Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025
Parish Office 713 864-2653
Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site:
© Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM
Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482
Msgr. Adam S. McClosky
Gary Hilbig
Rodolfo Cerda
Juan F. Pareja
Cecilia Garcia
Pastoral Assistant
David V. Dwigans
Business/Facilities Mgr
Christine A Reyes
Dalia Mendoza
Mary Gahr
Director of Music
Jeanenne Hagerman Bookkeeper
Dan Schwieterman DRE
Irene Chavez
RE Admin Assistant
Adriana Guzman
Youth Minister
John Guzman
Hispanic Ministries
Baldemar Gonzales Custodian
Maria Crouch
5:30 PM (English)
8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English)
12:30 PM (Spanish)
Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM
8:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment
First Friday of the month after Morning Mass.
BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year.
MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation.
Call church office for appointment.
INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Communion & Confirmation - Call the church office.
First Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015
Your ways, O LORD, make known to
me; teach me your paths.
— Psalm 25:4
Little Saints Playgroup
Parents and caretakers are invited to bring their young children (infants through Pre-K)
for play on Friday mornings.
The group meets each Friday
at 9:30 AM in the church for
brief songs and praise before
moving to the St Vincent de
Room 3 for play. This is a
great experience of fellowship among adults and children alike. We hope you’ll
come, and we look forward
to fellowship with you!
If you would like to get
in touch, contact Leigh Anne
Lionberger at 412-303-6618.
Volunteers Needed to Help with Gardening
The St Fiacre Gardening Society will be working on Saturday morning, March 7th, in the gardens at All Saints. There is
much work that needs to be done: weeding, trimming, mulching, and planting seasonal flowers. The Society has only a few
members now, not enough to take care of this huge campus of
If you will be able to join us, please contact Jeanenne
Hagerman at [email protected] for more information.
Preparation for Adult Confirmation
February 23, 2015 to May 18, 2015
Each Monday: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Celebration will be at the end of May
Call the Parish Office to join or come on the first evening.
Meet in Room 3 of the third Age Learning Center.
Bring a copy of your Baptismal Certificate
Don’t delay; don’t miss this opportunity!
Preparación de Adultos para la Confirmación
23 de febrero a 18 de mayo del 2015
Cada lunes: 7:00 pm a 8:30 pm
Celebración: Será el fin de mayo.
Llame para reunirse o venga la primera tarde.
Clase será en el salón 5.
Traiga una copia de su Boleta de Bautismo.
¡No se tarde! ¡No pierda esta oportunidad!
Primer Domingo de Cuaresma
22 de febrero de 2015
Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos,
guíanos con la verdad de tu doctrina.
— Salmo 25 (24):4
Mark Your Calendar
Sunday, February 22
First Sunday in Lent
8:30 AM Mass (English)
9:15 AM CCE Classes (English)
9:45 AM Adult Bible Study (English) Conference Room
10:30 AM Mass (English)
11:15 AM CCE Classes (Español)
11:15 AM Adult Bible Study (Español) Parish Hall
12:30 PM Mass (Español)
1:30 PM Adult Book Club (Spanish) after Mass
2:00 PM TALC Mardi Gras Luncheon Parish Hall
Monday, February 23
8:00 AM Communion Service
7:00 PM Spiritual Renewal Book Discussion TALC
Room #2
Tuesday, February 24
8:00 AM Mass (English)
All Day
40 Days for Life Prayer March to End Abortion
7:00 PM RCIA Instruction SVDP Room #2
Wednesday, February 25
8:00 AM Mass (English)
5:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation
6:45 PM ECO Classes
7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice SVDP Room #1
Thursday, February 26
8:00 AM Mass (English)
7:00 PM English Choir Practice SVDP Room #1
Friday, February 27
6:30 AM That Man Is You Parish Hall
8:00 AM Mass (English)
9:30 Am Little Saints Playgroup SVdP Room #3
5:00 PM Fish Dinner Parish Hall (Guadalupanas)
6:30 PM Stations of the Cross (English)
7:15 PM Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
Saturday, February 28
10:00 AM Inglés como segunda idioma
4:30 PM Confessions
5:30 PM Mass (English)
7:00 PM Wedding Gonzalez / Sadeghian
Sunday, March 1
First Sunday in Lent
8:30 AM Mass (English)
9:15 AM CCE Classes (English)
9:45 AM Adult Bible Study (English) Conference Room
10:30 AM Mass (English)
11:15 AM CCE Classes (Español)
11:15 AM Adult Bible Study (Español) Parish Hall
12:30 PM Mass (Español)
1:30 PM Adult Book Club (Spanish) after Mass
3:00 PM TMO Caucus Assembly
Already contributed to this year’s Diocesan Services Fund? We thank you for your generosity and support of more than 60
ministries within our Archdiocese. Your gift is faith in action. If you have not had the opportunity to donate to the Diocesan Services Fund this year, please fill out a pew envelope or go visit We all join in prayer that our faith and commitment to others will always bear fruit in action.
