Jan 10 - Saint James the Less

January 10, 2016
36 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 Phone: 732-521-0100 Fax: 732-521-8287 Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Staff
Reverend Michael Fragoso, Pastor
Monsignor John B. Szymanski, PA, VGE
Weekend Assistant
Kim Bohinski-Smith
Parish Catechetical Leader/ Pastoral Asst.
Patty Bisignano
Administrative Assistant
Deacon Patrick Smith
Parish Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm M-F
Daily Mass Schedule
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday 8:15 am
Weekday Mass
Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm
Saturday: 3:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
First Sunday of the Month at the 11 am Mass
October - May
Altar Rosary Society and Miraculous Medal Novena
First Thursday of the Month: 7:00 pm
On Thursdays, Adoration will be held in the
Church from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. All are
welcome to come for any amount of time.
Adult Choir
Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Spanish Choir
First Tuesday of the Month 8:00 pm
Music Ministry
Kevin Daly, Director of Music
Victoria Scheirer, Youth Choir
Knights of Columbus Council #6336
83 Lincoln Avenue, Jamesburg
First & third Monday of every month 8:00 pm
St. James Columbiettes
2nd Thursday of every month
7:00 pm
Baptism: Parents who wish to have their child baptized need
to call the Rectory. Preparation classes are required and are by
appointment only. Baptisms will be held the first Sunday of
every month. Baptismal classes are held the second Sunday of
every month.
Sponsors and Godparents: If you are 18 years of age or
older, you must register as an adult and be confirmed in the
Catholic Church. If you wish to be a Sponsor for Confirmation
or a Godparent, you must be an active parishioner and
attending Mass.
Matrimony: Couples contemplating this Sacrament must
contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance. All
couples planning marriage must attend Pre-Cana classes or
Engaged Encounter.
Ministry of the Sick: Parishioners who are homebound and
would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the Rectory. If
you would like to have your name included on the Prayer List
in the bulletin, please call the Rectory.
RCIA: Adults inquiring about the Catholic Church with a
desire to become Catholic are invited to call the Parish Office
for more information about the Rite of Catholic Initiation of
Adults which begins in September and runs through the
following Easter.
St. James Cemetery
Mott Avenue, Monroe Twp
For more information please contact the Rectory
Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen
Every Tuesday
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
St. James Parish Hall
Food Pantry Donation
First Sunday of every month
Parish Mission Statement
St. James the Less Parish is a Christian Community of the Roman Catholic tradition. Our Parish Community is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and as the people of God
are called to further the mission of Jesus. We will do this through the Word, Liturgy,
Sacrament, Music, Ecumenism, Evangelization, Religious Education of our Children, Prayer and the Honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will deepen our knowledge, skills and
understanding of our Faith. We will be Faith based. Above all, we will foster Love by example and serve the needs of others to work towards economic and social development for all
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Please keep those who are sick in your prayers:
Gaetan Ames, Dolores Ball, Andrew Bianconano, Arlene Calabro,
Evelyn, John Compoli, Janet DeLorimier, Gordon Demetzky,
Baby Emily, Philip Furnari, Sandra Dipierro Grubbs, Toni Hart,
Christine Harvey, Timothy Hilarczyk, Nikolai Hopkins, Gail
Houck, Julie Ico, Rosemarie Kolessar, Angelina Lasala, Connie
Lasala Venezia, Baby Sebastian Lattugga, Tanya & Matthew
Laudien, Elwood Linsky, Savira Londy-Eiben, Joanne Manfre,
Patsy Mannion, Michael Marano, Phyllis Mason, Jennie Martin, Ray
McCarthy, Baby Nicholas Merritt, Edward Migliore, Massimo
Migliore, Lily Mizzi, Evelyn Monte, Laurie Musumeci, Michael
Nichols, John Pariso, Bob Pikanowski, Ron Roaldsen, Marilyn
Rohrbach, Joseph Sabatino, William C. Sharp, Margaret Starkey,
Veronica Starace, Jeanne Tobias Stearn, Tommy Surace, Carmela
Torres, Peter Vignolo, Brian Walsh, John Walsh, Brian Ward, John
Ward, Grace Wetzel and Elizabeth “Betty” Zelasko.
Solemnity of Mary
$ 1,541.00
$ 9,829.00
St. James Religious Education Reminders
Classes will resume as follows:
Jan. 11th - Home School
Confirmation Candidate & Parent Meeting
January 18, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Believing, Living and Sharing Together
Gathering: #94 When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized
Preparation: #612 Like a Shepherd
Communion: #333 Behold the Lamb
Recessional: #93 Songs of Thankfulness
and Praise (verses 1&3)
A Note from the Pastor
Fr. Michael Fragoso
This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. It
marks the end of the Christmas season and the
beginning of Ordinary Time. I hope everybody had a
great Christmas and I wish you all much happiness and
many good things in this new year.
