From: Saint Junipero Serra Parish 42121 N. 60th Street West 661-943-9314 Bulletin #913086 Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J. - Pastor Bulletin Editor: Joy Densford [email protected] To: J. S. Paluch, Co. For: November 22, 2015 Saint Junípero Serra Parish A Catholic Faith Community Fr. Leo A. Dechant, D.Min.—Pastor Fr. Ernest Candelaria, Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, Fr. Giampietro Gasparin & Br. Jeyaraj William (All C.S.J.) Deacons Gary Poole, Paul Schwerdt, Rito Lopez Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, O.S.U.—Pastoral Associate 42121 North 60th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536-3767 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Phone: 661 943-9314 or Fax 661 943-6863 Mission Statement Saint Junípero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic Faith Community committed to moving forward always as missionary disciples for the Kingdom: attentive to the Word, to Sacrament, to Service and to Faith Formation. Modified September 23, 2015 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 AM—4 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM—8 PM Saturday 10 AM—2 PM Sundays - Closed SCHEDULE OF MASSES IN PARISH CHURCH Daily: Monday-Saturday 7:00 AM; M & F 7:30 PM Sunday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM (Saturday), Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 Noon; 2:00 PM (Español) Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 PM Declaración de Nuestra Misión La Parroquia de San Junípero Serra es una Comunidad evangelizadora de Fe Católica que se ha comprometida como discípulos misioneros a ir siempre adelante para realizar el Reino: por medio de la Palabra, de los Sacramentos, del servicio y instrucción de fe. Modificado el 23 de septiembre 2015 St. Elizabeth Mission (SEM) 13845 Johnson Road Lake Hughes, CA 93532 ††† MASS: Sunday 10:00 AM Confessions by Request Before and After Mass Sacrament of Penance (Confessions): Sat 3:30 PM—4:30 PM and by Appointment Ministry of the sick: Notify the office if someone is seriously ill or is scheduled for surgery as soon as possible to arrange for a priest to anoint the person. Holy Communion can be taken to the homebound by lay ministers of Holy Communion every week. Marriage, Baptism & Quinceañera: Please visit our web -site for basic information. Call the office to meet with a priest or pastoral associate for more information. Bible Sharing/Compartiendo las Escrituras: Wed. 7:15 - 8:00 PM Room 2/Jueves (en Español) 7:30-8:30 PM en Salón 2 SAINT JUNIPERO SERRA PARISH—Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, NOV. 22, 2015 Long live Christ the King! Today we celebrate the completion of our Lord’s earthly mission and his being seated at the Father’s right hand in glory, as we affirm in the Creed. Remember, by baptism you are priest, prophet and king; the kingly function is one of service more than power! Happy Thanksgiving Day coming up on Thursday! This civil holiday does help us focus on the positive in our lives—or at least on how we have managed to make lemonade out of any lemons thrown our way. A healthy way to face challenges is to see them as opportunities rather than as obstacles. Prayer, including asking for the maternal protection of the Blessed Mother, is most helpful in seeing things positively. The sacraments, especially Confession and Holy Communion, are also great sources of strength and comfort. Never stay away from them unnecessarily! The daily Mass in our church on Thanksgiving Day will be at 9:00 AM. The church will be opened about 8:00 AM and closed about 30 minutes after Mass ends. The Eucharist is thanksgiving par excellence! Please make plan to join your fellow pilgrims for the Mass on this joyous day. An Eagle Scout project at our parish included an information booth in the corner of the vestibule by the ministry room. It has until now been very poorly utilized. I’d like to change that; to do so we need: Volunteers at all of the Masses—the Knights have been helping with this a bit Some folks who would like to be a sort of “Welcome Wagon” for visitors and new parishioners; eventually with the emergence of a leader for the group Feedback from you folks