¿Ya ha contribuido al Fondo de Servicios Diocesanos de este año? Le damos las gracias por su generosidad y apoyo a mas de
60 ministerios en nuestra Arquidiócesis. Su donación es fe en acción. Si usted no ha tenido la oportunidad de donar al Fondo de
Servicios Diocesanos de este año, por favor complete uno de los sobres de las bancas, o visite la página Nos
unimos en oración para que nuestra fe y compromiso hacia los demás siempre fructifique en acción.
Lent is a Journey – How will you live it?
The Rice Bowl project by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is one way we invite you to join the Catholics around the USA to
support the efforts of our church to serve the poor and areas of devastation that arise around the world. It is as simple as picking up
one of the Rice Bowls at the door of our church on Ash Wednesday or the first Sunday of Lent. An Information sheet is found
inside or for more information go to the website. Each day, drop your extra coins/dollars in the bowl as a reminder of the Lenten
pledge to pray, fast and help the needy. At the end of Lent, follow the instructions to send your donation or bring it to the church
where we will collect, count and send a check to CRE. Mother Teresa said, “Live simply so that the others can simply live!”
La Cuaresma es una jornada- ¿Cómo la vives tú?
El Proyecto “El Plato de Arroz”, de los Servicios Católicos de Ayuda (CRS), es una forma en que los invitamos a unirse a todos
los Católicos de los Estados Unidos, para apoyar los esfuerzos que hace nuestra iglesia para servir a los pobres aquí y en las áreas de
devastación que van en aumento alrededor del mundo. Es tan sencillo como tomar unas cajitas marcadas como “El Plato de
Arroz”, que podrán encontrar a la entrada de nuestra iglesia a partir del Miércoles de Ceniza, o durante el primer Domingo
de Cuaresma. Dentro encontrarán una hoja de información de cómo usarse o si desean mayor información, pueden entrar en la red
de internet. Cada día, pueden guardar monedas/billetes en la cajita, como recordatorio de que la Cuaresma nos pide orar, ayunar y
ayudar a los necesitados. Al terminar la Cuaresma, sigan las instrucciones para enviar su donativo, o tráiganlo a la iglesia, donde
se recolecta, cuenta y envía mediante un cheque a CRE. La Madre Teresa dijo: “¡Vivamos con sencillez para que otros puedan
simplemente vivir!”. Dios los ama a ustedes.
What Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Means to Me.
I remember as a child the many times I would go with my
father before the Tabernacle at our church where we would
kneel and pray in silence before the Blessed Sacrament. Now as
an adult I realize how special that was for my father because it
also became a very special time for me.
I look forward to every Wednesday where I have time to be
before the Presence of God, the actual, physical presence of
Jesus in the Eucharist. This is my time where I talk to Jesus one
-on-one. I give Him thanks for everything He has blessed me
with in my life. I ask Him for healing for my family and friends
who are sick and in need of His presence in their lives. I also
spend some time in silence to try and listen to what Jesus may
want to say to me. Wednesday nights at Adoration are truly a
special time. It is an honor to be before the Presence of God! I
once read "Time spent with our Beloved Savior in Adoration
can really become the most profound, joyful, meaningful, peaceful and healing experience we could ever encounter" and I can
testify to that! I would like to encourage everyone to have a one
-on-one talk with Jesus at Adoration. It can really enrich your
This is a written testimonial from a parishioner.
Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for
forgiveness, or else forgiving another.
—Jean P. F. Richter
Open Wide the Doors of Our Faith
Tuesdays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM | 2-Story School Bldg Rm 2
The Sacraments of Initiation - Part I
Baptism and Confirmation
presented by
Matthew Suniga, St. Mary’s Seminarian
February 24, 2015 beginning at 7:00 PM
The sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Confirmation,
and Holy Communion—are the three primary sacraments
on which the rest of our life as a Christian depends.
Through Baptism, we are cleansed of Original Sin and
receive sanctifying grace, the life of God within our souls.
Confirmation is the perfection of Baptism, and it gives us
the grace to live our life as a Christian boldly and without
shame. We invite you to join us for this four-part series on
the Sacraments. To learn more about Becoming Catholic, contact Kelly Hawkins at 713.515.8177 or visit
Religious Formation for Adults
Why Am I Catholic?
Rev. Larry Gipson from Our Lady of Walsingham, a former Episcopal priest and rector at St Martin’s, and David White, a former Methodist Pastor and now parishioner at All Saints, will share their process of coming into the Catholic Church. When? February 26th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Plan to join us for an uplifting and inspirational evening.
February 23rd Discussion meets in TALC #2, Monday
from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. We were “Made for More” by God
than just eating, sleeping and
working. Lent is a good time to
look if we are living for God or
just our own “more”. After
Jesus’ baptism, He went into the
desert for 40 days of prayer and
fasting to understand how God
called him to be more than Joseph’s carpenter son. Join us to
discuss ideas by Curtis Martin
how we may become more.
Seek these 40 days of Lent to be
made for more in life like Jesus.
Jesus had an ordinary life until
about 30 years of age when it turned
into an extraordinary mission. Where
are you in your life: not started with
the mission, on the way, or tasting the
extraordinary grace of God in life?
Lent is the time to examine our
mission. Come hear John Wood’s
key insights but even more, share the
adventures of your mission journey.
In walking together we can renew the
ordinary life of the church with the
extraordinary. The discussion group
meets Monday March 2, 9 and 23
from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in TALC #3.
Religious Formation for Youth and Children
First Confession & First Communion Programs
HELP Volunteers are needed for the four sessions on First Confession from March 28 th thru April 26th and later for First Communion from May 3rd through June. Volunteers are needed to teach, aide, and assist in other forms. We teach in English on Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM followed by Mass and in Spanish on Sunday from 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM preceded with Mass. RSVP
soon, please. For more information and details call 713-864-2653: Dan at ext. 205, Adriana at ext. 219 or Sra. Chavez at ext. 202.
Programas de Primera Confesión y
Primera Comunión:
AYUDANOS Necesitamos voluntarios para las cuatro sesiones de primera Confesión de Marzo 28 hasta el 26 de Abril y más
adelante para la 1ª. Comunión de Mayo 3 hasta finales de Junio. Se necesita a estas personas para que enseñen, ayuden y asistan en
otras formas. Tendremos clases en Inglés el Sábado de 4 a 5:30 PM, seguidas por la Misa y en Español el domingo de 1:45 a 3:15
PM, precedidas con asistencia a misa. RSVP pronto. Para mayor información y detalles llamen al: 713/864-2653: Dan, Ext 205;
Adriana, 219 y Sra. Chávez, 202.
We invite the youth from our parish from ages 14-17 to our
God's Not Dead Retreat which will be held on March 7, 2015
from 9 AM-10 PM. (Please go to to download the permission slip.) (Confirmation 2016 & 2017 are REQUIRED to attend as part of their Faith Formation.)
Following the 5:30 PM Mass we invite our parishioners and parents to join us in seeing the most talked about movie in America
"God's Not Dead". For more information, please Contact Adriana Guzman at 713-864-2653 EXT 219.
Invitamos a los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia de 14-17 años,
a nuestro retiro “Dios no está Muerto”, el 07 de Marzo de 9:00
- 10:00 PM (por favor, visiten nuestra página de y descargue la forma-permiso.) Se les pide
a las clases de confirmación C16 y C17, que asistan como parte
de su formación. Después de la Misa de 5:30 PM, invitamos a
nuestros feligreses y los padres a unirse con nosotros a ver la
película en ingles “Dios no está Muerto". Para más información,
favor de llamar a Adriana Guzman al 713-864-2653 EXT 219.