The New Year is a good time to take stock of our life. A
time possibly to change direction, intensify some things
or relax others, set goals and make resolutions. Also to
test the things we have done. Have they been going the
way I want? Have I resolved the resolutions positively or
let them slide?
It’s hard to keep up resolutions. It’s best to keep them
simple and doable, set time limits and have someone or
something to make us accountable.
It’s the same way with our spiritual life. One good way to
keep things going positively is in the sacrament of
penance. By going to confession frequently we make
resolutions to improve our thoughts and actions. We
receive forgiveness and mercy from God. He gives us the
graces to help us in our resolve and we are held
accountable for our actions.
Youth Group Social Events
Sunday, January 17 - 1 PM- 5 PM
Join us for a rolling good time. A fun filled day,
hanging around with friends and fellow youth group
members. Make clear the lane for the Youth Group!
Cost is $20 per person. Includes transportation, 2 hours of
bowling, ball and shoe rental. If interested RSVP to
[email protected] no later than January 11,
Money and permission slips will be collected the day of
Youth Group Meeting
Saturday, January 22nd
8 pm - 10 pm
at Immaculate Conception
The sacrament has the added advantage that it is under
the seal of secrecy and while a psychologist will charge
you more than you can imagine, Reconciliation is totally
I’d like to thank the St James Council of the Knights of
Columbus and all those who donated to this noble effort
(you know who you are) in obtaining an Automated
External Defibrillator (AED) which is now in the narthex
of the Church. If you would like to become a Knight, ask
me about it.
This weekend will also be a time for me to visit my
family. I have asked Vocationist Father Michael
Onyekwere to care for the parish while I am away. I
know that you will welcome him and treat him as part of
our family.
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Monday, January 11th to Sunday, January 17th
8:30 am
Celebration of Fr. Michael Fragoso r/b
Grace & Tom Trippe
8:30 am
Peter Harczuk r/b Wife, Lucille
8:30 am
Thanksgiving for Shari Timothy r/b
Veronica Timothy
8:30 am
Repose of the Soul of Yvonne Carbon
r/b Veronica Timothy
8:30 a.m
Josephine Galletta r/b The Mutone Family
4:00 p.m.
George Pochick r/b Mr. & Mrs. Zeitlin
January 15th: FRIDAY/VIERNES
309: 1 Sm 8:4-7,10-22a Ps 89:16-19
Mk 2:1-12
8:00 am
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Albert W. Sikorski r/b Walter &
Fran Kologinsky
310: 1 Sm 9:1-4,17-19; 10:1a
Ps 21:2-7 Mk 2:13-17
11:00 am
For the people of St. James
3:00 p.m.
Guillermina Benavides r/b Lorena Bernal
5:00 p.m.
Peter Catanese r/b Helen Ward-DeMuro
You Can Save Your Marriage!
Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages
Has your marriage become unloving or uncaring your relationship grown cold, distant—thinking about
a separation or divorce? Are you already separated/
divorced but (both of you) wish to try again—then the
Retrouvaille program may help you.
RETROUVAILLE (Rediscovery) sponsored by the
Family Life Office/ Diocese of Metuchen consists of
a weekend experience for couples (no group
discussions) with six follow-up sessions.
The next program begins the weekend of February
5th—7th, 2016. All inquiries are confidential. For
further information please call the Family Life Office
(days) 732-562-1990 x-1705, Rich & Annette
Colasuonno 732-236-0671 or Tom & Pat McTague
732-583-4468 evenings.
January 11th: MONDAY/ LUNES
305: 1 Sm 1:1-8 Ps 116:12-19 Mk 1:14-20
January 12th: TUESDAY/MARTES
306: 1 Sm 1:9-20 (Ps) 1 Sm 2:1,4-8
Mk 1:21-28
307: 1 Sm 3:1-10,19-20 Ps 40:2,5,7-10
Mk 1:29-39
308: 1 Sm 4:1-11 Ps 44:10-11,14-15,24-25
Mk 1:40-45
January 17th: SUNDAY/DOMINGO
66: Is 62:1-5 Ps 96:1-3,7-10
1 Cor 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11
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Sacramento de la Confesión
Domingo 2:00 pm.
Intenciones para la Misa
Intenciones para la Misa , $10 cada Misa.
Este fin de semana celebramos el Bautismo del Señor. Marca el fin de la temporada de Navidad y el comienzo del tiempo
ordinario. Espero que todos hayan tenido una feliz Navidad y les deseo a todos mucha felicidad y muchas cosas buenas en
este nuevo año.
El año nuevo es un buen momento para hacer un balance de nuestra vida. Posiblemente cambiar de dirección, intensificar
algunas cosas o relajar otras, establecer metas y hacer resoluciones. También para probar estas cosas que hemos hecho.
