Parish Website: SACRAMENTS WELCOME TO OUR PARISH Baptisms Every Sunday at 2:00 PM. Baptism classes, for firsttime parents and parents not married in the Catholic Church, are held on the first Saturday of the month, in the lower church, at 11:00 AM. Reconciliation Saturdays at 9:30 AM and 25 minutes before every weekday and weekend Masses. Communion to the Homebound Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for those homebound or hospitalized. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory to arrange a meeting with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of their wedding. Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory at any time. RCIA A series of classes presenting a deeper exploration of the Catholic faith for adults which prepares them to make a conscious choice to receive the SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION. Please call the Rectory. We extend a warm welcome to families and individuals who are new to our Parish. SICK LIST Please update us monthly. PRIVATE PRAYER The Church is open weekdays until 7:00 PM in the evening, for personal prayer and meditation. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Individuals must come in person to see priest on duty. MASS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER-JUNE Saturday Evening Vigil 4:30 PM Family Mass Sunday 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Family Mass 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM JULY-AUGUST Saturday Evening Vigil 4:30 PM Family Mass Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Family Mass 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM WEEKDAYS 9:00 AM Please register at the Rectory so that we can be of service to you. We encourage you to fully participate in our parish life. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 5 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME th “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” ( Mark 1:38) PARISH 7396 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307 Pastor Fr. D. Francis Dias Parochial Vicar Fr. Sylvester Ranasinghe Deacons Deacon Richard Salhany Deacon John Singler Secretaries Mrs. Ninfa Chiarello (M-T-F) Mrs. Mary C. Zammit (T-W-TH) Mrs. Maria B. Byrnes (W-TH-F) Rectory Office 718-317-9772 Fax No. 718-317-0038 SCHOOL 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 Principal Mr. Michael J. Saldarelli School Office 718-984-1360 Fax No. 718-966-9356 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 Mrs. Marie T. Dunigan Office 718-227-2441 Fax No. 718-966-9356 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Pg. 2 MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE DAY DATE TIME INTENTION REQUESTED BY Sat 02/07 4:30 PM Bertha & Joseph Piaskoski Betty Eisengrein Sun 02/08 8:00 AM Don Morisi Caterina & Paolo Giampietro 9:30 AM Adelina Alberga Angelo Alberga 11:00 AM Maria Morocco Peter & Patricia Rogers 12:30 PM Volunteers of St. Edward Food Pantry OLHC Parish 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM James F. Jones John & Lori Miller SCOUT SUNDAY Mon 02/09 9:00 AM Anne Troland Oghia Joan & Bill Naeder Tue 02/10 9:00 AM Elizabeth Tricarico Polacik, Murphy & Sorensen Families Wed 02/11 9:00 AM Elizabeth Rabbit-Dreyer Michael & Maura Prendergast Thu 02/12 9:00 AM Antonetta Scotto Her Daughter Fri 02/13 9:00 AM The People of Our Parish Sat 02/14 9:00 AM James C. Lynch Ann Lynch 4:30 PM Frank Kinkopf Kinkopf Family 8:00 AM John & Grace Killeen Deacon John & Judy Singler 9:30 AM Robert Martarano John & Ginny Buonviaggio 11:00 AM Vito Ernandis Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ernandis 12:30 PM Pasquale & Dina Buonsante Maria & Luigi Gallaro 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM The People of Our Parish Sun 02/15 FAMILY SUPPORT FOR LOVED ONES ADDICTED TO DRUGS/ ALCOHOL For more info, contact Gail Kross @ 973-600-5301 CROSS ROAD FOUNDATION COLLECTION 4th weekend after all Masses Next Collection: February 21/22 FIRST FRIDAY Mass-9:00 AM Adoration/Benediction-9:30 AM SCRIPTURE SHARING Thursdays-7:30 PM-Rectory ST. EDWARD FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION 1st weekend after all Masses Next collection: March 1/2 THIRD ORDER OF MARY 3rd Sun. after 12:30 PM Mass-Gym Next Meeting: February 15 YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 6-12) 2nd & 4th Sun. after 6:30 PM Mass Gym Next Meeting: February 8 ZUMBA Gym For scheduling info, contact Cathy Cataletto @ 917-829-1402 or e-mail: [email protected] THE SAINTS OF THE WEEK Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 02/07 BVM 02/08 02/09 02/10 St. Scholastica 02/11 Our Lady of Lourdes 02/12 02/13 02/14 Sts. Cyril, Monk & Methodius 02/15 If a weekend Mass is being offered for a family member, please let a priest or usher know if you wish to bring up the gifts. 