The All Saints Youth Ministry invites our youth 14-17 yrs of
age to attend the 2015 Winter Jam Concert, to sing and dance
with the best of the young generation of Christian artists. The
Concert will be held at the Houston Toyota Center on February
28, 2015. $10.00 admission fee at the door. We will meet in the
parish parking lot at 3:30 PM. Chaperones and transportation
needed (must be Virtus certified). If you would like more information, please contact Adriana Guzman 713-864-2653.
La oficina de Ministerio para adolescentes de Todos los
Santos invita a nuestros jóvenes de 14 a 17 años, a que asistan al
Concierto de Invierno 2015, para cantar y bailar con la mejor
generación de música Cristiana. El concierto se llevará a cabo en
el Toyota Center de Houston el 28 de Febrero, 2015, el costo es
de $10.00 de admisión en la puerta. Nos encontraremos en el
estacionamiento de la parroquia a las 3:30 PM. Necesitamos
chaperones y transporte (deben ser certificados en Virtus). Si
desean más información, favor de llamar a Adriana Guzman 713864-2653 ext 219.
Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week/ Lecturas de la Semana
February 21, 2015 – March 1, 2015
Saturday, February 21
St. Peter Damian
5:30 PM Leonard Bryan 
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Sunday, February 22
1st Sunday of Lent
8:30 AM David Keller 
10:30 AM Fr Dale Calhoun
12:30 PM PM Gloria Moreno 
Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22;
Mk 1:12-15
Monday, February 23
St Polycarp
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt
Friday, February 27
Tuesday, February 24
8:00 AM Steven Hernandez
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt
8:00 AM Cecilia Garcia
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Saturday, February 28
Wednesday, February 25
8:00 AM John Nelson 
Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Thursday, February 26
8:00 AM Rev Msgr Phillipe Le-XanThuong 
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3,
7c-8; Mt 7:7-12
Anuncios para la Comunidad Hispana
Para el domingo del 2/22/2015
Apreciados feligreses, con afecto les saludamos y nos ponemos
a sus órdenes para conocer sus necesidades en relación con
nuestra Parroquia. Cualquier inquietud o sugerencia será bienvenida para llevarla a las autoridades eclesiásticas competentes.
Muchas gracias y atentamente,
Bettys Arenas de Ruiz ( [email protected])
Carlos Ruiz Bolívar ([email protected]).
The Metropolitan Organization (TMO) se reunirá en Todos los
Santos el 1 de marzo del 2015 a las 3pm en el salón parroquial.
Favor de enviar sus necesidades para mejorar nuestra comunidad para ayudar fomentar nuestra agenda. Sus ideas son muy
importantes. Favor de enviar sus sugerencias, ideas, o preocupaciones a: [email protected].
Cada sábado a las 10:00 a.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m., en el salón 3
del edificio Third Age Learning Center (TALC). ¡Traigan una
merienda para compartir!
Cada domingo a las 11:15 am en el Salón Parroquial. ¡No pierda
la oportunidad de descubrir las maravillosas bendiciones que
DIOS nos ha regalado!
Si usted desea celebrar su Sacramento de Matrimonio en la Iglesia católica, pase por la oficina para empezar el proceso de preparación, o escriba a: [email protected] para más
5:30 PM People of the Parish
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt
Sunday, March 1
2nd Sunday of Lent
8:30 AM People of the Parish
10:30 AM Maria Venarske 
12:30 PM Fortino Andrade Veloz 
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps
116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk
Bus Trip to Delta Downs Casino
Third Age Learning Center is planning a trip to Delta
Downs Casino on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. There are still
spaces available on the bus. The cost is $20.00, and you will
receive a $10.00 voucher upon arrival
to play with or to buy your lunch. Departure from All Saints will be at 8:00
AM and return at about 5:30 PM. If you
would like to go, please call Liz 713862-5444 or TALC 713-248-1277.
