Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time August 9, 2015 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS LA CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ 1400 Washington Street., Boston, MA 02118-2141 Mailing Address: 75 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Phone: 617.542.5682 • Fax: 617.542.5926 Website: • Email: [email protected] HIS EMINENCE, SEÁN PATRICK CARDINAL O’MALLEY, OFM CAP Archbishop of Boston CATHEDRAL STAFF/ EQUIPO PASTORAL Very Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary, VF, Rector • Ricardo Mesa, Deacon Robert V. Travers, Jr, Pastoral Associate • Sr. Velinda Sanchez, MSW Evangelization • Sr. Ruth Haley, SSND Pastoral Associate Christopher Kelley, Finance & Operations Manager • Jessica Santiago, Secretary • Elizabeth Babaian, Administrative Assistant Brian Frawley, Gift Store Manager• Leo Abbott, Director of Music • William Maldonado, Hispanic Choir Director MASSES IN ENGLISH SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY : 9:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISM/BAUTISMO - WEDDINGS/BODAS RCIA/CATECUMENADOS CONTACT PARISH OFFICE FAVOR DE CONTACTAR LA OFICINA MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGO: 9:30 A.M. MARTES Y JUEVES: 7:00 P.M. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) CLASSES MEET ON SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. IN SPANISH CATECUMENADOS DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) EXTRAORDINARY FORM : LATIN MASS SUNDAY: 11:00 A.M. (LOWER CHURCH) VESPERS (EVENING PRAYERS) SUNDAY: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER – JUNE) VÍSPERAS (ORACIÓN DE LA NOCHE) DOMINGO: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE– JUNIO) RELIGIOUS ED. FOR CHILDREN SUNDAY AT 11:00 A.M. CATEQUESIS: PARA NIÑOS (4–13) DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. CONFIRMATION: SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. YOUTH 14–17 CONFIRMACION: DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. 14–17 EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR OF ADORATION FIRST FRIDAYS: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER—JUNE) ROSARY GROUP: MEETS ON WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 P.M. CONTACT: LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO HORA SANTA Y ADORACIÓN GRUPO DE ROSARIO: LOS MIERCOLES A LAS 7:00 P.M. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 PRIMEROS VIERNES 7:00 P.M. a 8:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE—JUNIO) EVANGELIZATION: LET GOD ILLUMINATE YOUR LIFE. COMEAND JOIN OUR BIBLE CLASS. CONTACT SR. VELINDA SANCHEZ 857–615–1975 CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS AT 4:00 P.M.– 4:15 P.M. OR BY APPT. CONFESIONES: SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADOS DEL MES, 4:00 P.M. O POR CITA. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN / SPANISH PRAYER GROUP TODOS LOS VIERNES DE 7:00PM—9:00PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA SACRISTÍA DE ABAJO EVERY FRIDAY 7PM-9PM LOWER SACRISTY EVANGELIZACION: DÉJÀ QUE DIOS ILLUMINE TU VIDA. VEN A RECIBIR LAS CLASES BIBLICAS. HERMANA VELINDA SACHEZ 857–615–1975 GIFT SHOP: LOCATED AT THE FRONT FOYER OF THE CATHEDRAL 617-574-4758 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.–1:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.– 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. TIENDA : LOCALIZADA EN LA ENTRADA DE LA CATHEDRAL. HORARIO: LUNES–VIERNES 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. SABADO 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. DOMINGOS 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA Welcome Visitors We wish to extend a warm welcome to all who attend Mass with us each weekend as visitors to Cathedral of the Holy Cross Parish. We are happy to have you with us. Please introduce yourself to, Fr. Kevin O’Leary , at the end of Mass. BAPTISM Beautiful Beginnings We wish to welcome into our parish family. ~ ~~~~ All Are Welcome ~ ~~~~ The following young people, We would like to extend a warm and caring invitation to you to join our parish. We look forward to having you become a member of our faith community. Each individual member of our Parish is an important part of the Catholic family. The gifts of faith from the Lord are strengthened and deepened by our Communion in Jesus Christ. The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our parish life. Come share your “faith”, your time and your talent in one of our wonderful ministries. You can register at or call our parish office at 617 -542-5682 who were If you are already a registered parishioner we would like to thank you for all your support! COLLECTION Many thanks for the Offertory for the weekend of Benjamin Michael Hagopian Benjamin Fredrick Dickinson Please keep these little ones, their parents and godparents in your prayers as they begin their journeys of faith. CATHEDRAL CARES Is offering