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Pg. 3 Dear Brothers and Sisters, INCLEMENT WEATHER The inclement weather of the past two weeks has caused school closings and cancellations of Religious Education classes. In addition, the PPC meeting scheduled for Monday, February 2 nd, has been rescheduled to this Monday, February 9th, at the usual time and place. Important matters are to be discussed, so it is imperative that all members attend. MASS ATTENDANCE Mass Attendance has not been too bad given the weather we have been having. Some have even attended the Spanish Mass, while others switched the time of Mass they would ordinarily attend. Thank you for your efforts. WEEKLY OFFERINGS We are thinking of having a separate collection for special envelopes. Until then, you may put the special envelopes in with the usual collection. I appreciate the contributions you give to these special collections such as heat, snow removal, etc. No special collection was taken for them, yet some of you did not forget them. Thanks to all who did bring them in. LITURGICAL UPDATING The purpose to updating our liturgy is to get the faithful more interested. Our aim is for active participation by all. We want the congregation to be interested in the liturgy. This can be done by engaging the faithful so as to generate a sense of increased participation and liveliness in the liturgy. Several attempts have been made since the two seminarians visited us at the end of December. We quizzed the preacher/homilist with a view to deepening the subject preached. Most of the time it was a success. We hope to continue this technique of engagement, and I expect cooperation and goodwill from all parishioners. BULLETIN AND WEBPAGE I have received positive feedback from parishioners and visitors regarding format and content. We are always open to new ideas. One suggestion is to give a list of the upcoming Sunday’s homily on the readings so that the faithful can come prepared with questions. I will keep you updated. Have a blessed week! Fr. Frank MINISTRY SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 14 & 15 MASS EUCHARISTIC MINISTER LECTOR ALTAR SERVER USHER 4:30 PM Janet S. John A. Rosemarie A. Lois B Angela N. Carl H. Joseph N. Julia F. Dennis C. Frank C. Larry N. 8:00 AM Darlene A. Frank D. Joanne F. Ralph P. Joanne F. Ralph P. Edmund M. Vanessa M. Peter V. Steve P. Tony D. 9:30 AM Gloria F. Anna R. Greg H. Jim P. Joan B. Brynne H. Rian H. Ryan N. Angelo A. Rich E. Connor C. 11:00 PM Ann L. David F. Henry C. Rosa C. Donna F. Patricia R. Chris M. Emile L. Sergio L. Bill N. Pat L. Jeffrey N. 12:30 PM Maureen T. Ruth P. Gail K. Marie P. Maryellen E. Kathy P. Vincent A. Jeffrey A. Martin E. Michael I. Nick Q. 6:30 PM Frances L. Michael J. Connie S. John G. Connie S. Monica L. Jeffrey M. Joseph D. Jack A. Jamie A. Dennis A. 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Pray for the deceased Let us remember all the faithful departed. MEMORIAL OFFERINGS BREAD & WINE Nilda, Gary Ponpon Peterson & Family In Thanksgiving SANCTUARY LAMP The People of Our Parish ALTAR CANDLE The People of Our Parish ALTAR FLOWERS Eagle Scout James Whitehurst-Req. by Mom & Dad Eagle Scout Kevin Dunigan-Req. by Mom PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Aubrey George Kerber Nilda Peterson Joan Bartenhagen Rafael Laskowski John Placente Ronnie Benitez Maria LaSorsa Anna Marie Reinthaler Valerie Bertan Mei Foo Liao Robin Rodolfo Chris Bessi Joseph Liotine Barbara Rotunno Dennis Castelli Anthony Lodareo Frances Rotunno Scott Conniff Ralph Lucchese Hayley Rusciano Rita Cowan Scuoto Maisco Philip Russo Joseph D’Angelo Ed Malley Patricia Savino Ellen Derowski Joseph Manfredi Anna Socci George Day Joseph Mariconda Shelia Sullivan Josie Doty Peter Marsh Edward Svenningsen Dennis Emperor Ken McCall Paul Taravella Norene Emperor Terence McGowan Justin Too Leopold Fleming Laura Murillo Aiden Truscelli Nancy Flynn Georgianna O’ Connor Josephine Winters Ramona Fogelstrom Joan Orena Dominick Yanchunas Laura Grzeskowiak Raymond Perry Jr. Gail Yanchunas Larry Hartnett SPC Sean Pesce Joseph Yasso SCOUT SUNDAY Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:30 AM Mass This day is designated for all Scouts to show their commitment to their “Duty to God”. Pg. 4 WEEKLY SACRIFICIAL OFFERING February 2, 2014 $9,317 February 1, 2015 $8,586 Number of Envelopes 285 PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands, protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYER LIST FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMAN Andrew S. Aswad SC David Baggs NY Thomas Brown LA Raquel Caramanno CA Robert Chiusano GA Michael Ievolo Afghanistan Anthony Manetta Africa Mark Philip Martino US Army Mason Morgante NC Ronald McNair Afghanistan Raymond Conde Afghanistan Cody Robinson CA Cassandra Facciponti West Point Shawn Robinson WA Brian P. Fleming Germany Nicholas Singler NC Greg Tegan IL 50/50 CLUB The February 50/50 is now in progress. Donation to enter: $5 Congratulations to January’s winner, Chris & Rich Bessi, who won $287.50. REMEMBER….YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 In this passage, Job laments the drudgery and pain all people sometimes experience in life. He talks of troubled days and restless nights. But he does mention that the days move along swiftly, which can remind us that our time here on earth is quite limited and should be well spent. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Paul explains to the Corinthians that he has no choice, but must preach the gospel. He tells of making himself all things to all people, in order to save some of them. He reminds them that he does this willingly, in the hope of sharing in the blessings of the gospel. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured Simon and Andrew’s mother of a fever, then others with illnesses or demons came to see him. He cured those who were ill, and cast out the demons of the others. Then he went off and prayed alone until his followers sought him out. Jesus and his disciples then moved on to other villages to proclaim the good news. 