In Today’s Gospel St. Patrick’s Parish PASTOR’S CORNER How can I bring peace into my relationships this week? En el Evangelio de Hoy ¿Cómo puedo traer la paz a mis relaciones esta semana? Dear Parishioners, Alleluia!! He is Risen!! Our parish, and each parishioner, needs to really hear the words of Jesus in today’s gospel: “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” What greater gift can we receive than the abiding presence of the Lord? He promised to be with us--to abide, to live in us--forever. It seems to me that one fundamental problem is that perhaps we are not content with what Jesus wants to give us. Often, it seems, we are looking for something else, something less than Jesus. We’d be happy to just have friendship with others who look or think or speak like us, or who share the same beliefs as us. If this is the case (as it so often is) then our coming together as a Church is in reality very superficial, and any unity that we claim is destined to collapse at the slightest trial. Today we celebrate Pentecost, the birth of the Church, when the Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son descended in fire and force upon the apostles. It is the very Real Presence of the Triune God Himself in sanctified human bodies and action. We need this Presence; the world needs this Presence. Jesus continues to be in the world--to the end of the age--through the Church. Today, I invite you to open yourself to His Presence so that we may all be transformed. Don’t settle for anything less. Thank you for all that you do to strengthen our communion with Jesus Christ. Please know that I keep each of you in my prayers. God bless you! In the Risen One, Fr. B. Mass Intentions for the week of May 28th Mon 8am Bob Wlaznak Blessing Mon 9am + Tue 8am Pat & Garland Crum Blessing Wed 8am Ilene Ungerecht Blessing Thu 8am Earl Schmidt + Thu 7pm Maria Peña + Fam. Flores Estrada + Fransisca Avila + Trinidad Diaz + Fri 8am Erika Torres Mendoza + Sat 8am Maria Anh Nguyen + SQUINA DEL ASTOR Sat 5pm Estimados Hermanos, Magdalena Mieng Le Blessing ¡Aleluya! ¡Resucito! Sat 7pm Nuestra parroquia, y cada feligrés, necesita realmente escuchar las palabras de Jesús del Evangelio Abigail Torres Sepulveda + de hoy: “Estoy siempre con ustedes, hasta el fin de los tiempos.” ¿Qué mejor regalo podemos Delfina Gamboa + recibir que la presencia permanente del Señor? Él prometió estar con nosotros – presente, vivir Maria Trinidad Robles + en nosotros – por siempre. Jesus Madrigal Blessing Me parece que el problema fundamental puede ser que quizás no estamos contentos con lo que Eloisa Vargas Blessing Jesús quiere darnos. A menudo, parece, estamos buscando por algo diferente, algo menos que Sun 7:30am Jesús. Estaríamos muy felices con sólo amistar con los que se visten, o piensan o hablan o que Maria Anh Nguyen + Sun 9:30am comparten las mismas creencias que nosotros. Si este es el case (como lo es muy a menudo) Jazmín García + entonces nuestro estar juntos como Iglesia es en realidad muy superficial, y cualquier unidad que Socorro Arzola + reclamamos está destinada al fracaso con la más mínima prueba. Cruz Villa + Hoy celebramos Pentecostés, el nacimiento de la Iglesia, cuando el Espíritu Santo del Padre y del Mariano Orozco + Hijo descendió con fuego y fuerza sobre los apóstoles. Es la Presencia Real del Mismo Dios Trino Edith Arciniega Healing en cuerpos humanos y acción. Necesitamos la Presencia; el mundo necesita la Presencia. Jesús Sun 6pm continua estando en el mundo – hasta el fin de los tiempos – a través de la Iglesia. Hoy, los invito a Josefina Silva + abriese a sí mismos a Su Presencia para que todos podamos ser transformados. Salomón Mendoza + No se conformen con nada menos. Salvador Sanchez Sr. + Gracias por todo lo que hacen para fortalecer nuestra comunión con Jesucristo. Por favor sepan Salvador Sanchez Jr. + que mantengo a cada uno de ustedes en mis oraciones. ¡Dios los Bendiga! Dominga Madrigal + E P En el Resucitado, Padre B. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please Support those listed in the back page of our bulletin whenever possible. ALTAR SOCIETY The Altar Society will install officers for the upcoming year on Monday, June 4th, after the 8:00 am Mass. Following this there will be a potluck brunch for the ladies of the Parish to enjoy each other’s company. We will also have a brief meeting to ratify changes to our constitution. Volunteers will be allowed to head some committees for the Altar Society Bazaar: tickets, children’s craft booths, publicity, & set-up/ take-down. We have leads on workers for these committees so the work shouldn’t be overwhelming. SOCIEDAD DEL ALTAR La Sociedad del Altar instalará oficiales para el año entrante el lunes 4 de junio, después de la Misa de las 8am. Enseguida habrá almuerzo de traje para las damas de la Parroquia, para disfrutar de la compañía de los demás. También habrá una pequeña junta para ratificar los cambios a nuestra constitución. Se le permitirá a los voluntarios encabezar algunos comités para el Bazar de la Sociedad del Altar: boletos, puestos de artesanías para niños, publicidad, & armar/desarmar. Tenemos pistas para trabajadores en estos comités para que el trabajo no sea intimidante. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS SAVE THE DATE Catholic Daughters of the Americas is planning a night filled with fun and excitement to raise funds to build an orphanage. Stay tuned for more information. MARQUEN LA FECHA Las Hijas Católicas de las Américas están planeando una noche llena de diversión y emoción para recaudar fondos para construir un orfanatorio. Estén en sintonía para más información. Catholic Daughters meet the first Thursday of every month in the South Rooms after the morning Mass and Rosary. All women are welcome. Las Hijas Católicas se reúnen el primer jueves de cada mes el los cuartos del sur después de las misa matutina y el Rosario. Todas las mujeres son bienvenidas. SECULAR FRANCISCANS HOUR OF PRAYER The monthly parish prayer for the Spokane Diocese Mediation Efforts led by the Secular Franciscan is held on the Third Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm. Please join us in the large conference room in the parish office building. FECHAS DE BAUTISMOS Los Bautismos son el Tercer Sábado de cada mes: Junio 16 Julio 21 Agosto 18 Septiembre 15 Octubre 20 Noviembre 17 Diciembre 15 10:30 a.m. o 12:00 p.m. en Español (La Secretaria escoge el horario, el cupo es limitado) La cuota es de $50.00 por cada niño. No reembolsable Las registraciones son de lunes a jueves únicamente Para más información, llame a la oficina al 547-8841. BAPTISM DATES Baptisms are on the Third Saturday of the month: June 16 July 21 August 18 September 15 October 20 November 17 December 15 9:00 a.m. in English The stipend is $50.00 per child. Non refundable Baptism registrations are from Monday—Thursday For more information please call the office at 547-8841. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN El Grupo de Oración Juvenil Rayos de Paz se reúne todos El Grupo de Oración Rayos de Paz se reúne todos los vierlos lunes a las 7pm en la Iglesia nes a las 7pm en la Iglesia CURSILLISTAS Los Cursillistas se reúnen todos los miércoles en el subterráneo de la oficina. Los invitamos a que nos acompañen. ¡De Colores! ESTUDIO DE GUADALUPANAS Las Guadalupanas se reúnen para rezar el Rosario todos los sábados a las 9:30 am en la capilla de la Virgen. Los invitamos a que nos acompañen. BIBLIA Cada sábado hay estudio de Biblia en el sótano de la oficina de la parroquia. Si quiere saber como leer mejor la Biblia, y aprender más de la palabra, este estudio será para usted. El horario es de 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm. INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LAS MISAS DE INTENCIONES Si gusta dedicar una misa para un difunto, el último día para anotar los nombres será el día viernes de cada semana antes de las 3 de tarde para la próxima semana. El límite es de cinco nombres en cada misa de español. La donación es $5.00 por cada intención. Si gusta dedicar una misa hable a la oficina al 547-8841 o pase a anotar los nombres. ¡Gracias a nuestros Anunciantes! Por favor Apoyen a los que se anuncian en la última página del boletín cuando les sea posible. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL St. Vincent Food Bank is in need of volunteers to help pick up donated food from WalMart and Albertsons three times per week in the mornings. Also, we need volunteers to help sort donated canned items on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you are available please call Sina @ 492-1342. Thank You! El Banco de Comida de San Vicente de Paúl necesita voluntarios para ayudar a recoger comida donada de WalMart y Albertsons tres veces por semana por las mañanas. También, necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a sortear artículos enlatados donados los martes y miércoles. Si usted está dispuesto a ayudar favor de llamar a Sina @ 492-1342. ¡Gracias! Today as we celebrate Pentecost the Holy Spirit wants to make us advocates of God’s presence to bring new life to others, especially those who do not know the love of God in their lives. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor. Hoy al celebrar Pentecostés el Espíritu Santo quiere hacernos abogados de la presencia de Dios para llevar nueva vida a los demás, especialmente a los que no conocen el amor de Dios en sus vidas. Cuando damos a los pobres, Dios derrama su amor, paz y alegría en nuestros corazones, en nuestras vidas y en los corazones de los pobres. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WINE APPRECIATION SEMINAR SERIES K OF C WINE APPRECIATION SEMINAR SERIES - The Knights of Columbus of Richland Council 3307 and Holy Spirit Council 10653 cordially invite you to join us for a series of 8 Wine Appreciation Seminars for 2012. The next seminar entitled “Wine and Wine Regions in Western Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia” will be held on Saturday, June 9, 2012 from Noon to 3:30 at the Knights of Columbus Hall on 2500 Chester Rd. in Richland. These seminars will be conducted by local Master Sommelier and Certified Wine Educator, Angelo Tavernaro. Angelo is a parishioner at Holy Spirit Parish and a Knight with Holy Spirit Council 10653. Tickets for each seminar are $35 per person and proceeds for all seminars will benefit Pro-Life causes supported by Richland and Holy Spirit Councils. Details and ticket purchasing info for the June 9, 2012 seminar can be found at http:// Tickets can also be acquired by contacting Angelo directly at 544-8753 or Marcel Bergeron at 554-4924. HELP FOR CAREGIVERS Join our new St. Patrick’s Caregivers Support Group. This self-help group begins on Wed. May 23, 2012 at 6:30pm in the South Rooms. We will provide on-going support, encouragement, and prayers, along with excellent community resources and techniques caregivers need to help them stay healthy in their role as caregiver. Come, share, and learn. If you are now in the role of caregiver for a senior, a person with a disability, or other illness, please join us. If you were in this rile and wish to share your experience with us, please come and do so. For information contact Herb Ayers at: 547-4862 or by email: [email protected]. CURSILLO NEWS Ultreya for June will be June 4, 2012 at Christ the King, Richland. Rosary at 7 pm in the Chapel and Ultreya at 7:30 in the multipurpose room. All Cursillistas are welcome to come and renew old friendships and make new ones. The next Cursillos are being planned for late September and early October. If you have questions and would like to know more about the Cursillo Movement, you can call Father O'Shea (509) 735-1478 or Mike Valentine (509) 967-3123 here in the Tri-Cities area. If you have a candidate and need a application, you can get one from our web site: PICTURES & CERTIFICATES Pictures, First Communion, & Confirmation Certificates are ready for pick-up in the parish office. Please come to pick up your certificates and pictures from 10am – 12pm and from 2pm – 5pm. Thank you. FOTOS & CERTIFICADOS Las Fotos, los Certificados de Primera Comunión y Confirmación están listos en la oficina de la parroquia para que los recojan. Por favor vengan a recoger sus certificados y fotos de las 10am – 12pm y de 2pm – 5pm. Gracias. It’s about and IDEAL summer! Lourdes Ideal Protein is the medical fat loss program “diet” companies don’t want you to know about. It’s developed by doctors and is a powerful, scientifically proven Biological Food Replacement Program that causes weight loss by targeting body fat while maintaining muscle mass and vitality. Most participants see an average of 3-7 lbs. lost per week.