on what would have been nice to have received at the information booth when you first started worshipping at St. Serra Parish Brainstorming on possible “handouts” or reading materials that would be helpful for people Contact me, email is best, to help get this launched. My email is [email protected] Mary Oga, the Forward in Faith, Fulfilling our Mission secretary, is normally in her office on Monday and Friday should you like to make a pledge, extend or increase your pledge, give a one-time donation, ask about how to get matching funds from your employer, or the best way to transfer ownership of stocks and other assets. Phone number 943-9314, extension 105. If you miss her, Mary Centeno at extension 107 can also help you. Next Sunday we begin a brand new Church year with the first Sunday of Advent. Try to use the Advent season as a time to prepare for the coming of Christ into your heart. Not every Christmas party needs to fit in before the actual day—it’s Christmas until the Baptism of the Lord, January 10th this year! Our American practice, fueled by the merchants, is to anticipate holidays and then drop them the next day. The liturgical calendar prepares for feasts and then celebrates them for an even longer period afterwards. FATHER SERRA PARISH DIRECTORY WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination: Fr. Leo—ext. 103 Asistente de dirección de liturgia: Jose Romero — 818-429-6366 E. Ministers of Holy Communion — Anne Trabold - 992-6404 Communion to the sick/homebound — Michele Simpliciano — 722-5093 Lectors — Scott Watson — 943-9525 Hospitality — Tom Billeter —947-3398 Head Sacristan — Larry Flores —579-6907 Parish Director of Music — Sharon Rohaley — 816-4288 Assistant Director of Music—Nancy Schwerdt — 943-7273 Coordinador de Música en Español—Alfonso Alvarado—943-9314 Altar Servers — JoAnne Lacson — 267-2036, 400-1728 Email: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Phone 943-5912 Hours Mon. to Thurs. 12:00—5:00 p.m. or by appointment Interim Coordinator of Religious Education—Cassandra Ortiz—ext 101 Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation— Cathy Moreno—ext 110 Administrative Assistant—Dan Vernor—943-9314, ext. 105 RCIA & BAPTISM PREPARATION Sr. Marie Ellen Kuhel, OSU—ext. 104 RICA & PLATICAS POR EL BAUTISMO Marvin and Maria Julia Castillo - Coordinadores—661-618-1578 COORDINATOR OF HISPANIC MINISTRY/QUINCEAÑERAS Fr. Sylvan Schiavo, CSJ—ext.102 PRE-SCHOOL Director — Cheryl Espinosa — 802-6375 ADMINISTRATION Business Manager—Mary Centeno ext. 108 Accounting——Dawna Ward ext.107 Bldg. Campaign Secretary—Mary Oga—Mon.. Tues. PM & Fri. ext. 111 Parish Secretary—Vicki White—ext. 100 Receptionist—Frances Rini—ext. 100 Staff Emails: First initial/last [email protected] e.g. [email protected] Fr. Giampietro: 943-3255, ext. 118, [email protected] Bereavement Support Group- Leona Fenbers—943-9646 Child Safety—Vonnie Bennett, [email protected] Women’s Clinic of the Antelope Valley—661-947-0400 Encuentro Matrimonial—Vidal y Laura Zavala —273-7861 Engaged Encounter—Pat and Kay McNeil—718-3335 Marriage Encounter—Joe and Patty Dagata—943-8881 Retrouvaille (Troubled Marriages)—(800) 470-2230 Amazing Grace Prayer Group--Rose Sedillo--400-5658 Couples for Christ—Mr. Rudy Mamaril—886-0782 Marian Cenacle Community Prayer— Jessica Acoba—273-8041 Jesús, Fuente de Misericordia—Raul Zapata—206-5489 Magnificat Prayer Group—Rita Trabold—943-6402 K of C—Al Scarpine, Grand Knight—718-1969 Business Meeting 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 PM Quilting Ministry—Maria Flores—579-6907 SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY Community Council Chairperson Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Altar Society President Lu Bole - 661 270-9262 WORSHIP Liturgical Coordination—Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-6475 Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon-947-6032 & Joanne Melfi-724-0314 Altar Servers —Br. Jeyaraj William, CSJ -661 943-9314 E-Ms of Holy Communion—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 661 262-6090 Sacristan—Janet Donoho -661 724-2067 MISSION BELL PRESCHOOL The Office of Faith Formation Wishing you all a very blessed Thanksgiving! We MBPS