Church of St. Teresa January 24, 2016 50 - 20 45th Street, Woodside NY 11377-7398 Tel. 718 784-2123 Fax 706-6797 - THE PASTORAL STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Msgr. Steven A. Ferrari, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez, In Residence Mr. Roberto S. Abundo, Deacon Mr. Martin Soraire, Deacon Mr. Norberto Saldaña, Pastoral Minister/Religious Education Coordinator, 718-937-4819 Mrs. Divina Lopez, Parish Secretary Mr. Michael Koerber, Director of Parish Plant Mr. Steven Petersen, Director of Music Evelyn Munoz, Youth Minister Ms. Jean Marie Barrett & Ms. Diane Mucha, Lay Trustees MISSION STATEMENT Gathered with Christ to give thanks and praise, we share God’s word and work. As the diverse Roman Catholic Community of Saint Teresa, we are the living Body of Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we proclaim the faith and reach out to those in need. Unidos con Cristo para dar gracias y alabar a Dios, compartimos su palabra y su trabajo. Es por ello que en la diversidad de la comunidad Católica Romana de la parroquia Santa Teresa, somos el cuerpo viviente de Cristo y por el poder del Espíritu Santo proclamamos la fe y ayudamos a aquellos en necesidad. St. Teresa is part of a Deanery of Parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn that includes St. Raphael, St. Sebastian, Queen of Angels, Corpus Christi and Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians. MASS SCHEDULE /HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado 5:00 p.m. Sunday / Domingo 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 pm English 10:30 a.m. en español Weekdays / Diás de semana 8:00 a.m. Los miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en español hospitalized person to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick RECONCILIATION (Confessions) RECONCILIACION (Confesiones) Saturday / Sábado at 4:00 pm WELCOME! Help us to service to you. Please member of the Parish BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Please meet with a priest or deacon before making plans for baptisms. PLEASE BECOME A FULL MEMBER OF ST. TERESA BY REGISTERING AT THE RECTORY. Entrevistas bautismales los domingos después de la misa de las 10:30 a.m. en la rectoría. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO Please make an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months before the wedding date. Haga una cita con el sacerdote o el diácono de la parroquia por lo menos unos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES: Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays at 8:30 am MINISTRY TO THE SICK / CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Contact the rectory to arrange for a sick, homebound or Comuníquese con la rectoría para que una persona enferma u hospitalizada pueda recibir la comunión o unción de los enfermos. NEW PARISHIONERS NUEVOS FELIGRESES HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE INVALIDOS know you and to be of introduce yourself to any Staff. ¡BIENVENIDOS! Ayúdenos a conocerlos y servirles mejor. Comuníquese con uno de los sacerdotes de la parroquia. HÁGASE MIEMBRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE STA. TERESA. INSCRÍBASE EN LA RECTORIA. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00am-12:30pm (CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:30pm to 1:30 pm) 1:30pm - 8:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00 pm — Sunday: Closed RAISING THE BAR Through the efforts of parishioner William Sadd, a monthly fund raiser is now held every First Friday at a local pub/bar/bistro/watering hole to raise money and collect canned goods for our St. Teresa Food Pantry. The next fund raiser will be on Friday, February 5th 7-10 pm at a new place that just opened up called “The Alcove” (41-11 49th Street...Near the corner of Skillman Ave.), Sunnyside. All adults are welcomed! BLESSING OF CANDLES Tuesday, February 2nd is the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, commonly called “Candlemas Day”. It is the custom for candles to be blessed on that day for use in Church and at home. Bring candles to the 8 am Mass that day and they will be blessed and then may be brought home. FEAST OF SAINT BLAISE Wednesday, February 3rd the traditional blessing of throats will be offered on that day at both the 8am and 7:30 pm Masses. DO YOU LOVE TO SING? We are looking for more adults and young adults to join our Adult Choir and Youth Choir. If you