, October
in the Family Life Center Library
these sessions usually last 1-1½ hours. We are studying the
Acts of the Apostles. Questions? Please feel free to contact
me, Deacon Chuck, at 794-3388 or e-mail me at
[email protected]
Damos la bienvenida a todos los recién llegados a nuestra
familia Parroquial. Si desea registrarse y recibir
inscripción, po favor llamar a la oficina Parroquial ó
preguntarle a un acomodador antes o después de misa.
Las personas que deseen tener a la
Virgen Peregrina en su hogar,
contactar A Maribel Fajardo at
Grupo Jóvenes Adultos (Español) e 18 años en adelante -Se
reúnen los Sábado de 4:00PM a 7:00 PM Para más información
contactar a: Ivan Flores 803-446-5622.
Ingles: Sábado de 4-5PM o con cita
Español: Domingo a las 245PM o con cita,
Jueves a las 7:30PM (sujeto a disponibilidad), por favor
revise el calendario publicado en la puerta de la reconciliación
Contactar a la oficina Parroquial para inscribirse en una clase
de bautismo un mes antes de la clase programada, las clases
son en el OLOH Salon Ministerio juvenil de 6:30 PM a 9 PM:
Octubre 16, Noviembre 13, llamar a la oficina para mayor
información Olga Mouly 772-7400 x 3
Si usted tiene un ser querido que se encuentra como paciente
en un hospital y está en necesidad del sacramento de la
Unción de lo s Enfermos, por favor llame a la oficina de la
Parroquia lo antes posible. Además, si usted tiene que estar
en el hospital para un procedimiento particular, puede recibir el
Sacramento de la Unción antes de su hospitalización.
Las clases comienzan esta semana el Miércoles 16 de septiembre,
para los grados K5, hasta el grado 5. Las clases comienzan a las
6:15 pm. Las listas de clases estarán en las puertas de los salones.
Kinder y 1º Grado están en el primer nivel. Todos los otros grados
estarán en el 2º nivel del Edificio Parroquial
Un adulto debe de caminar con el estudiante al salon
correspondiente y también debe de ser un adulto quien lo recupere
del salon. No se permitirá que los alumnos salgan de su clase al
terminar si un adulto no va por ellos.
Las clases de la tarde del domingo comienzan el domingo 20 de
septiembre para los grados 4B confirmación Grupo Juvenil. La clase
comienza a las 6:30 pm.
Por favor, dejar a los estudiantes en el Atrio del Edificio Parroquia.
Grados 4 a grado 8 deberan ser recuperaclas en la línea de
transporte colectivo por las puertas del Edificio Parroquial .
Estudiantes de confirmación y el grupo de jóvenes han de ser
recuperados en la planta baja.
Recordatorio: La mejor manera de enseñar a su hijo la paciencia y la
comprensión es que usted lo practique y sea un modelo de
Si tiene que esperar 10 minutos en la línea de autos, usted puede
ponerse a orar y sobre todo tener consideración, cortesía y
paciencia, al usted comportarse de esta manera le estará dando un
gran ejemplo a sus hijos.
No se aceptarán inscripciones los miércoles o domingos por la
noche, cuando se esten impartiendo las clases.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a Jackie al 803-7727400 ext 113 o por e-mail [email protected].
Para información contactar a Jackie Brace
Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 113
e-mail: [email protected]
Recuerde que NO HABRA CLASES el domingo
11 de octubre, las clases se reanudan
el domingo 18 de octubre
Para información contactar a Elizabeth Hudacko
Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 4
e-mail: [email protected]
Debe comunicarse a la oficina Parroquial
al menos (6) seis meses antes de la boda
e inscribirse a las clases pre-matrimoniales. Las clases son:
Salon Ministero juvenil - 6:30 PM a 9:00 PM – Oct. 30, Nov.
20. Para mayor información comunicarse con Jose
David Morales (803)760-3320.
Todos los adultos que deseen y estén interesados en recibir
los sacramentos de bautizo, comunión y confirmación,
contactar a Ligia Rios al 803.318.4063 ó Elvira Pérez al
Noticias de Educación Religiosa:
The Teaching, Touching, Safety Video (el video de
seguridad en el contacto) será presentado a todos los
estudiantes de grados K al grado 12 en las siguientes fechas:
Miércoles 14 de octubre y Domingo 18 de octubre. Habrá una
segunda fecha el Miércoles 21 de octubre y Domingo 25 de
octubre. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, favor de llamar a Jackie
al número 772-7400 o enviar un correo electrónico
[email protected].
