Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Colusa, California St. Joseph’s Mission Parochial Adm.: Fr. Matthew Blank Deacon: Parish Office: 745 Ware Avenue Telephone: (530) 458-4170 Website: www.ourladyoflourdescolusa.com Our Lady of Sorrows Ruben Fuentes Principal: Telephone: (530) 313-5110 Barbara Genera Telephone: (530) 458 8208 Website: www.theollschool.com Parish Email: [email protected] Ministries Mass Schedule /Mass Coordinator Sat: Colusa -5:00pm English -7:00pm Spanish- Jaime Lopez Sun: Princeton -NEW MASS TIME 8:00am Bilingual – Vince Garofalo Sun: Colusa Divine Mercy Chapel -10:00am English-Sharon Hernandez Religious Education: Dianne Luoma 530-632-7497 [email protected] Pastoral Council: Raylene Lyss Finance Council: Marge Wallace Hispanic Coordinator: Eva Meraz-Robey 530-218-8473 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Coordinator: Megan Farrel -12:00noon Spanish – Hector Morales Mon, Wed,Thurs: Divine Mercy Chapel -7:30 English Fri: Our Lady of Lourdes Church - 7:30 a.m. English Wed.: Our Lady of Lourdes Church -6:00pm Spanish Confessions: by appointment or Sat: - 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Sun: - 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (Sat.) Sept. 10: +Mary Wallace, +Bill Thompson (Sun.) Sept. 11: +Bill Thompson (Mon.) Sept. 12: +Bill Thompson, + Mario Olivares (Wed.) Sept. 14: +Bill Thompson (Thurs.) Sept. 15: +Bill Thompson (Fri.) Sept. 16: + Florence Schmitz, +Bill Thompson Music: Saturday 7:00pm Sunday ( Princeton) Sunday 10:00 Sunday 12:00 Mario Reyes Mary Beth Massa Mary Overton Spanish Choir/ Children’s Choir Baptismal Coordinator: Rocio Meraz 831-207-0962 Pastoral Care: Louise Woodring 530-458-2515 Bible Study: English Dr. Julian Delgado Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 p.m. St. Bernadette’s Hall Spanish Deacon Ruben Fuentes Wednesday 6:00- 800 p.m. Divine Mercy chapel RCIA: Dr. Julian Delgado Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m. Parish Center Our Lady of Lourdes Museum: Louise Woodring 530-458-2515 Open by appointment Catholic Ladies Relief Society 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. St. Bernadette’s Hall Knights of Columbus 2cnd Thursday of the month, dinner at 6:00pm; meeting 7:00p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall Altar Servers Altar Society Sarah Anderson Norma Ahumada Golden Pheasant Committee Marilyn Acree Bulletins: Deanna Garofalo (English) September 11, 2016 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PLEASE PRAY … … for those who are ill ; Bill Wallace, Joe Unzueta, Louie Evans, Riley and Spencer McMillan, Marta Garcia, Leticia Gonzalez, Mark Hicks, Jim White, Teresa Medina, Bertha Franco, Isabelle Delgado, Teresa Espindola, Olga Mansilla, Bob Hodel, Richard Steidlmayer, Karla and Bud Williams, Eva Meraz -Robey, Christian Munoz Silva, Michael Roy, Nell Krause and Brizia Tafolla Martinez. … for those who are hospitalized or homebound: Lila Lee Sankey, Maria Riley, Debbie McEntire, Elizabeth Mace, Ludy Vaughn,Carmelita Shely, Richard Robey, Valorie Ingebretsen, Mary Cervantes, and Gina Mena. Also, please keep Fr. Myles in your prayers. If anyone needs Holy Communion or Prayers for Healing please call Louise Woodring (530-458-2515) or Fr. Matt (530-4584170). R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Any person 18 years of age or older who is interested in joining the Catholic Church, or who wishes to receive any of the sacraments of the Church (baptism, first communion, confirmation) is invited to join the RCIA class. The class will be taught by Dr. Julian Delgado and will be offered on Wednesday evenings, beginning September 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center, 745 Ware Avenue. Second Collection September 10,11-The second collection will be for the Diocesan Priests Retirement. Your generosity will be appreciated. September 17,18- The second collection will be for Our Lady of Lourdes School. September 24,25- Bishop Jaime Soto has asked the parishes in the Diocese of Sacramento to conduct a collection to assist victims of the severe flooding in Louisiana. ONFiRE Norcal Jam 2016 Date: Saturday, September 17th 8:00a-9:00p Location: Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo) ONFiRE Norcal Jam 2016 Join 4000 other teens from 9 dioceses throughout northern California for the biggest youth ministry kick-off of the year! Don’t miss LIVE performances from up-and-coming Christian artists WAL and Joe Melendrez and be inspired by awesome speakers: Leah Darrow, Fr. Augustino Torres, Thomas Awiapo, Fr. Mark Wiesner, Lucia Zamora, and Rhyan Ramirez. Not to mention some of the best features of Six Flags catered only to ONFiRE attendees: all-you-can-eat lunch and 2 hours of exclusive night rides. This is one party you don’t want to miss. This event always sells out; get your tickets today: onfirenorcal.com. Faith Formation Registration LAST CALL! The absolute last day to register a child for Faith Formation for the current year will be September 14. Registrations will be taken between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. at the parish office. Catholic Ladies Relief Society Marysville Deanery Meeting; the meeting will take place Thursday, September 15, 2016 At St. Bernadette’s Hall in Colusa. It will be hosted by the Catholic Ladies Relief Society. Registration is at 10:30a.m. Mass at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Fr. Matt Blank will be the celebrant. Lunch will follow, fee is $5 and a short meeting will follow the luncheon. Colusa member are asked to bring a gift for drawing. Reservation should be made with Rose Buria this week 458-8583. All Catholic women invited. Bake Sale The Faith formation will have a bake sale on October 1st and 2nd before and after all Masses. Anyone wishing to donate a bake item the group would appreciate it. Proceeds will help pay for supplies needed. Annual Fundraiser for OLL School The Catholic Ladies Relief Society will be chairman of the annual fundraiser, which benefits Our Lady of Lourdes School. 