like to sing, please consider joining us. We have a lot of fun things coming up including our “Spring Concert.” Everyone is welcome. We are especially looking for men to join since we only have three. If you are interested, please see Steve Petersen, our Director of Music, after Mass. YEARS PASS QUICKLY Msgr. Perfecto Vazquez arrived at St. Teresa’s eight years ago January 31st. Msgr. Steven Ferrari arrived here four years ago on the same date, January 31st. Please pray that both priests may continue, in God’s grace, to serve our wonderful parish of Saint Teresa. FOOD DRIVE The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul here in St. Teresa church is sponsoring a Food Drive to fill our Food Pantry and help those in need from our parish. On the last Sunday of each month, please bring to the church any of the following items: cereal, rice, oil, pastas, sugar, tomato sauce, juices, beans, tuna, soup, canned vegetables and peanut butter. Next Sunday, January 31st. Thank you for your generosity. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have its Brown Bag (Blue Bucket) collection next weekend of Saturday, January 30th and Sunday, January 31st. Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society will be at the doors of the Church to receive your monetary donations, which are used to help approximately 90 families in our parish. MEMORIALIZE A LOVED ONE Who has had the single-most influence on your faith life? A parent? A priest? A friend or family member? Why not make a gift to the parish in honor of his or her name? Memorial gifts are a wonderful opportunity for you to remember a loved one in a very meaningful way, and help support the eternal work of the Church. If you want to memorialize your beloved deceased or commemorate a special occasion you can make a donation for the following: Bread & Wine - $25 Sanctuary Lamps - $25 Flowers for the Altar - $25 to $100 FIRST FRIDAYS Friday, February 5th, and every month on the first Friday of the month, we will pray a "Holy Hour" after the 8 am Mass (in English) and at 8 pm (in Spanish). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will be part of the Holy Hour. Join us to worship and adore the Lord! NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA ALTAGRACIA Misa en honor a Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, Protectora Espiritual del Pueblo Dominicano. Hoy domingo 24 de Enero a las 10:30am. El Comité Altagraciano invita a la comunidad de Santa Teresa a unirse en la celebración eucarística. Gracias por sus oraciones y cooperación. BENDICIÓN DE VELAS Martes 2 de febrero es la fiesta de la presentación de nuestro Señor, comúnmente llamado "Día de la Candelaria". Es la costumbre bendecir las velas ese día para su uso en la iglesia y en el hogar. Traer velas a Misa ese día y serán bendecidos y luego pueden llevar a casa. FIESTA DE SAN BLAS El miércoles, 3 de febrero la tradicional bendición de gargantas se ofrecerá ese día a las misas de las 8 am y las 7:30 pm. DOMINGO DEL MINISTERIO LAICO El Domingo del Ministerio Laico se celebrara en toda la diócesis el fin de semana del 6 y 7 de febrero. Esta será una oportunidad para afirmar y celebrar a todos los laicos, mujeres y hombres que incansablemente dan de su tiempo y talento al servicio de los demás y a la Iglesia como ministros de la liturgia, ministros de consolación, miembros de los comités de finanzas y de los consejos pastorales, coordinadores de formación de fe de adultos, y en muchas otras cosas. Por favor únase a nosotros para una celebración especial en honor a estos dedicados voluntarios sábado, 6 de febrero a las 5pm. APRENDA INGLES La Iglesia de Reina de Los Ángeles ofrece clases de inglés los martes 6:30 pm y los sábados a 2 pm, 44-04 Skillman Ave. Sunnyside, NY. Por favor llame a la iglesia para más información (718) 392-0011 COLECTA DE COMIDA La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de Santa Teresa, auspicia la recolección de alimentos enlatados para la dispensa y ayudar a los mas necesitados de nuestra parroquia. Por favor traiga cada ultimo fin de semana de cada mes cualquiera de los siguientes alimentos: cereales, arroz, aceite, pastas, azúcar, salsa de tomate, jugos, frijoles, atún, sopa, vegetales enlatados y mantequilla de maní. Proximo Domingo, 31 de enero. Muchas gracias por su generosidad! SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL La sociedad de San Vicente de Paul tendrá su colección Brown Bag (cubo azul) el