Classes Exercise Classes All are welcome, wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Every Tuesdays at 10:00AM. Cathedral of the Holy Cross Enter through the Union Park Street . Call Parish Nurse Carol Gaudreau 781-217-5744 Or email [email protected] JULY 25 & 26 $2.049.00 Your continued support is truly appreciated. Thank you CatholicTV NEW to Cathedral of the Holy Cross or want to Register? Simply register online For more information call the parish Office at Parish Office Summer Hours Until after Labor Day The Parish Office will close at At 2:00pm on Fridays. CatholicTV Presents highlights special programming from our partners. Tune in the week of Aug. 10 to remember Father Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus who was born Aug. 12. Watch this program on Monday at 10:30pm, Thursday at 5pm, Friday at 2:20pm and Saturday at 3:30am. CatholicTV Showcase features special programs, movies and documentaries relevant to the time of year, as well as honoring feast days. This week's program is "The Francis Effect". Watch this program on Friday 9:30pm EST and Saturday at 1pm JESUS IN BOSTON A monthly Catholic Gathering for Young Adults AUGUST 28 St. Leonard's Parish North End 7:30pm Adoration, Mass, Social. For more information contact Fr. Matt Williams [email protected] or 617-746-5752 Women of the Church- In this time slot, CatholicTV airs documentaries and films featuring the role of women in the Church. This week CatholicTV brings you "They Never Walked Alone". Watch Sundays at 1 p.m. and Wednesday at 8:30pm. AUGUST 9, 2015 CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ BOSTON, MA La Catedral Te Cuida: CLASES DE BAUTISMO Para Bautizar a sus niños las clases de bautismo serán los cuarto domingo de cada mes de 12:30 a 4:00pm en la Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave. Con Hermana Velinda, La próxima clases sera AGOSTO 30 Los padres y padrinos tienen que participar en las clases. Los niños no pueden tener mas de 7 años de edad. Para registrarse favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 Las lesiones son la principal causa de discapacidad para las personas de todas las edades - y son la causa principal de muerte en los estado anídense Sin embargo, hay muchas cosas que la gente puede hacer para mantenerse a salvo y evitar lesiones. MARCA LA DIFERENCIA: Corra la voz sobre las formas de reducir el riesgo de lesiones. Alertar a las comunidades, lugares de trabajo, las familias y las personas a identificar y reportar los riesgos de seguridad. ¿Cómo puede el Mes Nacional de Seguridad hacer una diferencia? Todos podemos utilizar este mes para crear conciencia sobre los problemas de seguridad importantes como: REGISTRACIONES ABIERTA Todos los domingos del mes de agosto después de la misa hasta las 12:30pm para niños de K-1-8 Grado. Favor de traer registro de bautismo. Las registraciones serán en el corredor de abajo de la iglesia. DONACIÓN: $25.00 1 Niño $35.00 2 Niños $50.00 3 o mas Niños Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 • Abuso de analgésicos con receta: Cuida tus medicamentos, mantenerlos encerrados en el armario, nunca comparta medicamentos • Seguridad de Transporte: ¿Cuáles son las tres principales causas de muertes en la carretera incluir: El alcohol (30,8%) / El exceso de velocidad (30%) Conducir distraído (26%) / Consejos de seguridad: no a la velocidad, use el cinturón de seguridad, designar un conductor no potable, NO testear mientras esta conduciendo • Ergonomía: siéntese en una silla que soporta la espalda • Preparación para emergencias: tener un extintor de fuego en su casa • Resbalones, tropezones y caídas: limpiar los derrames, encender una luz exterior, poner los cables de distancia, encender una luz exterior • Todo el mundo puede participar en la reducción del riesgo de lesiones. Juntos, podemos compartir información acerca de pasos que las personas pueden tomar para protegerse a sí mismos y a los demás. South End Centro de Salud de la Comunidad Dispensa de Alimentos PRIMERA FERIA ANUAL DE SALUD Y BIENESTAR DE VERANO 13 DE AGOSTO. 4PM– 7PM Para todas personas que lo necesitan. Lunes, Martes y Jueves 9:30 am-2:00 pm. Situado en Msrg. Reynolds Way. parte inferior de la iglesia. Para más información por favor llame A Jacobo al 617-350-5026. Favor de traer su identificación. BLACKSTONE SQUARE ADMISIÓN GRATUITA! Examen de salud, zumba, música, manualidades y actividades, para niños Sorteos, una carrera de obstáculos estaciones, de salud y nutrición No se lo pierdan! 