* If you’re looking for a proven diet that comes with a recommendation you can trust, attend one of our FREE Ideal Protein Info Nights. Space is limited so be sure to RSVP as soon as possible to guarantee a seat. Over 100 successful dieters have already joined and most are continuing in the Ideal Protein Program from our previous seminars. For complete information visit Thanks to our Advertisers! Please Support those listed in the back page of our bulletin whenever possible. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES PEGGY DEBORD RELIGIOUS EDUCATION K – 5TH GRADES Rosa Barrios--7 Years, Esther Chavez--2 Years, Bertha Daniel--1 Year, Bev Finke--2 Years, Virginia Gutierrez--2+ Years, Liza Guzman--4 Years, Lisa Hamilton--2 Years, Bernadette Hernandez--1 Year, Isabel Hernandez--4+ Years, Martha Klein--1 Year, Beatriz Lara--2 Years, Melissa Larios--3 Years, Neomi Mendez--13 Years, Shanna Mariscal--8 Years, Alma Martinez--1 Year, Erica Martinez--1 Year, Maggie Martinez--14Years, Melinda Martinez--5 Years, Melinda Martinez--3 years, Monique Martinez--1 Year, Bev Martinolich--14 Years, Eriselda McCoy--3 Years, Shanna Murguía--2 Years, Sandra Ortega--5 Years, Benita Peña--1 Year, Teri Perez--1 Year, Mindi Phillips--1 Year, Sandy Quiroga--1 Year, Christine Rodriguez--1 Year, Liza Romero--2 Years, Krystalina Sanchez-2 Years, Christine Sauceda--1 Year, MaryAnn Segura--8 Years, Viola Tobias--4 Years, Joan Toth--2 Years, Ramona Valdez--4 Years, Sandy Veliz--3 Years, Rosario Viera--2 Years, Janie Vijil-6 Years. in X 120 Certificates for Confirmation and First Communion are available in the office during the week, along with the photos taken of each child. Please come and pick up your child’s certificate and photos. Thanks go to all our volunteers who have shared faith with our parish children each Monday. Your gifts of faith, time, talent and treasure are appreciated! Faith 509-547-8841 Thanks also to Deanna Kelly, Coco Mayo-Shjerven, and Odilia Garza for substituting HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May 27 Ruben Garcia, May 28 Victoria Segura, June 1 Nathaniel Tovar, June 2 Erika Tovar ?Questions of the Week? ? ? How many books are there in our Catholic Bible? LAST WEEK’S QUESTION? ? ? How long is the Season of Easter? When does it end? The season of Easter is 50 days long. It begins on Easter Sunday and ends on the feast of Pentecost, which we celebrate this weekend. Action Adult Education Series Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:30pm South Rooms Whether you're thinking about converting, wanting to complete your sacraments, learn more about the faith our Lord gave us and why we do what we do, plus enjoy great fellowship along with it, Faith in Action is the class for you! Upcoming sessions: Session 7: Concluding Rite May 29, 2012: Practical Discernment June 19, 2012: Final Blessing & Prayer over the People June 26, 2012: The Mission of the Laity Attend one or all! If you have questions, please contact the Parish office at 547-8841, or contact Andy Hedrick at 492-0550 or Janet Harvey at 539-3529. CURSILLO NEWS Catholic Cougs have their own parish on the WSU campus: Saint Thomas More Catholic Student Center! Join us this fall for Sunday Mass, social activities, young adult group, retreats, faith formation, and much more! If you visit Pullman during the summer, take a moment to stop by. Once you are here for good, make our place YOUR place for a college career filled with faith, hope, and Christian love! Discover more about us by taking a look at our website:, or contact us by email at [email protected]. We are located at 820 NE B Street in Pullman. ¡Gracias a nuestros Anunciantes! Por favor Apoyen a los que se anuncian en la última página del boletín cuando les sea posible.
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