En un mes estaremos celebrando
la Fiesta Diocesana hispana,
favor de anotar en su calendario
esta fecha. Mayor información
Vicaria Columbia
St. John Neumann
Coordinador clases: José Fernández 803 736 3046
El programa le ofrece instructores de conocimiento teológico,
de esta manera se conoce y fortalece su fe cristiano-católica.
El costo para cada tema es de $20.
Vide En Cristo - Lunes: Oct. 5 #1/
Oct. 19 #2/ Nov. 2 #3/Nov. 16 #4 – 7pm -9pm
Más información: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora
diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. Visite la
página web: www.sccatholic.org –Ministerio hispano –
Escuela de la Fe.
Jesus reminds us that when God joins together man
and woman in holy matrimony “the two become one
flesh”. Husbands and wives do you work at this
oneness and love one another as Jesus
commanded? Gain the tools to truly love your spouse and
receive all the joy that oneness can bring. Sign up today to
attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekends on Feb. 26-28th, 2016 Myrtle Beach, SC and Feb.
5-7th Asheville, NC.Please apply early. For more
information, go to scmarriagematters.org or call 803810-9602
Young adults across the Diocese of Charleston are
registering for a rejuvenating
weekend in the pristine
beauty of the Diakonia
Retreat Center situated
among walking trails, lakes,
and fresh mountain air. Fall
Retreat 2015 - November 6-8, 2015: Made for
Greatness returns to Salem, SC and features Father
Marcin Zahuta (Pastor of St. Thomas More in Columbia).
About the retreat:
In a world that encourages the human person to ‘just get by’,
many suffer from the unbearable sense of a life filled with
unfulfilling relationships, meaningless work, and an unclear
purpose and direction that seem to only lead to a greater
longing for something more. ‘The World offers you comfort,
but you were not made for comfort, you were made for
greatness.’ –Pope Emeritus
Knowing that we are created in the ‘image and likeness of
God’ (Gen 1:26), there is freedom in acknowledging our
weaknesses and as our Holy Father, Pope Francis reminds us
‘trusting in the infinite mercy and patience of our Lord Jesus
Christ…in a spirit of penance” to take off the burdening yokes
of complacency and feelings of unfulfillment, and place on
the robe of joyfully living in the freedom of the fullness of life
in Christ.
Who should come:
Any young adult (18-35) who wants to grow in holiness and
attain a greater knowledge of the Catholic faith.
How much does it cost*?
Private Room: $130 - Shared Room: $75
Cost includes dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch & dinner on
Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, and snacks.
Don’t delay! Registration is open. Complete the online
HKIYr8DQfFn3sU6CVi8Y/viewform?c=0&w=1 form OR mail in
your registration form. (If you complete registration online,
please mail your check (payable to the Diocese of Charleston)
to: Office of Young Adult Ministry
Diocese of Charleston, 901 Orange Grove Road
Charleston, SC 29407 *For scholarships, please contact the
Office of Young Adult Ministry
3rd Marian Eucharistic Conference
Our Featured speakers will focus on seeking to anchor
ourselves to the two pillars of the Real Presence of Christ in
the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Special Note: The first class relic of Pope St. John Paul ll
be displayed.
Featured Speakers: Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life.; Fr.
Wade Menezes, CPM, The Fathers of Mercy; Fr. Joseph
Wolfe, MFVA, EWTN; Tim Staples, Catholic Answers
General Admission: $50, Youth: $25
All are required to register by Nov. 7 by mail. Saturday and
Sunday lunches are included. No registration at the door.
Where: St. Joseph's Catholic School, Greenville, SC 29607
Saturday, Nov. 14
Doors open - 7:30 a.m.
Mass - 8:30 a.m. Conference talks, lunch, Confessions, Meet
& Greet the Speakers, Book Signing - 5:40 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 15
Doors open - 7:50 a.m.
Mass - 8:30 a.m.
Conference talks, lunch, Confessions
Meet & Greet the Speakers - 3:40 p.m.
For more information, call(864)354-7160 or go to
CHEMO CARE KITS – which include lip balm, lotion &
emollient cream. May be purchased for a loved one or
donated to an area Cancer patient. Please contact
Katherine Cid 803 315-3661 email
[email protected] for more information.
September is Children’s Cancer awareness and October is
Breast Cancer awareness. Thank You.