9 DE AGOSTO 2015 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA LATIN COMMUNITY Mass Intentions SUNDAY AUGUST 9 9:30AM Domingo Casiano R.I.P 11:00AM Dominic & William Jr. Davulis R.I.P 11:30AM Gerald J. Sheets R.I.P MONDAY, AUGUST 10 9:00AM Helen C. Sherkanowski R.I.P Sunday August 9 is the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, 2nd class, Green UPCOMING MASSES First Friday, August 7, 7:30pm will be a Mass of the Sacred Heart, with Sacred Heart Devotions. Mass will be in the usual location, the Lower Church. Feast of the Assumption, Saturday, August 15, will be a High Mass, Celebrated at 11:00am. TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 9:00AM Kevin Linus Kaengwa R.I.P 7:00PM Guillermo , Jaime y Ernesto Avalo R.I.P THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 9:00AM For the Health of Ronald McKean 7:00PM Antonia Rivera Cruz R.I.P SATURDAY,AUGUST 15 9:00AM John Digiovacchino R.I.P CATHEDRAL CONGRATULATIONS – to Cathedral Server David Campo, who will begin Priestly Formation at St John's Seminary this fall. Please join in wishing him God speed at a reception after Mass on August 16. INTENTIONS Sunday, August 9 Mass will be said to mark the 9th Anniversary of the tragic death of Dominic and William (Jr.) Davulis. After Mass, please join in the Holy Name Litany in commemoration. Saturday, August 15, 11:00am Mass will be said for Jonas and Angelus Davulis Sunday, August 16, 11:00am Mass will be said in Thanksgiving for the Vocation of David Campo. Open to All in need. Every Monday , Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30am– 2:00pm. Located on Msgr. Reynolds Way (lower church) For more information please call 617-350-5026 South End Community Health Center 1ST ANNUAL SUMMER HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR . AUGUST 13 4PM TO 7PM BLACKSTONE SQUARE FREE ADMISSION! Health screening , zumba, music, Bubble soccer, kids crafts & activities, Giveaways, obstacle course an local, Health and nutrition related business! PRAYER LIST Please pray especially this week for Rob Quagan, whose struggle with cancer is at a perilous point, and for his family, Christine and Arthur, in their time of trouble. We also ask your prayers for Joan Bunting, Angela LoPiccolo, Terry Quillen, Fr John Donovan, Rena Martelli, Susan Long, Rita J. Post, and Sr. Catherine Granfield. AUGUST 9, 2015 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising Patrick J. kennedy & SonS inc. > TRIUNFO > > Mechanical contractors since 1925 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 39 Gibson Street, Boston | 617-265-5535 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY STORE DINe IN Take OUT DelIveRy . Sus necesidades nos muy importa . . Envios de difuntos . 10 Tower St., Jamaica Plain 617-542-8499 Rosaries from Flowers -Mexican Grill- 839 albany street, Boston, ma 02119 | 617-442-6600 website: Funeraria Brady & Fallon 147 East Berkeley St., Boston MA 02118 (978) 851-9103 “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” Paul k. kennedy Complete Collision & painting FaCility [email protected] 1421 Washington St. 617-524-0861 WANTED Sales, Telemarketers, Etc. Full-time/Part-time (All Shifts) Rte.9, Westboro, MA Vic Melfa, CEO ssified • Help Wanted • For Sale • For Rent 779-3788 [email protected] For all your Classified Advertising needs South Boston Catholic Academy Classified • Help Wanted • For Sale • For Rent Space 617-779-3788 [email protected] Available For all your Classified Advertising needs Pre-School (age 3 & 4) thru Grade 6 Before and After School Programs Available; Small Class Size; High acceptance rate to Parochial, Private and Boston Exam Schools Accredited by NEW ENglANd ASSoCiAtioN of SCHoolS ANd CollEgES rica’s OldestPlease Catholic Newspaper contact: Barbara Keohane with questions or for a tour of the School at : [email protected] or 617-268-2326 Visit the school on the Web: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 Bulletin Delivery made Simple. Mail scribe to Subscribe to Parishand Bulletin To your inbox he Catholic Perspective be fully informed. Sign Up at of wisdom from Pope Francis Receive Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. cal coverage of news and eventsyour throughout the archdiocese al and International Church-related news is relating the teachings of the Church to current events elated articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese To support our priests, text the word PRIEST to 56512 Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Msg. & data rates may apply. ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ ■ ADvertising sAles SAINT JO STON BO scribe to Call Ken Romano 617-779-3787 M S SE INAR N’ Y PArt time. full time. flexible. H Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Subscribe to Sell Ads for this Bulletin and more. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Fall Semester Begins Sepember 1, 2015 149 Washington Street, Brighton • Master of Arts in Ministry Degree Get the Catholic Perspective be fullyStudies informed. • Masterand of Theological Degree he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: We Have Space617-779-3792 Available For You! For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Contact: 617-779-4104 | Pilot Bulletins • Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, MA
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