5000 tickets have been printed. Many people of the parish have been asked to help sell or purchase tickets as has been done the past 10 years. We are asking for your help again and hope others will assist. The tickets sell for $1 each and prizes are $300, $200 and $100 to be given away at the annual Catholic Pheasant Festival on November 12th. The first prize is donated by the Catholic Ladies Relief Society and the other two prizes are taken out of sale of tickets. We will be selling and distributing tickets starting this Sunday September 4th and will be doing this for several weeks before and after Masses. 40 Days for Life Rosary, Vigil Mass and Kick-Off Bishop Myron Cotta will celebrate our Diocese’s Opening Mass for the 40 Days vigil on Saturday, September 24th at St. Philomene Parish in Sacramento at 5:30 pm. The Rosary will be prayed at 5:00 pm. A spaghetti dinner kickoff will follow immediately afterward in the St. Philomene school gym. Everyone is invited to attend and priests are invited to concelebrate with Bishop Cotta September 11, 2016 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Matt’s E-mail Address Español If you would like to contact Father Matt by e-mail, you may do so at [email protected]. Horario de Oficina PARISH OFFICE HOURS Regular office hours in our parish office are Wednesdays 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays 3:00 6:00 p.m. If you would like to schedule a baptism, you must first complete our preparation program. This involves filling out an application, turning in the required documents and fees, and attending the preparation class. The next baptism class will be offered on Saturday, October 1, at 9:00 a.m. in the parish office. Baptisms are performed on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. (9:00 a.m. English; 10:00 a.m. Spanish) If you have any questions, please contact the office, 458-4170. Miércoles de 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. y Jueves de 3:00P.M. a 6:00P.M. Correo electrónico del Padre Mateo Gustas contactar al Padre Mateo por correo electrónico lo puedes hacer en esta dirección: [email protected] Segunda Colecta Este fin de semana va a ver una segunda colecta para los fondos para el plan de retiro de los sacerdotes de la diócesis, se aprecia su generosidad. Catecismo/ Formación de Fe Para el sacramento de primera comunión o de confirmación por favor de ponerse en contacto con la directora del programa, Dianne Luoma al (530) 632-7497 o [email protected] . Weddings Anyone wishing to be married in the church must make arrangements at least six months in advance. This allows time for the couple to complete the preparation classes and to secure a date for the use of the church. If you have questions, please contact the office 458-4170. Bodas Si desea casarse por la iglesia debe hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses de anticipación. Esto da tiempo para que la pareja complete las clases de preparación y para asegurar una fecha para el uso de la iglesia. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial al 458-4170. Bautizos Merciful Like the Father September 23 & 24, 2016 Ministry Days is the largest gathering of ministers, catechists and Catholic school teachers in the Diocese of Sacramento. The event is an excellent opportunity to network with others who serve our parishes and schools. Misericordioso Como El Padre - 23–24 de septiembre 2016 La Jornada Pastoral es el evento más grande para ministros, catequistas y apoyarse unos a otros. y profesores de escuelas católicas de la Diócesis de Sacramento. Este evento es una excelente oportunidad para relacionarse con otras personas que colaboran en nuestras parroquias, compartir historias Si desea bautizar, primero debe completar una solicitud, traer los documentos requeridos, asistir a la clase pre-bautismal y pagar la cuota correspondiente. La solicitud se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la parroquia en la siguiente dirección: www.ourladyoflourdescolusa.com o en la oficina parroquial. La siguiente clase de pre-bautismo se ofrecerá el sábado 1 de Octubre, a las 9:00A.M. en la oficina parroquial. Los bautismos se llevan a cabo el segundo y cuarto sábados de cada mes. (A las 9:00A.M. en Inglés o a las 10:00.A.M. en Español) Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial al número (530)458-4170. Don’t forget to register! No olvides registrarte! ministrydays.com September 11, 2016 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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