Please place these couples in
your prayers as they prepare
for the
Sacrament of Marriage
Jessica Calleo
Denise Diaz
Stephanie Garcia
Mari Bryn Snyder
Nikki Ludowig
Haley Helweg
Julie Bissin
Brittany Wright
Casey Connor
Alison Breunig
Rosalba Ortega
Estela Guerrero
Kristin Baldwin
Darin Freshour
Jaime Avelar
Alexander Colby
Eric Dowdy
Keith Swiderski
Trey Fournier
J.D. Collado
Sean Cheben
Jeff Livarchik
Scott Coffey
Nicholas Garcia
Alex Bolanos
David Homsi
The Guadalupanas and the
Knights of Columbus will be serving
fish dinners during Lent. Come join
the All Saints Community to enjoy a
great meatless meal and help support
these two ministries to raise funds for
their projects. Dinners are served all Fridays during Lent. Serving is at 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.
Days of abstinence are Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of
Lent. Abstinence requires NO MEAT for all Catholics 14 years
of age and older.
Days of fasting are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Fasting allows one full meal and two lighter meals for all Catholics from the ages of 18 to 59.
For the Week Ended Sunday, 02/015/2015
Weekly Offering
Electronic Offering
Building Imp Fund
For the 33 Weeks Ended Sunday, 02/15/2015
Year- to-Date
Weekly Offering
377,440.58 (18,577.42)
Electronic Offering
Building Imp Fund
434,315.58 (19,885.42)
Special Collections:
Black & Indian Mission
Catholic Cruise to Caribbean
Christians throughout the Houston Metropolitan area are
invited to take part in the international 40 Days for Life effort
February 18th through March 29th, co-sponsored by the Houston Coalition for Life and the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston.
In addition to 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to
abortion in America, please consider volunteering to pray
outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 4600 Gulf
Freeway for one or more hours on Tuesday, February 24th,
the day All Saints has taken, and then spread the word to
others about this important life-saving effort! When people
are present in prayer at the abortion site, through the Grace of
God, hearts are changed and lives are saved.
For more information, or to volunteer, please contact
[email protected].
All are welcome!
La Legión de María
¿Quiénes somos? “La Legión de María es una asociación
de católicos que, con aprobación eclesiástica, tiene como fin la
gloria de Dios, y el bien de la Iglesia guiados por María Inmaculada, medianera de todas las gracias”.
Podemos acompañarte a rezar el
Santo Rosario en familia para dar gracias o solicitar mediación por tus necesidades, para acompañar a los enfermos o en los casos de muertes de familiares o amigos. Podemos ayudarte
para Entronizar el Sagrado Corazón de
Jesús en tu hogar y para visitar los
hospitales y cualquier otro sitio donde
la presencia de la Virgen María y de
nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea necesaria.
Nos reunimos los días miércoles a
las 7:30 pm en el Salón No. 2 (edificio San Vicente de Paul) en
la Iglesia de Todos Los Santos. CONTACTOS: Bettys Arenas
de Ruiz 832-458-4054 o Carlos Ruiz Bolívar 281-854-5284.
Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise
September 13th - September 20th, 2015 on Royal Caribbean’s
Navigator of the Seas out of Galveston, Texas. Ports of call
include Cozumel (Mexico), Belize City (Belize), Roatan
(Honduras) and back to Galveston. Prices begin at $999 for two
passengers. This includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass
offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your
cabin. Space is limited. For further information or to register,
[email protected].
Art with Heart
Saturday, April 18th at 7:00 PM, join San José Clinic at The
Corinthian at 202 Fannin St for Art with Heart, their annual
fundraising gala. It is going to be an exciting night featuring a
silent auction of art, jewelry, and Big Board packages. This
event supports the Clinic’s 93 year legacy of providing
healthcare for the underserved. For more information, call (713)
490-2620 or visit
San José Clinic’s mission is to provide quality healthcare
and education to those with limited access to such services in an
environment that respects the dignity of each person. The Clinic
is a Ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and a
United Way Agency and was founded in 1922 by Msgr. George
T. Walsh to combat the rising rate of infant mortality in the
Mexican community in his parish. With $50 from the Charity
Guild of Catholic Women and volunteer providers and nurses
from the community, San José Clinic began the mission that is
still in place 93 years later.