Kits para el cuidado de quimio - Esto incluye
bálsamo labial, loción y crema emoliente. Puede ser
comprado para un ser querido o bien donado para
algún paciente con Cáncer. Favor de contactar a
Katherine Cid 803 315 3661 o para mayor
información enviar un correo
electrónico [email protected] Septiembre es
el mes de hacer conciencia en los niños con Cáncer
y Octubre es el mes de Cáncer de seno. Gracias!
Sharing God's Love is having their fall yard sale October
10th from 8am to 1pm at 147 Friarsgate
Blvd. in Irmo. . We need volunteers to help
set up that morning from 6am-8am. We
would love to have your Bible study group,
Circle, or High School Youth Group come
and help. Please contact Shari Selke at 7323188 or email
[email protected] or text 803-348-3089. We are also
accepting donations for the yard sale through October 7th
by 12pm. Many thanks and God Bless!
Please remember in prayer – Kathy Lopiccolo Ammermann,Francisco Aragon, Manuel Ard, Chistine Arehart, Edward Arvalo, Joe
Audet, David Barranco, Hogo Bass, Monique Beddengfield, Fred Berby, John Berg II, Noah Berg, Barbara Berch, Johnny Boone,
Germaine Bost, Susan Bowers, Jerry Broughton, Sharon Brown, Debra Bytnar, Ann Campbell, Ellen Campbell, Charlotte Cardenas,
Logan Cardosi, Bill & Anna Coracy, Judy Case, Laura Church, Jimmy Clark, Kathryn Clark, Bruce Cole, Jim Connelly, Shannon
Connolly, Sonja Corley, Pat Coval, Amy Cox, Cameron Dadger, Diane Del Tova, Tara Dempsey-Robinson, Deacon Chuck, Dusty Cryer, Susan Dietrich,
Heather Dorn, Kathryn Doucett, Avilis Dowd, Rita Dowd, Brenda Downs, John Duffy, Larry Echerer, Daphne Ellis, Darl Evans, Dan Everhart, Nancy
Esposito, Camille Farrell, Maureen Floyd, Bernadine Fontaine, Brendan Fontaine, Jerry Fortin, Sandra Gaines, Sheila Gallagher, Michael Gibson,
Betsy Gilkeson, Barbara Glenn, Rachel Godwin, Dave Goodwin, Ben Greer, Jay Griffin, Harlen Grillot, Madeline Gross, Tita Guzman, Doug Haley,
Scottie Hallbick, Tim Hancock, Park Haney, Vida Herald, William Heath, Loretta Hebert, Randy Hodge, Harold Hoffman Jr., Ann Holland, Justin
Hooks, Margie & Jim Horosko, Rose Marie Howells, Daniel Hudacko, Robert Imker, Dorothy Irwin, Larry Janczak, John Wily Jeffcoat, Lorenzo
Johnson, Raymond June, Lynn Keller, Rick Kelly, Hal Kennedy, Eileen Kircher, Cal Kitay, Leah Klevgard, Shawn Knox, Edward Kriner, Richard
Ksenzakovic, Frank LaCastro, Daniel Lane, Jr., Antonio Lazaro, Kristin Lesesne, Chris Libert, Floyd Lipe, Jay Lopiccolo, Jacqueline Lucas, George Lusk,
Barbara MacCallum, Raymond J. Malejko, Kenneth Maloney, Louis Martin, Maggie Mackaben, Mildred McCormack, David McDonald, Melissa
Martin, Eunice Matthews, Sandy McCloud, Irene McCollam, Marge McCollam, Carol McDonald, Carol McEvoy, Kathy McNeal, Jack McRedmond,
Carol Meitus, Buddy Meyers, Tom Mitchell, Joan Miller, Linda Miller, Andrea Miranda, Victor Montoya, Donald Montjoy, David Morris, Kim Munch,
Gary Murphy, Marlene Murphy, Loretta Narewski, Sherri Nilsson, Jane Obie, John O’Brien, Patricia O’Hara, Richard Olsen, Becky Opachan, Margaret
O’Shea, Kevin Paschal, Joan Patrick, Bessie Pellitier, Phyllis Peterson, Eileen Petransky, Charles Petrino, Cathy Pharo, Marie Pitt, Rocky Pocock,
Anthony Portigiana, John Post, Michael Privette, Doris Prosser, Sally & Placido Prujillo, Pat & Lynn Reiland, Jerry Reuss, Patty Richards, Tara
Dempsey Robinson, Norbert Rohling, Ernest Rouse, Jr., Stella Ruiz, George Sandland, Donald Scagliola, Charles Schaffer, Greg Schoning, Cindy
Shuford, Aaron Shuford, Lauren Shunkwiler, Macy Rose Shunkwiler, Brigette Schutzman, Rosemary Scopel, Harry Seigel, Dan Sease, Daniel Seay,
Alan Shealy, Steve Shepard, Courtney Sigleton, Connie Slezak, Max Snyder, Cooper Andrew Soltes, Sam Spade, Sue Spinuzza, Nicholas Sprenkel,
Jennifer Brucker St. Jean, Jennifer Strudwick, Donald Stuart, Faye Taylor, Molly Taylor, Dean Summers, Rita Thiel, Diane Thornton, Lynn ConnorToppings, Virgil Treece, Joseph Tyler, Eva Tyson, Lemar Underdown, Tova Urborg, Bob Valwa, Victoria Vinzami, Joyce Vitiello, John Watts, Ann
Watts, Donna Weiss, Bill Wells, Juanita Wharten, Nancy Waller, Paul Williams, Cory Williamson, Amanda Wilson, Chris Wilson, Kenneth Witcraft,
Paul Womak, Trudy Woodcock, Mason Wright, Pat Yerema.