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 POPE FRANCIS – WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES in PHILADELPHIA Pope Francis will visit Philadelphia next September to participate in the World Meeting of Families to be held from September 22-27. If you would like more information about this event, please see the website: The World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 Official Iconic Image & Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! EDUCATION INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT Did you know that the Education Investment Tax Credit is an opportunity for individual taxpayers or businesses to receive a tax credit for donations to nonprofit organizations that provide scholarships for students in grades K-12 in Catholic/private schools? This initiative would generate greater funding for scholarships to families to help pay private school tuition as well as help teachers to purchase classroom materials. For more information, please visit PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION Next weekend, there will be a second collection to support the work of the Holy Father. With your help, Christ’s love will be cast upon the world. Please be as generous as your blessings allow. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER Eva Tortora ia a motivational speaker who works individually with different people to help them better and change their lives. She has studied peer advocacy and has certificates in that. She has written about health, nutrition and positive thinking in various magazines. Her services are for free. For more information e-mail: [email protected]. Pg. 5 ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK 2015 MEN’S CONFERENCE MEN, BE WHO YOU ARE The Archdiocese of New York Men’s Commission is hosting the First Annual Men’s Conference on Saturday, March 21, 2015, at the Fordham Rose Hill campus. The speakers will include His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Damon Owens, a renowned public speaker and strong proponent of the Catholic faith, and Joe Klecko, former all-star New York Jets defensive lineman. Admission is $45 and includes breakfast, lunch and t-shirt. To register or for more information, please visit or call Kim Quatela at (646) 794-3198. Please pray in the weeks leading up to the success of the Men’s Conference on March 21st . “Heavenly Father, open the hearts of all men to hear Your call and draw closer to You. Forgive me for the times I have not loved you with all my heart, soul, strength and mind. Grant me the grace to live out my vocation faithfully as son, husband, father, friend. Build me up in my daily failings and renew me with Your grace. Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate and St. Joseph, allow me to witness through my daily life Your unfailing love and mercy so that I may be found worthy to enter Your Kingdom through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.” Amen. GIFTS FROM BETHLEHEM Olivewood Handcrafted From the Holy Land WEEKEND OF FEBRUARY 14/15 Representatives from Land of Peace will be here next weekend, selling hand carved gifts made from the olive wood of the Holy Land. You may visit with them before or after each Mass, in the church lobby. Thank you for your vital support for a Christian tradition and in protecting this very important culture and industry. PRAYER TO ST. VALENTINE O glorious advocate and protector, Saint Valentine, look with pity upon our wants. Hear our requests, and attend to our prayers. Relieve by your intercession the miseries under which we labor, and obtain for us the divine blessing, that we may be found worthy to join you in praising the Almighty for all eternity: through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 2015 CARDINAL’S APPEAL The 2015 Appeal has begun! Recently Cardinal Dolan sent a letter asking for your support. Your generosity will help strengthen the following areas: Pastoral Offices and Programs, Support for Needy Parishes, The Departments of Education and Religious Education, Works of Charity, Retired Priests and Religious and Preparing the Clergy. Make a gift today. The goal for our Parish is $76,500. You can make your gift on-line at: May God bless you for your generosity. Pg. 6 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Monday Gn 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday Gn 1:20—2:4a; Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 Thursday Gn 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Friday Gn 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 Saturday Gn 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 MARIAN CONFERENCE Sponsored by and to benefit Good Counsel Home INNER-CITY SCHOLARSHIP FUND - Help Us Keep Pro-Life Elderly & Homebound Club Inc. Catholic Education within Reach! Since 1971, InnerThe Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will City Scholarship Fund has changed lives for the better by be present. The Missionary Image is a gift from the providing thousands of families with demonstrable financial needs the opportunity to give their children a quality, bishops of Mexico. There are only four in the world. values based K-12 Catholic education with the ArchdioDate: Saturday, May 9, 2015 cese of New York. The impact a Catholic school education Where: St. Joachim, St. Ann’s Church (Mount Loretto) has on a child’s future in astonishing: 98% of high school Time: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM seniors graduate, and 96% pursue higher education. And Cost: Adults - $45 per person – Children free just as importantly, students learn values that last a lifetime. Please consider donating to this fund by visiting For more information, please call 646-662-3914.
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