Attention Men of All Saints!
“That Man is You!” meets on Friday Mornings -- 6:30
AM to 7:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 6:00 AM
with breakfast. That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia
men’s program focused upon the development of authentic male
leadership. The program content harmonizes current social and
medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive.
Register at or contact Greg Getty at [email protected].
Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a
family member, friend or neighbor who is in need of prayer, let the
church know by either calling the parish office or emailing
[email protected].
Rudy Martinez, Carmene Romero, Estella Naranjo, Deborah & Socorro
Castillo, Richard Tristan, Brandon Tristan, William Samohyl, James
Tarazoff, Nicholas Rowell, Emma “Mimi” Newhouse, Angel Flores,
Pete Bolds Jr., Delia Lozano, The Lozano Family, Dorothy Scalco,
Rosi Hernandez-Curtis, Sue Ann Schwantes, Ralph Lasher, Juan Ygnacio, Miguel Perugache, Camile Nick & Gloria Herminia, Alexie
Alcoser, Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C. Garcia, Sylvia G. Reyes,
Blanche Perez, Refaela DeLeon, Jaclyn Aguirre, Mike Komkov, Janie
Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Terry Lee Smith, Laura LuLu Reyes,
Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard, Yvonne Davila, Leo Munguia, Louis
Freeh, Corina Pizzini, Ellie Perez, Rachael Soza, Sandra Martinez,
Lorenzo Diaz, Emily Hilbig, Ian & Elizabeth Alveraz, Virginia Zamarripa, Roberto Varela, Angela Perkins, Barbara Alban, Bettye Martinez, Joe B. Cortez, Mary Louise Flores, Griselda Ramirez, Lydia G.
Moreno, Rosie Peradre, Martin Engquist, Josie Cobb, Albert Lee Cobb
Sr., Katrina Cobb, Anthony Amy, Cecilia Garcia, Albert Reyes, Diana
Underwood, Fabiola Cagibal, Doyle Fontenot, Sister Mary Paulette,
Dee Hymel, Sandra Gilliam, Hayzel Leonard., Armando Hinojosa
Please contact the Church Office with an update.
Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in
the military. Join us in supporting their families as we pray
for their safe return:
Cecilio D. Flores, Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy
Boyorquez, Harry & Rocio Slone, Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G.
Martinez, Mark Lubinski, Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark
Hamm, Jillian Dougherty, Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, Michael Jones, Michael Katkoski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Leo
(Leo Getz) Richardson, Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Alban, Anthony Brian Garcia, Lt Colonel Christopher Goodyear, Anthony B. Garcia
Altar Servers
Altar Society
Art & Environment
Eucharistic Ministers
Homebound Ministry
Knights of Columbus
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry
Third Age Learning Center
Matthew Ardoin / Marisela Villarreal
Liz Lester
Barry Connor / Anita Longoria / Chuck Shoults
Isaac Tapia / Richard Malinowski / Elisa Jimenez
Jo Kelley Parish / Cecilia Garcia
Joel Syzdek
Jimmy Phillips / Juanita Sanchez
Kelly Hawkins
Maggie Tyerina / Wendy Nugent
Jeanenne Hagerman
Jo Kelley Parrish
Richard Kercho / John Ortiz
Charles Adams Chairperson
Pedro Amador
Duane Bradley
Esteban Caro
Christopher Cola
Charla Macicek
Trevor Pinkerton
Stephanie Sullivan
Paul Taverna
Mike Towns
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Msgr. Adam McClosky, Pastor
[email protected]
Gary Hilbig, Deacon
[email protected]
Cecilia Garcia, Pastoral Assistant
cecilia garcia@
David V. Dwigans, Business/Facilities Mgr [email protected]
Christine Anguiano Reyes, Secretary
[email protected]
Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist
[email protected]
Mary Gahr, Music Director and English Mass Choir Director
[email protected]
Gonzalo Ramos, Spanish Choir
[email protected]
Jeanenne Hagerman, Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Dan Schwieterman, DRE
[email protected]
Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Irene Chavez, RE Admininstrative Assistant [email protected]
John Guzman, Hispanic Ministry
[email protected]
[email protected]