Mass Intentions –With two priests at OLOH celebrating the English Masses, we will continue to have one announced intention for each
scheduled Mass. If one of the priests concelebrates he is able to offer Mass for another intention. Since the announced, scheduled
intentions extend into 2016, if you would like a Mass offered sooner that would be unannounced, unpublished and celebrated at no
particular date, for example for a deceased loved one whose family lives out of state or for healing for someone who is ill, please call the
Scripture Reading
Sat. Oct., 3
Bar 4:5-12,27-29 Lk 10:17-24
Gn 2:18-24 Heb 2:9-11 Mk 10:2-16
Sun., Oct., 4 “
Mon., Oct.,5 Jon 1:1—2:2,11 Lk 10:25-37
Tues., Oct., 6 Jon 3:1-10 Lk 10:38-42
Wed., Oct., 7 Jon 4:1-11 Lk 11:1-4
Thur., Oct., 8 Mal 3:13-20b Lk 11:5-13
Fri., Oct., 9 Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Lk 11:15-26
Sat., Oct., 10 Jl 4:12-21 Lk 11:27-28
Wis 7:7-11 Heb 4:12-13 Mt 10:17-30
Sun., Oct., 11 “
Requested by
Nicholas & Irene Leone +
Trudy Scribellito +
Annetta M. Sadowski +
Roseann Gallagher +
Our Lady Queen of Angels
Secular Franciscan Fraternity
For the Parish
Special Intentions of Will Rodes
Joann Johnson +
Gwen Gibson +
Ron & Rachel Godwin
Chris Cacienne
Al Sadowski
James T. Assemany
David Edward McCarthy
William Berg +
John Freeman +
Steve Motsney +
Int. of Paul & Katherine Byra &
Elizabeth & Henry Byra
Sp. Int. Theresa Freshwater
For the Parish
Audrey Binet, OFS
John & Ginny Lopiccolo
Ladies Aux. K of C
OLH Women’s Group
Peggy Peay
Father Peter
Father Peter
Father John
Father John
Sp. Mass
Father Gustavo
Sp. Choir
Luis Mariaca
Chris Beym, Eric Mistoler, Jenna
Deacon Burdick, Katie Herbst, Ina King, Sam Allen Harry
Willey, Marsha Sansonetti
Greg Motyka
Bernadette Wilson, Andrew Flanagan
Deacon Burdick, Al Sadowski, Gary & Linda Jasinski, Rusty
Don Moore
Peter Allen, Betsy Allen, Madison
Sydney Duda, Bella Robinson, Megan
Vanessa Escobedo, Jessica Torres,
Jonathan Mar
Deacon Jones, Liz Berg, Fran Dudley, E.J. & Michelle
Murphy, Carolyn Whalen, Mary Alexander
Deacon Jones, Adrian Thoman, Randi Olsen, David, Denise
& Megan Angel, Dave Brangan
Olga Mouly, Yolanda Reyes, Karen Rodriguez, Sebastian
Naranjo, Ramiro Muñiz, Nelly Vasquez, Sandra Reynoso,
Denise Arizaga, Rafael Garcia
Florence de
Maribel Fajardo,
Guadalupe Luna,
Ana Lilia Alonso