Staff will enjoy the week at home celebrating Thanksgiving making special memories with our families. When classes resume, we’ll begin preparing for our Annual Christmas Pageant. We’ll incorporate lots of music and movement, memorization skills, and tons of patience! The students really get a healthy dose of this as they listen to each other practice their speaking parts! Can you just imagine it? ●Shop and support MBPS on: Friday-SaturdaySunday, November 27, 28, 29, 2015 Where: Barnes and Noble in Palmdale What to say? Mention you’re supporting MBPS to ensure we get the credit! How? You can shop either online or in the store! The choice is yours! Thanks for your support! Religious Education--We are on Thanksgiving break right now—from November 23rd-29th and classes will resume on November 30th. ●Sunday, December 13, 2015 @ 9:00 am in FSP Hall MBPS Annual Christmas Pageant All are welcome! There isn’t a better way to add to the spirit of Advent! Let us help your heart prepare for the way of the Lord! Blessings! Miss Cheryl and the Awesome MBPS Staff Thanksgiving Day Mass Gather to give thanks at a 9:00 AM Special Mass Thanksgiving Day! Please Note—The Parish Office and the Church campus will be closed on Thursday, the 26th for Thanksgiving Day, and on Friday, the 27th. Resources for Entering Advent Well The “Praying Advent” website offers many helpful resources for individuals and families who want some help to begin the season of Advent and move through it well. There are a great variety of pages which will address the issues almost anyone is facing. In common sense language the site helps us pray through Advent as we may never have done before. In addition, there is a Daily Prayer for each day of Advent, based upon the Collects of the New Roman Missal. Just Google “Praying Advent” to find the site on the Creighton U. Online Ministries web site. Confirmation●Next Large Group Gathering: January 10th from 1:30-3:30 in the parish hall for candidates, ending with Mass at 3:30 for candidates and their families; in fact all are welcome to join the Mass. Attendance at the whole group confirmation meetings is an integral part of the formation process for confirmation. ●Year 2 Retreat: The date for this retreat is now March 19th —note the change from February 20th. ●Confirmation 2016: The date is April 2nd at 10:30 a.m. with Bishop Brennan. Year 2 candidates and parents, be sure to mark your calendars and notify your sponsors! ●Registration: 2015-2016 registration is officially CLOSED and no further registrations will be accepted. Early-bird registration for 2016-2017 will take place this coming March. Be sure to watch the bulletin for dates and times! Life Teen (grades 9-12) ●This Sunday’s Life Night – Movie Night! Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story – Dorothy Day lives hard, makes mistakes, and endures the consequences. But the unquenchable fire burning within her cannot be contained, and during the Depression, she vows to house the homeless, feed the hungry, and tend the sick – despite only having 97 cents. Yet Dorothy persists, walking on frequently stormy waters of faith. Because the movie run time is 112 minutes, this Life Night will be from 6:00-7:50 p.m. Edge (grades 6-8) ●Our next Edge night is Wednesday, December 2nd – “Praying, Waiting, Anticipating!” Advent is a time of prayer and anticipation, not only for the celebration of Jesus’s coming at Christmas, but also for the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time. Come learn all about the symbolism behind the colors and decorations used during this time and how they point us to these events! Edge Night is from 6-7:30 in the parish hall. QUILTING MINISTRY The Quilting Ministry will not meet until January 2016. MASSES SATURDAY, 21 November 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM †Vickie Thompson SEM 2:00 PM SP MONDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 10:00 AM MFG WEDNESDAY, 7:00 AM THURSDAY, 9:00 AM FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 7:30 PM SATURDAY, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY, 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM SEM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM SP For the