¿Han dado resultado? ¿He resuelto problemas en manera positiva?
Es difícil cumplir resoluciones. Lo mejor es que sean sencillas y realizable, establecer plazos para las metas y tener a alguien
o algo para mantenernos encarrilados.
Es lo mismo con la vida espiritual. Una buena manera de mantener las cosas en marcha positiva es en el sacramento de la
penitencia. Hiendo a la confesión frecuentemente hacemos resoluciones para mejorar nuestros pensamientos y acciones.
Recibimos el perdón y la misericordia de Dios. Él nos da la gracia para ayudarnos llegar a la meta y podemos rendir cuentas
de nuestras acciones.
El sacramento tiene la ventaja añadida de que es bajo el sello de secreto y mientras que un psicólogo le cobrará más de lo
que pueda imaginar, reconciliación es totalmente gratis.
Quisiera darle las gracias al Consejo de Santiago de los Caballeros de Colon y a todos los que contribuyeron en este
esfuerzo por obtener para un desfibrilador externo automático para el tratamiento de emergencias cardiacas que se
encuentra en el nártex del templo. Si quisieran información sobre hacerse miembros de los Caballeros de Colón, por favor
hablen con migo.
Este fin de semana también será un momento para viajar a visitar a mi familia. Le he pedido al Padre Vocacionista Michael
Onyekwere que se ocupe del cuidado de la parroquia durante mi ausencia. Yo sé que les darán la bienvenida y lo tratan
como parte de nuestra familia.
Ministry Schedule
4:00 pm
8:00 am
Weekend of January 16th/17th
Ed Moke
Ann Fletcher
Dan Jolly
Amanda Skuraton
Catherine Attara
Mark Attara
Altar Server
Pat Moke
Angela Oskierko
Roseanna Davino Jessica Skuraton
11:00 am
Lois Castrovince
Peggy Hughes
Adrienne Puccio
Frank Puccio
5:00 pm
Rosa DeStefano
James DeStefano
Denise Halpin
Daria Ludas
Vincent & Mark
Giordano, Liam
Jessica Dare
Food and Fellowship
Soup Kitchen
The St. James the Less Food and Fellowship Soup Kitchen is opened! Meals will be made available for the needy
every Tuesday from 3:00-6:00 p.m. If you are in need please join us, or if you know of someone in need please let
them know about this ministry! Donations can be made directly to St. James Church with Food and Fellowship in
the memo. If you would like more information please contact Deacon Patrick Smith at 732-233-6970.
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Blood Drive
January 24, 2016
8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
St. James Parish Hall
Donate Blood! It’s the best
gift you can give this holiday
Bible Study
Adventures in Scripture: Matthew
Thursdays, 2:00 p.m.
Year-End Tax Statements
If you would like a copy of your year-end Tax
statement, please contact the Rectory at 732-521-0100.
Altar Rosary Schedule Change
The Altar Rosary Society’s meetings for
January, February and March will held on the
1st Sunday of each month after the 11am
Mass. Rosary will be said at 10:30 am.
2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal
Grace, Mercy & Peace
The Maria Regina Residence provides a suitable home for our retired
priests in recognition of faithful service to God and His Church.
Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is another way to thank
these men who have dedicated their lives to the people of God.
All are welcome to attend! The only thing you need is to bring
your own bible. If you have any questions feel free to contact
Frank Puccio at 732-656-1987.
Join the Knights of Columbus!
If you are a practicing Catholic man interested in
helping those in need, serving our Parish and
growing in your faith, then we are the group for you!
We are a band of brothers, a network of men in
communities around the world, dedicated to our
Church and charitable works. For more information:
www.stjameskofc6336.com. To become a member,
please call Rich Rendeiro at (732) 735-8764.
Join the Columbiettes!
We are a charitable and social network of Catholic
women dedicated to caring and sharing.
works center on assisting the less fortunate,
helping the homeless, funding local charities and
supporting seminarians/postulants.
Share your “God-given” talents to help us help
others! For more information, please call Joanne
Rizzo at (732) 521-5724.
Stewardship Scripture Quote
Of the week
The Foundation for Catholic Education changes lives for the better
by providing tuition assistance to families with demonstrable need.
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, parents have the
opportunity to give their children the gift of a Catholic education.
The Annual Collection for the Foundation for Catholic Education
will be taken next weekend, January 23/24. Now more than ever,
we need your support so we may offer more scholarships for an
academically excellent, values-based Catholic education to
deserving students. Thank you for your commitment to the
children of the Diocese of Metuchen.
“John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water; but
he who is mightier than I is coming…he will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit... ’” (Luke 3:16)
The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in
the water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die
to themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as
baptized Catholics there is only one gift that we need to
give to Jesus – the gift of ourselves. Once we surrender
ourselves to God, we will know in our hearts what God
calls us to do.