próximo fin de semana, 30 y 31 de enero. Miembros de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul estarán en las puertas de la iglesia para recibir sus donaciones monetarias, que se utilizan para ayudar aproximadamente 90 familias de nuestra parroquia. LOS AÑOS PASAN RÁPIDAMENTE Mons. Perfecto Vázquez llegó hace ocho años a Santa Teresa el 31 de enero. Mons. Steven Ferrari llegó aquí hace cuatro años en la misma fecha, el 31 de enero. Favor de rezar que los dos sacerdotes puedan cumplir con su misión de servir nuestra parroquia de Santa Teresa. PRIMEROS VIERNES Viernes, 5 de febrero, y cada primer viernes del mes, tendremos una "Hora Santa" después de la misa de las 8 de la mañana (en inglés) y a las 8 pm (en español). Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento y bendición será parte de la hora Santa. Únase a nosotros en oración para adorar al Señor! PEREGRINACION A NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE IN MEXICO Mons. Jonás Achacoso, JCD, de la parroquia de Reina de Los Ángeles esta organizando una peregrinación a la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en México, D.F. y también a otras iglesias importantes de México. El viaje será el 3-9 de Agosto 2016. Sera una gran oportunidad para poder entrar en la PUERTA SANTA de la Basílica de Nuestra Madre de Misericordia. Para mas información y reservación, pueden llamar (718) 392-0011. MASS BOOK 2016 Many daily Masses are still available for those who wish to remember a loved one, living or deceased. Stipend donations remain at $15.00 per Mass. PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE IN MEXICO Msgr. Jonas Achacoso, JCD, of Queen of Angels Parish, is hosting a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City and to other important pilgrim sites in Mexico on August 3-9, 2016. This is a great occasion to enter through the HOLY DOOR of the Basilica of Our Mother of Mercy. For reservations and more information, please call (718) 392-0011. “LEXOPHILE” “Lexophile” is a word used to describe those who have a love of words, such as “Did you hear about the fellow whose entire left side was cut off? He’s all right now.” or “A bicycle can’t stand alone; it’s just two tired.” How about: “When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.” WORLD DAY OF THE SICK In observance of the World Day of the Sick, every year celebrated on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11th, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be offered for all those eligible to receive it at 8 am and 12 pm Masses Thursday, February 11th. LENT BEGINS - ASH WEDNESDAY The holy season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday February 10th and extends for forty days. Easter Sunday is March 27th. Ashes will be distributed during all Masses and services on Ash Wednesday. The schedule for Ash Wednesday, February 10th is as follows: 8:00 am - Mass (English), 12 pm - Mass (Bilingual), 4:00 pm - Service (Bilingual), 7:30 pm – Mass (Spanish) LA CUARESMA COMIENZA - MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA El Santo tiempo de Cuaresma comienza el miércoles de ceniza 10 de Febrero y se extiende durante cuarenta días. El domingo de Pascua es el 27 de Marzo. Cenizas se distribuirán durante todas las misas y servicios el miércoles de ceniza. El horario para la ceniza el miércoles, 10 de Febrero es el siguiente: Misa de 8:00 am (ingles), 12 pm misa (bilingüe), 4:00 pm servicio (bilingüe), 7:30 pm misa (español). MARRIED COUPLES RETREAT Bishop Molloy Retreat House, a Passionist Spiritual Center in Jamaica Estates, welcomes the men/women of St. Teresa’s parish to participate in a retreat on the weekend of February 5-7. The retreat opens with Dinner at 7:00 pm on Friday and concludes with Mass at 11:00 am on Sunday. For further information, please call Bishop Molloy Retreat House at 718-739-1229, or call your parish promoter Angela and John Foti at 718-729-4884. Come and rest a while. BAPTISMS The following were baptized at St. Teresa during the past few months, Sydney Zabriskie, John Lliguicota, Ruben Nunez, Julia Tobar, Xzavier Torres, Angel Collaguazo, Franklyn Collazuazo, Nathalie Escobedo, Julian Hernandez, Aylin Estevez, Miles Szempruch, Frankie Sepulveda, Mariana Abella, Aliyah Michaca, Anthony Quizhpi, Joseph Quizhpi. We welcome them into our parish community. WEDDING BELLS Congratulations to several couples recently married here at St. Teresa’s: Patrick Cajamarca and Briana