People of the Parish 22 November, Christ the King † Truman King † Dorothy Gaidelis Anne Marie Lave † Leo Rohaley † Enrique Rosales Arellano 23 November † Susie Dambracus † Enrique Rosales Arellano 24 November † Jerry Schoeppner For the People of Mayflower Gardens 25 November † Janette Marcinco 26 November Thanks to God for Parish Blessings 27 November Florendo & Maria Gaba † Carlos Veliz 28 November † Marchessa Vickers † Patrick Giampietro 29 November For the People of the Parish † Luis Acuzer Altar Society † Amparo Sagardia † Adolfo Castaneda Fifth Annual Family Christmas Tea Hosted by St. Junípero Serra Parish and Women of Grace for the AV Women’s Clinic Saturday evening, December 5, 2015 Father Serra Parish Hall 6:00 p.m. Table Viewing, 6:30 p.m. Dinner Tickets $25.00 payable to WCAV (Advance Sale Only) To host or purchase tickets please contact Diana Sipes (661) 722-5409 For donations of raffle/auction items please contact Janet Berard (661) 206-8276 by December 1 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 22 Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:6267; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:211; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 -- 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36; Jn 18:33b-37 Pray for our ill parishioners... Mike Aranda, Charles Aubrie, Emmanuel Audencial, Warde Bajakjian, Maria Barber, Peter Barraza, Paul Bozigian, Nannette Bruck, Paul Burkman, Wayne Burton, Olivia Carchi, David Carrillo, Tito Collantes, Dr. Edwin Corpuz, Curtis Crawford, Tony Dechant, Greg Dechant, Pat Defusco, Jean DeLaVara, Isidro DeLeon, Marie Fernando, Alma Fujiwara, Mario Galvan, Mary L. Glover, Gary Glover, Claudio Gormaz, Mercy Gonzales, Patrick Guzman, Bob Henderson, Lily Honeycutt, Dan Hodgens, Emily Jarquin, Sonny Huerta, Alicia Kessler, Hala Kessler, Betty Knolls, Hope Lariosa, Manual Lopez, Manuela Lopez, Susanne Lydon, William Mahady, Liz Marcinko, Eugene McGuire, Herb & Jo Meister, Agustina Mendoza, Michelle Moklebust, Betty Nolls, Ryan Noonan, Colton Oschmann, Samantha Orozco, Christina Padilla, Josephine Padilla, Jeannie Poole, Carleen Pixley, Anita Ramirez, Allen Ralph, Wilfredo Repuyan, Rosa Elida Castillo-Rodriquez, Sara Ruiz, Syndi Sabo, Kristian Salazar, Jennifer Schlientz, Roberto Sosa, Franco Stanco, Mary M. Tapia, Juan Ubillus, Jay Valerio, Chris Vernor, Grace Watson, Mary Crow, David Wilson, Josephine Wilson. Great News for Our CSJ Community Br. Jeyaraj Joseph William Will be ordained a Transitional Deacon At St. Junípero Serra Church By Archbishop José Gomez At the 2:30 Mass on December 13, 2015. Blessing of the bronze statue of our patron saint after Mass. Reception in St. Serra Hall. KNIGHTLY NEWS CHRISTMAS CHILDREN’S CHOIR Events and happenings sponsored and or supported by the Knights of Columbus, St. Leonard Murialdo Council 10667. Christmas is coming sooner than you think and we would like to invite all children in grades three through eight to participate in our Christmas Children’s Choir. This Children’s Choir will provide music at the 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass on 12/24. We will practice in the choir room from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. on Sundays between the 9:30 and noon Masses. Beginning on 11/15. We will be learning to sing twopart harmony and playing the hand-chimes. Come and join us! If you have any questions, please come talk to Nancy at the piano after the English Masses. Thank you, Nancy Schwerdt We will be selling the new 2015 Edition “Keep Christ in Christmas” Magnets after all Masses on November 28th and 29th for $5.00. This is a religious vocation support fundraiser. Light up for Christ – The annual Parish Christmas Tree Lighting will be on December 1st at 7:45 PM in the Hall. We will sing a few Christmas carols, light the tree, and have seasonal refreshments. The Knights of Columbus invite all parish families to “Light up for Christ” this Christmas Season. Pancake Breakfast – After the masses on December 6th. The pancake breakfast is for the enjoyment of all parishioners. Come to the hall for Pro-Life Walk, OneLife LA, Downtown Los Angeles, January 23, 2016 Join thousands for the 2nd annual