Fazio, Julian Quintana and Marly Britos, Joseph Falzarano and Aislinn Smith, James O’Brien and Kristen Sutera, Carlos Rios and Jessica Avila. May God bless them for many years to come. LAY MINISTRY SUNDAY Lay Ministry Sunday will be celebrated throughout the diocese on the weekend of February 6/7. This will be an opportunity to affirm and celebrate the many dedicated lay women and men who give tirelessly of their time and talent in service to others and to the Church as liturgical ministers, ministers of consolation, members of the finance and pastoral councils, adult faith formation coordinators, and so many other ways. Please join us for a special celebration honoring these dedicated volunteers at 5 pm Mass, Saturday, February 6th. JORNADA MUNDIAL DEL ENFERMO En la celebración del día mundial de los enfermos, cada año celebrada la fiesta de nuestra Señora de Lourdes el 11 de febrero, el Sacramento de la unción de los enfermos se ofrecerá para todos aquellos elegibles para recibirlo en la misas de 8 am y 12 pm el jueves 11 de febrero. CARTA DE CONTRIBUCIÓN DE 2015 Si desea una carta de sus contribuciones para 2015 póngase en contacto con la oficina de la rectoría y se la enviarán. Gracias. MASS INTENTIONS If you arranged to have a particular person prayed for at mass, notify the ushers so that you may bring up the gifts. Saturday - January 23rd 5:00 p.m. Ellen & John Brennan Sunday – January 24th 9:00 a.m. Barbara Motyka 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish 12:00 p.m. Maureen Flynn Monday – January 25th 8:00 a.m. Healy Family Tuesday – January 26th 8:00 a.m. Patricia Jordan EVENTS OF THE WEEK Sunday Cursillo -Auditorium K - 11:30 am RICA - Parish Center 1 pm Choir - Church 1 pm Cursillo - Church 3-6 pm Monday Toddlers - Auditorium 10 am Tuesday Food Pantry - Parish Center 6 pm El Credo - Parish Center 7:30 pm Wednesday A.A - Parish Center - 7 am Wednesday – January 27th 8:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving Burke Family 7:30 p.m. Aida Rivadenira Diego Fernando Arbelaez Anna Torres & Conrado Velez Humberto Rincon English Bible Study - Parish Center 8:40 am Pastoral Ministry - Parish Center - 7:15 pm “ “ “ “ - Auditorium K - 7:15 pm Thursday - January 28th 8:00 a.m. Luz Antonina Polanco & Cristobal Lopez Fransisco Choir - Church 7 pm Thursday Toddlers - Auditorium 10 am Grupo Carismatic - Auditorium 7 pm Friday – January 29th 8:00 a.m. Padula & Tortorelli Family Friday Cub Scouts - Auditorium 6 pm Boy Scouts - Auditorium 7 pm Youth Group - Auditorium K - 7:30 pm Saturday – January 30th 5:00 p.m. Mildred & Charles Cammarota Saturday Sunday – January 31st 9:00 a.m. Grady Family 10:30 a.m. Rosario Burgos (Health Intentions) 12:00 p.m. People of the Parish BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine was donated in thanksgiving for Elizabeth Lutas from Mary Burke and family for the week of January 24th. SANTUARY LAMPS The Sanctuary Lamp is lighted in memory of Cleo Carlotta Cochran by Flavia Williams for the week of January 24th. PRAYER LIST Let us pray for the sick of our community. Please remember the parishioners and friends of St. Teresa Church in your prayers. May they be touched by the healing hand of the Lord and restored soon to the full and active life of our community and their families. Vincent Casa, Mia Isabella Aguirre, Michael Lanzi, Cristina Lemos, Eileen O’Keefe, Tom O’Rourke, Isidora Dodschner, Monica Cardenas, Juan Carlos Muyudumbay, Esperanza Garcia, Carol Koerber, Adalfo Serandes, Susan Hinaut, Philomena Forde, Meg Gearing, Rosabel Contreras. N.B. - names remain on our “prayer list” for four weeks. Please call the rectory if more time is required. Choir - Church 7 pm Religious Education Classes - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Weekly Parish Support Jan. 17, 2016 $ 4,853.00 Jan. 18, 2015 $4,289.00 Some Major Bills Paid This Week Salaries: $8,920.82 Annual Diocesan Assessment: $31,600.00 Employee Benefits: $2,881.83 Employee Medical Insurance: $4,979.81 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust: $37,290.00 G & J Mechanical Co: $2,370.00 Church Cleaning: $2,702.00 McNulty Outdoors: $2,100.00 The Tablet: $782.00__________ Total: $93,626.46 Thank you for your generosity to St. Teresa 2015 CONTRIBUTION LETTER If you would like a letter of your Church contributions for 2015 please contact the Rectory office and it would be mailed out to you. Thank you.
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