event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life. Register for FREE today @! The nationwide release of the movie “Spotlight” was Friday. It is supposed to be well done as far as such documentaries go. Please remember, however, that much has indeed changed since then. Admittedly, some cases still get reported, but we do an awful lot now to train and to screen volunteers and clergy than before. Pray for the healing of all victims and perpetrators. This is a historical sin for which we are still atoning, but we are moving forward. —Fr. Leo See this link for a informational review: Evangelization is the duty of all the baptized— bring someone with you to Sunday Mass or to a social event at the parish. The seasons of Advent and Christmas are full of great opportunities to bring someone to our church! Prayer to Stop Assisted Suicide: O God, source of all life and hope, look kindly on our brothers and sisters facing the end of their lives, fill them with the hope of your mercy and give them peace and comfort. We pray for all Californians, inspire them to protect the lives of the elderly, the infirm and the disabled. Renew our commitment to building a community where every human life is welcomed and wanted, valued and defended—from conception to natural death. We ask this through the intercession of Saint John Paul II. Amen. Why Oppose Assisted Suicide? Sends the Wrong Message: Legalizing suicide for the termi- nally ill, while discouraging it for the rest of the population, teaches that the lives of the ill and disabled do not matter to our society. Will Worsen Patient Care: Patients in other states, like Barbara Wagner in Oregon, are being denied treatment prescribed by their doctors, and instead offered drugs for assisted suicide. Will Increase Non-Terminal Suicide Rates: Suicides skyrocket when is legalized. Oregon's suicide rate for nonterminal people increased 49% after assisted suicide be- Women’s Clinic of the AV The Women’s Clinic is in need of donated items. Please leave donations at the Parish Office or at the Clinic at 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd. Suite E, Palmdale. Baby shampoo, body wash, powder, lotion Diapers sizes newborn and 4 Baby bottle brushes Pacifiers Baby toys, teethers ¡Viva Cristo Rey! Hoy celebramos la finalización de la misión terrenal de nuestro Señor y de su estar sentado a la derecha del Padre en gloria, como afirmamos en el Credo. Recuerde, por el bautismo usted es sacerdote, profeta y rey; la función real es uno de los servicios más poderosos! Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias viene el jueves! Esta fiesta civil nos ayuda a centrarnos en lo positivo en nuestras vidas, o al menos en la forma en que hemos logrado hacer limonada de los limones lanzados nuestro camino. Una forma saludable de enfrentar desafíos es verlos como oportunidades y no como obstáculos. La oración, incluyendo pidiendo la protección maternal de la Virgen María, es más útil para ver las cosas positivamente. Los sacramentos, especialmente la confesión y la Santa Comunión, también son una gran fuente de fortaleza y consuelo. ¡Nunca mantenga alejado de ellos innecesariamente! La misa diaria en nuestra iglesia en el Día de Acción de Gracias será a las 9:00 AM. La iglesia se abrió alrededor de las 8:00 de la mañana y cierra a unos 30 minutos después de que termine la misa. La Eucaristía es acción de gracias por excelencia! Por favor haga plan para unirse a sus compañeros peregrinos para la misa de este día de júbilo. Un proyecto de Eagle Scout en nuestra parroquia incluye un puesto de información en la esquina del vestíbulo de la sala de ministerio. Ha sido hasta ahora muy mal utilizado. Me gustaría cambiar eso; para ello necesitamos: Los voluntarios en todas las Misas, los Caballeros han estado ayudando con esto un poco Algunas personas que les gustaría ser una especie de "Bienvenida" para los visitantes y nuevos feligreses; finalmente, con la aparición de un líder para el grupo La retroalimentación de ustedes, la gente en lo que habría sido agradable haber recibido en la caseta de información cuando empezaste adorar a La Parroquia de San Serra Lluvia de ideas sobre posibles "dádivas" o materiales de lectura que sería de gran ayuda para las personas Ponte en contacto conmigo, el correo electrónico es la mejor manera, para ayudar a que esto suceda. Mi correo electrónico es [email protected] Mary Oga, la secretaría de Adelante en la Fe, Cumpliendo Nuestra Misión, está normalmente en su oficina el lunes y el viernes si quiere hacer una promesa, ampliar o aumentar su compromiso, dar una donación de una sola vez, preguntar acerca de cómo obtener fondos de contrapartida de su empleador, o la mejor manera de transferir la propiedad de las acciones y otros activos. Teléfono 943-9314, extensión 105. Si no está disponible, Mary Centeno en la extensión 107 también puede ayudarle. El próximo domingo comenzamos un año nuevo de la Iglesia con el primer domingo de Adviento. Trate de usar el Adviento como un tiempo para prepararse para la venida de Cristo en su corazón. No tienes que asistir a todas las fiestas de Navidad antes del día actual de NavidadNavidad es hasta el Bautismo del Señor, el 10 de enero de este año! Nuestra práctica estadounidense, impulsado por los comerciantes, es anticipar las vacaciones y luego caer al día siguiente. El calendario litúrgico se prepara para las fiestas y luego les celebra por un período aún más largo después. Oficina de Formación en la Fe Educación Religiosa—estamos en receso de acción de gracias ahora, de los días 23-29 de noviembre y las clases se reiniciarán el 30 de noviembre. Confirmación ●La próxima gran reunión del grupo de confirmación: será el10 de enero de la 1:30-3:30 en el salón parroquial para candidatos, terminando con una misa a las 3:30 para los candidatos y sus familias; desde luego que todos están invitados a asistir a esta misa. La asistencia a las reuniones de confirmación con todo el grupo es una parte integral del proceso de formación para la confirmación. ●El retiro para el segundo año de confirmación: la fecha de este retiro es ahora el 19 de marzo, note el cambio que antes era el 20 de febrero. ●La Confirmación del 2016: la fecha es el 2 de abril a las 10:30 con obispo Brennan. ¡Los candidatos del segundo año y padres, asegúrese de marcar sus calendarios y notificar a tus padrinos! ●Las inscripciones para el año 2015-2016 ya están cerrado y no se aceptará más alumnos. Las nuevas inscripciones para el año 2016-2017 tendrán lugar en marzo del 2016. ¡Asegúrese de leer el boletín para fechas y horarios! ¡La vida nocturna de adolescentes (grados 9-12) ●el domingo – habrá noche de cine! La película Entreteniendo Ángeles: La historia de Dorothy Day– la vida de Dorothy Day quien tuvo una vida difícil, cometió errores y asume las consecuencias. Pero el fuego ardiente dentro de ella no podía ser apagado, y durante la depresión, se compromete a ayudar a los que no tienen donde vivir, alimentar a los hambrientos y ayudar a los enfermos, a pesar de tener sólo 97 centavos. Pero Dorothy persiste, en su caminar por las aguas de frecuentes tempestades de la fe. Debido a que la película tiene una duración de 112 minutos, esta noche será de 6:00-7:50 Pre adolecentes (grados 6-8) ●la próxima noche de reunión será el miércoles, 2 de diciembre – ¡orando, esperando, anticipando! El adviento es un tiempo de oración y de anticipación, no sólo para la celebración de la venida de Jesús en la Navidad, sino también para la segunda venida de Cristo al final de los tiempos. Ven a aprender todo sobre el simbolismo detrás de los colores y las decoraciones usadas durante este tiempo y cómo nos enseñan a anticipar estos eventos! Noche de preadolescentes sera de 6-7:30 en el salón parroquial. ¿SABIA USTED? La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ha implementado políticas y procedimientos rigurosos para garantizar que nuestras parroquias y escuelas ofrezcan un ambiente seguro para todos los niños y jóvenes. Estos incluyen: Cero tolerancia; Pautas para adultos que son empleados o voluntarios en programas con menores; Pautas sobre los “límites de contacto” de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles para jóvenes de “junior high” y “high school” que son empleados o voluntarios con niños o jóvenes; y Procedimientos para el cumplimiento de la Ley de Megan. Para ver éstas y otras políticas visite
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